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28 December 2013                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1182
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5H     - Vittorio, I2GPT ( will be  active  holiday  style  as
         5H1VC from Zanzibar  Island  (AF-032)  on  4-12  January.  He  will
         operate CW  (on  40-10  metres)  and  RTTY  (on  20  metres  only),
         typicall during his early morning and  late  afternoon  hours.  QSL
         via RW6HS. [TNX RW6HS]
6W     - Francis, F6BLP will be active again as 6W7SK from Senegal  on  3-31
         January. He will operate mainly CW on 80-10 metres.  QSL  via  home
         call (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL. Logsearch at
A6     - Eventually the A63RI team was able to land on Dibba  Rock  (AS-124)
         on 27 December, and is now active with two stations  (SSB  and  CW)
         until the 30th. QSL via IZ8CLM. A few  pictures  can  be  found  at
DL     - Special event callsign DB50FIRAC will  be  active  from  1  January
         through 31 December  to  celebrate  the  50th  anniversary  of  the
         Federation  Internationale    des    Radio    Amateurs    Cheminots
         (International Federation  of  Railway  Radio  Amateurs).  QSL  via
         bureau, LoTW and eQSL.
DL     - To  celebrate  DARC  Mainz  Chapter's  (DL0MZ)  60th   anniversary,
         special callsign DL60JMZ (DOK 60K07) will used from  1  January  to
         31 December 2014. QSL via the bureau. [TNX DK8ZZ]
F      - Weather permitting, Gil, F4FET/p and Diego, F4HAU/p will be  active
         from Tombelaine  Island  (EU-156)  for  about  24  hours  on  28-29
         December. They plan to operate SSB and PSK  with  two  stations  on
         80-10 metres. [TNX F4FET]
FT/T   - Activated for the first time in 1954 (FB8BK/T)  and  for  the  last
         time in 2000 (FR/F6KDF/T), Tromelin Island (AF-031) is one  of  the
         top  ten  Most  Wanted  DXCC  Entities.  Landing   and    operating
         permissions for the joint effort by the Radio Club de  Provins  and
         the Lyon DX Gang [425DXN 1154]  have  been  granted,  and  Tromelin
         will be back on the amateur radio  bands  from  30  October  to  10
         November 2014. Six operators (Franck F4AJQ, Flo F5CWU, Fred  F5ROP,
         Eric F5SIH, Seb F5UFX and Michel  FM5CD)  will  be  QRV  on  160-10
         metres  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  with  four  stations.  The  organizers
         estimate a budget in  the  range  of  USD  90,000  (with  logistics
         taking a major share of it), and  fundraising  has  started.  Visit for regular updates and information on how  to
         contribute to this expensive project. [TNX F5NQL]
FT/Z   - On 21 December the FT5ZM team reported that "all the equipment  the
         Amsterdam Island DXpedition team shipped  to  New  Zealand  is  now
         aboard the MV Braveheart". The vessel  was  expected  to  sail  for
         Fremantle, Australia  on  26  December.  Team  members  will  begin
         arriving in Fremantle on 9  January,  and  will  depart  for  their
         9-day voyage on the 15th. Once ashore, they will have  18  days  to
         set up, conduct the DXpedition and tear down for departure.  "We've
         not yet reached our financial goals",  the  team  says,  "but  with
         your  continued  support,  that  goal  is    in    sight".    Visit for late breaking news and updates. [TNX K0IR]
LA     - Celebrating their country's  Constitution  Bicentennial,  Norwegian
         amateur radio operators are  authorized  to  use  special  prefixes
         throughout the anniversay year. LA stations may use the LI  prefix,
         and LB stations may use the LJ prefix. Also, the  Gardermoen  Radio
         Club  (LA2G)  has  been  granted  permission  to  use  the  special
         callsign LM1814 during 2014. [TNX NRRL]
PY     - The 26-30 December ZX8DX activity from IOTA  group  SA-025  [425DXN
         1181] has been postponed until "the first two  weeks  of  January".
         [TNX PT7WA]
PY     - Fabio, PP5BZ will try to go and be active as ZW5W from  Santana  de
         Fora Island  (SA-088)  on  27-29  December.  His  previous  attempt
         earlier this month [425DXN 1175] had to be cancelled owing  to  bad
         weather. QSL via PP5BZ. [TNX PT7WA]
VE     - The Daily DX reports that David, VY0/VE3VID  is  back  on  Igloolik
         Island (NA-174) and plans to be QRV on 20 metres only  starting  on
         1 January. He will  participate  in  the  ARRL  RTTY  Roundup  (4-5
VK     - Scott, VK7HVK plans to be  active  again  as  VK7HVK/p  from  Bruny
         Island (OC-233) on 28 December. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
VK9/M  - Norbert,  DJ7JC  has  joined  the  operating  team  for  the  VK9MT
         DXpedition to Mellish Reef (28 March-9 April 2014)  [425DXN  1179].
         New corporate sponsors have signed on, the  sailing  schedule  with
         the Evohe's  skipper  has  been  confirmed  and  K6TU's  customized
         propagation  prediction  tool  is  now   up    and    running    at    "Depending
         on the weather and sea conditions", the team says in  their  latest
         press release (22 December), "our planned arrival at  the  reef  is
         approximately 28 March. Radio operation will begin as soon  as  the
         HF stations are installed. Low band antennas will be  installed  on
         the second day for operation beginning that night".  Donations  are
         still being sought and gratefully accepted, see  for
         detailed information on how to donate. [TNX K5GS]
W      - Mark, AA1AC will be active from Aquidneck  Island  (NA-031),  Rhode
         Island on 28-29 December. He will be QRV on 20-10 metres.  QSL  via
         home call. [TNX AA1AC]
W      - Once again Howie, K1VSJ  will  be  active  from  Martha's  Vineyard
         (NA-046) from 30 December to 1 January. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CQ DX MARATHON ---> The CQ DX Marathon ( is  a  year-long
DX hunt, with participants competing  to  see  who  can  work  the  greatest
number of countries ("entities") and CQ zones during the calendar year.  The
2014 edition will start at 00.00 UTC on 1 January and will end at 23.59  UTC
on 31 December. For 2014, the CQ Marathon is introducing a  third  class  of
competition: the new Limited Class will allow those running  100  watts  and
small directional antennas to  participate  in  their  own  class.  Complete
rules at

GRANITE ISLAND (OC-228) ---> Paul, VK5PAS was active for a  few  hours  from
Granite Island on 27 December. Those who were not able to  work  him  during
his QRP operation, will have a second chance next year, as Craig, VK5CE  has
plans to operate from this island "probably around April for 2-4 days".

PMC CONTEST ---> The PMC Contest promotes contacts between stations  located
in the Peace Messenger Cities and the rest of the world.  Sponsored  by  the
Radio Club Slovenj Gradec (S59DCD), it  will  be  held  from  12  UTC  on  4
January 2014 until 12 UTC on the 5th.  Complete  details  can  be  found  at [TNX S54X]

QSL T32AU ---> Dave, G4GED is not and has never been  the  QSL  manager  for
T32AU (January 2012). "I have received many cards through the  bureau  which
I will forward  to  the  VE3  bureau  sometime  next  year",  he  says.  The
DXpedition's website ( still lists QSL via  VO1MX,
but the entry on shows via VE3AAQ. G4GED no  longer  has  "any  logs
for any T3 callsigns from the 1980s".

T6EUPOL ---> This is "the official ham radio station of the  European  Union
Police (EUPOL) Mission in Afghanistan". It is  operated  by  Janusz,  AK4JK.
QSL direct only to Janusz Babol Vel Sobczyk, 8433 Southside Blvd, Apt  2711,
Jacksonville FL 32256, USA.

W1AW WAS ---> Look for ARRL Centennial stations W1AW/4 from  North  Carolina
and W1AW/8 from West Virginia to be on the air starting at 00.00  UTC  on  1
January until 23.59 UTC  on  the  7th.  Complete  information  on  the  ARRL
Centennial QSO Party can be found at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3G1B        HA1AG       DP1POL      DL1ZBO      RI20ANT     RW3RN
3G1D        EA5GL       DU1KA       NR6M        RL3DS       RW6HS
3G3O        CE3OP       EI0YOTA     ON9CFG      RT22TK      RW6HS
3G3W        XQ4CW       EK3GM       IK2QPR      S01MZ       EA1BT
3G6OS       CE6RFP      EL2DT       EL2FM       S506PMC     S59DCD
3W1T        RW6HS       FK8RO       F5IRO       S506SLG     S59DCD
3Z13XMAS    SP6IEQ      FW5JJ       F5RXL       S51ZZ       S54G
4A1TD       XE1GZU      GB2W        M0DOL       S79ACR      UA3DJY
4L8A        K1BV        GW7X        G8DX        SE70AA      SK5AA
5B4AHL      M0URX       H40FN       DK9FN       SN0ZIMA     SQ3ODX
5N4EAM      IK2IQD      H70ORO      TI4SU       SN110RAEM   SP9HTY
5Q2T        OZ0J        HA21WFF     HA6PJ       SN1ZIMA     SQ1KSL
7P8CE       DK1CE       HC2IMP      IK2DUW      SN3WOSP     SP3CGK
7P8DJ       DJ2HD       HC8VWT      K8FC        SO110RAEM   SP2FAP
7P8WO       DH3WO       HF110RAEM   SP2FAP [1]  T48LT       CO8IR
7X5QB       EA7FTR      HF110RAEM   SP3GVX [2]  T8CW        JA0FOX [b]
8P8T        KI1U        HF2013PLL   SP8KEZ      T8CW        JH0IXE [d]
8P9JB       J69AZ       HF450NS     SP3KEY      TC9SAM      TA1HZ
9J2BO       G3TEV       HL5KY       W3HNK       TM0R        F5GGL
9K2/SP4R    SP7DQR      HP1/IZ6BRN  IZ8CLM      TM0T        F4DXW
9M2TO       JA0DMV      HP1A        HP1RCP      TM1A        F6KOP
9M6XRO      M0URX       IA0MZ       IW0EFA      TM50ENSO    F5LGQ
9Q0AR       ON4CFC      J79WTA      HB9MFM      TM50QF      F6KSU
A25CE       DK1CE       JG8NQJ/JD1  JA8CJY [d]  TM6M        F4DXW
A25DJ       DJ2HD       JG8NQJ/JD1  JG8NQJ [b]  TM7F        F6KRC
A41KJ       NI5DX       JW/PY2SEX   DL1NX       TM7G        F4CWN
A61SM       A61BK       JY4CI       K2AX        TM7X        F5BSB
A61ZX       IZ8CLM      KP2VI       W1MBB       TM7XX       F5MUX
A66TQ       IZ8CLM      LZ1JY       W0FS        TR0A/p      SM7EHU
A91ND       IZ8CLM      M6T         G4PIQ       UE22A       RV1CC
A91NM       IZ8CLM      N1MY/KH2    JH1LHJ      V55A        M0OXO
C4Z         G3SWH       NP2X        K5WW        V55V        DJ8VC
C91C        ZS6ALB      OA2/AL4Q    DJ8QP       VI6WA100    VK6IR
CE9/UA4WHX  UA4WHX      OA4SS       KB6J        VK0JJJ      K7CO
CN2OS       PD0JOS      OF9X        OH2BH       VK2013TDF   M0OXO
CN3A        IV3ZXQ      OG3077F     OH3JF       VQ9JC       ND9M
CN8KD       EA5XX       OH2YOTA     ON9CFG      WH0AU       JP3WAU
CO7WT       N2CQ        OM20TUSR    OM3RP       YB4IR/8     YB4IR
CO8LY       EA7ADH      PA14HNY     PA1AW       YF1AR/8     N2OO
CP6AA       IK6SNR      PB14HNY     PA1AW       YL2013YOTA  ON9CFG
CR2T        CU2AF       PJ2T        W3HNK       YN5Z        K7ZO
CR5A        CT1FFU      PJ5/K6NAO   JA1HGY      YW2LV       YV5YMA
CR6K        CT1ILT      R7378TM     RM8W        ZF2YL       AE9YL
CS250CLE    CS5RPT      R95DOD      RA3SI       ZM90DX      M0OXO
CS2C        OK1RF       RI1ANC      RN1ON       ZR9C        ZS6WN
CX3TQ       IK2DUW      RI1ANP      RN1ON       ZW5B        K3IRV
D4C         IZ4DPV      RI1ANR      RK1PWA      ZW8T        PS8HF

[1] 15-22 December 2013
[2] 23-31 December 2013

DK1CE      Ulmar Schmidt, Kaethe-Kollwitz-Strasse 28, 76227 Karlsruhe,
DK9FN      Siegfried Hari, Postfach 1224, 63488 Seligenstadt, Germany
H40TA      Temotu Aid Office Europe, Postfach 1201, 63488 Seligenstadt,
IZ8CLM     Salvatore Rapacciuolo, Ufficio Pompei, Casella Postale 10, 80045
           Pompei NA, Italy
JA8CJY     Susumu Sanada, 5-17 Shinei 5-Jo 4-Chome, Kiyota-ku, Sapporo-shi,
           Hokkaido, 004-0835, Japan
JH0IXE     Ryosei Aimiya, 4595-41 Kamikatagiri, Matsukawa-machi,
           Shimoina-gun, Nagano-ken, 399-3301, Japan
N2OO       Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton NJ 08087-0345, USA
ON4CFC     Pascal Veeckmans, Fruitweg 2, 3300 Tienen, Belgium
VP2VGG     Robert W. Capps, 1807 Evalane Way, Concord CA 94519, USA
VR2/IV3TAN Alberto Annesi, 1/F, 7A Nam Shan Rd, Peng Chau, Hong Kong
YB4IR      Imam Raharjo, P.O. Box YB4IR, Palembang 30000, Indonesia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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