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14 December 2013                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1180
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9M6    - Vincent, F4BKV is visiting  Singapore  (9V,  AS-019),  Brunei  (V8,
         OC-088) and East Malaysia until 22  December.  "Radio  is  not  the
         main purpose of the trip", he says, so "don't expect  a  full  time
         activity". The first two operations will be limited  to  few  hours
         only, on 14 December from 9V and on  17-18  December  from  V8.  On
         20-22 December he will operate holiday  style  from  Labuan  Island
         (9M6, OC-133). Logsearch and OQRS at
A9     - The Bahrain Amateur Radio Group will operate special event  station
         A91NM on 15 December to  celebrate  the  25th  anniversary  of  the
         Bahrain National Museum. QSL via IZ8CLM. [TNX A92AA]
DL_ant - Felix, DL5XL will  be  working  at  the  German  Antarctic  station
         Neumayer III from 20  December  to  8  February.  He  will  operate
         mainly CW as DP1POL in his spare time. QSL via  DL1ZBO,  direct  or
         bureau, and LoTW. Logsearch on Club  Log.  Holger,  DH1HB  will  be
         located at the same research station until February 2015, and  will
         be QRV as DP0GVN (QSL via DL5EBE). [TNX DX World]
H40    - Sigi, DK9FN will be active again as H40FN (mainly CW)  from  Temotu
         Province from 21 December to 10 January. This year he will  operate
         from Lomlom Island (OC-065). QSL via DK9FN (new route),  direct  or
         bureau. Further information and operating tips (they  are  worth  a
         reading) at under H40FN. [TNX The Daily DX]
JW     - Alex, DL1NX/PY2SEX will be active  as  JW/PY2SEX  from  Spitsbergen
         (EU-026), Svalbard on 24-25 December. He plans  to  operate  mainly
         CW and SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL via DL1NX.
PJ4    - Steve  (ex  9M6DXX  and  9M8Z,  aka  G4JVG  and  KH0UN)  has  moved
         permanently to Bonaire (SA-006) and  received  his  licence  on  10
         December. His new call is PJ4DX. He is QRV using an  FT-950  and  a
         low Spiderbeam, plus a  40m  quarter-wave  vertical  with  elevated
         radials. All equipment is kindly  loaned  by  Peter,  PJ4NX,  until
         Steve's own equipment arrives from Malaysia early in 2014. QSL  via
         M0URX, direct or bureau (OQRS preferred). Logs will be uploaded  to
         LoTW and ClubLog on a regular basis. [TNX PJ4DX]
PJ5    - Nao,  JN1RVS  will  be  active  as  PJ5/K6NAO  from  St.  Eustatius
         (NA-145) on 22-29 December. He will  operate  CW  and  RTTY/PSK  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via JA1HGY; logsearch and OQRS on Club Log.  [TNX
         DX World]
PY     - Raimundo, PT7CG will be active as ZX8DX from Ilha Grande  de  Santa
         Isabel (SA-025) on 26-30 December. QSL via home call.
V5     - Dietmar, DL3DXX will be active as V5/DL3DXX from  Namibia  from  24
         December to 8 January. He will operate CW only 160-10  metres.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP5    - Steve,  VE3OC,  to  be  active  holiday  style  as  VP5/VE3OC  from
         Providenciales, Caicos Islands (NA-002) on 18-27 December. QSL  via
         home call (direct only) and eQSL.
ZS     - Celebrating the late President Nelson Mandela's legacy,  the  South
         African Radio League  will  operate  special  event  stations  from
         around the country using the special callsign  ZS9MADIBA  until  11
         January 2014. QSL via the bureau or direct to SARL, P.O. Box  1721,
         Strubensvallei 1735, South  Africa.  Logsearch  on  Club  Log.  See for the operating schedule.

AFRICAN TRIP ---> Mathias DJ2HD, Ulmar DK1CE and Wolfgang DH3WO will  be  on
4x4 trip Namibia, South Africa, Lesotho and Botswana between 14 December and
18 January 2014:
14-18 December         V5/DJ2HD
18-22 December         ZS/DJ2HD, ZS/DK1CE, ZS/DH3WO
22-24 December         7P8DJ, 7P8CE, 7P8WO
24-30 December         A25DJ, A25CE, A25WO
31 December-18 January V5/DJ2HD
1-5 January            V5/DK1CE, V5/DH3WO
All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically  via  the  bureau.  When  in
Namibia, DJ2HD will  participate in the  ARRL 10 Meter Contest and the  DARC
10m Contest (12 January 2014) as V55V (QSL via DJ8VC, direct or bureau).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> 9X0XA (Rwanda, 2013 operation),  T6TM  (Afghanistan,  current
operation) and VU7AG (Lakshadweep Islands, 20 November - 10  December  2013)
have been approved for DXCC credit. [TNX NC1L]

INDEXA NEWS ---> "The officers of the International DX  Association,  INDEXA
(, have agreed to send an additional donation  of  2,500  USD
to the Amsterdam Island, FT5ZM, DXpedition team. INDEXA's financial  support
for this  DXpedition  has  now  grown  to  10,000  USD.  Our  membership  of
worldwide DXers has been generous to us  this  year  with  donations.  Thus,
INDEXA felt further support to the FT5ZM team was appropriate".

K9W  --->  The  K9W  Wake  Atoll  Team  thanks  the  DX  community  for  the
outstanding response to The Forgotten 98 Commemorative DXpedition. K9W  made
53765 CW, 38700 SSB and 7562 digital QSOs. The  final  QSO  percentages  per
continent are NA 35.3%, AS 32.3%, EU 26.9%, OC 3.1%, SA 1.8%  and  AF  0.6%.
All of the QSOs have been uploaded to Club  Log,  and  "most,  if  not  all,
corrections  have  been  made".  Please  write  to  info[@]  for
possible problems with the ClubLog upload. The printed QSLs are  in  transit
to the QSL manager (AA4NN). The use of OQRS for direct and bureau  cards  is
highly recommended (see [TNX W8GEX]

QSL HP0INT ---> Vincent, F4BKV mailed about 50% of the direct cards for  the
Panama IOTA Tour on 12 December, the others will follow on the  23rd.  Those
letters will be sent from Hong Kong, he says; direct  requests  with  French
postage stamps on their SAEs will be processed in early January.

STORMY WEATHER: OH8X ---> Radio Arcala (OH8X) has lost  its  100m  (330  ft)
tall tower that supported 160m and 80m Yagis. The structure weighed 40  tons
(80,000 lbs) and did not survive recent storm Oskari's gusts  of  up  to  68
knots. "The mammoth structure collapsed peacefully, not hitting any  of  the
other six towers, not hurting people or damaging buildings", OH2BN  reports.
"It is suspected that automation designed to enable the array  to  find  its
most comfortable position in high winds somehow locked  up  and  caused  the
structure to corkscrew and crumble down on its on base".

STORMY WEATHER: SV2ASP/A ---> The Daily DX reports that  also  Monk  Apollo,
the only active station from Mount Athos, has  lost  all  of  his  antennas,
which "fell down in the big wind storm last week". Apollo is  currently  "in
Corinth, Greece for the olive harvest" and "does does not know when he  will
have the time to get something back up in the air".

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A60ARM     3A2ARM      HK1/CO8ZZ   DK1WI       RR110RAEM   UA9LP
3B9FR       HB9SLO      HZ1XB       IZ8CLM      RS110RAEM   R4AAS
3W7W        W3HNK       IR8IDXC     IK8WEJ      RT110RAEM   UA6YW]
3Z20SOT     SP1NQF      IY0CXII     IQ0RM       RU110RAEM   R9WXK
3Z3ZIMA     SP3SBY      J68FF       W3FF        RV110RAEM   UA3A
4O7ML       DL3ML       KC4AAA      K1IED       RW110RAEM   RT0Q
4S7KKG      DC0KK       LY2013SAT   LY3BY       RX110RAEM   R4IT
5R8IC       F6ICX       LY5YOTA     ON9CFG      RY110RAEM   R9XC
5T0JL       ON8RA       LZ110RAEM   LZ3SM       RZ110RAEM   RZ1ZZ
6L0NJ       HL4CEL      LZ125VZ     LZ2KLR      S21B        KX7YT
6V7D        DL7VOA      OM13YOTA    ON9CFG      S513YOTA    ON9CFG
8P2K        KU9C        OM9YOTA     ON9CFG      SG30RM      SK6RM
8P9BJ       K0BJ        ON4YOTA     ON9CFG      SH9YOTA     ON9CFG
8P9IU       KI1U        OU1RAEM     DF5LW       SN0YOTA     ON9CFG
8P9TA       KI1U        OX5T        OZ0J        SN18PPM     SP4EOO
9A283XV     9A3JB       OY1OF       M0URX       SN20SOT     SP1RKT
9H5G/C6A    NI5DX       P29LL       EA7FTR      SN3ZIMA     SP3WVL
9X0ZM       JO1CRA      P29VNX      JA1NLX      SN5ZIMA     SO5MAX
A61BM       IZ8CLM      P40GH       WA2TTI      SN640OKA    SP5KVW
A91MCAT     IZ8CLM      PA6YOTA     ON9CFG      SP20SOT     SP1YKO
AP2NK       W3HNK       PJ4DX       M0URX       T32RC       N7RO
C6ANM       WA2IYO      R110RAEM    R9OOO [b]   T40C        EA7FTR
CE2AWW      N7RO        R110RAEM    UA9OA [d]   TM16C       F4DSE
D2QR        RW6HS       R1150SM     RV3LZ       TM1TLT      F8KFP
D2QV        UT0EA       R1941OM     RW3FB       TM4TLT      F4KIP
E6RQ        VK4FI       R1980L      RX1CQ       TT8ES       IK3GES
E720IARU    E71A        R1980M      UA3A        UP110RAEM   RW6HS
EG5MM       EA5FL       R200SB      RN4ABD      V63XG       JA1XGI
EM110RAEM   UT7UT       R2014HQ     RO6L        VP8BTU      G1EUZ
EN100ZKM    UT5ZY       R95NRL      RA3TYL      VX3X        VE3JO
EN110RAEM   UT5UIA      RA110RAEM   RA0R        VY1JA       N3SL
EO110RAEM   US5ID       RB110RAEM   RW0UM       XR150CBS    XQ7UP
ES5YOTA     ON9CFG      RC110RAEM   UA0C        XU7AEV      N2IEN
ES9YOTA     ON9CFG      RD110RAEM   RA0AM       XW0YJY      E21EIC
FG4NN       NI5DX       RG110RAEM   UA9APA      YL13YOTA    ON9CFG
HA110RAEM   HA8MT       RJ110RAEM   RT2Y        YO0YOTA     ON9CFG
HA40QRP     HA6NL       RK110RAEM   RN1ON       YP95GU      YO3IZT
HB30OK      HB9OCR      RL110RAEM   RK3AW       ZD7PAS      ZD7DL
HD2RAE      HD2A        RM110RAEM   RT5G        ZD8UW       M0OXO
HF1ZIMA     SQ1KSM      RN110RAEM/p RZ9DX       ZF2OK       N0OK
HF20SOT     SP1KYB      RO110RAEM   RU5TT       ZS6TQ       K3IRV
HF3ZIMA     SP3GVX      RQ110RAEM   R8IA        ZT1T        ZS1AFS

C91B     P.O. Box 102303, Meer en See, Richards Bay, 3901, South Africa
C91J     P.O. Box 102303, Meer en See, Richards Bay, 3901, South Africa
F5TLN    Sylvain Bertrand, 16 rue Guerin, 30320 Marguerittes, France
IK3GES   Gabriele Gentile, Via Baratta Vecchia 240, 31022 Preganziol TV,
IZ8CLM   Salvatore Rapacciuolo, Ufficio Pompei, Casella Postale 10, 80045
         Pompei NA, Italy
JA1NLX   Akira Yoshida, 1-16-11 Kanamori-Higashi, Machida-shi, Tokyo,
         194-0015, Japan
JA1XGI   Haru Uchida, 2-30-11 Shintomi, Kawagoe-shi, Saitama-ken, 350-0043,
JA4GXS   Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishigannon-cho, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi-ken,
         753-0038, Japan
JO1CRA   Hideharu Aimono,  2577-1  Tsuruta-machi,  Utsunomiya-shi,
         Tochigi-ken, 320-0851, Japan
M0OXO    Charles Wilmott, 60 Church Hill, Royston, Barnsley, S71 4NG,
         United Kingdom
N7RO     Richard J. Moen, 2935 Plymouth Dr, Bellingham, WA 98225, USA
ON9CFG   Bjorn Dettmaring, Twaalf Hofsteden 41A, 9940 Kluizen, Belgium
VK4FI    Graeme Hope, 37 Haase Place, Bellbowrie QLD 4070, Australia
ZL3CW    Jacky Calvo, PO Box 88, Waihi Beach 3642, New Zealand


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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