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14 September 2013                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1167
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5R     - Daniel, DF8UO is active as 5R8UO from Madagascar (AF-013) until  20
         September. He is QRV in his spare  time  on  40-10  metres  CW  and
         digital modes, and will participate in the WAE SSB DX contest.  QSL
         via home call and LoTW. [TNX DXNL]
7X     - Celebrating the 50th anniversary of  Algeria's IARU member  society
         ARA (Amateurs Radio Algeriens), special callsign 7T9A  will be used
         from Sridjina Island (AF-104) on 19-21 September. QSL via 7X2ARA.
C2     - Yuki, JH1NBN will operate SSB  as  C21BN  from  Nauru  (OC-031)  on
         16-26 September. He will be QRV in his spare time, probably  during
         his evenings, running 100  watts  into  a  wire  antenna.  QSL  via
         JH1NBN (direct). [TNX The Daily DX]
F      - The Radio Club du Bassin  d'Arcachon  (F5KAY)  will  be  active  as
         TM49PB from the lighthouse at Cap Ferret on 14-15  September.  They
         will operate SSB, CW and digital modes on 160, 80, 40, 20,  15  and
         10 metres with two stations. QSL via F5KAY. [TNX F8REF]
F      - Special callsign TM90KOB will be  in  use  on  14-27  September  to
         celebrate  the  90th  anniversary  of  the  Radio  Club  de  l'Aube
         (F5KOB). Activity on the HF bands CW, SSB  and  digital  modes,  as
         well as on the VHF bands SSB and FM. QSL via F5KOB. [TNX F8REF]
F      - The Association des Radioamateurs des Cotes d'Armor will be  active
         as TM6BRE from Brehat Island  (EU-074)  on  28-29  September.  They
         expect to be QRV with three stations on 40, 80, 20, 15, 10,  6  and
         2 metres CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via F4EUG. [TNX F8REF]
FR     - Willi, DJ7RJ  will  be  active  as  FR/DJ7RJ  from  Reunion  Island
         (AF-016) from 28 September to 2 November. He will  operate  CW  and
         SSB on 160-10 metres, with a focus on the low bands. QSL  via  home
         call. [TNX AA1M]
G      - October 2014 will mark the 90th  anniversary  of  the  first  radio
         transmissions  from  Great  Britain  to  New  Zealand  (see  ZM90DX
         below). In preparation for these  celebrations,  the  special  call
         GB2NZ ( will be operational on 5-25 October  this
         year. Activity will be predominantly on 80 metres.  QSL  via  M0OXO
         (preferably through the OQRS at [TNX G3SJJ]
H4     - Bernard,  DL2GAC  will  be  active  again  as  H44MS  from  Honiara
         (OC-047), Solomon Islands from 3 October to 26  November.  Hermann,
         DL2NUD will be along operating  EME  as  H44HP  until  mid-November
         (possibly with a side trip to Vanuatu with activity as YJ9HP).  QSL
         via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX DL2GAC]
HP     - Special event station HP500OP will be  active  on  20-30  September
         from Panama to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the discovery  of
         the Pacific Ocean by Vasco Nunez de Balboa. QSL via HP1RCP  (direct
         with SAE: "no IRCs, no Green Stamps, no eQSL, no bureau").
I      - Look for IQ7IA to be active from Isola  Traversa,  Pedagne  Islands
         (EU-091) on 14-15 September. QSL direct only. [TNX DX Coffee]
I      - ARI La Spezia will  be  active  again  as  IP1T  from  Tino  Island
         (EU-083) from around 8 UTC on 21 September until around 14  UTC  on
         the 22nd. They will be QRV on the HF bands, as well as  on  70  and
         144 MHz. QSL via  IZ5JLF.  Nice  photo  galleries  of  this  year's
         previous two operations (27-28 July and 17-18 August) can be  found
         at [TNX IZ5JLF]
JD1_oga- Koji, JI1LET will be active as  JD1BOI  from  Chichijima  (AS-031),
         Ogasawara from 25 October to 3 November. He will  operate  SSB,  CW
         and RTTY on 160-6 metres. QSL via  home  call,  direct  only.  [TNX
JW     - Rene, DL2JRM and Netti, DO6XX will be active as  JW/homecalls  from
         Longyearbyen  (EU-026),  Svalbard  on  20-23   September.    Expect
         JW/DL2JRM to focus on the SAC CW Contest (21-22  September),  while
         JW/DO6XX will operate SSB and RTTY. QSL via home calls,  direct  or
         by the bureau. [TNX]
ON     - Between 1873 and 1934 more  than  two  million  European  emigrants
         left via Antwerp for the US on board  the  Red  Star  Line's  ocean
         liners. Special callsign ON70REDSTAR  will  be  activated  from  21
         September to 21 October to celebrate the opening of  the  Red  Star
         Line Museum in Antwerp. QSL via ON4OSA.
OZ     - Bernd, DL8AAV will be active as OZ0AV from  Laeso  Island  (EU-088)
         on  16-28  September.  QSL  via  DL8AAV,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
SM     - Fred, SM7DAY will be active again as SM7DAY/p from  Senoren  Island
         (EU-138) on 14-21 September. He plans to operate CW, SSB,  PSK  and
         maybe SSTV on the HF bands. QSL via home call,  direct  or  bureau.
         [TNX SM7DAY]
SV     - Martin, DB4BJ  will  be  active  as  SV8/DB4BJ  from  Kerkyra/Corfu
         (EU-052) on 18-29 September. He will operate PSK and SSB  on  20-10
         metres. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
SV     - Eugene, RD8X will be  travelling  to  Greece  on  a  business  trip
         between late September and early October. He plans  to  be  QRV  in
         his spare time as SV8/RD8X from Santorini Island (EU-067) on  25-28
         September and from Paros Island (EU-067) on  28-30  September,  and
         as SV9/RD8X from Crete (EU-015) from 30 September to 2 October.  He
         will operate CW on 40 metres and up. [TNX RD8X]
SV9    - Uli, DJ9XB will  be  active  holiday  style  as  SW9XB  from  Crete
         (EU-015) from 21 September to 5 October.  He  will  participate  in
         the CQ WW RTTY Contest on 15 metres. QSL via home  call  and  LoTW.
         [TNX NG3K]
T8     - Masashi, JL1FUQ will be active as T88GJ from Koror (OC-009),  Palau
         on 20-24 September. He plans to be QRV on 6 metres (50130 kHz)  and
         on the high bands (20-10 metres) SSB, and possibly  AM,  PSK31  and
         RTTY. QSL via JL1FUQ, direct or bureau.
VE     - Mike, VY0BRR aka VE2XB  (,  who  is  based  on
         Dorset  Island  (NA-156),  will  be  active    from    Qikiqtarjuaq
         (Broughton Island, NA-130) on 23-27 September. Mike  says  he  will
         concentrate his efforts on 40 and 80 metres  CW  and  SSB  "in  the
         evenings as work permits". QSL via VE2XB, direct  or  bureau.  [TNX
VK9L   - Tomas, VK2CCC will be active in his spare time as VK9LL  from  Lord
         Howe (OC-004) on 22-29 September. He  will  focus  on  160  and  80
         metres. QSL via VK2CCC, direct or bureau.
W      - Once again Joe, K5KUA will be  active  as  K5KUA/5  from  Galveston
         Island (NA-143) on 13-15 September. He usually operates CW only  on
         40-10  metres.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or   bureau.    [TNX]
W      - Allen KB3WEY, along with his father Mike  KA6DLN  and  twin  sister
         Lizzie KB3WIA, will be active as KB3WEY/p  from  Assateague  Island
         (NA-139) on 18-22 September. They  will  operate  SSB  and  digital
         modes on 40-6 metres. QSL via KB3WEY (direct, LoTW and eQSL).  [TNX]
W      - Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the Collins Radio Company,  the
         Collins Radio Club stations will  be  conducting  a  special  event
         operation on 21-23 and 28-30 September. Planned to  be  active  are
         W0CXX and N0CXX (Cedar Rapids, IA), W5ROK (Richardson,  TX),  W4CRC
         (Melbourne, FL) and W6CXX (Tustin, CA). For all  stations  QSL  via
         N3SL. Further information at [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
XE     - Special event station XE3IARU will be  active  on  19-29  September
         during the IARU Region II General Assembly to be  held  in  Cancun,
         Quintana Roo, Mexico. All QSOs will be confirmed  via  the  bureau,
         direct QSL via DL6KAC. [TNX The Daily DX]
XU     - Alex, M6CFW will be active  "semi-holiday  style"  as  XU7AEU  from
         Cambodia on 24-28 September. He will operate mainly PSK31 PSK63  on
         10 and 20 metres, but will try other modes and bands  if  time  and
         equipment permit. QSL via M6CFW (direct), eQSL and  LoTW.  He  will
         upload his log to Club Log at the end of the trip.
YB     - The YE5R activity from Anambas (OC-108), originally  scheduled  for
         15-20 September, has been postponed to 18-22 October. According  to
         the entry on, the operators will be YB4IR and a  team  from
         the Riau Islands Province's regional branch of ORARI.
YB     - Ina, YD1NAA will be in  Tanjung  Balai  Karimun  on  Karimun  Besar
         Island (OC-075) for two months during a  work  assignment  starting
         on 14 September. She will bring her rig and antenna  and  plans  to
         operate mostly CW as YD1NAA/5. Her  license  class  allows  her  to
         operate CW and SSB on 40 and 80 metres, and CW only on  15  and  10
         metres. QSL for both YD1NAA and YD1NAA/5 via W2FB. [TNX W2FB]
ZL     - 1923 and 1924 marked the  zenith  of  long  distance  communication
         records culminating on 18 October 1924 on 80 metres with the  first
         trans-world contact between Frank Bell (Z4AA) in Shag  Valley,  New
         Zealand and 18-year-old Cecil Goyder (G2SZ) in London. The Kiwi  DX
         Group will commemorate this event (and the  many  other  ZL  firsts
         that occurred ninety years ago) with the special  callsign  ZM90DX,
         which will be in use between 1 October 2013 to 31 October  2014  on
         all  bands  (1.8  MHz  to  1.2  GHz  and  beyond)  and  modes.  All
         operations will take place from New Zeland, NOT from ZL9!  QSL  via
         M0OXO. Further details can be found at [TNX ZL3NB]

SOUTHEAST ASIA TOUR ---> Fusao, JR3CNQ and Takeshi, JS6RRR (JI3DST) will  be
active  as  9V1/JR3CNQ  and  9V1/JS6RRR  from  Singapore  (AS-019) on  20-21
September and again for a few hours on  the  23rd.  On 21-23 September  they
will operate as 9M2/JR3CNQ and 9M2/JS6RRR  from West Malaysia.  They will be
QRV on 40-10 metres  CW  and  SSB.  QSL via home calls. [TNX JI3DST]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE --->  The  August  2013  issue  is  now  available  for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

AMSTERDAM 2014 ---> "Essentially all the FT5ZM team's equipment  is  now  in
hand and at  the  Atlanta  staging  area  or  undergoing  final  testing  in
preparation for shipment to Atlanta", K0IR reported on 10  September.  While
"the Amsterdam Island DXpedition  team's  progress  continues  unabated",  a
major milestone occurred when the  team  made  their  initial  payment  (NZD
175,000) for the charter of the ship. "Our next payment is due in  December,
so like all major DXpeditions of this magnitude, we will feel the cash  flow
crunch shortly. We are hoping you can support us up front when we  need  the
money  and  help  us  make  Amsterdam  a  memorable  DXpedition.  If  you've
supported us, we greatly appreciate it. If you have not yet done so,  please
consider helping us now". More information on the DXpedition budget  can  be
found at
"Let's assume we are on the air for 14 days", K4UEE says. "That  equates  to
20,160 minutes on  the  air.  If  our  budget  is  $400,000  (not  including
operator travel costs to Perth and back), then our time  on  the  air  costs
$19.84 per minute. Assume we make 100,000 QSOs, (a  worthy  goal  for  a  #4
'most-needed'). The cost  per  QSO  works  out  to  $4.00".  The  DXpedition
operators will pay about half  of  that,  but  "our  sponsors  including  DX
Foundations, DX Clubs  and  individual  DXers  worldwide  need  to  pay  the
remainder. So, when deciding not if, but how much  support  you  will  offer
FT5ZM, ask yourself: How many QSOs am I going to  make?  How  important  are
those QSOs to me?"

GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLUB CUP ---> The 3rd Greek Telegraphy  Club  CW  Cup  will
take place from 12 UTC on 5 October until 12 UTC on the  6th.  Full  details
can be found at  [TNX

P29VNX ---> The 8-13 September  operation  from  Lissenung  Island  (OC-008)
[425DXN 1161] by Akira, JA1NLX (P29VNX) has been  cancelled  due  to  flight

QSL 5A1AL ---> Abubaker Alzway, 5A1AL (DL1AL) says that his  stay  in  Libya
has been extended. All of the QSL cards that have already been sent  to  his
address in Germany  will  be  forwarded  to  him  via  air  mail  "until  15
September 2013". His current address for QSLling is P.O. Box 6279,  Tripoli,
Libya: send only your card and a SAE, return postage to be paid  via  PayPal
(please email elzo71[@] for PayPal account details).

QSL 9M2PJU ---> Effective immediately, the new QSL route for 9M2PJU  is  via
K2AU (direct). "I will not reply any QSL cards received from MARTS  bureau",
Piju says, "but I will confirm QSOs on LoTW".

QSL YD9RQX/P ---> Steve, W2FB reports that he will be the  QSL  manager  for
YD9RQX/p (OC-275). Steve will not use any OQRS for  this  operation:  YD9RQX
"needs QSL cards to upgrade to the next license class", and so  Steve  would
like "to get as many cards as possible from as many countries as possible".

QSL VIA NR6M ---> Rex is the new QSL manager for contacts made  with  either
VK4SWE and VK4EI (Lyn on Sweers Island, OC-227). "I am starting the  process
of converting all the logs from paper to computer", he says.  "There  are  a
lot so this will take a little time". Direct cards should  be  sent  to  Rex
Turvin, 18040 W Banning Street, Casa Grande AZ 85193, USA.

+ SILENT KEYS + The Amateur Radio Society of Kenya reports the  tragic  news
of the untimely passing of  Jagjeet  Singh  Virdee  (5Z4GB/5H3JS),  who  was
killed on 30 August in an attack by an armed gang at his home in Kericho.


QSLs received direct or through managers: 4A8DMR, 5W0M, 6O3A,  7O6T,  8R1AK,
9J2QQV,  9L1X,  9M2FB  (AS-074),  A41MX,  BP0A  (AS-103),    CR5OIT,  DL0IL,
DU1/JA1PBV (OC-175), E51JD,  EG3INT/7  (EU-152),  EI0LHL,  F4BKV/P  (EU-148,
EU-058 and EU-070), FG5FR, FH5EJ, FO5RH (OC-066), FS/K9EL,  HC2AO,  HC2IWM/8
(SA-004), HC3/DL5YWM (SA-034), HD8A, HI3B, HS0ZGQ,  HV0A,  J28AA,  K6VVA/KL7
(NA-050 and NA-152), K6VVA/VE7 (NA-091), KG4RX, LA5O (EU-076),  LU5FF,  N4OW
(NA-141), OD5ARMY,  OJ0V,  OM3SEM,  PY0F/PP1CZ,  RI1ANP,  T2YY,  T6T,  TG1B,
TK5MH, TM0SI  (EU-068),  TU2T,  TX5K,  V5/DK1CE,  V5/DK9IP,  VK0JJJ,  VK0TH,
VP8LP, VR2KF, WP4NFL, XZ1Z, YB0D (OC-177), YB8XM/p (OC-271), YE6N  (OC-161),


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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