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07 September 2013                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1166
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2_rot- Andy, LZ2HM will join the 27  September-11  October  expedition  to
         Rotuma [425DXN 1157]. He will be active as 3D2RA  on  CW,  SSB  and
         digital modes (including participation in the CQ WW RTTY  Contest),
         with "special activity"  on  6m  JT65A  via  EME.  QSL  via  LZ2HM.
         Further information can be found at
4O     - Gab, HA3JB will operate CW, RTTY  and  SSB  as  as  4O/HG3IPA  from
         Budva, Montenegro on 23-30 September. He will be active during  the
         CQ WW RTTY Contest, and he also plans a side trip to  Sveti  Nikola
         Island (EU-163) during that time frame.  QSL  via  HA3JB  (direct).
         [TNX HA3JB]
8Q     - Chris, DL2MDU and his wife Heike, DO3HDA will be  active  as  8Q7CF
         from Biyadhoo, Maldives (AS-013)  on  15-27  September.  They  will
         operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 80-10 metres. QSL  via  DL2MDU
         and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
A3     - Masa, JA0RQV hopes to be  be  active  as  A35JP  from  Niuatoputapu
         Island (OC-191) on 19-24 September. He will operate CW and  SSB  on
         80-6 metres, running 100 watts into a full size GP, but he  expects
         his activity to be affected  by  the  limited  supply  of  electric
         power on the island. This operation will  also  depend  on  weather
         and flight availability. If he cannot go to Niuatoputapu, he  might
         be QRV  from  Tongatapu  (OC-049),  or  Haapai  (OC-169)  or  Vavau
         (OC-064) instead. QSL via JA0RQV, direct or bureau, and LoTW.  [TNX
C3     - The newly formed Associacio Radioaficionats  Divulgant  Andorra  al
         Mon (ARDAM) will be active fro the  first  time  as  C37AC  on  7-8
         September. QSL direct (see or LoTW.
CT9    - Matt, DJ8OG will be active from Madeira Island  (AF-014)  on  10-17
         September. He will participate in the WAE  DX  SSB  Contest  (14-15
         September) as CR3L (QSL via DJ6QT); outside the contest he will  be
         signing CT9/DJ8OG, with activity on the HF bands and 6 metres.  QSL
         CT9/DJ8OG via home call, direct or bureau, and LoTW.
EA6    - Piotr, SP2QCW will be active as  EA6/SP2QCW  from  Mallorca  Island
         (EU-004) from 15 September to 6 October. He  will  operate  holiday
         style on the HF bands. QSL via home call. [TNX SP2QCW]
HB0    - Johannes, DF5AU will be active as HB0/DF5AU from  Liechtenstein  on
         14-19 September. He will operate CW and SSB on the HF  bands,  with
         a focus on the higher bands. QSL via DF5AU, direct or  bureau,  and
         LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
I     -  Look  for  Francesco  IL7/IZ7KHR,  Michele IL7/IZ7ECT, Umberto IL7/
         IK7SUO and Sabino IL7/IZ7XFC to  be active from the Tremiti Islands
         (EU-050) on 7-8 September.  QSL via home  calls, direct or  bureau.
         [TNX DX Coffee]
I      - Franco, IK4YCQ will  be  active  as  IL7/IK4YCQ   from  San  Domino
         Island (EU-050) on 14-19 September. He will operate  holiday  style
         on 40-6 metres SSB. QSL via  home  call,  bureau  or  direct.  [TNX
JA     - Taka, JA8COE will be  active  as  JA8COE/8  from  Yagishiri  Island
         (AS-147) on 14-16 September. QSL via home call,  bureau  preferred.
JW     - DL2JIM, DL2JRM and DL5SE will be active as JW5E  from  Longyearbyen
         (EU-026), Svalbard on 13-16 September, including an  entry  in  the
         WAE SSB Contest (14-15 September). QSL  direct  to  Svalbardgruppen
         Av  NRRL,  P.O.  Box  498,  9171   Longyearbyen,    Norway.    [TNX]
OJ0    - Pasi, OH3WS will on  Market Reef (EU-053) as a voluntary worker  on
         7-13  September,  and will be  QRV in his  spare time  as OJ0W.  He
         expects to operate CW and some SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL via  OH3WS,
         direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
PJ4    - Frank, PH2M will be active as PJ4M from Bonaire (SA-006)  on  13-26
         September. QSL via PH2M.
PJ7    - Dave, AH6HY will be active holiday style  as  PJ7/AH6HY  from  Sint
         Maarten (NA-105) on 13-18 September. He will operate SSB on 15,  17
         and 20 metres, primarily during his evening  hours.  QSL  via  home
         call. [TNX NG3K]
         be active as J44LH from the Trikeri Lighthouse on  7-10  September.
         They plan to be QRV on all bands and modes. QSL via SV4FFL  (direct
         only). QSLling  policy  and  other  information  can  be  found  at
SV     - Marek, SP5ISZ will be  active  holiday  style  as  SV8/SP5ISZ  from
         Milos Island (EU-067)  on  12-24  September.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau, plus LoTW and eQSL. [TNX]
UA     - Dmitry UA0L QSL  via  IK2DUW),  Yuri  UA0LTE  and  Igor  UB0LFM  to
         operate from the  Lazovsky Nature Reserve on  6-9  September.  They
         will operate on the HF bands as homecall/p  as  well  as  RK0LXX/p.
         [TNX UA0L]
UA     - UA9OBA, UA0LCZ, RU0LL, RU0LW and others will be active as  R20RRC/0
         from Russkiy Island (AS-066) on 6-10 September. They  will  operate
         CW and SSB on all bands, and will participate in the All  Asian  DX
         SSB Contest (7-8 September). QSL via RZ3EC. [TNX UA9OBA]
W      - The Citrus Belt ARC presents  the  14th annual Route 66 On The  Air
         special event, celebrating the historic US Highway 66 (the  'Mother
         Road'). Amateur radio clubs using 1x1 callsigns (from  W6B  through
         W6T) will operate from cities along the highway on 7-15  September.
         Full information is available on
XZ     - Zorro, JH1AJT will be active again as XZ1Z from Nay  Pyi  Taw,  the
         capital city of Myanmar, on 18-23  September.  "He  has  spotted  a
         better location on top of a 1557  feet  hill",  JA1TRC  says,  "and
         expect to have better signals. He will bring a  10-15-20m  tri-band
         Yagi, in addition to the GPs used last month". This  time  he  will
         operate mainly CW with a focus on North and South America. QSL  via
         Club Log OQRS (preferred) or JH1AJT.
         In  mid  November, the  Foundation  for Global Children (FGC)  will
         conduct a multi-national team DXpedition  to  Myanmar for about ten
         days. Plans are to have 3-4 stations QRV 24/7 on 160-10  metres CW,
         SSB and  digital  modes.  Further information  is  expected in  due
         course. [TNX JA1TRC]
YB     - Adi YB9GV, Tris YB9IUS, Kardi YB9KA and Jan YC9JIN will  be  active
         as homecall/p from Bungin Island (OC-150) on  6-8  September.  They
         will  be  QRV  on  15  and  20  metres  only.  QSL  via  operator's
         instructions. [TNX W2FB]
YB     - The team for the YB9Y expedition to Bras Island (OC-276,  new  one)
         [425DXN 1160]  now  includes  27  members  (YB0AZ,  YB0ECT,  YB0JS,
         YB0KVN,  YB0TSU,  YB1CCF,  YB1GJS,  YB1KAR,  YB1MH,  YB1PR,  YB9SB,
         YB9WR, YB9YZ,  YC0KVM,  YC0LLY,  YC0RAN,  YC1CDV,  YC1CWK,  YC1KAF,
         YD1GCL, YD1JZ, YD1LUX,  YD1MRI,  YD1ORZ,  YD1XUH,  JA1PBV/WK1S  and
         PD9DX). Plans  are  to  be  QRV  on  20-27  October,  with  several
         stations on the HF bands and one station for  6  metres.  The  logs
         will be uploaded to Club Log, hopefully during the expedition.  QSL
         via  YB1GJS,  direct  or  bureau  (OQRS  on  Club  Log).    Further
         information,  includig  detail  on  how  to  contribute  to    this
         expensive project, can be found at [TNX PD9DX]
YO     - A group from Hungary  (HA0KA,  HA0DI,  HA0MT  and  possibly  HA0HW)
         along  with  Miki,  YO5AJR  will  be  active  from  the   Maramures
         Mountains Natural Park on 6-8 September. They will operate CW,  SSB
         and didgital modes on all bands. QSL  via  home  calls,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
Z8     - Adding to the Z81X operation of last spring, Robert  S53R  will  be
         in Juba  for  a  work  assignment  and  will  be  involved  with  a
         preparatory phase of Project  Goodwill  South  Sudan.  He  will  be
         active in his spare time  as  Z81R  on  10-14  September.  QSL  via
         OH2BH. "The announcement of a much anticipated  low-band  operation
         is only a few weeks away", Martti OH2BH  says.  "The  multinational
         team is busy getting the equipment and other  material  into  South

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9M2SE ---> Pictures, video and  wrap-up  of  the  recent  Malaysian  Special
Expedition Team's activity as 9M2SE from Indah Island (AS-074) can be  found
at [TNX 9M2PJU]

DXCC NEWS ---> JY9FC (Jordan, current operation beginning August  2013)  and
XZ1Z (Myanmar, 2013 operation) have been  approved  for  DXCC  credit.  [TNX

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
web site has been updated. Fifteen different galleries include 11,368  cards
for the ten Most  Wanted  DXCC  Entities  (2004-12),  the  61  deleted  DXCC
Entities, obsolete prefixes,  stations  from  Maghreb  from  1945  to  1962,
Allied Forces stations in Germany (1946-69), special stations  commemorating
ITU and IARU, Antarctic bases &  TAAF  (Terres  Australes  and  Antarctiques
Francaises), the various French DXCC island Entities in the  Pacific  Ocean,
the Indian Ocean and the Americas (from 1945 to 1969),  pre-1945  countries,
French Departments and CONUS, plus a  gallery  for  cards  not  accepted  by
DXCC. Your participation is encouraged - please visit

TRANSNISTRIA ---> Vladimir, UA4WHX has been active as T10VB since 30  August
from   Transnistria   (   Located
between  the River  Dniester  and the  eastern Moldovan border with Ukraine,
this breakaway territory has been  governed as the Pridnestrovian  Moldavian
Republic  since its declaration of independence from the Republic of Moldova
in 1990. DXCC wise, it  is not a  separate Entity  as it does not  meet  the
current  DXCC Criteria. QSL via UA4WHX.

+ SILENT KEYS + The contest and DX community at large  mourns  the  loss  of
Steve Hodgson (ZC4LI), who passed away on 31 August. He was 69 and had  been
ill for some time.
Other  recently  reported  Silent  Keys  include  Emilio   Salvador  Cugnini
(LU7MAL), Vitaly  V.  Davydov  (RU9WR,  ex  UW9WR),  Aleksandr  M.  Shiryaev
(UA9XCM) and Anatolij G. Udod (UT0TT).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B9EME      I3LDP       EG5VCE      EA7HBC      ON4WAR      ON7RY
3B9FR       HB9SLO      EG6SDC      EA1AUM      OQ2MRS      ON4RCN
3Z330VW     SP6ZJP      EG7SDC      EA1AUM      OX5T        OZ0J
3Z45MFFZG   SP9PTG      EG8SDC      EA1AUM      OY1OF       M0URX
4A2I        XE2I        EG9SDC      EA1AUM      OY4TN       M0URX
4J20RO      4J6RO       EH200D      EA2URD      P29LL       EA7FTR
4J3DF       RW6HS       EH5DCI      EB5GC       R1150SM     RV3LZ
4L8A        K1BV        EL2DT       EL2FM       R20RRC/6    RZ3EC
4O7ML       DL3ML       EM1000NLM   UT7NI       R290EK      RV9CQ
4O7TC       UA3TCJ      EM150KV     UT1KY       R400R       R7MP
5A1AL       DL1AL       EM70A       UT7AXA      R500AK      RK3VWA
5N4EAM      IK2IQD      EO20IKF     US6IKF      R73ASP      RA3TYL
5P5L        DD2ML       ER52MOM     ER3BI       RI1ANU      ZS1OIN
5W1SA       JA1DXA      EX8VM       RW6HS       RO70KK      R6LB
5Z4PL       DJ0TA       FG4NN       NI5DX       RO70ML      RW6LZ
6O0LA       LA4GHA      FK8CE       LZ1JZ       RO70MR      R6MG
7T9A        7X2ARA      FK8DD       LZ1JZ       RO70NK      R6LD
7Z1BL       IZ8CLM      FK8GM       WB2RAJ      RO70PR      RN6MA
8P9LJ       G0OPA       FO/KH0PR    JJ8DEN      RO70RD      RW6MF
9A284MX     DJ2MX       GB1H        M0DOL       RO70TG      RV6LML
9H3BF       IT9DBF      H70ORO      TI4SU       RO70TR      R6LO
9H3DG       DL2SAX      HA110RAEM   HA8MT       SG0U        SM3CXS
9H3RV       HB9DGV      HB13ESAF    HB9BE       SU9AF       UA3DX
9M2SE       9W2RUT      HB30OK      HB9OCR      SV0XAO      DJ5JH
A25CF       K5LBU       HC/IZ1DPS   IK2DUW      T10VB       UA4WHX
A25JK       WB6OJB      HC8/G8OFQ   HA3JB       T6TM        KB2RLB
A41KJ       NI5DX       HF330VW     SP9PRR      T8GM        PG5M
A41OO       NI5DX       HF440W      SP7KED      TC2BC       DL7BC
A41PB       HA3JB       HI3EPR      ON4IQ       TK9ZM       IK2WZM
A65CF       EA7FTR      HK4AR       RW6HS       TM0CR       F6FMT
A92AA       EA5GL       HP0INT/#    F4BKV [d]   TM35O       F1EOY
AH0J        JA1NVF      HP0INT/#    F5CWU [b]   TM70MBH     F5ADR
CA3KHZ      EA5KB       HS0ZLI      K6MP        UE10RFF/9   RG5G
CM2AS       RW6HS       II0ESA      IZ0FEJ      UE70SL      RV9CPB
CO8LY       EA7ADH      II0ROMA     IK2VUC      UN1L        W3HNK
CP6LA       HA3JB       II1ROMA     IK2VUC      UP1ASTR     UN0GL
CS250CLE    CS5RPT      II3ROMA     IK2VUC      V63DDD      JA2VWG
D2CT        CT2HPM      II7ROMA     IK2VUC      V63LU       JA7LU
D2QMN       RZ3EC       IR0MA       IK2VUC      V73NS       W3HNK
D2QR        RW6HS       IR1OMA      IK2VUC      VK4EI       NR6M
D44TXP      M0URX       J47X        SV7BVM      VK4SWE      NR6M
EA200URD    EA2URD      KT3Q/7      DF8DX       VK6AA       DK2BJ
EE8YG       EA8YG       LX8RTTY     LX1DA       VQ9KA       JO1GWT
EF3EGB      EA3EGB      LZ1406SK    LZ1KCP      XR203CHI    XQ7UP
EG1JRA      EA1RKA      NH0J        JJ2VLY      XW1YC       W5UE
EG1SDC      EA1AUM      OD5PY       KU9C        XW8XZ       M0URX
EG2SDC      EA1AUM      OK4RQ       OK1DRQ      YB8S        YB9BU
EG3SDC      EA1AUM      OM13SIAF    OM8JP       YB8SI/0     YB9BU
EG4SDC      EA1AUM      OM2013SIAF  OM7DD       YR60A       YO8AXP
EG5SDC      EA1AUM      OM20TUSR    OM3RP       ZB2FX       G3RFX

9W2RUT   Weerut Srhidhara, 1204 Jalan E4/10, Taman Ehsan, Kepong, 52100
         Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
EA3EGB   Manel Lopez, Despoblat St Pol 13, 17100 La Bisbal d'Emporda
         (Girona), Spain
EL2FM    Joe Brown, 2 Orbel Street, London, SW11 3NZ, United Kingdom
F4BKV    Vincent Colombo, 32 rue de Gibrand, 17350 Port d'Envaux, France
HA3JB    Kutasi Gabor, Siofok, Koch R. u. 10/A I/4, 8600, Hungary
I3LDP    Lucio Bresciani, Via Locchi 29, 37124 Verona VR, Italy
JA2VWG   Hiroo Kondo, 123-2 Sekishi-cho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu-shi,
         Shizuoka-ken, 431-3114, Japan
JA7LU    Seihachi Suzuki, 2-5-9 Kaga, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba-ken, 277-0051,
JJ8DEN   Yoshitake Izumi, 7 Minami-24 Nishi-1, Obihiro-shi, Hokkaido,
         080-0011, Japan
JO1GWT   Yasuhiko Kazeno, 4-2-19 Nishisuna-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo-to,
         190-0034, Japan
LZ1JZ    Tony Stefanov, P.O. Box 185, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
M0URX    Tim Beaumont, P.O. Box 17, Kenilworth, CV8 1SF, United Kingdom
OA4TT    John Henry, 8345 NW 66 St #B4451, Miami FL 33166, USA
PG5M     Gerben A. Menting, Leemdobbe 19, 9472 ZR Zuidlaren, The Netherlands
RV3EFH   Vladimir S. Yukno, P.O. Box 70, Mtsensk, Orlovskaya obl., 303030,
RW6HS    Vasilij M. Kasyanenko, P.O. Box 0, g. Novopavlovsk, Stavropolsky
         kr., 357300, Russia
RZ3EC    Eugene Shelkanovtcev, P.O. Box 70, Orel, 302028, Russia
W5UE     Randy Becnel, P.O. Box 170, Kiln MS 39556-0170, USA
WB6OJB   Arnold J Kalan, 16690 Charmel Ln, Pacific Palisades CA 90272-2210,
YB9BU    Kadek Kariana SP, P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Indonesia
ZD9KX    Gerard de Jong, P.O. Box 744, Wellington, 7654, South Africa


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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