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31 August 2013                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1165
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

A2     - WB6OJB as A25JK  and  K5LBU  as  A25CF  will  be  active  with  two
         stations from  Botswana  on  5-12  September.  Look  for  A25JK  to
         operate SSB on 20-10 metres (possibly with some 40 and 80m),  while
         A25CF "will be doing some PSK on what ever bands might be open  and
         A25JK is not on". QSL via home calls. [TNX NG3K]
D4     - Barry, M0DGQ will be active as D44TXP from Ilha  do  Sal  (AF-086),
         Cape Verde until 11 September. He operates CW only  on  40  and  20
         metres. QSL via M0URX (OQRS preferred).
FO     - Yoshi, JJ8DEN will be active as FO/KH0PR from three IOTA groups  in
         French Polynesia as follows:
         3-8 September    Ahe Atoll    OC-131
         9-16 September   Napuka Atoll OC-094
         18-25 September  Reao Atoll   OC-238
         He will operate  CW and  digital modes  on 80-10m.  QSL via JJ8DEN.
         [TNX DX World]
HB0    - Look  for  HB0/DL4AAE  and  HB0/DL3TU  (  be
         active from Liechtenstein "on the second or third full  weekend  of
         September". Weather permitting, they will try to operate  from  the
         summit of Augstenberg (2359 metres a.s.l.) using  CW  only  on  the
         higher bands with an emphasis on working  Asia.  All  of  the  QSOs
         will be confirmed automatically via the bureau.  Direct  cards  via
         home calls.
HP     - Invoker Team members Christian EA3NT,  Raul  EA5KA,  Vincent  F4BKV
         and Col MM0NDX will be active from the six  IOTA  groups  allocated
         to Panama as follows:
         5 September           HP0INT/1   Naos                   NA-072
         6-8 September         HP0INT/3   Boca Brava             NA-071
         8 Septemper (evening) HP0INT/1   Naos                   NA-072
         9-11 September        HP0INT/2   Ogobsibu (San Blas)    NA-170
         11-13 September       HP0INT/2   Grande                 NA-202
         13-15 September       HP0INT/9   Iguana                 NA-203
         16-18 September       HP0INT/4   Colon (Bocas del Toro) NA-088
         They will operate CW and SSB on 40-10m. QSL via  F4BKV (direct)  or
         F5CWU (bureau), OQRS  preferred  for  both  options.  Logsearch  at [TNX DX World]
I      - The Calabria DX Team will be active as II8LH  from  the  lighthouse
         at  Scilla  on  31  August.  QSL  via  HB9FHZ  (bureau)  or  IK8YFU
         (direct), LoTW and eQSL.
I      - Riccardo, IZ5JMX reports that he will be active as  TK/IZ5JMX  from
         Corsica (EU-014) on 1-13 September. He will operate  SSB  on  40-10
         metres. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via bureau.
JA     - Makoto, JI5RPT will be active  as  JI5RPT/6  from  the  Koshikijima
         Islands (AS-037) on 7 and 8  September.  He  will  operate  CW  and
         digital modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JN6RZM]
KH9    - The tentative dates for the K9W DXpedition to Wake Island are  5-19
         October, with 7-18 October as QRV  days  (schedule  based  on  Wake
         time, which is UTC +12 hours).  The  expedition's  operating  plan,
         QSL routes, propagation charts and other information can  be  found
SV8    - A  team of eight operators from Germany (Rich DK8YY, Hansi  DL1AOB,
         Dieter DL1AWD, Ralf DL3JJ, Dan DL5SE, Felix DL6JF,  Lu  DL8ALU  and
         Eddy DM5JBN) will be active as SW8YY from the island  of  Zakynthos
         (EU-052) on 17-29 October, including  entries  in  the  Worked  All
         Germany (WAG, 19-20 October) and CQ  WW  SSB  contests.  They  will
         operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10 metres. QSL via  DH7WW,
         direct or bureau (OQRS on Club Log), and LoTW. Further  information
         can be found at [TNX DX World]
T8     - Will be active as T88TV from Palau  on  10-16  September.  He  will
         operate CW only on all bands,  with  an  emphasis  on  160  and  80
         metres. QSL via W5MJ. [TNX NG3K]
UA     - R7AM, R7LP, RA6DE, RU5D, RU6AX, UA6MF and UA6YW will be  active  as
         R20RRC/6  from  Eyskaya  Kosa  Island  in  the  Sea  of  Azov  (RRA
         RR-17-02, not IOTA) from  30  August  to  1  September.  They  will
         operate CW and SSB on 80-10 metres. QSL via RZ3EC. [TNX RU5D]
V6     - Look for Hiroo, JA2VWG (V63DDD) and Seihachi, JA7LU (V63LU)  to  be
         active from Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia on  4-16  September.  They
         will be QRV on 40-6 metres SSB and RTTY. QSL both calls via  JA7LU.
         [TNX DX World]
W      - Scott,  NE1RD  will  be  active  as  NE1RD/1  from  Lovells  Island
         (NA-148) from  30 August to 1 September.  This will be a LP,  solar
         powered  operation,  as there is no  electricity on the island.  He
         will  be QRV on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call. Logsearch and OQRS
         (for bureau cards only) at [TNX]
W      - A team from the  Kennehoochee  Amateur  Radio  Club  (AK4I,  K4JTT,
         K4MTX, KD4SEV, KI4LAV, N4DU, N4VDL, NV4U, WD4FGB,  WF4W  and  WK4U)
         will be  active  as  K4S  from  Sapelo  Island  (NA-058)  on  10-14
         September. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-6  metres.  QSL
         via W4BTI (direct only), LoTW and eQSL. [TNX K4JTT]
W      - Randy, AJ7G will be active as AJ7G/4 from Cedar  Keys  (NA-076)  on
         18-19 September. Plans are to be QRV on 20, 17 and  15  metres  SSB
         and digital modes. QSL direct to home call. [TNX]
W      - Mike AB5EB, Hector AD6D (XE2K) and Dragan K0AP  will  be  active as
         K5T from Timbalier  Island  (NA-119)  on  11-13  October.  QSL  via
         AB5EB. [TNX AB5EB]
YB     - Adhi, YB3MM is active as YB3MM/p from the Kangean Islands  (OC-217)
         until 31 August. He is QRV on 20 and 15 metres SSB and CW.  QSLling
         instructions on [TNX W2FB]
YB     - YB8S is the callsign that YB9BU, YB8RW, YC8TM and  others  will  be
         using during their operation from Gangga  Island  (OC-236)  [425DXN
         1164]. They will be QRV from 30 August to 1 September.  QSL  direct
         to YB9BU.
YB     - The YE5T (OC-122) and YE5S (OC-109) operations [425DXN  1164]  have
         been postponed until further  notice  owing  to  a  serious  family
         problem of one of the team members. The YE5R activity from  Anambas
         (OC-108) will likely continue since it is organized by a  different
         team. Announced dates for YE5R are 15-20 September. [TNX W2FB]
YB     - Four more operators will be joining the 10-16 September  DXpedition
         to Kimaam Island (aka Pulau Yos Sudarso and Pulau  Dolok)  (OC-275,
         new one for IOTA) [425DXN 1164]. The  team  now  includes  YB0AI/9,
         YB3MM/9, YB8XM/9, YB9WZJ/p, YC9XOZ/p, YD9RQX/p  and  YF1AR/9.  They
         will operate SSB,  CW  and  digital  modes  on  40-10  metres.  QSL
         YF1AR/9 via N2OO, QSL YB3MM/9 see,  others  via  operator's
         instructions. Further information at
YJ     - Ralph, H40IOTA was supposed to be  active  from  Vanikolo  (OC-163)
         for a couple of days towards the end of this  week.  However,  this
         activity is not going to happen and "will be placed on hold  for  a
         future trip". His H44/H40 IOTA tour is finished, and Ralph  is  now
         heading "under motorsail and poor weather conditions"  to  Vanuatu.
         He will be sailing those  waters  for  a  couple  of  months,  with
         tentative plans to be active  as  YJ0RK  from  the  Torres  Islands
         (OC-110) and the Banks Islands (OC-104). QSL via NR6M. [TNX NR6M]
YN     - EA1ACP, EA1DVY, EA5FX, EA5HPX, EA5KM and EA7FTR will be  active  as
         H7H from Nicaragua on 1-16 October. They will operate SSB,  CW  and
         RTTY on 160-6 metres. QSL via EB7DX  and  LoTW.  An  OQRS  will  be
         available for direct and bureau cards. Further information  can  be
         found at

CENTRAL AMERICA TRIP ---> Rick, AI5P will be visiting  Panama,  El  Salvador
and  Nicaragua between 31 August and  23  September.  Plans  are  to operate
holiday  style as HP1/AI5P (31 August-6 September),YS1/AI5P (6-12 September)
and YN2PX (12-23 September). QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]

HIMALAYAN TRIP  --->  Pekka,  OH2YY  will  be  active  as  9N2YY  (requested
call, to be confirmed upon arrival) from Nepal on 2-5 October,  and as A52YY
from Bhutan on 6-10 October. He expects to be QRV on 20-10 metres SSB mostly
during  his  evenings  and  night  hours, running 100 wats into dipoles. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau, and LoTW. [TNX OH2YY]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

AFRICAN STATES ---> "As part of the on-going research and  documentation  of
callsign history since 1945 for Club Log, and  to  aid  the  fine-tuning  of
Club Log's  DXCC  entity  mapping,  I  have  spent  some  considerable  time
researching and documenting the history of prefix changes in  Africa",  Alan
5B4AHJ says. Go to and search
for 'African states - independence dates and prefix changes'. "This is quite
a  substantial document, pulling together information from a wide variety of
sources.  Although I have checked the document as carefully as I can, it  is
possible that it contains some errors. Please advise if you find any".

DXCC NEWS ---> TX5K (Clipperton Island, 2013 operation)  has  been  approved
for DXCC credit. If you've had this rejected in a prior application, send  a
note to bmoore[@] to be placed on the list for  an  update  to  your
record. Please note the submission date and/or reference  number  where  the
rejection was noted to expedite the search for any rejected QSOs. [TNX NC1L]

QSCOPE ---> Yan, XV4Y is working on a new project called QScope.  It  is  an
online application that provides statistics and charts  from  amateur  radio
logs (ADIF and Cabrillo).While designed with contesting  in  mind,  most  of
the statistics will be useful for DXpeditions and DXers alike.  Registration
and access to the website ( are free.

QSL VIA HA3JB ---> Gabor is the new QSL manager  for  A41PB  and  HC8/G8OFQ.
QSL direct only (Kutasi Gabor, Siofok, Koch R. u. 10/A I/4, 8600,  Hungary).
An OQRS can be found at

QSL VIA PG5M ---> Gerben, PG5M has enabled an  Online  QSL  Request  Service
for direct and bureau cards on  his  website  (  The
OQRS can be used for 3D2GM, 9M2/PG5M, 9M2/PG5M/6,  9Q5MA,  C56M,  PA0GAM/9L,
PA0GAM/OH0,  PA0GAM/OH0/OJ0,  PG5M/BA4RF,  PJ2/PG5M,  ST2X,  SV9/PG5M,  T2G,
T30GM, V8FGM and VK9GA, as well as for Gerben's upcoming operations as  T8GM
and V6G [425DXN 1157].

QSL VIA W5UE ---> Randy, W5UE now has an online  log  search  and  OQRS  web
Application ( for many of the stations
he manages.  Logs currently online include  9V1YC, 9V9HQ, AK6W, EY3M, EY8ZE,
HC8GR, HC8N, NA5NN and  ZP5YW. 9V1YC's  upcoming  DXpedtion to  Laos (XW1YC)
will also be supported, with daily updates.

YC9MLL ---> Leo, YC9MLL will  be  leaving  Flores  Island  (OC-151)  in  2-3
months' time. "I will try to keep Flores on the air as long as  I  can",  he
says. Island chasers who need  OC-151  might  want  to  contact  Leo  (email
address on and arrange a sked with him. QSL via M0OXO. [TNX K3EST]


QSLs received direct or through managers:  3C0E,  3C6A,  3DA0TM,  4O/UA3RF/p
(EU-163), 5W0NM, 5X8C, 6O3A, 6Y5/G3SWH, 8Q7DV, 8Q7KP,9M2FB (AS-074),  9X0ZM,
BP0A (AS-103), D2QR, D64K, EA9UG, ER7HQ,  EX8MLE,  F5VHY,  FO/UT6UD  (OC-027
and  OC-050),  H40T,  H44AJ  (OC-285),  H44G,  HC3/DL5YWM   (SA-034),  HD8A,
HK0/F6BFH,  HK1/F6BFH,  J28AA,  J75PX,  J85K,   JG8NQJ/JD1,    JT1CO,  K1VSJ
(NA-046), KH6FOC, LA5O (EU-076), LT5X (SA-049), OH1TD (EU-096), OJ0R,  PJ4V,
RI1ANU, ST2SF, T49C, T6T, TA1ED/0  (AS-154),  TK9R,  TM1F  (EU-095),  TO5PX,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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