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24 August 2013                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1164
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B8    - Darren, G0TSM will  be  active  holiday  style  as  3B8/G0TSM  from
         Mauritius Island (AF-049) on 18-28 September. He hopes  to  operate
         SSB, CW and RTTY for 2-3  hours  a  day,  running  100  watts  into
         simple wire antennas on 40-10 metres and  a  2-element  quad  on  6
         metres. The log will be uploaded to LOTW and Club  Log  during  the
         holiday. As for QSLling, please  use  the  OQRS  on  Club  Log  for
         bureau or direct cards, and refrain from sending paper  QSLs.  Also
         requests for bureau cards can be made via email  (daz[@]
         [TNX G0TSM]
3B9    - Verona DX Team's members Lucio I3LDP, Walter  I3VJW,  Alex  IK5MIC,
         Rony IZ3KIF and  Ilario  IZ3STA  will  be  active  as  3B9EME  from
         Rodrigues Island (AF-017) on 2-13 September. They will operate  CW,
         SSB and digital modes on 160-6 metres with two  stations,  as  well
         as EME on 50, 144 e 432 MHz. QSL via I3LDP. Further information  at
9A     - Jan, PA4JJ will be active holiday  style  as  9A/PA4JJ  from  Porec
         (Croatian mainland) from 26 August to 4 September.  Expect  him  to
         operate  mainly  digital  modes.  QSL  via  home  call  (OQRS    on [TNX PA4JJ]
9M2    - The Malaysian Special Expedition  Team  (
         will be active again as 9M2SE from  Indah  Island  (AS-074)  on  31
         August until 9 UTC on 1 September. The activity is  in  celebration
         of the 56th  anniversary  of  Malaysia's  indipendence.  They  will
         operate CW and SSB on  40-10  metres,  running  100  watts  into  a
         vertical and a tribander yagi. QSL details on [TNX 9M2PJU]
BY     - CAMSAT (AMSAT China) will hold "a big DX party" from the  outskirts
         of the city  of  Dunhuang  in  northwestern  China  (Zone  23,  WWL
         NM79aw) on 19-28 October. Alan, BA1DU and a  very  large  group  of
         operators coming from all over the  country  will  be  active  with
         four well equipped stations: one for 2 and 6  metres,  one  for  70
         centimetres and two for  160-10  metres.  Meteor  Scatter  and  EME
         activity will be emphasized (this  will  include  participation  in
         the ARRL EME Contest), as well activity on the low  bands.  Special
         callsign BJ9TA will be used for operating above 50 MHz and  on  the
         low bands, while BY9GA/9 will be used for the other bands  and  for
         participation in the CQ WW SSB Contest. QSL via BA1DU. [TNX BA1DU]
EA     - Manolo, EA5HJY will be active on SSB and digital  modes  as  EG5VCE
         during the 68th Vuelta Ciclista a Espana, the  long  distance  road
         bicycle race (Tour of Spain) to  be  held  from  24  August  to  15
         September. QSL via bureau to EA7HBC.
EA     - Gabriel, EA3AKA and Manel, EA3EGB will be  active  as  EF3EGB  from
         the Medas Islands (EU-078) from 30 August to 2 Septmber. They  plan
         to operate SSB, CW and RTTY on the HF bands and 6 metres  with  two
         stations. QSL via EA3EGB. [TNX]
FO    -  Jean-Marc,   F5LCI  is   working   on  Hao  Atoll  (OC-066), French
         Polynesia until 8 November. He  operates QRP as  FO/F5LCI  on 40-10
         CW and JT65-JT9. QSL direct to home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
GW     - Derek, G3KHZ and  Steve,  G4EDG  operated  from  St  Tudwal's  West
         Island (EU-106) back in May 2006. Since  then  the  owner  of  this
         private island has not allowed anyone to visit. "We are pleased  to
         announce that the two of us have been given special  permission  to
         make a repeat trip", Derek says. "Dates are not finalised  yet  but
         we will probably be QRV  for  3  or  4  days  commencing  around  6
         September". Expect GW3KHZ/p to be a  CW  only  operation.  QSL  via
         G3KHZ. [TNX G3KHZ]
HC     - Mauro, IZ1DPS is active as HC/IZ1DPS  from  Ecuador  until  January
         2014. So far he has been QRV on 20, 17 and 15 metres  CW.  QSL  via
HC8    - Geoff, G8OFQ is active as  HC8/G8OFQ  from  the  Galapagos  Islands
         (SA-004) until the end of September. He operates SSB only on  40-10
         metres, "between 22.00 and 06.00  UTC  during  the  week  and  long
         during the weekends". QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
I      - The Calabria DX Team will be active as II8LH from  the  lighthouses
         at Capo Spartivento on 24 August and at Capo Trionto on  the  25th.
         QSL via HB9FHZ (bureau) or IK8YFU (direct), LoTW and eQSL.
J3     - JA1MZL (AE6AU), JH1ROJ (KG8XV), JJ1LIB (N1GO), JN1RVS  (K6NAO)  and
         JN3NFQ (K1GI) will be active from Grenada on 21-29  November.  They
         plan to operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10 metres, and  to
         participate in the CQ WW CW Contest. "We are negotiating with  NTRC
         to obtain the special event call  sign  for  our  operation",  Isao
         JH1ROJ says. A dedicated website is  under  construction.  QSL  via
         JA1HGY (OQRS to be activated on Club Log) and LoTW. [TNX JH1ROJ]
JY     - Jovica, E78A  (ex  6W1SJ,  9K2/T94FC,  ST0RM,  ST2A,  T94FC,  T98A,
         TT8JT) is now active as  JY9FC  from  Amman,  Jordan.  He  operates
         mainly CW with sine SSB and digital modes during  his  spare  time.
         QSL via E73Y, direct or bureau (OQRS to be activated on Club  Log).
         [TNX E73Y]
PA     - Fred, PA1FJ  will  be  active  as  SV8/PA1FJ/p  from  Chios  Island
         (EU-049) from 29 August to 9 September.  He  will  operate  QRP  on
         40-6 metres  SSB  and  CW.  QSL  via  bureau  to  home  call.  [TNX]
PA     - Look for Marcel, PD5MVH to be active on the HF  bands  as  PD5MVH/p
         from  Schiermonnikoog  Island  (EU-038)  from  31  August  and   14
         September. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [TNX VA3RJ]
VE     - Bodo, DF8DX will be active as VE7/DF8DX from Bowen Island  (NA-091)
         on 25-26 August. He will operate  CW  only.  QSL  via  DF8DX.  [TNX]
W      - Bodo, DF8DX will be active as KT3Q/7 from  Vashon  Island  (NA-065)
         on 24 August. He will operate CW only, loof for  him  around  14040
         kHz. QSL via DF8DX. [TNX]
YB     - Reportedly Kadek, YB9BU might be  active  as  YB9BU/8,  along  with
         YB8RW/p and YC8TM/p, from Gangga Island (OC-236) between 30  August
         and 2 September.
YB     - The schedule for a few forthcoming IOTA operations  from  Indonesia
         looks a bit fluid.
         * On 17 August JN6RZM reported that after the operations  from IOTA
         groups OC-122 (YE5T, 28 August - 1 September) and OC-109 (YE5S, 4-8
         September) [425DXN 1162],  YB5NOF  had  plans  to  be  active  from
         Anambas Island (OC-108) around mid-September.
         * On 20 August Imam, YB4IR reported on  that  he and a team
         from  ORARI will  be active as YE5R from Anambas Island (OC-108) on
         15-20 September.
         * On 23 August YB5NOF told  JN6RZM  that,  owing to  transportation
         issues, the new itineary should be OC-122, then OC-108  followed by
         Keep an eye on JN6RZM's blog ( and
         on the DX cluster!
YB     - Look for YF1AR/9, YB0AI/9 and YB3MM/9  to  be  active  from  Kimaam
         Island (aka Pulau Yos Sudarso, Pulau Dolok,  Pulau  Dolak,  Kolepom
         Island and Frederik Hendrik Island), claimed  to  qualify  for  the
         Irian Jaya's Coastal Islands  South  group  (OC-275,  new  one  for
         IOTA) on 10-16 September. They will operate  SSB,  CW  and  digital
         modes on 40-10 metres, with two stations running 100 watts and  one
         station running 1 kW. QSL YF1AR/9 via N2OO, QSL  YB0AI/9  via  home
         call (direct), QSL YB3MM/9  see  Further  information  at [TNX YF1AR]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5C0CE ---> The 20-21 August 5C0CE activity [425DXN 1161]  has  been  blocked
at the last minute by Moroccan authorities, F6FQK  reports.  The  reason  is
unknown. This was expected to be an operation organized by  the  Council  of
Europe Radio Amateur Club in partnership with  the  Association  Royale  des
Radio-Amateurs du Maroc.

9M6DXX GOING QRT ---> "After more than eight  years  in  Malaysia,  my  wife
Eva, 9M6EVA, and I have decided to move on to another part of the world.  We
leave Malaysia on 1 November, therefore 9M6DXX will  go  QRT  some  time  in
October. 9M8Z has already closed down; the last QSO from  that  station  was
made in the RSGB IOTA Contest in July. We will be moving to Bonaire  and  we
hope to be active with PJ4 callsigns before  the  end  of  the  year".  [TNX

CLUB LOG OQRS SURVEY ---> The results from the  survey  about  bureau  cards
and online QSL requests [425DXN 1159] are now available on  G7VJR's  website

DXCC NEWS ---> D2CT (Angola, 2013 operation)  has  been  approved  for  DXCC
credit. [TNX NC1L]

DXPEDITION OF THE YEAR POLL ---> The Clipperton  DX  Club's  "DXpedition  of
the  Year"  poll  for  2012-13  is  now  open    until    8    September  at  The  operations  selected  for  the  poll   are  those
supported by the Club and with at least one CDXC member in  the  team.  [TNX

TX5K ---> "The QSL manager has informed me that the goal date for TX5K  LoTW
upload is 1 October". [TNX KY6R]

VK5CE/P ---> Craig, VK5CE has  posted  a  day  by  day  account  and  a  few
pictures  of his recent activity as VK5CE/p from  Flinders  Island  (OC-261)
on his blog ( QSL via home  call,  direct  or

XZ1Z ---> The logsearch  and  OQRS  for  the  13-16  August  operation  from
Myanmar are now available on Club Log. 2313 QSOs were  made  on  20m  (1356)
and 17 (957) metres SSB.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8FA       NI5DX       EH7FDM      EA7DN       PY2VA       I8LWL
3Z2LH       SQ2WHH      EI0CAR      EI4JR       R100RQA     RN1ON
3Z3P        SQ9PPO      EI0LHL      EI4GXB      R290ECH     RD9CX
4A1TD       XE1GZU      EJ4INIS     EI8DD       R290ELE     RX9CBS
4K20RO      4K6RO       EJ9FBB      EI9FBB      R290EOC     RU9CZ
4L6QC       LZ1OT       EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      R290EOR     RU9CK
4O7CC       UA4CC       EM110U      US5UFF      R290EVI     RV9CQ
5T0JL       ON8RA       EM70LI      UT3LI       R290EZH     RW9CC
6V7O        F8DFP       EN1025UB    UR5UB       R70DON      R6MI
7S0SFJ      SK0QO       EN1IFF      UR3IQT      R70TAR      RW6MK
7S5LH       SM5ZCI      EO73U       UT7UU       R863LX      RW3LX
7X2GK       IK2DUW      ER4DX       RA4LW       RI1FJ       UA2FM
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       ET3AA       N2OO        RO70BK      R6MI
7Z1TT       NI5DX       FK8GX       W3HNK       RO70DZ      UA6LKW
8P9AZ       WB2JUF      GB0NHL      GM0TKB      RO70EL      RZ6LY
8S0C        SM0MPV      GB1DLH      GB1FBS      RO70KS      R6MR
8S6VAN      SM6JSM      GB2CAS      MM5PSL      RO70NC      UA6LUF
8S7GL       SK7CA       GB2ELH      MM5PSL      RO70RO      RL6LP
9A281CRT    9A7R        GB2LBN      GM4UYZ      RO70SK      UA6LJG
9A8WTV      IZ5WTV      GB4WIL      G4USW       RW0AJ       W3HNK
9H3MMM      KE1B        GB5PSL      2E0ZDX      S21R        N4VA
9H3NN       W6NN        GC0OBS      G4WMH       S521EB      S58Q
9K2GS       EA5KB       H40IOTA     NR6M        S544EB      S54G
9M2CNC      G4ZFE       H44J        JA0AOA      S546EB      S50E
9M2MI       9M2YOT      HA21WFF     HA6PJ       SD7V        DL2VFR
9M2QQ       DF5UG       HA5BTA      F6BAT       SF6LGT      SK6NL
9M4LHC      9M2RDX      HA75KBF     HA5KBF      SN0LIW      SP5SMY
9M4LHJ      9W2BUG      HC2AO       RC5A        SN0ROZ      SP2GCE
9M4LHM      9M8WAT      HC2IOH      IK2OHG      SN16LH      SP1ZZ
9M4LHN      9W2PD       HC2SL       HD2A        SN2NP       SP2BIK
9M8DX/2     SP5UAF      HF450NS     SP3KEY      SN330VW     SP9KJU
9N1AA       N4AA        HF7BOL      SQ9NIU      SO1CC       DL1CC
9V1YC       W5UE        HG3IPA      HA3JB       SO1RE       DK8RE
9X0ZM       JO1CRA      HP2TP       HP1RCP      SV5/EM5F    UR5FAV
AO8LH       EA8AKN      HP3AK       W4JS        T40C        EA7FTR
AT13LH      VU2JHM      HS0ZGD      LA7JO       T49C        K8SIX
C31CT       EA3QS       HV0A        IK0FVC      T6MH        W2GR
C5WP        ON7WP       HZ1PS       IZ8CLM      TM0LHG      PA0HEL
CE0ZOL      CE3RAC      HZ1XB       IZ8CLM      TM20RSX     F5KFL
CE2SQE      EA5KB       II1L        IQ1GE       TM57YL      F-11734
CM3DSE      RW6HS       IL3V        I3BQC       TM5CVA      F5TLF
CN2LW       HB9EOU      IQ8IS       IZ8AWQ      TM5CX       F5NED
CN8PA       EA7FTR      JY5MM       IK2DUW      TM5SIA      F5KCC
CP4DL       KD7TO       JY9FC       E73Y        TU5DF       F5SWB
CQ7GIL      CS1AAM      KF7QCZ/KH2  JP1HUJ      V25SB       N1BKB
CQ7LW       CT1EWA      KH0/K3BI    JJ3AZA      V31MA       M0OXO
CR5FB       CT2IUB      KP4LH       KP4UNO      V31PA/p     DL1CW
CR5LSV      CT5KAO      LA190B      LA1B        V55V        DJ8VC
CR6FNA      CT1MH       LY777A      LY5A        VK5CWL      VK5PAS
CR6LH       CT1GZB      LZ2013IPA   LZ3HI       VK7LH       VK3KLB
CS2HNI      CT1RVM      MC0NSC      GW0VSW      XQ1FM       EA5GL
CU6GRP      CU6AB       OR9W/p      ON4CB       XU7TZG      ON7PP
CV1T        EA5KB       OU1RAEM     DF5LW       XV5HS       EA5ZD
CV5A        CX2ABC      OV6ZM       DL6LZM      XW0YJY      E21EIC
CW5X        CX2ABC      OX5YL       PA5YL       XZ1Z        JH1AJT
CX2DK       EA5GL       OZ13LH      DL1UWE      YB8HZ       YB8BRI
D7G         6L0NJ       OZ6SYL      OZ7AGR      YF1AR/1     N2OO
E44PM       HB9IQB      P29FR       I2RFJ       YI1RZ       IK2DUW
E6ST        EA5GL       P29NO       EA5GL       YW5X        DM4TI
EG1SAU      EA1HNP      PA25SCH     PD2RKG      Z21LS       DE1ZHB
EG3RD       EA3GYT      PA6SAIL     PA3GEO      Z21MA       PA3HHT
EG7FPM      EA7RCM      PA800GTB    PA1BM       ZB2LGT      ZB2JK
EG8HKT      EA8RCK      PJ2/IW1FC   IZ1MLQ      ZM4B        ZL2BR
EH1LHA      EA1RKA      PJ2L        EB7DX       ZS8Z        ZS1HF

C31CT    Salvador Carol Tafall, Josep Calvet 64 Nave 6, 08302 Mataro
         (Barcelona), Spain
CX2ABC   Lupo Bano Negreira, P.O. Box 950, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay
DM4TI    Udo Soeldner, Grenzweg 10, 99610 Wundersleben, Germany
E73Y     Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
EG1CDT   Radio Club Hercules, Apartado Postal 6060, 15011 A Coruna, Spain
HB9IQB   Perikles Monioudis, Hohlstrasse 86 B, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
JH1AJT   Y. Zorro Miyazawa, P.O. Box 8, Oiso-machi, Naka-Gun,  Kanagawa-ken,
         259-0111, Japan
NR6M     Rex Turvin, 18040 W Banning Street, Casa Grande AZ 85193, USA
PA5YL    Chantal Beer, Keulenheide 1, 6373 AP Landgraaf, The Netherlands
VK3VTH   Tony Hambling, P.O. Box 115, Williamstown VIC 3016, Australia
VK5CE    Craig Edwards, PO Box 2094, Middleton SA 5213, Australia
VK5PAS   Paul Simmonds, P.O. Box 401, Blackwood SA 5251, Australia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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