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18 May 2013                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1150
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CT     - Special event station CS25ARVM will  be  active  on  20-26  May  to
         celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Associacao  de  Radioamadores
         da Vila de Moscavide/Radioamadores do Concelho de Loures.  Activity
         will be on 10, 15, 20, 40  and  80  metres  SSB  and  CW.  QSL  via
         CT1RVM. [TNX ARVM]
CT9    - DL8LAS, DL9EE and DK9IP will  participate  in  the  CQ  WW  WPX  CW
         Contest as CR3L ( from Madeira  Island  (AF-014).  Look
         for them to be active (also  on  RTTY)  as  CT9/homecall  two  days
         before the contest. [TNX DK9IP]
DL     - Sebastian, DL1AXX will be active as DL1AXX/p  from  Baltrum  Island
         (EU-047) on 20-26 May. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
DL     - Harald, DJ2II will be  active  as  DJ2II/p  from  Langeness  Island
         (EU-042) on 21-29 May. He plans to operate  SSB  and  CW  on  80-10
         metres. QSL via home  call,  direct  ore  bureau,  and  LoTW.  [TNX]
GJ     - Seven Belgians (ON4ACP, ON4ANN, ON4CAU, ON4CCV, ON8CW,  ON4CKM  and
         ON6MI) will be active as MJ/ON6NB from Jersey on  24-30  May.  They
         will operate SSB, CW and PSK on 160-2 metres with  an  emphasis  on
         the higher  bands.  QSL  via  ON4ANN,  direct  or  bureau.  Further
         information  at  [TNX
HL     - Look for DS4DRE/4 to be QRV from Hajo  Island  (AS-060)  until  the
         end of the year. He operates SSB and CW on 80-10  metres.  QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau.
I      - Special event station II9SUB will be active on 20-26  May  for  the
         50th Convention of the International Community  of  Submariners  to
         be held in Catania. QSL via IT9MRM.
OH0    - Look for Hans OH0/PA0VHA, Steve  OH0/PA2A,  Wim  OH0/PA2AM,  Martin
         OH0/PA2VMA, Wil OH0/PA3ALK and Jack OH0/PA3BAG to  be  active  from
         Eckero, Aland Islands (EU-002) from 25 May to  7  June.  They  will
         operate SSB, CW and RTTY on the HF bands, and will also give  2m  a
         try. [TNX]
PJ4    - John K4BAI, Roger N4RR and David NA2AA will participate in  the  CQ
         WW WPX CW Contest from Bonaire (SA-006). They will be signing  PJ4A
         (SOAB  40m),  PJ4R  (SOAB  15m)  and  PJ4G  (SOAB  10    or    20m)
         respectively. Before the contest they will use PJ4/homecall on  all
         bands. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
SV     - Boyko, LZ1QN and  others  will  be  active  as  SV8/homecalls  from
         Zakynthos Island (EU-052) on 19-27 May. They  will  participate  in
         the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as SW8LZ (QSL via LZ1QN). [TNX NG3K]
VE     - Ron,  VA3RVK   has   been  granted  the  special  callsign XL3T  to
         commemorate  the  100th  Anniversary  of  the    Canadian    Arctic
         Expedition (1913-1916). Look for him to be QRV  on  all  bands  and
         modes between 24 May and 23 June, including an entry  in  the  CQWW
         WPX CW Contest. QSL via VA3RVK. [TNX VA3RJ]
VK     - Special event call VI103WIA will be active on  23-27  May  for  the
         Wireless  Institute  of  Australia  AGM  and  National   Conference
         (  that  will  be  held  in    Freemantle
         (Western Australia). [TNX Southgate ARC]
YB     - The 22-26 May YE8P operation from the Togian Islands [425DXN  1148]
         has been cancelled. [TNX JN6RZM]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CQ 2013 HALL OF FAMERS ---> CQ Magazine announced on 17 May  the  2013  Hall
of Fame inductees. The CQ Amateur Radio Hall  of  Fame  was  established  in
January 2001 to  recognize  individuals  -  radio  amateurs  or  not  -  who
significantly affected the  course  of  Amateur  Radio,  as  well  as  radio
amateurs who have made significant contributions either  to  amateur  radio,
to their professional careers or  to  some  other  aspect  of  life  on  our
planet.  This  year's  inductees  are:  Evelyn  Garrison  (WS7A,  SK),  Joel
Kleinman (N1BKE, SK), Laurie Margolis (G3UML/GPC3L),  Michael  Owen  (VK3KI,
SK), Harry Rubinstein (ex-9EEV, SK),  Walker  Tompkins  (K6ATX),  Joe  Walsh
(WB6ACU) and William G. (Bill) Welsh (W6DDB, SK).
The CQ Contest Hall of Fame (established in 1986) and  the  CQ  DX  Hall  of
Fame (established in 1967) honour those  amateurs  who  not  only  excel  in
personal performance in these major areas of amateur  radio,  but  who  also
"give back" to the hobby in outstanding ways. This year's inductees  in  the
CQ Contest HoF are Dale Green (VE7SV) and Charles "Chas"  Fulp  (K3WW).  The
2013 inductees to the CQ  DX  HoF  are  Vladimir  Bykov  (UA4WHX/AC4LN)  and
Robert "Gary" Dixon (K4MQG).

DXCC NEWS ---> Over the years some applicants  have  had  TI9CCC  for  Cocos
Island rejected in their DXCC application  mostly  due  to  "Incorrect  Date
Period". The issue with the dates for this operation have been resolved.  If
you had this operation rejected, and your confirmation falls  between  15-28
February 1984, send an e-mail to bmoore[@] to be placed on the  list
for an update to your record. Also approved for DXCC is 9G5EME (Ghana,  2013
operation). [TNX NC1L]

HEARD ISLAND 2015 ---> The expedition to Heard Island has  been  rescheduled
for January 2015. "The primary reason for this  decision  was  the  cost  of
using the preferred vessel, the Marion Dufresne to put  the  team  on  Heard
Island for the  required  time.  In  spite  of  extensive  negotiations  and
rescheduling of the cruise, it became clear that  the  cost  of  using  this
vessel will exceed $1 million, and therefore the total cost for the  project
would be about $1.5 million, as we noted earlier. In spite of  our  plan  to
increase the team size to 50 (which the M-D can  accommodate)  to  partially
cover this cost, we reluctantly concluded that  sponsorship  at  this  level
would be impossible. We have therefore decided to delay  the  expedition  to
January 2015, to allow more time to restructure the project, locate  a  more
suitable vessel, and bring the cost more in line  with  projected  available
One of the benefits of this  rescheduling/restructuring  is  that  "we  will
plan for amateur radio operations to be carried out over a longer  time,  up
to 30 or more days". A new radio team will be  assembled:  "the  budget  for
the restructured project will likely be significantly less  than  $500k.  We
plan for a total team of 12-15 persons, and we  will  solicit  team  members
with  experience,  motivation,  and  multiple  skills".  Read  the  complete
announcement on

LOTW SOFTWARE ---> The ARRL will release a new version of Trusted  QSL,  the
open-source development project responsible for developing  and  maintaining
the three Logbook  of  the  World  (LoTW)  client-side  applications:  TQSL,
TQSLCert and  the  TrustedQSL  library.  After  six  weeks  of  public  beta
testing, version 1.14 is ready for official release and  will  be  available
for download from the ARRL website beginning Monday, May 20.
Version 1.14 includes these new features:
- Log files can be signed and uploaded over the  internet  to  LoTW  in  one
- Errors in Station Locations are reported (for example,  incorrect  CQ  and
  ITU zones).
- QSOs that need not be  re-submitted  ("duplicates")  are  brought  to  the
  user's attention.
- Error reporting has been improved.
- Installation on Windows has been improved.
- Users are notified when a new version becomes available.
- Documentation has been improved.
Upgrading to version 1.14 is not mandatory, but  is  encouraged.  Users  who
choose not to upgrade will not  be  able  to  access  the  new  features  in
version 1.14, but they will still be able  to  upload  logs  into  the  LoTW

QSL OJ0W ---> All of the oustanding QSOs (August-September 2012)  have  been
confirmed automatically via the bureau. If a direct card  is  still  needed,
send it to Pasi, OH3WS. [TNX OH3WS]

WRTC 2014 ---> "We have implemented a new  WRTC2014  volunteer  and  contact
management database. We will use this to find people  with  skills/interests
that  match  our  needs":

XZ1K ---> Simon, HS0ZIB is active as XZ1K [425DXN 1148] on 20 metres  PSK-31
from Kawthaung, Myanmar during the weekends. QSOs can be checked and  direct
cards can be requested at  "LOTW  is  not
yet available", he says.  "I  submitted  documents  to  the  ARRL  for  DXCC
approval on 30 April, but although the package is shown as delivered to  the
ARRL I have had no feedback". Check his page for updates.

Z81X ---> "As Amateur Radio is only provisionally regulated in South  Sudan,
the  Radio  Arcala  Fellowship  Group  of  Finland  (OH8X)  was   granted  a
provisional license (Z81X) to facilitate operating events during  visits  by
the project representatives. We expect that Z81X will be  activated  several
times during the course of this project, notably on low bands  and  in  CQWW
The initial Z81X activity, with one radio only,  was  concluded  on  15  May
with more than 20,000 QSOs (Europe 43%, North America  29%  and  Asia  26%).
Olli, OH0XX and Martti, OH2BH have now returned home. "As the entire project
is carried out on  a  voluntary basis, the group will accept donations to be
used solely for offsetting  direct project expenses incurred in South Sudan.
Club Log  OQRS  is  now  active  for  QSL  requests (bureau  or  direct) and
project  support".  Read the complete  "Project Goodwill South Sudan Interim
Report" at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A2CWG      3A2LF       IB3C        I3FIY       RP68MC      R8MC
3G3O        CE3OPE      IF9A        IT9ATF      RP68MG      RG3R
3G3P        CE3PG       II3AC       IK3GES      RP68MS      R6MI
3V8SS       LX1NO       II3VFF      IV3FIV      RP68NF      RL3DV
3W3B        E21EIC      II9K        IT9HBT      RP68OP      RA1AL
3Z70RWP     SP5ZRW      IQ9SY       IT9DAA      RP68OT      R4RT
4A1TD       XE1GZU      J28NC       F5RQQ       RP68PP      RK3ZWA
4L4WW       EA7FTR      J49C        SV9COL      RP68RG      RK9CR
4L8A        K1BV        JY4CI       K2AX        RP68RW      RN3ZR
4O7ML       DL3ML       JY8KS       IZ8CLM      RP68SB      RN4ABD
5B4ALB      RT9T        K0FOC       W0ZR        RP68SK      RC4AC
5C5W        EA5XX       K2FOC       WB2YQH      RP68SO      RW3ZC
5N7M        OM3CGN      K6FOC       W6IJ        RP68SW      UA1CFX
5Z4/EA4ATI  EA4YK       K7FOC       AC2K        RP68T       R2PT
7Z1BL       IZ8CLM      KH2L        W3HNK       RP68TO      R1CN
7Z1TT       NI5DX       LA75FOC     LA4XX       RP68UF      RV9WB
8Q7EJ       G3VDB       LX8RTTY     LX1DA       RP68VA      UA3LIU
8S0ITU      SK0CC       LZ125VZ     LZ1KLR      RP68W       RM3Q
9A33P       9A2NA       LZ20TRC     LZ1YE       RP68ZK      RN3RQ
9A8NXC      IZ3NXC      MJ/OT1S     ON6EF       RT27AA      RA4PCP
9H3ZU       F4CZU       MS0RWR      G7TCW       RT27TT      RT4RO
9M2TO       JA0DMV      N0MLW/KH2   JK3NSD      RT27WW      RT4RO
9M6XRO      M0URX       N4FOC       W4CK        RU27AR      UA1OJL
9M6ZAE      W3HNK       OF3I        OH3BHL      RU27FJ      RN4HFJ
A52SV       JA2PSV      OH0CO       SM6CCO      RU27FW      RC9F
A61Q        EA7FTR      OM60DAT     OM4CI       RU27LU      UA4L
A61ZZ       IZ8CLM      ON44NUTS    ON4RCA      RU27ON      RN1ON
AN7EUR      EA7NL       OW75FOC     G3SWH       RU27WB      RV9WB
C6AGN       W1DIG       P29CS       M0URX       RU27WN      RX9WN
CN8KD       EA5XX       P29NO       EA5GL       S545DSW     S51DSW
CO8LY       EA7ADH      PA6DEZWAAN  PA7ZEE      SF0530COH   SM0PSO
CP4BT       EA5KB       PA6STAR     PA3JD       SF3HF       SM3NXS
CP6AA       IK6SNR      PA6WACHTER  PA2PCH      SN100PSP    SP5YOW
CP6XE       IK6SNR      PA6WMDD     PA3GGD      SP0CFF      SP2FAP
D2EB        IZ3ETU      PA75FOC     PA5V        SU8N        SM5AQD
D2QR        RW6HS       PD13MILL    PD7BZ       SU9AF       UA3DX
D3AA        UA1QV       PG64HOOP    PA9F        SW5FOC      G2JL
E51AAO      ZL1AAO      PH600NYK    PA0RSM      SX5KL       SV2FWV
E51FOC      ZL2AGY      PJ4NX       M0URX       T42T        HA3JB
EA6/G3SZU   M0OXO       PJ7MF       IZ1MHY      T6T         RW6HS
EG3FTV      EA3BDE      R135TU      RW9HYY      TJ3AY       F5LGE
EH6ITU      EA6QY       R1ASP       RA1AD       TJ9EM       HB9TYH
EH7ITU      EA7NL       R27AHA      UA3AHA      TM11G       F5TLN
EH8DDC      EA8RKL      R27CGY      RA0CGY      TM35KOP     F6KOP
EH8ITU      EA8ED       R27CLK      UA1CLK      TM3B        ON8AZ
EJ7NET      HB9ASZ      R27NBA      UA4NBA      TM5BIN      F8BFU
EM0I        UT2IZ       R27ODR      RA9ODR      TM5FI       F5XX
EM100U      UT7UK       R27UFA      RM8W        TM64PAU     F6KDU
EM5GFF      US7GH       R27VLG      RZ4AG       TM75FOC     F6HKA
EM70LL      UX4LL       R73ASP      RA3TYL      TO1PF       FR1GZ
EM7AAA      UT1AN       R75FOC      R6AF        TR8CA       F6CBC
EN1IFF      UR3IQT      RA27AA      RA9DZ       UE70C       RX3F
EO5JFF      UU1JN       RA27AX      RK6AX       UK8OWW      4Z5OG
ER52MOM     ER3BI       RA27DR      RA4DR       UN9GD       DL8KAC
EV196VTAP   EW8LL       RA27DX      R1DX        UP0L        DL8KAC
EW6GF       DL8KAC      RA27FM      R9FM        V73NS       W3HNK
FM5CD       F5VU        RA27HW      RM4HW       VA3FOC      VE3BHZ
GB2QM       GM0GFL      RA27MI      R6MI        VE6FOC      VE6BF
GB2TMI      G3SDY       RA27MM      UA1ANA      VP2EAQ      KE1B
GB6MW       G4DFI       RA27WC      RA4WC       VP2EAR      W6NN
GB70DAM     M5ZZZ       RI1ANP      RN1ON       VQ975FOC    ND9M
GC4FOC      G3SWH       RI1ANU      ZS1OIN      VU3RWP      OE3ZKC
GH4FOC      G3SWH       RI1FJ       UA2FM       W1FOC       K1AJ
GJ3TXF      G3TXF       RP68B       RK3ZWA      W2FOC       N2KW
GP4FOC      G3SWH       RP68BA      RK3DYB      W3ANA/KH0   JH8XGS
GS3PYE/p    M0VFC       RP68BR      UA3YY       W3FOC       KR3E
H70ORO      TI4SU       RP68DM      UA4L        W5FOC       K5NA
HA1973BA    HA5BA       RP68DT      RV9CQ       W6FOC       W6CYX
HA8VV       DH8VV       RP68EL      RV3LF       W9FOC       W9RGB
HB9A        HB9JOE      RP68GA      RV3YR       XE1B        EB7DX
HC2AO       RC5A        RP68GK      RK3SWS      XV1X        RW6HS
HC2IWM/8    DL5YWM      RP68GT      RW3DVV      YB2LSR      SM3DBU
HC2SL       HD2A        RP68IF      RG2G        YB3MM/p     IZ8CCW
HD8A        HC2AQ       RP68IZ      RY2S        YB8P        YB5NOF
HF2013MAJ   SP9PDG      RP68K       RK3WWA      YB8RW/p     YB9BU
HF700S      SP9EMI      RP68KL      UA4AJD      YB9/WK1S    JA1PBV
HF85ZDH     SP2ZCI      RP68KO      RA3VLO      ZP5TNT      EA5GL
HG52FC      HA5BSW      RP68KR      UA9XL       ZP6DYA      K2DER
HH2/EK6KB   K6EID       RP68KT      RZ1AWA      ZP9EH       K5WW
HI3K        KB2MS       RP68LK      UA9JH       ZP9MCE      EA5ZD
HK1MW       K4AMW       RP68LS      RT9L        ZP9SC       EA5KB
HR5/F2JD    F6AJA       RP68M       RV3AGB      ZS8Z        ZS1HF
HZ1TT       IZ8CLM      RP68MB      RZ3FR       ZX5ZZ       PY5PDC

SM5AQD   Hakan Eriksson, Hovgarden, SE-740 10 Almunge, Sweden
SV2FWV   Takis Perrotis, 3 Metamorfoseos, 152 34 Chalandri, Greece
ON8AZ    Francis Balcaen, Heulebosstraat 33, 8501 Heule, Belgium
YE30P    P.O. Box 4245 JKTM, Jakarta 12700, Indonesia
ZL2AGY   Tony H. Marr, 8 Campbell Street, Hawera 4610, New Zealand
HC2AQ    Alberto Pincay, P.O. Box 09-01-5999, Guayaquil, Ecuador
OA1F     Elena P. Moran, c/ Luis de Requesens 4-A 3º-A, 15406 Ferrol (A
         Coruna), Spain
ZS1HF    Pierre D. Tromp, P.O Box 151, Worcester, 6849, South Africa
YB5NOF   John E. Daluas, P.O. Box 194/CPA, Ciputat, 15401, Indonesia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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