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27 April 2013                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1147
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3V     - The operators  and  clubs  participating  in  the  TS8TI  operation
         [425DXN 1137]  from  Djerba  Island  (AF-083)  are  3V8ESG,  3V8SA,
         3V8SF, 3V8ST, Leopoldo I8LWL,  Antonello  IK2DUW,  Stefano  IK6JRI,
         Fred IK7JWX, Ampelio IS0AGY, Rosy IW2NLC, Vincenzo  IZ8LFI,  Ashraf
         KF5EYY and Heathem  YI1UNH.  They  plan  to  operate  CW,  SSB  and
         digital modes on all bands, 6 metres  included,  between  30  April
         and 5 May. QSL via IK7JWX (for Italian stations, direct or  bureau)
         and via IK2DUW (rest of  the  world,  direct  or  bureau).  Further
         information  and  logsearch  at    [TNX
5B     - Gabriele, I2VGW will be active as  5B4/I2VGW  from  four  different
         locations along the coasts of Cyprus (AS-004) from 26  April  to  2
         May. As usual, he will focus on digital modes and  30,  17  and  12
         metres. QSL via home call.
5U     - Pierre, HB9AMO is active holiday style as 5U9AMO from  Niger  until
         30 May. He operates CW on 80-10 metres. QSL  via  M0URX  and  LoTW.
         Logsearch at
A3     - Vadym,  UT6UD  will  be  active  as  A35UD  from  Tongatapu  Island
         (OC-049) on 1-7 May. He will operate CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  on  40-10
         metres. QSL via UT6UD. [TNX NG3K]
CO     - Lazaro CO2WL, Gustavo CO2NO and Rene CO2RVA will be active as  T42T
         during the 47th Volta RTTY Contest (  on  11-12
         May. QSL via HA3JB. [TNX HA3JB]
E5_sc  - Bruce, ZL1AAO will be active as  E51AAO  from  Rarotonga  (OC-013),
         South Cook Islands on 3-17 May. He will operate  holiday  style  on
         40-10 metres SSB. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau,  plus  LoTW
         and eQSL. [TNX DX World]
F      - Tim ON5HC, Jurgen ON5MF, Patrick ON7PQ, Geert  ON7USB  and  Francis
         ON8AZ will be active as TM3B from  Batz  Island  (EU-105)  on  4-11
         May. They will operate SSB, CW and digital modes on  80-10  metres.
         QSL via ON8AZ, direct or bureau. Further information can  be  found
F      - A team of operators from the Radio-Club Vendeen will be  active  as
         F6KUF/p from Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) on 18-20  May.  They  will
         operate SSB, CW and RTTY with three stations on  80-2  metres.  QSL
         via F6KUF. [TNX F5TRO]
FT5Z   - This is the tentative schedule for  FT5ZM  [425DXN  1145]:  the  MV
         Braveheart will leave Freemantle (Australia) for  Amsterdam  Island
         on 15  January  2014.  The  journey  will  take  9  days,  with  an
         estimated arrival date  of  24  January.  Landing  operations  will
         commence as soon as the sea conditions and weather allow. Once  the
         team is ashore, they will have 18  days  to  set  up,  conduct  the
         DXpedition and tear down for departure. The team anticipates  being
         back in Fremantle by 23 February. Bookmark  for
         updates and further information.
G      - Special event callsigns  GB70BOA  (from  Fort  Perch  Rock  at  the
         Mersey entrance) and  GB70WA  (from  Leasowe  Lighthouse)  will  be
         activated on 20-27 May to commemorate the 70th anniversary  of  the
         Battle of the Atlantic in World War II. Look for activity on  80-10
         metres (as well as on 144 and 432 MHz) all modes. [TNX WB2YIP]
GJ     - David, ON4DN will  be  active  holiday  style  as  MJ/ON4DN/p  from
         Jersey (EU-013) on 6-9  May.  He  plans  to  operate  from  various
         lighthouses and WFF  references.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX ON4DN]
I      - ARI Siracusa will be active as IQ9SY between 11  May  and  23  June
         during the XLIX Greek Theatre Festival. QSL via IT9DAA,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX IT9NVA]
JA     - Look for JS6RRR (QSL via bureau), JI3DST/JS6 (QSL via  bureau)  and
         JA3YEC/JS6 (QSOs confirmed  automatically)  to  be  active  on  all
         bands from Miyako Island (AS-079) from 27 April to 7 May.
LY     - LY550W is active until 20 May for  the  Days  of  Kaunas  City,  an
         annual series of cultural events that celebrate  the  expansion  of
         the city's privileges granted in 1463  by  Grand  Duke  Casimir  IV
         Jagiellon. QSL via LY5W. [TNX LY5W]
LZ     - Special station LZ2013KM will be active on all bands and  modes  on
         1-31 May to celebrate St. Kiril and Methodius' Day. QSL  via  LZ1BJ
         (email requests for bureau cards to lz1bj[@] and LoTW.
OH0    - Members of the OI3V Radio Club will be active  as  OH0/OI3V    from
         the Aland Islands (EU-002) on 3-5 May. They will be  QRV  on  80-10
         metres CW, SSB and possibly also digital modes. QSL via  bureau  to
         OI3V. [TNX]
OX     - Henning, OZ1BII will be active again as  XP2I  from  Kangerlussuaq,
         Greenland (NA-018) on 23-27 May. He will operate CW only  and  will
         participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. QSL via OZ1BII, direct  or
         bureau, and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
PA    -  Celebrating  the  inauguration   of  King   Willem-Alexander,   the
         Kempische Amateur Radio Club (PI4KAR) will operate as  PA00KING  on
         30 April.
PA     - On 5 May 1923 the Governor General of the Netherlands  East  Indies
         opened officially the two-way telegraphy radio service  from  Radio
         Malabar  (callsign  PKX)  to  Radio  Kootwijk  in  The  Netherlands
         (callsign PCG). Celebrating the 90th  anniversary  from  the  Dutch
         side, special callsign PI90PCG will be active on 4-28 May. QSL  via
         bureau. See YB below for  information  about  the  special  station
         from Indonesia.
SM     - Mel,  SM0MPV  will  be  active  as  SM0MPV/5  from  Vassaro  Island
         (EU-084) between 1 May and 16 June. He will be a  staff  member  at
         the Vassaro Scout Center and will be QRV  during  his  spare  time.
         QSL via home call (bureau preferred) and LoTW. [TNX]
SM     - Fred, SM7DAY/p will be active again from  Senoren  Island  (EU-138)
         from 25 May to 1 June. He will operate CW and SSB on the HF  bands.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX SM7DAY]
VE     - Members of the "NA-128 Contest Group" will be active as  CF2I  from
         Ile Verte (NA-128) on 24-28 July, including the IOTA  Contest.  The
         group will operate  many  stations  from  the  lighthouse  keeper's
         quarters on many bands and modes (SSB, CW and RTTY,  PSK63)  before
         and after the contest. QSL via VE2CQ and LoTW. [TNX VE2EBK]
VP2M   - Once again Nao, JN1RVS will be active  as  VP2MRV  from  Montserrat
         (NA-103) from 27 April to 3 May. He will operate  CW  and  RTTY  on
         40-10  metres.  QSL  via  JA1HGY,  direct  or  bureau,  and   LoTW;
         logsearch on Club Log.
VU7    - Krish, W4VKU (VU2VKU) now plans to be  active  as  VU7KV  from  the
         Lakshadweep Islands [425DXN 1146] from  2  May  until  his  licence
         expires, i.e. at 1829 UTC on 5 May. Expect him to be QRV  on  80-10
         metres SSB with some RTTY. QSL via W4VKU. [TNX QRZ DX]
W      - Once again  Team  HAMCOW  (  will  be  active  as
         W1ACT/p from Martha's Vineyard (NA-046) on 2-5 May. QSL via  N1JOY,
         direct only. [TNX]
YB     - The IOTA activity by YB5NOF and  YB5QZ  from  the  Banggai  Islands
         (OC-208), which was announced to start on 26 April  [425DXN  1139],
         has been postponed. Hopefully the special callsign (possibly  YE8P)
         will be issued in late  April,  and  operations  might  take  place
         around mid-May. Should the special callsign  not  be  issued,  John
         and Anton will be QRV as YB5NOF/8 and YB5QZ/8. [TNX JN6RZM]
YB     - Commemorating the 90th anniversary of Radio Malabar, special  event
         station YE90PK will be active on 3-5  May  from  the  site  of  the
         former radio station, at Gunung  Puntang  in  West  Java.  QSL  via
         YB1LZ (OQRS on Club Log) and LoTW.

FOC SPECIAL EVENT ---> "FOC" suffix callsigns that are  expected  to  be  on
the air between 1 and 31 May to celebrate the 75th  anniversary of the First
Class CW Operators' Club [425DXN 1143] include:
Belize            V3FOC
Bulgaria          LZ75FOC
Canada            VA3FOC, VE6FOC
Chagos Isls       VQ975FOC
Cyprus            5B75FOC
Denmark           OZ75FOC
Czech Republic    OK7FOC
England           GB75FOC
France            TM75FOC
Germany           DJ75FOC, DK75FOC
Guernsey          GP4FOC
Hawaii            KH6FOC
Isle of Man       GT4FOC
Israel            4X75FOC
Italy             II0FOC, II6FOC, II7FOC
Lithuania         LY75FOC
Malawi            7Q7FOC
Mauritania        5T1FOC
Northern Ireland  GN4FOC
Russia            R75FOC
Sardinia          IS0FOC
Saudi Arabia      HZ1FOC
Scotland          GS4FOC
Slovenia          S575FOC
The Netherlands   PA75FOC
UAE               A65FOC
Ukraine           EM75FOC, EO75FOC
USA               K0FOC, K2FOC, K6FOC, K7FOC, N4FOC, N8FOC, W1FOC, W2FOC,
                  W3FOC, W5FOC,  W6FOC, W9FOC, WA1FOC, WG4FOC
Wales             GC4FOC
Zambia            9J75FOC
In addition, also M0RSE will also count as an FOC-suffix  call.  Information
about the FOC 75 Certificate  for contacting FOC members during this special
on-air event can be found at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

MISSION GOODWILL SOUTH SUDAN ---> The initial activity (ST0R)  covered  DXCC
demand, and has been followed by a handful of hams working  in  the  country
and  QRV  with  Z8  callsigns.  However,  South   Sudan's    "amateur  radio
infrastructure is not yet established. This include  regulations,  licensing
procedures, visitor licensing and considerations on calling  for  locals  to
get involved. Radio Arcala has taken up the  initiative  to  work  with  the
local Telecom administrators and provide them with  assistance  and  helping
hand". Olli, OH0XX and Martti, OH2BH are currently  in  Juba,  the  capital,
and are active as Z81X during their spare  time.  QSL  via  OH0XX.  [TNX  DX

NCDXF NEWS ---> The annual meeting of the Northern California DX  Foundation
board of directors was  held  during  the  International  DX  Convention  in
Visalia, California, on 20 April. Officers will  remain  unchanged  for  the
next year with Rusty  Epps  W6OAT  (President),  Glenn  Johnson  W0GJ  (Vice
President),  Don  Greenbaum  N1DG  (Treasurer)  and    Kip    Edwards  W6SZN
(Secretary). Reelected to the board of  directors  were  Ned  Stearns  AA7A,
Glenn Rattmann K6NA, Steve Merchant  K6AW,  Tom  Berson  ND2T,  John  Miller
K6MM, Glenn Vinson W6OTC and Ken Anderson K6TA.
Contributions from clubs and individuals remain strong, helping  NCDXF  keep
up  with  the  increasing  expenses  of  DXpeditions  to  rare,  remote  and
dangerous entities. Please  visit  for  joining  or  renewing
membership.  NCDXF  officially  presented  a  $50,000  grant  to  the  FT5ZM
Amsterdam Island DXpedition. This is the second  largest  grant  in  the  41
year history of NCDXF.  During  this  time  NCDXF  has  supported  over  500
DXpeditions with over $1.8 million dollars. 
The Northern California DX Foundation is also committed to bringing  younger
DXers and Contesters  into  our  hobby.  NCDXF  will  provide  full  tuition
scholarships for hams 25 years of age and younger at all DX  University  and
Contest University sessions held in North America for the  next  year.  This
includes those held at the Dayton Hamvention next month.  Funding  for  this
project comes from NCDXF's Scholarship Endowment  Fund,  which  is  separate
from its General Fund used to support DXpeditions. [TNX W0GJ]

PIRATE ---> Peter, OX3XR  has  received  information  from  the  Greenlandic
Communication Authorities that Leo Wolsing (OX3LW) "requested  to  terminate
the call" back in August 1975. The callsign  has  not  been  reissued  since
then, so do not waste your time on working  the  station  currently  signing
OX3LW as it is a pirate.

QSL HK6AAY & HK6DOS ---> Oscar, HK6DOS reports that EA5KB is no  longer  his
QSL manager. The same applies to Carlos, HK6AAY. QSL for both  is  now  "via
bureau or e-QSL".

QSL ZP5YW ---> Effective immediately, Randy W5UE has agreed to serve as  QSL
manager for Mike ZP5YW. Mike's former manager, WA3HUP has retired from  this
service. Mike uploads his logs regularly to LoTW and eQSL, and is  providing
Randy all of his logs. New QSLs are being ordered so there may be  a  slight
delay in replies. Direct requests should go to Randy Becnel, P.O.  Box  170,
Kiln MS 39556-0170, USA. OQRS (for ZP5YW  as  well  as  for  other  stations
Randy manages) at [TNX W5UE]

THE INTREPID SPIRIT AWARD ---> "Tonight [20  April,  at  the  IDXC  2013  in
Visalia, Ed.] the Intrepid-DX Group is  very  proud  present  our  'Intrepid
Spirit Award' to a notable DXer  and  DXpeditioner  that  we  have  come  to
respect and admire greatly, Mr.  Silvano  Borsa  I2YSB.  This  award  is  to
recognize  Silvano's  outstanding  efforts  to  activate  Somalia  on  three
different activations, as well as Chad and most recently Burkina Faso.
We acknowledge Silvano's pursuit of Dxpedition excellence and his  quest  to
activate the rare and often dangerous entities.  It  is  for  these  reasons
that we honor him tonight with our 'Intrepid Spirit Award'.
This 'Intrepid Spirit Award' is made in memory  of  our  fallen  friend  and
member, James McLaughlin, T6AF who was killed  in  Kabul,  Afghanistan  just
two years ago this month". [Paul S. Ewing N6PSE, President, The  Intrepid-DX

THE P5 PROJECT  --->  On  20  April,  at  the  IDXC  2013  in  Visalia,  the
Intrepid-DX Group, in partnership with the World-Wide  DX  Group,  announced
their "sustained and ongoing effort  to  activate  North  Korea",  the  most
wanted DXCC entity world-wide. "We are committed to  work  as  hard  and  as
long as it takes to activate this rare  and  much  needed  entity.  We  will
continue negotiating and flying into and out of the DPRK  as  needed  during
this process to lay the groundwork and to build the trust to ensure  that  a
favorable  outcome  can  be  created".  Read  the  full  press   release  at [TNX N6PSE]


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8/HB9ARY,  3B9FR,  3D2C,  3D2MF,
3D2OU, 3D2RO (OC-060), 3V8BB,  4L1MA,  4L8A,  5B8AD,  5M2TT,  5T0JL,  5T0SP,
5V7TT, 5X8C, 6O3A, 6Y3M, 6Y5WJ, 7X4AN, 7Z7AB, 9K2/SP4R, 9K2VO, 9M0L,  9Q6CC,
9U4U,  9Y4VU,  A5A,  A61ZX,  A63HI,  A92IO,  AP2MB,  BA8AG,   BU2AQ,  C31CT,
CT9/DL5AXX, CW5X, CX2AQ, D3AA, D44BS, DB100AWPB,  DL2RVL/HI9,  E51E,  E51WL,
HA30S,  HB30OK,  HC2/UA4WHX,  HD2A,  HI3EPR,  HI8W,   HK0/F6BFH    (NA-049),
HK1/F6BFH  (SA-040),  HK6F,  HT9H,  JG8NQI/JD1,   JX5O,    JX9JKA,   KC4AAA,
KH2/G3ZEM, L22D  (SA-022),  LU6W  (SA-096),LX1HD,  NP2/N5RZ,  OD5NJ,  OY1CT,
PT0S, PY0F/PP1CZ, RA2FF, S21XV, SV5BYR, T46RRC  (NA-204),  T47RRC  (NA-086),
(OC-161), YE9IOTA (OC-150), YN7SU, Z81D, ZD8W, ZK3SB, ZL9HR.


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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