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15 December 2012                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1128
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

A6     - A group of  operators  from  the  Emirates  Amateur  Radio  Society
         (EARS) will be active as A63HI from Umm al  Hatab  Island  (AS-021)
         on 19-24 December. They plan to be run two stations  on  all  bands
         and modes. QSL via IZ8CLM.
DU     - Al, W7XA has permanently moved  to  the  Philippines.  He  operates
         mostly CW on 40-10 metres as DU1/W7XA from near  Tagaytay,  Cavite,
         40km south of Manila. Currently he is using and  inverted  vee  and
         100 watts, but "in February will be QRO and will erect a  hexbeam",
         he says. His QSL route will be posted on
JD1_oga- JG7PSJ will be active again as  JD1BMH  from  Chichijima  (AS-031),
         Ogasawara from 30 December to 4 January. He will  operate  CW,  SSB
         and RTTY on  80-10  metres.  QSL  via  JD1BMH  (bureau)  or  JG7PSJ
         (direct).  Logsearch  and  other  information  can  be  found    at
OH     - The recent activity of OF9X (QSL via OH2BH)  and  OH9SCL  (QSL  via
         OH9UV)  from  Finnish  Lapland  [425DXN  1127]  has  exceeded   all
         expectations, thus both stations will be kept  active  specifically
         this weekend and coming week. Work both stations and get  "a  slick
         Santa Certificate" which can also be issued  to  your  children  or
         granchildren. After working both, the request  with  names  can  be
         sent to og9x[@]
S7     - Tom, DL5NEN and Claudia,DO5NEN will be active again as S79NEN  from
         La Digue (AF-024), Seychelles on 15-28 December.  QSL  via  DO5NEN.
         [TNX DX Newsletter]
ST     - Mario, CT1FTR expects to be QRV soon from Sudan as ST2FT.  He  will
         operate SSB and PSK31 on the HF bands. QSL via  CT2GBU,  direct  or
         bureau, and eQSL. [TNX The Daily DX]
V2     - Kei, KG2A (JJ1RJR) will be active as V25A  on  23-29  December.  He
         will operate SSB and CW on 160-10 metres. QSL direct only to  KG2A.
         [TNX NG3K]
V5     - Look for DJ2BQ, DJ2HD, DK1CE and DL3DXX to be active  from  Namibia
         in December-January as follows:
         22 Dec - 02 Jan     V5/DL3DXX       160-10m SSB and CW
         22 Dec - 02 Jan     V5/DK1CE        160-10m CW
         22 Dec - 12 Jan     V5/DJ2HD        160-10m SSB and RTTY
         04 Jan - 18 Jan     V5/DJ2BQ        80-10m RTTY
         QSL V5/DK1CE via DH3WO, others via home call. [TNX NG3K]
VP2M   - Nao, JN1RVS will be active as VP2MRV from Montserrat (NA-103)  from
         21 December to 3 January. He will operate  CW  and  RTTY  on  80-10
         metres. QSL via JA1HGY, direct or bureau, and  LoTW;  logsearch  on
         Club Log.
W      - Howie, K1VSJ will be active again from Martha's  Vineyard  (NA-046)
         from 28 December  to  1  January.  He  will  focus  on  working  JA
         stations on 10 or 15 metres during his late afternoon  hours.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
XV     - Sei, JA7LU (XV4LU) and Hiroo, JA2VWG (XV4DDD) will be  active  from
         Phu Quoc Island (AS-128) on 12-16 January. They  will  operate  SSB
         and RTTY on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres. QSL via  home  calls,
         direct only. [TNX JA7LU]
YB     - Adhi, YB3MM and others are organizing an  IOTA  operation  to  take
         place from Rondo Island (OC-245) on  9-17  March  2013.  A  special
         callsign (YE6A) has been applied for. They will  welcome  operators
         from abroad; if interested in  joining  the  team,  please  contact
         Adhi (yb3mm[@] for more information. [TNX Mediterraneo  DX

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

BEST PRACTICES FOR DXPEDITION OPERATING ---> "We believe that  much  of  the
chaos on the bands during DXpeditions is caused by the operating tactics  of
the DXpedition operator - this leads to poor operating  by  DX-Chasers,  and
therefore to chaos. At a meeting of RSGB, CDXC and GM-DX on October 13th  we
agreed to strengthen  the  'DX  Code  of  Conduct'  and  to  prioritise  the
DXpedition side. This has now been completed, thanks to Wayne N7NG  and  'DX
University',  and  has  been  renamed  'Best  Practices    for    DXpedition
Operating'. Please go to click on DXpeditioning  Tools,
then Basic Practices.  Each  of  the  13  points  is  hyper-linked  to  some
explanatory text.
We would hope that  DX  organisations  will  adopt  it  as  a  condition  of
funding. This would hopefully spread to become the  normal  requirement  for
all DXpedition funding: DXpeditions would not only 'support' it,  but  would
also implement it on-air. In this way we expect that chaos on DX  bands  can
be reduced somewhat whenever a DXpedition is under way". [TNX G3SXW]

IARU NEWS ---> Two new member-societies have  joined  IARU.  On  1  November
2012 voting was completed on the admission of Federation of Radio  Sport  of
Azerbaijan (Proposal No. 247) and St. Vincent  &  Grenadines  Amateur  Radio
Club (Proposal No. 248)  to  IARU  membership.  With  53  affirmative  votes
required for approval there were 60 votes in favor of Proposal No.  247  and
61 votes in favor of Proposal No.  248.  Accordingly,  both  proposals  were

QSL CY0AA 1996 ---> All of the 15,000+ QSOs made  by  CY0AA  (Sable  Island)
back in June-July 1996 have been uploaded to LoTW. Should you still  need  a
paper QSL, send your request direct only to W8RHM. No further  bureau  cards
will be processed. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

QSL PS0F ---> Renner, PY7RP was active as PS0F from Fernando de  Noronha  on
6-10 December, and the QSL route for this operation is via WD9DZV.  PS0F was
also the callsign used by Jim, K9PPY and Bill, W9VA back  in March 2009, and
the QSL route for that operation is still via W9VA.

THE CDXC DX ARCHIVE ---> This project was born out of a  proposal,  made  by
Alan, 5B4AHJ/G3PMR to the Chiltern DX Club Committee in early 2011.  In  his
research work for Club Log's callsign database, Alan recognised  that  there
are many DX documents  that  exist  only  in  paper  format,  and  are  thus
inaccessible to the majority of interested persons. Alan proposed that  CDXC
should set up a DX Archive project, whereby DX documents would be  digitised
and made freely accessible to all, in a searchable format, via the CDXC  web
site. The initial  phase  of  this  project  involved  the  acquisition  and
scanning of as many issues of Geoff Watts' (later RSGB's)  "DX  News  Sheet"
and "RSGB DX  News  Magazine"  as  possible.  This  phase  of  the  project,
undertaken entirely by volunteers, is now live and accessible via  the  CDXC
website. Go to and click on "The CDXC DX Archive".

V26B ---> Team Antigua has set up a Restoration Fund and  is  accepting  any
donations (PayPal at  to  help  rebuild  the  shack
that  was  destroyed  by  fire  on  18  November  [425DXN  1125].  "We  have
temporarily moved the station to another smaller building in the  property",
they say, "and hope to return to the main shack  if  we  can  come  up  with
enough money to  do  so".  100%  of  any  donations  will  be  used  towards
replacement of damaged equipment or repairing  the  fire  damage.  The  fund
will be administered by N3OC, WT3Q, N3BNA and AA3B.

YASME EXCELLENCE AWARDS ---> In 2008 The  Yasme  Foundation  (
established the Yasme Excellence Awards, to be awarded "to  individuals  who
through their own service, creativity, effort and  dedication  have  made  a
significant contribution to  amateur  radio.  The  contribution  may  be  in
recognition of technical, operating or  organizational  achievement  as  all
three are necessary for amateur radio  to  grow  and  prosper".  The  latest
recipients, announced on 7 December, are:
- George Fremin (K5TR), Tree Tyree (N6TR), Trey Garlough  (N5KO)  and  Scott
  Neader (KA9FOX) for their  contributions  to  many infrastructure projects
  that benefit the ham community at large.
- Mark Spencer (WA8SME), for his instrumental  work  in  the  ARRL  Teachers
  Institute and other training efforts,  development  of PIC microcontroller
  projects and books for amateurs,  and  work  with  leaders in  student and
  scientific  teams  applying  amateur  radio  to  scientific  projects  and
- Champ Muangamphun (E21EIC) and Pornchai Semjang (HS2JFW),  for  leadership
  in the Thai amateur community, especially during the recent flooding which
  helped open the door to the new Thai HF licensing and enhanced the stature
  of amateur radio with the Thai government.
- Tomas Hood (NW7US) and Carl Luetzelschwab (K9LA), for sustained  education
  of the  amateur  community  regarding  propagation, solar  and geomagnetic
- David Freese (W1HKJ), for creating and maintaining the  freeware  software
  package  FLDIGI,  probably  the  most  widely  used  digital communication
  software in ham radio and a frequent gateway  for  new  hams  who are more
  familiar with computer-based communications.
- Dean Straw (N6BV), for his contributions to amateur antenna system  design
  and the development of software  tools  such  as  HFTA  to optimize system
- Peter Martinez (G3PLX) and Pawel Jalocha (SP9VRC), for the development  of
  PSK31, a widely used digital mode entirely  invented  by  amateurs that is
  enabling many amateurs to successfully use HF with very modest stations.
- Arie Kleingeld (PA3A), Ad Van Ginneken (PA8AD) and Arie Noordzij  (PA3AN),
  for their sustained contributions to the Mercy Ships Project.
The YASME Board of Directors also announced supporting grants to WRTC  2014,
the World Wide Radio  Operators  Foundation,  Club  Log,  the  NCDXF  Beacon
Project, Yasme Scholarships (administered by ARRL)  and  the  Amateur  Radio
Association of Kosovo (SHRAK). [TNX W6SZN]

ZL9HR ---> The team on Campbell Island finished operations  at  about  16:00
UTC on 8 December, and the last logs have been uploaded  to  Club  Log.  The
final log includes 42115 QSOs (almost the 79% equally shared between  Europe
and North America) with 15226 unique calls. The OQRS on Club Log is  now  up
and running.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       NI5DX       EH8FPA      EA8CZT      PG100NOM    PA0FAW
3B8JB       SM6JBC      EK3GM       IK2QPR      PJ5J        JA1HGY
3G1D        EA5GL       EN290L      UR9LD       PS0F        WD9DZV
3V8SS       LX1NO       EN400UG     US5UZ       R1941MB     R2DX
3W3B        E21EIC      EO40AZA     UT8AS       R20BIS      RU9WZ
4A7L        XE1L        FH4VOS      DL7BC       R60PRC      RW3FB
4L4ZA       DJ1CW       FR5DN       EA7FTR      RI1ANC      RN1ON
4S7KKG      DC0KK       FR5DZ       F6CXV       RI1ANR      RK1PWA
4X0A        4X1VF       GB1WH       M0OXO       S21B        KX7YT
5C2P        IK2PZC      GM5XW       G5XW        SN15ZIP     SP5ZIP
5C5W        EA5XX       GX4HRC      G3SVK       SU9VB       UA4WHX
5H3CMG      ZR6CMG      HC2/KF6ZWD  RW6HS       T48T        EA5KB
5N7M        OM3CGN      HC2AC       RW6HS       T6T         RW6HS
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      HC7AE       EA7FTR      TM1TARA     F8DVD
5W0RK       VK4VB       HG90ST      HA6NL       TM2VD       F8DFO
5W0W        NR6M        HS0ZDG      K4YT        TM4TLT      F4KIP
5X1NH       G3RWF       HV0A        IK0FVC      TM62LL      F8KHW
6V1A        6W7JX       HZ1PS       IZ8CLM      TM6M        F4DXW
7T50I       7X2ARA      II0TH       I0YCB       UN7NFK      RW6HS
7U50I       7X2ARA      II0XMAS     M0OXO       UN7NG       RW6HS
7V50I       7X2ARA      II3SB       IW3IE       V26DR       W6DR
7W50I       7X2ARA      J68FF       W3FF        V31AG       AD8J
7Y50I       7X2ARA      J68UN       N7UN        V31NO       W3NO
8P2K        KU9C        JD1BLY      JI5RPT      V63AQ       JH1NBN
8P6SH       KU9C        KH2/K3ZB    JH1NBN      V63XG       JA1XGI
9A55AX      9A4J        KH7X        K2PF        VP2VGG      K6CLS
9M2MRS      PA0RRS      L26A        LU7AEA      W8XGI/KH2   JA1XGI
9M2SM       9M2GET      L33M        LU1MA       XR3A        CE3DNP
9M6DXX      M0URX       OF9X        OH2BH       XU1A        JH1AJT
9V1YC       W5UE        OH1NAVY     OH1AJ       XU7TZG      ON7PP
A61DD       EA5ZD       OH9SCL      OH9UV       YB8BYL      EA7FTR
A65BP       UA6MF       ON101BOB    ON3EA       YD0LOU      YB0JZS
AH0BT       7L1FPU      OQ200HC     ON4CBU      YN5ZO       K7ZO
BV2013LF    BM2JCC      OR200HC     ON3AIM      YN9SU       TI4SU
C6AEE       N2GG        OT12BR      ON7BR       YU175SB     YU1KN
C6AGG       N2GG        OY3JE       M0URX       YW6EK       YV6CR
C6AVA       N6AWD       OZ0NAVY     DF5LW       ZD8RH       G4DBW
CM2YI       EA4GJU      P29FR       I2RFJ       ZF1EJ       K6AM
CN8KD       EA5XX       P40CX       K8CX        ZF2JS       N8BFR
CR2T        CU2AF       PA12XMAS    PB5X        ZF2KO       N4EWT
CR5A        CT1FFU      PB12XMAS    PB5X        ZF2MK       K9MK
CT3AS       DL3BK       PD12XMAS    PB5X        ZF2YL       AE9YL
CV5K        CX2ABC      PD35JKS     PD1JKS      ZL9HR       EB7DX
CW5W        CX6VM       PD35RKA     PD0RKA      ZM2B        ZL2BR
D2QR        RW6HS       PD35SSCS    PD2RKG      ZP6LMR      K2DER
DU1IST      JA1HGY      PF35BTA     PA2BTA      ZS1REC      W2ARP
DV5PO       EA5GL       PF35FRAG    PI4FRG      ZT1T        ZS1AFS
E51E        EB7DX       PF35OLM     PE1OLM      ZX10M       PY5PDC
EG1VCV      EA1RCI      PF35WRD     PA2WRD      ZZ100FC     PS7YL

6W7JX    Jean-Louis Pipien, BP 1958, Mbour, Senegal
EB7DX    David Lianez Fernandez, P.O. Box 163, 21080 Huelva, Spain
JA1HGY   Naohiko Mashita, 8-2-4-2A Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052,
JA1XGI   Haru Uchida, 2-30-11 Shintomi, Kawagoe-shi, Saitama-ken, 350-0043,
JH1AJT   Y. Zorro Miyazawa, P.O. Box 8, Oiso-machi, Naka-Gun, Kanagawa-ken,
         259-0111, Japan
RW6HS    Vasily M. Kasyanenko, P.O. Box 0, g. Novopavlovsk, Stavropolskij
         kr., 357300, Russia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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