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22 September 2012                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1116
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2_cr - Announced frequencies for  the  3D2C  operation  from  Conway  Reef
         [425DXN 1105] are as follows:
         CW         1822 3503 7005 10105 14025 18075 21025 24895 28025
         SSB        1835 3795 7082   -   14190 18150 21295 24950 28495
         RTTY/PSK31 1835 3582 7035 10145 14081 18100 21081 24920 28081
         SSTV         -  3723 7035   -   14230   -   21335   -   28680
         3D2C will be QRV also on 6m and  2m EME (50375 and 144375), and  on
         60m SSB (5403.5). Nineteen operators (3D2TR,  AD6E,  AH6HY,  K6MKF,
         K6SRZ, K9CT, K9JM, LZ1GC, N6NKT, N6PSE, PY3MM, PY5CC, PY5KD, RW4NW,
         RZ3FW, UA4HOX, WD5COV, YT1AD and YT3W) expect to arrive  at  Conway
         Reef and become  active  on  26  September,  and  to  complete  the
         DXpedition on 5 October. Special attention will  be  made  to  work
         far away stations such as Europe and Africa  during  those  periods
         when propagation permits. Plans are to update their on-line log  on
         a  daily  basis.  QSL  via  YT1AD,  direct  or  bureau,  and   LoTW
         "approximately six months following  the  DXpedition".  Log  search
         and further information at
5H     - Harald, DL7VSN will be active from Tanzania  between  23  September
         and 13 October. He will  operate  as  5H1HS  from  Zanzibar  Island
         (AF-032) and as 5H1HS/3 from Lazy Lagoon  Island  (not  IOTA).  QSL
         via home call. [TNX DX World]
I      - Dario, IK4MED  will  be  active  as  IA5/IK4MED  from  Elba  Island
         (EU-028) on 22-26 September. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau.
JT     - Takeshi, JA6EV and his wife Sanae, JJ6GVX will be active  as  JT1EV
         and  JT1GVX  from  the  Ulaanbaatar  DX  Club  station  until    26
         September, and again on 2-8 October. QSL via JA6EV. [TNX The  Daily
LU     - Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Radio Club San  Justo  (LU7FJ),
         a group of operators will be active as L25FJ from  Natural  Reserve
         El Palmar on 22-23 September (maybe  until  the  24th).  They  will
         operate SSB, CW and digital modes on 80,  40,  20,  15,  10  and  6
         metres, with two stations on the HF bands and one on  6m.  QSL  via
OJ0    - Pasi, OH3WS will be active as OJ0W from  Market  Reef  (EU-053)  on
         23-28 September. He will be QRV in his spare time on 40-10  metres.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
SM     - Frank, DL2SWW and Gabi, DF9TM will be active respectively  as  SD7W
         and SD7M from Hasslo Island (EU-138) until 26  September.  QSL  via
         home calls. [TNX]
SV9    - Bodo, DF8DX will be operate  mainly  CW  as  SV9/DF8DX  from  Crete
         (EU-015) on 1-7 October. He also plans a side trip  to  Dia  Island
         (EU-187) on 3-4 October. He will not overnight on the  island,  and
         will be QRV as SV9/DF8DX/p "as long as the battery lasts". QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]
T33    - An expedition to Banaba Island (OC-018) under the callsign T33A  is
         being organized by W2IJ and  N1EMC.  Plans  are  to  depart  Tarawa
         (T30) on 25 March 2013 and return on 10 April, with about  12  days
         on Banaba. Activity will be on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY  with
         six stations and 14 operators. Current team members include  AA4FL,
         DK1II, EA1IR, KD6XH, N1EMC,  N6HC,  N7CQQ,  N9NS,  W2IJ,  W6KK  and
         W8AEF; three more experienced DXpeditioners are  being  sought.  If
         willing to join the group. email Banaba[@]
TA     - The TC Special Wireless  Activity  Team  (  and  the
         Giresun Radio Amateurs and Nature Sports Club  will  be  active  as
         TC2ZLH from Zonguldak Lighthouse on 29-30 September. QSL via TA1HZ.
W      - Wayne, K9YNF reports he will be active as K9YNF/4 from Bogue  Banks
         (NA-112) on 21-26 October. Look for him around 14260 and 18128  kHz
         SSB and 14070.15 and 7035 PSK31. QSL to K9YNF.
YB     - Joppy, YB8XM has plans to be QRV from  Babar  Island  (OC-271,  new
         one for IOTA) starting on 2 November for six  days  [425DXN  1113].
         Shu, JN6RZM (jn6rzm[@] is collecting donations by  Paypal
         to purchase a better antenna for him. [TNX JN6RZM]
ZD9    - Martin, G3ZAY has been forced to cancel  his  onward  journey  from
         Cape Town to Tristan da Cunha [425DXN 1115]. Rob, M0VFC will  still
         continue, and be active as  ZD9UW  (  He  will
         concentrate primarily on SSB with some RTTY. This is now  a  single
         operator activation: the goal is still to enable as many people  as
         possible to work ZD9 for the first time, so the number of bands  he
         can activate will be limited (mostly on the higher bands).
ZL7    - Hiro, JF1OCQ reports he will be active as  ZL7A  from  the  Chatham
         Islands (OC-038) on 1-9 November.  He  will  operate  CW,  SSB  and
         digital modes on 80-6  metres,  with  an  emphasis  on  80  and  6m
         (beacon on 50117 kHz). QSL via home call, direct or bureau  (e-mail
         requests for bureau card to jf1ocq[@], and LoTW.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

2O12L ---> The London amateur radio station for the Olympic  and  Paralympic
Games ( went QRT at 21.33 UTC on 9 September. The Cray  Valley
Radio Society team made 69,644 QSOs - which is believed to be  a  new  world
record  for  a  special  event  station  -  in  223  DXCC    countries  (166
participating Olympic countries) during their 47-day operation. [TNX M0MCV]

AZORES NINE ISLANDS HUNT ---> The organizers of  the  "Azores  Nine  Islands
Hunt" ( have announced  that  a  certificate
will be available to all who manage to contact  all  9  islands  during  the
weekend of September 28-30. The certificate will be sent by email  to  those
eligible after the event.

DXCC NEWS ---> The following 2012 operations have  been  approved  for  DXCC
credit: 3B8/IW5ELA (Mauritius), 9A8VB (Croatia), 4O7VB  (Montenegro),  E40VB
(Palestine), E7/UA4WHX (Bosnia-Herzegovina), EY8/UA4WHX (Tajikistan),  JY8VB
(Jordan), UN/UA4WHX (Kazakhstan),  YU9VB  (Serbia),  Z38VB  (Macedonia)  and
ZA/UA4WHX (Albania). [TNX NC1L]

KOSOVO ---> On 17 September, shortly after 17 UTC, international  and  local
operators started activity as Z60K  from  near  Pristina.  Reports  indicate
that this callsign will be in use  for  the  Amateur  Radio  Association  of
Kosovo (SHRAK). QSL via G3TXF  and  logsearch  on  Club  Log.  Reports  also
indicate that the first eleven individual licenses have been issued  (Z61AA,
Z61AB, Z61AJ, Z61AS, Z61DD, Z61DX, Z61FF, Z61LA, Z61NS,  Z61VB  and  Z61XO),
and that individual visitor licensing  is  now  in  place,  with  the  first
visitor license issued to 9A6AA as  Z6/9A6AA.  The  website  for  the  local
Telecommunications Regulatory Authority is at

NH8S ---> High heat conditions, lack of sleep, sunburns and  mosquito  bites
took a toll on the team on Swains Island, and NH8S went QRT at 7 UTC  on  16
September, earlier than planned. They made 105,455 QSOs with  26,010  unique
callsigns (statistics can be found on The Online QSL  Request
System (OQRS) has been activated, and it can be used for  either  direct  or
bureau cards.

YB LAND DX CLUB ---> To celebrate the first anniversary of the  YB  Land  DX
Club  (  a
special short term certificate of merit (free of charge) will be issued  for
contacting YBDXC members as well as other amateurs  from  Indonesia  between
13 September and 31 October. [TNX YBDXC]

+ SILENT KEYS + Sean Smith, KG4WSS  was  one  the  of  the  four  Americans,
including the US ambassador, who  were  killed  in  the  attack  on  the  US
Consulate in Benghazi on 11 September.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8FQ       K5XK        EX8AS       EX2A        OZ0AV       DL8AAV
3W3B        E21EIC      EX8VM       RW6HS       P29ZL       W1YRC
3Z1MPMTB    SP9PDG      FY8DK       F5TJP       P49T        W3BTX
4L0CR       DL8KAC      GB2HST      M0XIG       PJ4R        DL1THM
4S7ARG      JA3ARJ      GB39RC      G3VSQ       R100BG      RN3FY
4S7DOG      JG3DOR      GJ0UPG      G0UPG       R100RW      RN3FY
4S7HBG      JA3HBF      GS4KPT      M0DOL       R100SG      RN3FY
4S7KCG      JH3KCW      HB0/ON6NB   ON4ANN      R1150VN     RK1TWW
4S7LSG      JH3LSS      HG1912PTTT  HA5AUC      R45GGGR     UA6MM
4S7QHG      JR3QHQ      HK3TK       F5CWU       S01MZ       EA1BT
4S7TAG      JA3TJA      HP1RN       IZ8CLM      SB6HL       SM5YRA
4S7TEG      7M3FMR      HZ1MOP      HZ1HN       SV5/SM8C    SM0CMH
4S7UJG      JA3UJR      IR7RAI      IQ7DV       T30TT       W7JET
4U1GSC      9A2AA       J28AA    E77E or K2PF   T6RH        NI5DX
5H3EE       DL4ME       JT1EV       JA6EV       T88ME       7N1RTO
5N7M        OM3CGN      JT1GVX      JA6EV       T88UE       DL5AXX
5P1EBR      DL1EBR      JW8DW       LA8DW       T8XX        DL5AXX
5R8XB       ON8XB       JW9HH       LA9HH       TC6GLH      TA1HZ
8P9LJ       G0OPA       JY5MM       IK2DUW      TM34CDXC    F5CWU
8R11USA     8R1AK       KG4AJ       NI5DX       TM55REF     F6KUP
AH0KY       JA1MFR      KH0/W1NDE   JE1NDE      TM55REFT    F6KUP
AH6KY/KH0   JA1MFR      LW5ER       EA5GL       TM82L       F5MSS
AL5A/AH0    JA7JEC      MJ0AWR      K2WR        UA9FAR      EA7FTR
C5YK        ON6EG       MS0OXE      M0URX       UP100GS     UN7EX
CK3A        VE3JO       N1Y         W2SBL       V63MJ       W5MJ
CN2LO/p     ON4LO       N3U         W3PN        V73AX       WH0AI
CO6LC       EA5GL       NA8O/VK4    JK1FNL      VK9CS       JA1PBV
CO6LE       EA5GL       NH2KY/KH0   JR3QFB      VK9XS       JA1PBV
CR5DBOSCO   CT1EPI      NH8S        AA4NN       W2GJ/KH0    JL1FUQ
CU2JT       EA3GHZ      OD5RW       K8NA        XP2I        OZ1BII
CW90A       CX2ABC      OE/OK8WFF   DL7RAG      YV5/AC4LN   UA4WHX
D2QV        UT0EA       OF150M      OH8DR       YY2CAR      EA7HBC
EG5INT      EA5KA       OF3I        OH3BHL      Z60K        G3TXF
EH2NP       EA2MKR      OH0V        OH6LI       Z81A        K7GSE
EH8RHM      EA8CZT      OH0X        OH2TA       Z81D        OM3JW
EI3KG       SP9NWN      OH0Z        W0MM        ZF2CW       K2DF
EK6LP       RN4LP       ON4USA      ON4GDV      ZG2FK       ZB2FK
EX1EPC      EX8AB       OX3JI       OZ2JI       ZS2DL       NI5DX

DL1THM   Torsten Harenberg, Kreuzbergstr. 75, 40489 Dusseldorf, Germany
EA5GL    Pedro Miguel Ronda Monsell, C/ Maximiliano Thous 16-24, 46009
         Valencia, Spain
EA5KA    Raul Blasco, P.O Box 20, 12080 Castellon, Spain
JA1PBV   Sadao Ito, 3-8-12 Baraki, Ishioka-Shi, Ibaraki-Ken, 315-0042, Japan
JA6EV    Katsuki Takeshi, 3-10-6 Nabeshima, Saga-shi, Saga-ken, 849-0937,
ON4ANN   Erik de Mey, Nelemolenstraat 7, 1700 Dilbeek, Belgium
ON6EG    Eddy Generet, P.O. Box 86, 4800 Verviers, Belgium
SG0U     Jorgen Svensson, Moja Trasko 154, SE-13041 Sollenkroka O, Sweden
XU7AAA   Hiroo Yonezuka, c/o Kamsab Beach Hotel, #34 Vithei Krong Street,
         Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville, Cambodia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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