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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   03.08.12 19:14l 129 Lines 8546 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
BID : 38MIK2XDE054
Subj: 425 DX News #1109 [Calendar]
Sent: 120803/1714z @:IK2XDE.ILOM.ITA.EU [Italy] OBcm1.07b5
From: IK2XDE @ IK2XDE.ILOM.ITA.EU (Andrea)
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4 August 2012                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1109
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  04/08      9A/HA9MDN: Vir Island (EU-170)                        1108
till  04/08      TO2D: St. Barthelemy (NA-146)                         1106
till  05/08      RI0K: Ratmanova Island (AS-061)                       1109
till  06/08      OH3OJ/p: Kaurissalo Island (EU-096)                   1108
till  06/08      VP2MDD: Montserrat (NA-103)                           1100
till  06/08      W1T: Thacher Island (NA-148)                          1108
till  07/08      ZA1TC: Albania                                        1108
till  10/08      DO6UL/p: Usedom Island (EU-129)                       1107
till  10/08      DU8/DF8DX: Mindanao Island (OC-130)                   1106
till  11/08      IE9/IV3LZQ: Ustica Island (EU-051)                    1107
till  16/08      PA6FUN: Ameland Island (EU-038)                       1107
till  18/08      9A/VE3ZIK: Croatia                                    1107
till  18/08      J68HZ: St. Lucia (NA-108)                             1108
till  25/08      E51AND: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks               1103
till  31/08      R10RLHA: Russian lighthouses                          1108
till  31/08      R1812SM: special event station                        1108
till  09/09      2O12L: special station (England)                      1105
till  09/09      2O12W: special event station (Wales)                  1106
till  09/09      GB2012MV: special station (England)                   1107
till  12/09      R200V: special callsign                               1097
till  20/09      YT16ARDF and YU16ARDF: special callsigns              1062
till  20/09      YT16IARU and YU16IARU: special callsigns              1062
till  26/09      T6SS: Afghanistan                                     1107
till  September  T6TJ and T6VT: Afghanistan                            1107
till  November   JW2US: Bear Island (EU-027)                           1108
till  31/12      4G0LD: special event call (Philippines)               1079
till  31/12      6D0LM: special callsign (Mexico)                      1091
till  31/12      7T50I and 7U50I: special event stations (Algeria)     1105
till  31/12      7V50I and 7Y50I: special event stations (Algeria)     1105
till  31/12      9A20: special prefixes (Croatia)                      1078
till  31/12      DL150BH: special event station                        1079
till  31/12      EI100T: special callsign                              1087
till  31/12      EI80IRTS: special callsign                            1080
till  31/12      GB80PW: special callsign                              1079
till  31/12      LX75RL: special callsign                              1080
till  31/12      ON85RCL: special callsign                             1107
till  31/12      P3EU: special callsign (Cyprus)                       1099
till  31/12      S555E and S55CERKNO: special callsigns                1089
till  31/12      SX9S: special callsign (Crete, EU-015)                1101
till  31/12      TC50TRAC/***: special stations                        1087
till  31/12      TM70TRS: special callsign (France)                    1080
till     02/2013 DP0GVN: Neumayer Station III (Antarctica)             1087
till  20/03/2013 JX9JKA: Jan Mayen (EU-022)                            1089
04/08-05/08      F4BKV/p and F4FET/p: Er Island (EU-107)               1109
04/08            N2OB: Barnegat Lighthouse, Long Beach Island (NA-111) 1107
04/08-10/08      OJ0W: Market Reef (EU-053)                            1109
04/08-10/08      SC0UT/5: Vassaro Island (EU-084)                      1109
04/08-11/08      SV5/I2RNJ and SV5/IK2IHY: Rhodes (EU-001)             1108
04/08-17/08      TK/IZ3DBA: Corsica (EU-014)                           1109
05/08-17/08      9H3EA: Malta (EU-023)                                 1109
06/08            F4BKV/p and F4FET/p: Raguenes Island (EU-074)         1109
06/08-12/08      IA5/IZ5NFD: Elba Island (EU-028)                      1109
06/08-09/08      SF2CW: Holmon Island (EU-135)                         1109
07/08-13/08      9M4SLL: Layang Layang, Spratly Islands (AS-051)       1109
07/08-08/08      F4BKV/p and F4FET/p: Batz Island (EU-105)             1109
08/08-20/08      D64K: Comoro Islands (AF-007)                         1109
08/08-12/08      PA/IZ3GNG: Schouwen Duiveland (EU-146)                1109
08/08-18/08      SV8/IZ7FLQ: Greek islands                             1109
09/08-25/08      VQ9XP: Diego Garcia (AF-006)                          1109
10/08-20/08      FP/VE2XB: St. Pierre et Miquelon (NA-032)             1103
10/08-03/09      IM0/I0PNM: San Pietro Island (EU-165)                 1109
10/08-12/08      JW6VJA and JW6TMA: Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard    1109
10/08-13/08      LA6Q: Jonsholmen Island (EU-079)                      1103
10/08-18/08      R100WWS: special callsign                             1107
10/08-17/08      YB67RI: special event station                         1109
11/08-24/08      DG5LAC/p: Amrum Island (EU-042)                       1109
12/08-13/08      DS2NMJ/2: Yonghung Island (AS-105)                    1109
12/08-14/08      TM1NOI: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064)                   1109
13/08-17/08      LA6Q: Sandoya (EU-056)                                1103
13/08-16/08      PA/IZ3GNG: Texel Island (EU-038)                      1109
13/08-22/08      VU7M: Minicoy Island (AS-106), Lakshadweeps           1109
17/08-20/08      VI5CW: Kangaroo Island (OC-139)                       1109
17/08-19/08      VK4ILH: Moreton Island (OC-137)                       1109
18/08-19/08      CR6LH: Cabo da Roca lighthouse                        1109
18/08-20/08      HB0/IZ3GNG: Liechtenstein                             1109
18/08-19/08      II1PV: Punta Vagno lighthouse                         1109
18/08-19/08      M0RSE: special callsign                               1109
20/08-21/08      F6KUF/p: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064)                  1105
August           OD5/IV3XNF: Lebanon                                   1095
04/09-18/09      NH8S: Swains Island (OC-200)                          1087
24/09-05/10      3D2C: Conway Reef (OC-112)                            1105
September        OD5/IV3XNF: Lebanon                                   1095
05/10-11/10      7Z7AB: Al-Dhahrah Island (AS-190)                     1109
11/10-16/10      MX0LDG: Lundy Island (EU-120)                         1109
16/10-25/10      T30PY and T30SIX: Western Kiribati (OC-017)           1094
20/10-24/10      P29VCX: Emirau Island (OC-103)                        1102
27/10-31/10      P29NI: Simberi Island (OC-099)                        1102
October          OD5/IV3XNF: Lebanon                                   1095
October          TT8TT: Chad                                           1108
02/11-04/11      P2: Lihir Island (OC-069)                             1102
06/11-09/11      P29VCX: Buka Island (OC-135)                          1102
09/11-12/11      P29VCX: Manu Island (OC-025)                          1102
10/11-22/11      PT0S: St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks (SA-014)           1109
11/11-23/11      V84SMD: Brunei (OC-088)                               1100
18/11-08/12      E51TLA: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks               1109
23/11-03/12      7P8D: Lesotho                                         1087
28/11-09/12      ZL9HR: Campbell Island (OC-037)                       1106
28/02-10/03/2013 TX5: Clipperton Island (NA-011)                       1097


                                Direttore Responsabile
                                Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                    Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                           Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                     Roma, Italia


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