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23 June 2012                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1103
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5B     - A team of nine operators from the Nicosia Amateur Radio  Club  will
         be active as C4MG from Agios Georgios (AS-120) on 23-24 June.  They
         hope to be on the air by 6 UTC  on  Saturday  and  operate  through
         Sunday at 14 UTC with  three  stations.  Look  for  them  on  80-10
         metres SSB plus some CW, and on  6  metres.  QSL  via  5B4KH.  [TNX
9A     - Feri, HA4BF will be active holiday style  as  9A/HA4BF/p  from  Vir
         Island (EU-170) on 8-21 July. He will  operate  SSB  only.  QSL  to
         home call (direct), LoTW and e QSL. [TNX]
E5_sc  - Once again Andy, AB7FS will be active holiday style as E51AND  from
         Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks  between  2  July  and  25  August.
         Usually he operates straight key slow CW and also he  oftens  check
         into the ANZA net (05.15  UTC on 14183 kHz). QSL via AB7FS.
F      - The Association des RadioAmateurs de  la  Cote  d'Emeraude  (F4KIR)
         will operate special event station TM0TSR from  Saint-Malo  on  2-8
         July for the Tall Ship Race 2012. QSL via F4FJH.
F      - F5SKJ, F6FAI, F4EJW, F4ELJ, F0GWK  and  F0GXK  will  be  active  as
         TM9LF from the lighthouse on Ile Noire, in the Bay of  Morlaix,  on
         21-22 July. QSL via F0GWK (bureau only) and eQSL. [TNX F4ELJ]
FP     - Mike, VE2XB will be active as FP/VE2XB from St. Pierre et  Miquelon
         (NA-032) on 10-20 August. He will operate SSB and CW on all  bands,
         with a special effort on 6 metres. QSL via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau.  Further  information  at  [TNX
GM     - GM0EGI, GM0ELP, GM0LIR, GM0OQV, GM4ZNC, MM0BQI and MM0GPZ  will  be
         active as GB5SI from the Shiant Islands  (EU-112)  on  15-22  July.
         They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-6 metres. QSL  via  MM0BQI
         and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
GU     - A group of operators from the  Hamtests  Club  will  be  active  as
         MU0HTJ from Guernsey (EU-114) on 26-31 July, including an entry  in
         the IOTA Contest. QSL via 2E0SQL. [TNX]
I      - Simon, IZ7ATN reports he will be active as  IZ7ATN/p  from  Scoglio
         Portonuovo di Fuori (not IOTA, IIA FG-015) on 22-23 June.
IS0    - Claudio, IZ0KRC will be active holiday  style  as  IS0/IZ0KRC  from
         the main island of Sardinia (EU-024) from 23 June to  15  July.  He
         will operate SSB, CW and digital  modes  on  the  HF  bands  and  6
         metres. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [TNX]
KH8    - Dick, N7RO and Yuri, N3QQ [425DXN 1099] will be  active  as  KH8PPG
         and/or KH8RRC from Tutuila (OC-045), American Samoa  from  27  June
         to 3 July. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 40-10 metres  with
         two stations. QSL via N7RO. [TNX DX World]
KP4    - Special event station K4O will be active on  30  June  and  1  July
         from the headquarters of the Puerto Rico Olympic  Committe  in  San
         Juan to celebrate the Flag Bearing of the  Puerto  Rico  delegation
         to the Olympic Games in London. QSL via NP3O. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
LA     - Glenn, LA8XRA and  Trond,  LA9VDA  will  be  active  as  LA6Q  from
         Jonsholmen  Island  (EU-079)  on  10-13  August  and  from  Sandoya
         (EU-056) on 13-17 August. They will operate CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  on
         80-10 metres. QSL via LA9VDA, direct or bureau (email requests  for
         bureau cards can be sent to la9vda[@] [TNX LA9VDA]
OZ     - Ric, DL2VFR will be active as OZ0FR/p from Vendsyssel-Thy  (EU-171)
         on 7-20 July. He will operate mostly CW. QSL via DL2VFR, direct  or
         bureau. [TNX]
TY     - Pat, LA0HF will be  active  again  as  TY2BP  from  Cotonou,  Benin
         starting on 28 June. He plans to be QRV on 20, 15  and  10  metres.
         QSL via IK1IQD. [TNX IK2IQD]
VE     - Look for KC0VEU/VY0 to be active in his  spare  time  from  Eureka,
         Ellesmere Island (NA-008) between 22 June and 5 July.  He  recently
         passed his Extra class exam and is expecting a  new  call  sign  in
         the AD0 block, but will still sign /VY0. He might also  try  to  be
         QRV from the Polar  Environment  Atmospheric  Research  Laboratory,
         located in the rare ER grid (ER60) for those who chase the CQ  Grid
         Fields Award, and the rare ITU Zone 75. QSLvia  home  call,  direct
         or bureau. [TNX WC6DX]
VP2M   - Gordon,  G3USR will be active as VP2MSR  from  Montserrat  (NA-103)
         from 29 June to 9 July. He plans to  concentrate  on  20-6  metres,
         SSB only. QSL via G3USR, direct only.
W      - The following stations will  be  active  during  the  "Original  13
         Colonies Special Event", which will be held on 1-5 July:  K2A  (New
         York), K2B (Virginia), K2C (Rhode Island), K2D  (Connecticut),  K2E
         (Delaware), K2F (Maryland),  K2G  (Georgia),  K2H  (Massachusetts),
         K2I (New Jersey), K2J (North Carolina), K2K  (New  Hampshire),  K2L
         (South Carolina) and K2M  (Pennsylvania).  Further  information  on
         the  event  and  the  relevant  certificate  can  be    found    at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> TL8ES (Central African Republic, 2011  operation)  and  TT8ES
(Chad, 2012 operation have been approved for DXCC credit. [TNX NC1L]

HEARD ISLAND 2014 ---> The initial operators  for  the  2014  expedition  to
Heard Island  (  include  KK6EK,  ON6TT,  DL1MGB,  N6MZ,
DJ9ZB, NP4IW, AD6E, N4GRN, DJ5IW, N6PSE, W3WL,  W0GJ  and  AA7XT.  The  next
round of team members will be announced on 15 August. 

IOTA EU-117 & EU-133  GROUPS  --->  This  is  an  abridged  version  of  the
official announcement dated 16 June that can be found  on  the  RSGB  IOTA's
Following the decision by the ARRL to delete Malyy  Vysotskiy  Island  (MVI)
from the current DXCC list as of 17 February 2012, the  IOTA  Committee  has
considered action to be taken  with  regard  to  the  future  of  EU-117.  A
consultation conducted by an  enlarged  IOTA  management  group  produced  a
clear majority in favour of splitting EU-133 to form two groups  within  the
Gulf of Finland, North and South. The dividing  line  has  been  set  at  60
degrees, 15 minutes north. The islands now constituting the two  groups  can
be seen via the Search facility  on  The  change  has  an
effective date backdated to 17 February 2012.  Past  credits  for  MVI  will
continue to stand and new opportunities are created for  contacting  EU-117.
Record-holders need take no action regarding existing credits as  they  will
not be deleted as a consequence of this change, nor in the  case  of  EU-133
credits need they be transferred unless requested.

OH10X/MM ---> Kristina Cruises Ltd with Radio Arcala, OH8X of  Finland,  are
in the process of testing whether a permanent  Amateur  Radio  station  will
suit the maritime  environment  and  serve  DXers  in  their  leisure  time,
whether cruising in the Mediterranean or  off  West  Africa  or  just  doing
island-hopping in the Caribbean.
The onboard station will be active at the peak propagation hours to  various
continents on 14267 kHz on 20-24 June. The test cruise will  take  the  ship
to Estonia (ES), Gotland, Sweden (SM1), Aland Islands  (OH0),  and  back  to
Finland.  The  objective  for  the  first  run  is  to  look   at  potential
interference issues both ways -  from  the  Amateur  Radio  station  to  the
ship's navigation system and from the ship's advanced  PC  networks  to  the
reception of Amateur Radio transmissions.

YASME AWARDS ---> The Yasme Foundation has for many years offered two  Yasme
Awards, available at no cost  to  qualifying  applicants.  The  first  Yasme
Award, in the form of a handsome plaque, is offered to  those  amateurs  who
submit proof of 30 QSOs with Yasme officials and DXpeditions  that  have  at
least one Yasme official as a participant. The  second,  the  Yasme  Supreme
Award, is in the form of a representation of the YASME boat  used  by  Danny
Weil in his around-the-world  DXpedition  and  is  available  to  those  who
submit proof of 60 QSOs with Yasme officials and DXpeditions  with  a  Yasme
official as a participant.
After a year-long evaluation of the rules for  qualifying  call  signs,  the
Board of Directors is pleased to announce  that  the  rules  for  qualifying
call signs have been revised. As a result, many call signs have  been  added
to the list. The revised list of call signs  eligible  for  both  awards  is
available at

+ SILENT KEYS + Sayed Abdel Samei (SU1SA) passed away on  13  June.  He  was
the President  of  the  Egyptian  Radio  Amateurs  Society  for  Development
(ERASD) and succeeded SU1GS, who died in January.


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8DB, 3C0E,  3C6A,  3D2R,  3W2BB,
4L2M, 4S7NE, 5H1DF, 5H3EE, 5N7M, 5V7V, 6H6IARU,  6O0CW,  6O3A,  9L0W,  9M0L,
9M2ESM, 9N7JO, A35YZ, A43DI (AS-112),  AL1F,  AT2DW  (AS-175),  C31CT,  C5A,
CE2WQ,  CP4BT,  CR3L,  CS9L,  CT3/DJ6QT,  CT9L,  DJ6OI/p  (EU-128),  E51BKV 
OC-159), EJ0PL (EU-103), EK6TA, ET3JA,  ET3SID,  FG5FR,  FK/F4BKV  (OC-033),
J67ZF, J79DS,  J79IU,  J79WTA,  J8/N2IEN,  JD1BMH,  JX5O,  KG4WV,  KH8/N9YU,
KT3Q/6 (NA-066), MU0FAL, NP4A, OD5NH,  OD5NJ,  PJ2/N4RV,  PJ4A,  PJ7/IK2QPR,
PJ7PT, PT5T,  RA2FN,  T88RF,  TJ3AY,  TJ6RM,  TL0CW,  V25DR,  V31WW,  V37NS,
XW3DT, YB8Y (OC-221), YC6ODD, YJ0VK, YW5PI (SA-048), ZA100I,  ZA1G,  ZA20QA,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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