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12 May 2012                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1097
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5X     - 5X5RO is the callsign  issued  to  Freddy  F5IRO  (J28RO)  for  his
         current activity from Uganda [425DXN 1095].  He  operates  CW  (and
         possibily PSK) in his spare time, and according  to  Les  Nouvelles
         DX will remain in the country until 8 June. QSL via  F8DFP,  direct
         or bureau.
6W     - Vlad, RK4FF will be active as 6V7S from Le Calao, Senegal on  16-28
         May. He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80,  40,  20,  15  and  10
         metres. QSL via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
DL     - Hans, DL2RU will be active as DL2RU/p from Usedom  Island  (EU-129)
         on 19-26 May. On 20 May he  will  operate  for  a  few  hours  from
         Goermitz Island (same IOTA group but a different  counter  for  the
         German Islands Award). QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau.  [TNX
DL     - Sebastian, DL1AXX will be active as DL1AXX/p  from  Baltrum  Island
         (EU-047) on 20-25 May. QSL via home call,  direct  or  bureau  [TNX]
EA     - EA2DXR, EA2JB, EA2KK, EA2RC, EA2TT and  EA2VE  will  be  active  as
         TM12O from Oleron Island (EU-032) on 18-20 May. They  will  operate
         SSB and RTTY on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via EA2TT.
EA8    - Special event station EH8ITU will be active on 17-20 May from  Gran
         Canaria (AF-004) to celebrate  ITU's  World  Telecommunication  and
         Information Society Day (17 May). QSL via EA8ADL.
FO_ci  - Cordell  Expeditions  has  announced  plans  for  a  DXpedition  to
         Clipperton Island (NA-011) in March  2013.  A  team  of  up  to  24
         operators will be  QRV  under  a  TX5  callsign  TBA  for  10  days
         starting around 1 March. They will  be  active  on  all  bands  and
         modes with up to 8 stations, and will use an  advanced  version  of
         DXA, the satellite-linked system that displays  near-real-time  log
         data. For the time being the team includes  KK6EK,  DL1MGB,  NP4IW,
         DL3DXX, DJ5IW, SP5XVY and DL8LAS,  and  more  operators  are  being
         sought. Further information at
G      - Special event call GB60VUL is active until 27  May  celebrating  60
         years of the Avro Vulcan bomber. The call is  being  operated  from
         six venues by the Newbury and District ARS,  with  some  help  from
         the Finningley ARS. QSL via bureau, or direct to M0JEC. [TNX M0JEC]
G      - The Cray Valley Radio Society will be active as GB6MW from  Meopham
         Windmill  on  12-13  May  for  the  Mills  on  the   Air    weekend
         ( QSL via G4DFI. [TNX M0MCV]
GM     - EI6FR, GM0DJG, GM3OZB, GM3YEH, GM3ZRT and MM0BIM will be active  as
         GM7WCO/p from the St. Kilda Islands (EU-059)  on  16-21  May.  They
         will operate CW, SSB and possibily RTTY on the  HF  bands  and  6m.
         QSL via GM7WCO, direct or bureau. [TNX]
G      - Kev, M0TNX and Mart, M3POG will be  active  as  GB2HI  from  Hilbre
         Island (EU-120) on 17-20 May. They will operate SSB, CW, some  RTTY
         and a little PSK on 40-10 metres, and maybe a  bit  on  80  metres.
         QSL via M0OXO. [TNX M0TNX]
GM     - Orkney Amateur Radio Club members will  be  active  as  GS5NB  from
         Ness Battery at Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands (EU-009) on  19-21  May.
         They will have two stations active on  80-10  metres  CW,  SSB  and
         digital modes. They might be QRV for testing the previous  weekend,
         and at times during the week  preceding.  QSL  via  GM0WED  (direct
         only) and LoTW. [TNX 5B4AHJ]
GM     - Glyn, GW0ANA will be active as  GM0ANA  from  Gigha  Island,  Inner
         Hebrides (EU-008) on 21-27 May. He will be QRV on  SSB,  RTTY,  PSK
         and SSTV. QSL via GW0ANA, direct or bureau. [TNX GW0ANA]
I      - Guenter, DL3NBI will be active as IA5/DL3NBI from Isola del  Giglio
         (EU-028) on 15-23 May. QSL via home call,  direct  or  bureau  [TNX]
I      - IT9AHI, IT9AKC, IT9TFX, IT9YMM, IW9FSG and IZ8MWG  will  be  active
         as ID9Z from  Lipari  Island  (EU-017)  on  17-20  May.  They  will
         operate SSB, CW and RTTY on the HF bands as well  as  on  6  and  2
         metres. QSL via IT9TFX.
KL     - Rick, K6VVA reports he has postponed his  July  2012  "North  Slope
         IOTA Extravaganza" [425DXN 1080] until July  2013.  He  planned  to
         operate from  IOTA  groups  NA-172,  NA-050  and  NA-004,  but  the
         expedition  "has  now  been  rescheduled  for   hopefully    better
LA     - Helmut, DL5DSM (CW) and Bernhard, DL9UBF (SSB) will  be  active  as
         LA/DL5DSM and LA/DL9UBF from Vardo Island (EU-141)  on  15-23  May.
         They  will  also  plan  to  go  and  operate  as  LA/DL5DSM/p   and
         LA/DL9UBF/p from Hornoya (EU-141) during that time frame.  QSL  via
         home calls. [TNX]
LA     - Ric, DL2VFR  and  Norbert,  DL2RNS  will  operate  SSB  and  CW  as
         LA/DL2VFR and LA/DL2RNS from Hvaler Island (EU-061) on  16-21  May.
         QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX]
P4     - Michal OK7MT, Vit OK5MM and Petr OK2PP will be  active  from  Aruba
         (SA-036) on 17-31 May, CQ WPX CW Contest  included.  They  will  be
         signing P4/homecall and P40H (QSL via OK7MT, direct or bureau,  and
         LoTW). [TNX OK7MT]
S7     - Heye, DJ9RR will be active as S79RR from Mahe (AF-024),  Seychelles
         on 15-23 May. He will operate CW and RTTY on 40-10 metres. QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau, and LoTW.
SM     - A team of 6-8 operators will be active as 7S6W  from  Vinga  Island
         (EU-043) on 17-20 May. They will  have  three  stations  active  on
         80-10 metres SSB with some CW and RTTY. Updates will be  posted  to QSL via SM6MIS (bureau)  or  SM6WET  (direct).
         [TNX SM6U]
SV     - Once again Laci, HA0HW will be active as J48HW and  SV8/HA0HW  from
         Thassos Island (EU-174) from 24 May to 3 June. He will  participate
         in the CQ WPX CW Contest as J48HW; before and after the contest  he
         will be QRV on all HF bands  and  6  metres.  QSL  via  home  call,
         bureau preferred. [TNX HA0HW]
SV     - Boyko, LZ1QN and possibily others will participate in the CQWW  WPX
         CW Contest as SW8A from Samothraki Island (EU-174). QSL via  LZ1QN.
         [TNX LZ1BJ]
UA     - Celebrating the 200th anniversary of  the  Patriotic  War  of  1812
         (the French invasion of Russia)  special  callsign  R200V  will  be
         active from 12 June to 12 September from various historical  places
         in the regions of Smolensk and Moscow. QSL via RK3LO (bureau,  LoTW
         and eQSL). [TNX RW2L]
V2     - Darrell, AB2E will be active  as  V26E  from  Antigua  (NA-100)  on
         23-30 May, CQ WW WPX CW Contest included. He plans  to  concentrate
         on 30, 17 and 12m and low bands before and after  the  contest.  He
         will also give RTTY a try on all bands. QSL via AB2E  (direct)  and
         LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
V4     - Once  again  John, W5JON  will be  active  as V47JA  from St. Kitts
         (NA-104)from  12 July  to 2 August.  He will  operate SSB  on  80-6
         metres, and  will  participate in the IOTA Contest. His wife  Cathy
         (W5HAM) will  also operate  occasionally  as V47HAM.  All  QSLs via
         W5JON  and  LoTW. [TNX W5JON]
VE     - The "NA-128 Contest Group" (  will  be  active
         as VX2I from  Ile  Verte  (NA-128)  on  26-29  July,  IOTA  Contest
         included. The group will operate many stations from the  lighthouse
         keeper's quarters, with activity on all bands  SSB,  CW,  RTTY  and
         PSK63 before and after the contest. A station will be dedicated  to
         6m. QSL via VE2CQ, direct or bureau. [TNX VE2EBK]
VK     - Wally, VK6YS will be active  as  VK6YS/p  from  West  Lewis  Island
         (OC-199) on 19-21 May. He plans to operate mainly SSB with some  CW
         on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
W      - Jeff, W6UX and other five operators will be active as  W6UX/p  from
         Anacapa Island (NA-144) from around 22 UTC on 27 July until 12  UTC
         on the 29th, IOTA Contest included. Look for them on  10,  15,  20,
         30 (Friday only), and 40 metres. QSL via W6UX.
XE     - Zalo, XE3N plans to be active from Cayo  Culebra  (NA-200)  on  1-3
         June. He will  be  QRV  on  80-6  metres  SSB,  RTTY  and  possibly
         Satellite. QSL via EA5FL. [TNX DX World]
XZ     - Simon, HS0ZIB [425DXN 1095] reports he will be in Myanmar  from  14
         May. He has been granted permission to be active as XZ1K, but  with
         an emphasis by the authorities on a 'low-key'  style  of  operation
         (SSB and possibily PSK).  Please  visit  for  further
         information. [TNX DX World]
YV     - A group of YL  operators  (namely  YV4AW,  YY5AA,  YY5ALO,  YY5ANG,
         YY5CMO, YY5EBV, YY5ILN and YY5SRR) will be  active  as  YW5YL  from
         Isla la Playita on  18-20  May.  They  will  operate  SSB,  CW  and
         digital modes. QSL via YV5AJ, direct or bureau.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> 7O6T (Yemen,  current  operation)  and  6O3A  (Somalia,  2012
operation) have been approved for DXCC credit. [TNX NC1L]

EFC 2012 ---> Celebrating the 14th UEFA European Football  Championship,  to
be hosted jointly by Poland and Ukraine, a  very  large  number  of  special
callsigns with 3Z2012, HF2012, SN2012, EM2012, EN2012  and  EO2012  prefixes
will be active between 1 June and 5 July. Detailed information on  the  "EFC
2012 On The Air" event, organized by PZK and UARL, and the  relevant  awards
can be found at [TNX SQ2RH]

QSL ZL2WL ---> NI5DX, is the QSL manager for  Wayne,  ZL2WL.  Once  the  log
file is transferred and the cards are printed, Buzz  will  be  able  to  all
past and future contacts made with ZL2WL.

+ SILENT KEY + Lawrence A. Gandy (AH8LG) passed away on 8 May  at  80  years
of age. The president  of  the  American  Samoa  Amateur  Radio  Association
(ASARA), Larry was an active DXer and over the years he helped quite  a  few
DXpeditioners travelling to Pacific destinations.


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8/SP2FUD, 3D2T, 3DA0NJ,  3DA0NW,
4L0A, 5C2S (AF-068), 5C2SG, 5H3RK, 5H3VMB,  5N6/YL2SW,  5R8UI,  5Z4/IZ7ATN/p
(AF-040), 5Z4EE, 6O3A,  6Y1V,  7P8GF,  7U1MA,  7X2ARA,  8Q7DV,  9J2BO,  9L0W
(AF-037), 9M6/OH2YY, A71CM, BA5CJ/5 (AS-141),  C21HA,  C5YK,  C6AKQ,  C6ALK,
C6AZZ, C91NW, CN8KD, CO6LC, DU1IST,  E51BKV  (OC-159),  E51M,  E51Z,  EA9AI,
EE9Z,  ET3AA,  ET3SID,  FJ/N2IEN,  FJ/VE3EY,  FK/F4BKV  (OC-033),  FP/M0VFC,
GR100MGY, GS3PYE/p (EU-123), GU3UOQ, HC2/W7SE, HI8A, IJ7DX (EU-073),  J79WE,
PJ2/K8ND,  PJ2T,  PJ5/DL7VOG,  PV2PC  (SA-028),  PZ5RO,  SU9VB,    SV0XCC/9,
SV2ASP/A, SV5BYR, T2T, T32C, T6BP, T88ZO, TC150SLH, TC2BK,  TG8/W0OR,  TI5N,
TL0CW, TO3A, TO5G (SA-020), TT8M, TU2T, TX3T,  TX7M,  TY1KS,  V25AA,  V85TL,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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