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28 April 2012                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1095
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4J     - Charles, M0OXO and  Alan,  5B4AHJ  have  provided  a  list  of  the
         special callsigns issued  by  the  Ministry  of  Communications  of
         Azerbaijan for the Eurovision Song Contest to be held in Baku.  The
         special callsigns may be used until 15  June.  QSL  via  operator's
         4J12SONG   issued to  Sergey Gorobets (4J5A)
         4J1SONG    issued to  Andrey Shutikov (4K6DI)
         4J4SONG    issued to  Denis Denisov (4J9NM)
         4J5SONG    issued to  Natig Gasimov (4J5T)
         4J7SONG    issued to  Oktay Kerimov (4J7A)
         4J9SONG    issued to  Rashad Iskenderli (4J9M)
         4JR0SONG   issued to  Morita Yasuhiko (4JR0HYT)
         4JS0NG     issued to  "Safari" Club (4J4K)
         4K12SONG   issued to  Boris Gorobets (4K4K)
         4K1SONG    issued to  Mehdi Mamedov (4J7FM)
         4K2012SONG issued to  Leonid Malinin (4K8F)
         4K4SONG    issued to  Asif Jafarov (4K6AL)
         4K6SONG    issued to  Vladimir Zhabin (4K6C)
         4K8SONG    issued to  Mixail Sirov (4K8M)
         4K9SONG    issued to  Vladimir Shishko (4K9W)
         4KS0NG     issued to  "Gen. Aslanov" Club (4K7Z)
5X     - Freddy, F5IRO (J28RO) will be working in Uganda between  early  May
         and June (exact dates unknown for the time being). He plans  to  be
         QRV (callsign TBA) in his spare time, with activity  on  the  upper
         HF bands and on 30 metres during his evenings. He will  operate  CW
         and maybe some PSK. QSL via F8DFP, direct or bureau. Freddy's  blog
         is at
A5     - Look for JA1JQY (A52JY), JK1EBA  (A52BA),  JA3MCA  (A52MA),  JA1KJW
         (A52KJ) and JA8VE (A52VE) to be active from Thimpu, Bhutan on  6-14
         June. They plan to be QRV on 160-6 metres SSB, CW  and  RTTY,  with
         an emphasis on 6m (a breakable beacon  will  be  running  on  50125
         kHz). QSL via home calls. [TNX JF1OCQ]
EA8    - Members of the Gran Canaria DX Group and the local URE  radio  club
         will be active  as  EG8WFF  from  the  Biosphere  Reserve  of  Gran
         Canaria on 5-6 May. They will operate  SSB,  CW  and  RTTY  on  all
         bands from the island's central mountains (1350m a.s.l.).  QSL  via
         EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN]
F      - Look for F/DL1COP, F/DL1KD, F/DJ2VO, F/DL3KMS and  F/DL3KBQ  to  be
         active from Porquerolles Island (EU-070) on 12-25  May.  They  will
         be QRV on  80-10  metres  all  modes.  QSL  via  home  calls.  [TNX]
F      - A group of operators from the Charente DX Group will be  active  as
         TM0CI from the Chausey Islands  (EU-039)  on  19-25  May.  QSL  via
         F5EOT, direct or bureau (QSLling instructions on
F      - The Castres DX Gang will be active as TM5FI from  Ratonneau  Island
         (EU-095) on 23-30 May. QSL via F5XX. [TNX F8ATM]
HB9    - Tera Radio Club ( members will be active on all  bands
         and modes as HB100FLP from 7 May to 9 June to celebrate  the  100th
         anniversary of the railway line between  Lugano  and  Ponte  Tresa.
         QSL via HB9OCR, bureau preferred. [TNX HB9OAU]
HS     - HS0ZKG is the callsign issuedon 25 April to Alain, F6HBR  (ex-FO8FW
         and FR5EM) under the reciprocal agreement signed  between  Thailand
         and France in December 2011. Alain operates mainly  CW,  with  some
         PSK and RTTY, from Koh Samui (AS-101). [TNX F5NQL]
JA     - Mitsuo, JF6TEU and Tsuyoshi, JA6VDB will be active from Uji  Island
         (AS-067) on 11-13 May. They plan to operate CW  and  SSB  on  80-12
         metres,  They might also be QRV on 160m, 10m, RTTY and  PSK31.  QSL
         direct or bureau. Updates will  be  posted  to  Twitter  (@JA6VDB).
         [TNX JA6VDB]
KH0    - Look for W2GJ/KH0 to be active  from  Saipan  (OC-086)  between  29
         April and 3 May. He plans to be QRV  on  80-10  metres  all  modes,
         possibily with some activity on 6  metres.  QSL  via  JL1FUQ.  [TNX
KL     - The Russian Robinson Club's second attempt at operating  from  IOTA
         group NA-240 (Bethel County, new one) is  now  scheduled  on  10-14
         May. The operators will be N3QQ, NL8F and possibily  a  third  one.
         Look for them to be signing  KL7RRC/p  from  Pingurbeck  Island  on
         40-6 metres SSB and CW. QSL via N7RO and UA9OBA. Live  tracking  of
         their location will be available at
OD     - Luigi, IV3XNF will be in Lebanon with the  UNIFIL  mission  between
         May and October. He plans to operate QRP as OD5/IV3XNF  during  his
         spare time, and to be QRV on 80-10 metres  CW  and  digital  modes.
         QSL via home call (direct), eQSL and LoTW.
PA     - PA3FTX, PA3Z, PD1GWF and  PF0IS  will  be  active  as  PI4WBR  from
         Schouwen Duiveland (EU-146) from 27  April  to  6  May.  They  will
         operate SSB on 80-10 metres. QSL  via  PA3FTX,  direct  or  bureau.
PA     - Frans, PC2F will use special callsign PC25HR between 6 and 28  May,
         and especially on 12 May from the Hertog Reijnout  pumping  station
         for Holland's National Windmill Day. QSL via home call (all of  the
         QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau). [TNX PC2F]
PJ2    - Anja, DH2AK and Torsten, DL1THM will be  active  holiday  style  as
         PJ2/DH2AK and PJ2/DL1THM from Curacao (SA-099) on  5-18  May.  They
         plan to operate mainly SSB on 15-20 metres.  QSL  via  home  calls,
         direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
PY     - Renner, PY7RP will be active holiday style as PY7RP/6 from  Tinhare
         Island (SA-080) on 10-13 May. He will operate CW and SSB using  100
         watts and wire antennas. QSL via home call. [TNX PT7WA]
T8     - Kan, JJ2RCJ (AB2RF) will be active as  T88RF  from  Palau  from  30
         April to 4 May. He plans to focus on  the  low  bands  and  digital
         modes (PSK63, RTTY, Hell). QSL via JJ2RCJ, direct  or  bureau,  and
         LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
UA     - Celebrating the 67th anniversary  of  the  end  of  World  War  II,
         special callsign R1945HS will be in use on 1-31 May. QSL via  RW6HS
         (direct only). [TNX RW6HS]
UR     - Members of Crimean Radio Club will be active as EM67J on  1-15  May
         to commemorate the 67th anniversary of the end  of  World  War  II.
         QSL via K2PF and LoTW. [TNX K2PF]
V6     - Kay, JH3AZC (V63AZ) and Takio, JH3QFL (V63QFL) will  be  active  as
         from Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia from 30  April  to  3  May.  They
         plan to be ARV on 40-6 metres  SSB,  CW  and  RTTY.  QSL  via  home
         calls. [TNX JN6RZM]
VE     - Special event callsign VC2CBS30 will be  in  use  on  1-30  May  to
         celebrate  the  30th  anniversary  of  the  incorporation  of   the
         Sorel-Tracy ARC (VE2CBS). QSL via VE2DWE. [TNX VA3RJ]
W      - Celebrating the CTRI Contest Group's 20th  anniversary,  twenty-six
         members will operate using individual 1x1 callsigns  on  1-15  May.
         Operations will take place from  fron  the  States  of  Connecticut
         (K1C, K1Q, K1R, K1T, N1M, N1Q, W1A), Rhode Island (K1B,  K1D,  K1G,
         K1J, K1K, K1L, K1O, K1U,  K1W,  N1H,  N1R,  W1M,  W1R,  W1W,  W1Y),
         Massachusetts (K1N, K1V, W1B) and  Vermont  (K1M).  QSL  via  NG1G.
W      - KA1SKY,  the  amateur   radio   station  at  the  McAuliffe-Shepard
         Discovery Center in Concord (NH), will be active as K1A  between  1
         and 15 May  to  commemorate  the  51st  anniversary  of  the  first
         American in space. QSL via KK1KW.
XE     - Special event station 6J5M will be active on 1-6 May for the  Cinco
         de Mayo festivities,  celebrating  the  150th  anniversary  of  the
         Battle of Puebla. QSL  via  XE1AMF.  Information  on  the  relevant
         award can be found at
XX9    - XX9E is the callsign  for  the  17-23  May  DXpedition  to  Coloane
         Island (AS-075), Macau [425DXN 1089]. A large team will  be  active
         on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY with at least three stations.  QSL
         via EB7DX and LoTW. Further information at
XZ     - Simon, HS0ZIB [425DXN 1072] splits his time  between  Thailand  and
         Myanmar, travelling to and fro each week and working  in  Kawthaung
         as a volunteer English and  Thai  language  teacher  at  the  local
         primary schools  (  He  has  been  granted
         permission to be active as  XZ1K,  but  with  an  emphasis  by  the
         authorities on a "'low-key' style of operation,  with  no  team  of
         operators, no large antennas, no  high  power  etc".  He  plans  to
         start with 10 metres (SSB only),  20  metress  (SSB  and  PSK)  and
         possibly 40 metres (SSB and PSK). "I  currently  have  no  6  meter
         equipment and need to build some wire antennas for the  low  bands.
         CW operation may follow when my morse rate is  adequate!"  Activity
         on the amateur radio bands will have to fit in with  his  work  and
         trips, but "please do not treat this like a  DXpedition!  I  intend
         to work in Myanmar as long as I can, and so you have  time  to  try
         for a QSO". All QSL card requests will be made by OQRS  (no  direct
         mail, bureau, LOTW or eQSL support). Please visit  for
         further information. [TNX DX World]
ZB     - Look for ZQ prefixes to be used from Gibraltar from  5  May  to  10
         June in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen  Elizabeth  II.
         Mike, ZB3M will be active as ZQ3M (QSL via home call, direct  only)
         and Edward, ZB2ER will use ZQ2ER (QSL via home call, direct only).
ZS8    - Rory Meyer, ZS6RGV is the new radio  technician  at  Marion  Island
         base, the Daily DX reports. He is expected to be very  busy  for  a
         few weeks, and "in the meantime ZS1HF (ex ZS8M) will be  supporting
         Rory with obtaining a ZS8 callsign".

CARIBBEAN TRIP ---> Barry, ZS1FJ/9V1FJ  (G4MFW)  will  be  active  from  the
Caribbean between 9 and 10 May. His planned schedule as follows:
09-11 May  PJ7/G4MFW (St. Maarten) and FS/G4MFW (St. Martin)
12-14 May  PJ5/G4MFW (Saba)
15-16 May  FJ/G4MFW (St. Barthelemy)
17-20 May  PJ2/G4MFW (Curacao) and PJ4/G4MFW (Bonaire)

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

D64K ---> The website for  the  August  DXpedition  to  the  Comoro  Islands
[425DXN 1091] is now up and running at

PY0S ---> Cesar, PY2YP reports he has received a few more St. Peter and  St.
Paul Rocks logs to be added to the dedicated page at  [425DXN
1092]. They are ZY0SA & ZY0SB (1987) and PW0PP & PY0RO (1978).

QSL VIA G3TEV ---> Mike, G3TEV  says  that  "due  to  the  vastly  increased
postal charges" [425DXN 1091], from 1 May "the minimum postage for a  direct
card from the UK will be $2 or 1 IRC. I am afraid that  unless  this  amount
is included, cards will be  returned  via  the  bureau".  Mike  is  the  QSL
manager for 9J2BO.

ST0R ---> During last weekend's International DX Convention  (Visalia),  the
ST0R team was honoured as the DXpedition of the Year as voted  upon  by  the
membership of the Northern California DX Club.  The  Intrepid-DX  Group  and
the DX Friends/Tifariti Gang and very proud of this honour and are  actively
working on future plans for further DXpeditions together. [TNX N6PSE]


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3D2T, 3V8BB,  4J3M,  4O3A,  4S7NE,
5H3EE, 5R8VB, 6O3A, 6Y0A, 6Y1V, 7Q7VB,  7X4AN,  7Z1SJ,  8P5A,  8P5Y,  8P9WH,
9J2RI,9M6/OH2YY (AS-051), 9M6XRO, 9M8Z, 9N7BM, 9Q6AL, 9Y4LAS, 9Y4NW,  A45XR,
A71BU, BV0J, C21HA, C31CT, C37N, C5YK, C6AKM, C6ATA,  C6AZZ,  C91NW,  CP4BT,
CX5TR, D2EB,  DU1/F4BKV  (OC-244),  E21YDP,  E51YNB,  E51YNB,  E51Z,  EA6SX,
HG1S, HI3K, HK1R, HU2DX, J38UN,  J6/K9CJM,  JX5O,  KL7AC,  KP2/AB1NL,  KP2M,
KP2TM, LR2F, LX8RTTY, MJ/K8PT, OA4SS, OH0Z, OZ/DH8WW (EU-172),  P40L,  P40W,
P40YL,  P41P,  P49V,  P49X,  P49Y,  PA/ON5TC  (EU-146),  PJ2T,    PJ4/K4BAI,
PJ4/WA1Z, PJ4R, PJ4Z, PJ5/DL7VOG,  PJ7PT,  PS5F  (SA-088),  PV2PC  (SA-028),
TL0CW,TN2T, TO3A, TO4M,  TX3T  (OC-046),  TX6T/p  (OC-063),  TX7M  (OC-027),
V21ZG, V31AT, V31RR, V31SG (NA-073),  V31TP,  V44KAI,  V55V,  V73NS,  VK0TH,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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