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14 January 2012                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1080
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2_cr - Hrane, YT1AD and a multi-national team of operators  (AA4NN,  AD6E,
         AH6HY, EA1IR, I2VGW, K3LP, K6SRZ, N6PSE, PY5EG, RW4NW,  UA4HOX  and
         WD5COV so far) will be active on all bands and modes as  3D2C  from
         Conway Reef (OC-112) between 25 September and 6  October.  QSL  via
         YT1AD. Two more operators are  being  sought.  Further  information
         can be found at [TNX YT3W]
C2     - Pista, HA5AO and  George, HA5UK  have been forced to  cancel  their
         announced  South  Pacific  Tour  (T2HA,  3D2HA,  T30HA  and  T33HA)
         [425DXN 1060] owing to  reasons  beyond  their  control  (read  the
         details on Their  new  target  is  Nauru
         (OC-031), and they will be active as C21HA until 6  February,  with
         two stations on the HF bands. Being unable  to  use  their  SteppIR
         BigIR (its stepper drive motor has been stolen!), they have set  up
         "an inverted L antenna for the second station, but it means  strong
         limitation in signal strength. It is good  for  NA/SA  but  unlikly
         for EU. The two verticals are doing the  job  well,  especially  on
         the higher bands". QSL via HA5UK. [TNX HA0HW]
CE     - Roberto CE3CT, Pedro CE3FZ and Luc LU1FAM will be  active  as  3G7C
         from Chiloe Island (SA-018) on 15-18  April.  They  will  have  two
         stations active on CW, SSB and RTTY, with a focus on 30 metres  and
         the low bands. QSL direct to CE3FZ (Pedro Barroso, P.O.  Box  3159,
         Santiago,  Chile).  Further  information   can    be    found    at  [TNX LU1FAM]
EI     - Special callsign  EI80IRTS  will  be  in  use  throughout  2012  to
         celebrate the 80th anniversary  of  the  Irish  Radio  Transmitters
         Society (IRTS). QSL via EI4GXB.
F      - TM70TRS is a special callsign celebrating the 70th  anniversary  of
         the French Army Signal Corps. It will be used by  the  French  Army
         Amateur Radio Clubs throughout 2012, during the major domestic  and
         international contests and other French Army  activities.  QSL  via
         F6KHX. [TNX F5NQL]
FH     - Hartwig, DL7BC will be active as TO7BC from Mayotte  (AF-027)  from
         23 March to 6 April, including an  entry  in  the  CQ  WW  WPX  SSB
         Contest. On 20-22  March  he  will  be  operating  under  his  CEPT
         licence as FH/DL7BC. QSL via home  call,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
GM     - The  Orkney  Amateur  Radio  Club  ( will
         Operate three special event stations on 21-29 January in support of
         the Royal National Lifeboat Institution's fundraising day. Look for
         GB1OL (QSL via MM5DWW), GB2OL (QSL via GM0WED) and  GB4OL (QSL  via
         GM0IFM) to be active on most bands SSB,  with  some  CW  and  data.
         [TNX VA3RJ]
HK0    - The advance team on Malpelo (HK1N, HK1T, HK6F and  HK1MW)  continue
         their hard work of setting up the  HK0NA  operating  sites  [425DXN
         1078].  Their  primary  purpose  on  the  island  is  to    prepare
         everything for the main group arriving on 21 January, and they  are
         QRV in their spare time.  They  have  been  using  HK0NA  since  10
         January (logs to be uploaded to ClubLog after the  arrival  of  the
         main operating team). QSOs made with the four men using their  home
         calls will count  as  valid  contacts  with  Malpelo  and  will  be
         confirmed through the team's QSL manager (N2OO).  Those  logs  will
         not be available until after the DXpedition, and  those  QSOs  will
         not show in the HK0NA "log lookup". [TNX K4UEE]
KL     - Rick, K6VVA is in the  planning  stages  of  a  "North  Slope  IOTA
         Extravaganza" including operations from three rare groups in  July.
         Tentative  dates,  subject  to  change  owing  to  local    weather
         conditions, are:
         19-21 July    K6VVA/KL7    Crescent Island (NA-172)
         23-24 July    K6VVA/KL7    Barter Island (NA-050)
         25-26 July    K6VVA/KL7    Endeavor Island (NA-004)
         QSL  via  N6AWD,  direct  or  bureau. Mike, K9AJ will join Rick for
         NA-172,  and  maybe  also  for  the  other  two  islands.  Bookmark for updates.
LX    -  Special  callsign  LX75RL  will  be  in  use  throughout  2012   to
         celebrate the 75th anniversary of  the  foundation  of  the  Reseau
         Luxembourgeois  des  Amateurs  d'Ondes  Courtes  (the    Luxembourg
         Amateur  Radio  Society  affiliated  with  IARU).  QSL  via   LX2A.
         Information on the relevant award can be found at
PJ2    - Tom, AA9A will be active as PJ2/AA9A from Curacao (SA-099) from  21
         January to 4 February. He  will  operate  holiday  style  on  40-10
         metres CW and SSB. QSL via AA9A and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
PJ4    - After participating in the  PJ4C  DXpedition,  Norbert  DJ7JC  will
         remain on the island for a few more days. Look for him  to  operate
         as PJ4M from Bonaire (SA-006) on 23-30 January. QSL via home call.
SM     - ON4AWT, ON5RZ and  ON7DS  will  be  active  from  SI9AM  (the  King
         Chulalongkorn Memorial  Amateur  Radio  Society,  in
         Ragunda on  25-30  January,  including  an  entry  in  the  UBA  DX
         Contest. QSL via SM3CVM, direct or via bureau. [TNX SM3CVM]
V3     - Gerd, DJ4KW (V31YN, and Gisela,  DK9GG
         (V31GW) will  be  active  from  Consejo  Shores,  Belize  until  26
         February, including a number of contests (CQ  WW  160m  DX  CW  and
         SSB, CQ WW WPX RTTY, ARRL DX CW). On 1-8 February look for  V31YN/p
         to be active from Southwater Caye  (NA-180).  QSL  via  home  calls
         (direct or bureau) and LoTW.
VP8    - Zorro, JH1AJT will be visiting the  Falkland  Islands  (SA-002)  on
         21-28 January, and will operate holiday-style as  VP8DNT  on  80-10
         metres from the QTH of VP8LP. QSL via JH1AJT. [TNX DX World]
W      - Bodo, DF8DX will operate mostly CW as KT3Q/6  from  Santa  Catalina
         Island (NA-066) on 14-15 January, from around  1  UTC  on  Saturday
         until 22 UTC on Sunday. QSL via DF8DX. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

60M NEW WEB SITE ---> With the help of K3ZXL,K5YY and  W8GEX,  the  new  60m
website is now up an running at  Here  you  will
find a  collection  of  information  about  current  events  on  60  metres,
upcoming DXpeditions, and more.

January-4 February) and HK0NA from Malpelo (21 January-8 February)  will  be
operational simultaneously, the leaders of each team have  agreed  upon  the
following coordinated frequency plan.
           |        HK0NA        |         VP6T        |
           |   TX       RX       |   TX       RX       |
10m CW     |   28024    up       |   28035    up       |
10m SSB    |   28405    As Dir   |   28490    As Dir   |
10m RTTY   |   28080    up       |   28108    up/dwn   |
12m CW     |   24892    up       |   24903    up       |
12m SSB    |   24940    As Dir   |   24960    As Dir   |
12m RTTY   |   24920    up       |   24928    dwn      |
15m CW     |   21024    up       |   21035    up       |
15m SSB    |   21275    As Dir   |   21295    As Dir   |
15m RTTY   |   21080    up       |   21098    up       |
17m CW     |   18070    up       |   18083    up       |
17m SSB    |   18130    As dir   |   18150    As Dir   |
17m RTTY   |   18098,5  dwn/up   |   18108    dwn      |
20m CW     |   14024    up       |   14035    up       |
20m SSB    |   14160    As dir   |   14180    As Dir   |
20m RTTY   |   14080    up       |   14088    up/dwn   |
30m CW     |   10124    up       |   10103    up       |
30m RTTY   |   10142    dwn      |   10144    up       |
40m CW     |    7024    up       |    7003    up       |
40m SSB    |    7056    7195+/-  |    7085    As Dir   |
40m RTTY   |    7038    dwn      |    7048    up       |
80m CW     |    3524    up       |    3503    up       |
80m SSB    |    3770    As dir   |    3790    up/dwn   |
80m RTTY   |    3586    dwn      |    3588    up       |
160m CW    |    1833,5  up       |    1831,5  dwn      |
           | JA         1811-16  | JA         1819-24  |
160m SSB   |    1845    up       |                     |
160m RTTY  |    1845    up       |                     |
Col McGowan, MM0NDX (Europe) and San Hutson, K5YY (rest of the  world)  will
act as pilots for the  Malpelo DXpedition. The team on the  island  will  be
getting daily  updates  from the pilots. They "will not be relaying personal
requests for special bands, modes, times or why not in the log or changing a
log, etc. The purpose of the updates is to assist the HK0NA team in specific
operational 'refinements' to their basic operational  plan".  Please  please
read  and  follow the basic  guidelines  on the  website (
and do  not  contact  the  pilots prior to the beginning of  the DXpedition,
which should be on  the afternoon of 21 January if all goes well.

NCDXA AWARDS ---> The National Capitol  DX  Association  (  is
pleased to announce that its "DX-Pedition of the Year Award 2011"  has  been
given to Hrane Milosevic, (YT1AD)  for  3D2R,  an  "Outstanding  DX-Pedition
Operation and Amateur Radio  Youth  Development  Program  with  Rotuma  High
School". Sid May, ET3SID is the "DXer of  the  Year  2011",  for  "exceeding
expectations as Mentor and providing effective Youth Development  Leadership
at ET3AA". The NCDXA's new DXCC-EAST Convention will be held on  25  August,
plese visit for complete details. [TNX K3LP]

VP6T ---> "6m operation from Pitcairn has not been on our agenda  since  the
early planning stage", the VP6T clarified on 11 January,  "as  well  as  all
others  bands/modes  that  are  not  specified  on".  If  time
permits, they will try to locate an old 5-element Yagi 6m antenna  (left  by
OH2BR probably), and "if it is still in good shape after 12 years  spent  on
the island, then we may  install  it  and  make  some  tests  on  6m,  using
conventional modes (CW and/or SSB)". In that case, it will be  announced  on
the website, or on air by the HF operators.

+ SILENT KEYS + Carlos Luis "Pato"  Juri  (LU3NC,  ex  LU3NCJ)  passed  away
unexpectedly on 7 January at 55 years of age. He was  the  former  President
of Radio Club Santiago del Estero (LU1NF) and a team member of  AY0N/X,  the
first and only DXpedition to Isla Pinguino (SA-087) back in 2000.
Other recently reported Silent Keys  include  Leonid  Gurevitch  (4Z5AO,  ex
UA1AKZ), Alfredo Gabba (I1HAG), Pavel P. Guzenko (UY5YY)  and  Bozo  Metzger
(9A2BR), a leader in radiation science and radiation protection  in  Croatia
and  the  author  of  a  celebrated  "Radio  Handbook   for    Amateurs  and

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3Z0WOSP     SP5ZRW      9A208DX     9A3JB       N5M         K5PVR
3Z20WOSP    SP5YOW      9A209A      9A9A        OH0TA       OH2TA
3Z6M        SP6IEQ      9A209L      9A9L        ON65BR      ON6BR
4K0BO       DL4WK       9J2CA       G3SWH       ON800TUR    ON1CB
4W0VB       UA4WHX      9M2MRS      PA0RRS      OX3XR       OZ3PZ
5B4AIF      EB7DX       9M6DXX      M0URX       P40YL       AI6YL
5B4AIZ      G3SWH       9M6XRO      M0URX       P49V        AI6V
5P12EU      OZ0J        9N1FE       EA5ZD       P49X        W0YK
5W1SA       JA1DXA      9U3TMM      IV3TMM      PJ2N        NN6NN
9A200Z      9A0Z        A45WW       EA5ZD       PJ4B        PA8A
9A201AA     9A1AA       A61XX       EA5ZD       R10DDX      R2DX
9A201MB     9A1MB       A65BM       W4JS        RI1ANA      RK1PWA
9A201R      9A1R        BV20HQ      BM2JCC      RU0LL       IK2DUW
9A202AA     9A2AA       C21HA       HA5UK       SE2I        SA2BRN
9A202EU     9A2EU       CN2JF       F6CTF       SN0WOSP     SP5KCR
9A202GA     9A2GA       CN8IG       EA7FTR      SN20WOSP    SQ8JCB
9A202KD     9A2KD       CN8NK       EA5XX       SX1912      SZ2RCP
9A202MF     9A2MF       CU2JT       EA3GHZ      T88BI       JH6KXG
9A202N      9A2N        CV1T        IK2DUW      T88CP       JA6UBY
9A202NA     9A2NA       CV5K        CX2ABC      T88HK       JE6DND
9A202WJ     9A2WJ       CX7CO       WB3CDX      T88KI       JL3TOG
9A203BIM    9A3BIM      D2EB        IZ3ETU      T88OW       RA0FF
9A203GI     9A3GI       DM50KSJ     DL2VM       T88SM       JA6EGL
9A203JB     9A3JB       DP3LUNA     DK1PM       T8OG        JL3TOG
9A203KS     9A3KS       E74WN       EA5KB       TJ3AY       F5LGE
9A203SM     9A3SM       EG7LBI      EA1AYG      TM10E       F5KTU
9A203ST     9A3ST       EW6GF       DL8KAC      TM22P       F4EUG
9A204BA     9A4BA       FM1II       NI5DX       TO5G        F5KDR
9A204M      9A4M        HA100CGCDH  HA0MO       TY2SI       JA1PBV
9A204W      9A4W        HC2/AL1O    DH1TW       UR5IFX      N4TV
9A204WW     9A4WW       HE5LC       HB9LC       V31YN       DJ4KW
9A205CW     9A5CW       HF0WOSP     SP2KFL      V31ZE       NE8Z
9A205ST     9A5ST       HP1/IZ6BRN  IZ8CLM      V44KAI      W5TFW
9A206JOY    9A6JOY      HS0ZGQ      DK8MZ       V47GIW      W4GIW
9A206M      9A6M        HS0ZJS      HB9PHJ      VE2CSI      M0URX
9A206NA     9A6NA       J79XB       VE2XB       W6KNH/KH0   JQ1KNH
9A206W      9A6W        JY4NE       K3IRV       XT2RJA      K3QF
9A206ZT     9A6ZT       K6VVA/7     N6AWD       XU7AAJ      IW3SNW
9A207AAA    9A5K        KH0K        JE4SMQ      XU7AEP      UA9YPS
9A207DCK    9A7DCK      KH0UY       JO3FRH      XU7AEQ      UA9YAB
9A207PJT    9A7PJT      LU1IV       W3HNK       XV1X        OK1DOT
9A207SSY    9A7SSY      LX75RL      LX2A        XW0ZJZ      E21EIC
9A207WA     9A7WA       LZ40YE      LZ1YE       ZF2LC       W2SM
9A208D      9A1CRD      LZ40YG      LZ1YG       ZF2ZE       NE8Z

F5KDR    C.R.A.V., Maison des Associations de Charzais, Mairie Annexe, 2
         rue Louis Fradet, 85200 Fontenay le Comte, France
FO8WBB   Brad A. Fisher, B.P. 12570, 98712 Papara - Tahiti, French Polynesia
HA5UK    Kovacs Gyorgy, Budapest, Csur u. 15, 1162, Hungary
I2GPT    Vittorio Caria, Via Cimabue 22, 20010 Casorezzo MI, Italy
IV3TMM   Francesco Crosilla, Via Grassi 7, 33028 Tolmezzo UD, Italy
JA6EGL   Mike S. Miyake, Hakata Amateur Radio Association, P.O. Box 232,
         Hakata, 812-8799, Japan
JA6UBY   Yasuo Tajiri, 9-9-703 Kanaya-machi, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki-ken,
         850-0037, Japan
JE6DND   Katsuhiko Hayashida, 5-5-28-106 Hibaru, Minami-Ku, Fukuoka-Shi,
         Fukuoka-Ken, 811-1355, Japan
JH6KXG   Masanori Kawakami, 10-26 Minamigaoka-machi, Nagasaki-shi,
         Nagasaki-ken, 850-0943, Japan
JL3TOG   Koji Iwata, 1343-6 Anamushi, Kashiba-shi, Nara-ken, 639-0252, Japan
PA0RRS   Richard Smeets, Constance Gerlingsstraat 60, 5121 ZR Rijen, The
PA8A     Peter Jelgersma, Noordzijde 14, 2411 RA Bodegraven, The Netherlands
RA0FF    Eugene Popov, P.O.Box 79, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-10, 693010, Russia
VK4EI    Lyn Battle, PMB 1 Karumba QLD 4891, Australia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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