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17 May 2008                                                A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 889
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4U1UN   - Roger, G3SXW and Johnny, LA5IIA expect to operate as 4U1UN from the
          United Nations Headquarters in New York City on 17-18 May,  between
          "lunchtime Saturday to lunchtime Sunday, NY  time", even though  "I
          think it unlikely  that we will  be able to  QRV for  the whole  24
          hours", Roger says. QSL via HB9BOU.
9A      - Once again Zik,  VE3ZIK will be  active as  9A/VE3ZIK from  Bilice,
          Croatia on 18-27 May. He plans to operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK  on
          the HF bands and to take part in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (SOSB  or
          SOAB). QSL via DO7ZZ, direct or bureau (e-mail requests for  bureau
          cards  can  be   sent  to,   and  log  search   to
9M6_spr - The team  members of  the 1-14  March operation  from Pulau  Layang
          Layang, Spratly  Islands  (AS-051) [425DXN  887]  are  John/9M6XRO,
          Steve/9M6DXX, Pete/SM5GMZ, Jay/W5SL and  James/9V1YC. A sixth  team
          member will be confirmed later. Callsign  to be announced, and  QSL
          via M3SDE (direct or bureau). [TNX 9M6DXX]
C6      - Eric, K9GY will be  active as C6AYM  from New Providence  (NA-001),
          Bahamas on 21-26 May. He plans to operate on 80-10 metres CW and on
          6 metres SSB/CW, and to participate  in the CQ  WW WPX CW  Contest.
          QSL via home call. [TNX F5NQL]
BY      - Five Beijing Olympic  Games special event  stations will be  active
          from 18 May through 17 September.  The five special callsigns  will
          represent the five colours of the Olympic flag: BT1OB (for  Beibei,
          blue), BT1OJ  (for Jingjing,  black),  BT1OH (for  Huanhuan,  red),
          BT1OY (for Yingying, yellow) and BT1ON  (for Nini, green). The  QSL
          manager for all of them  will be BA4EG,  direct or bureau.  Further
          information at [TNX The Daily DX]
EA6     - Matthias, DD9HK will be active as EA6/DD9HK from Mallorca, Balearic
          Islands (EU-004) on 15-19  June. He will  operate holiday style  on
          160-6 metres SSB. [TNX DD9HK]
EA8     - The Teide  DX  Group  will  be active  as  EG8FOR  from    Orchilla
          lighthouse on Hierro  Island (AF-004), on  30 May to  1 June.  They
          will operate on the HF bands, plus  6 and 2 metres, using CW,  SSB,
          FM and  digital modes.  QSL via  EA8NQ, direct  or bureau.  Further
          information can  be  found  at
          [TNX EA8NQ]
F       - Once again the "Castres DX Gang"  will be active as TM5B from  Fort
          Brescou (EU-148,  DIFM ME-001).  Look for  them to  operate on  all
          bands and modes on 22-26 May. QSL via F5XX. [TNX F8REF]
F       - Dom, F5SJB will again be active as  TM5CW on CW, RTTY and PSK  from
          23 May to 5 June, CQ WW WPX CW Contest included. QSL via home call,
          direct or bureau. [TNX F5SJB]
F       - Charente DX Group  members Joel/F1BLQ, Bertrand/F6HKA,  Eric/F5LOW,
          Laurent/F5MNK, Fabrice/F5NBQ and Leon/ON4ZD will be active as  TM0G
          from Groix Island  (EU-048, DIFM AT-012)  on 24-31  May. They  will
          operate SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK on 80-10 metres with three  stations.
          QSL via F6ANA, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NBQ]
FG      - The A.C.R.A  Guadeloupe  ARC  (
          will operate SSB and CW as FG5KC/p from the Iles de la Petite-Terre
          (NA-102) on 8 June. [TNX FG1JD]
FJ      - Harry, AC8G will operate SSB only  on 160-6 metres as FJ/AC8G  from
          St. Barthelemy  (NA-146) on  22-27 May.  QSL  via home  call  (from
          Stateside direct  only,  others direct  or  bureau). Logs  will  be
          uploaded to LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
GI      - OM5FM, OM7CA  and GI0NCA  will be  active  as GB1SRI  from  Rathlin
          Island (EU-122) on  21-25 May. They  plan to operat  CW and SSB  on
          80-10 metres with two stations. QSL via OM5FM. []
GM      - The  Grantham   ARC  (   have  changed   the
          destination of  their  trip [425DXN  883].  The  Treshnish  Islands
          (EU-108) have been replaced by Tanera  Mor, Summer Isles  (EU-092).
          Look for GB0SI to be active on 14-21 June. All of the QSOs will  be
          confirmed automatically  via  bureau (your  return  cards  are  not
          required). The QSL  manager for  those who  need a  direct card  is
          G0RCI. [TNX G0RCI]
HL      - 6K5AQY, 6K5AYC , 6K5BHZ, 6K5ALT, DS5AJT  and HL5BMX will be  active
          (CW, SSB and digital modes on  80-10 metres) as 6M0W/4 from  Paegya
          Island (AS-060) on 6-8 June. QSL via HL5BMX, direct or bureau. [TNX
I       - ARI Savona will be active as II1JPR on 17 May for the visit of Pope
          Benedict XVI. SSB, CW and PSK31  operations are expected mainly  on
          40 and 20 metres. QSL via IZ1JIZ, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ1JIZ]
I       - Alfio, IT9EJW and Giovanni, IT9GAC will try again to be active from
          Faraglioni dei Ciclopi (EU-025, IIA CT-003) on either 18 or 25 May.
          QSL via home calls, direct or  bureau. A web page  can be found  at
I       - Look for IA5/IZ5FDD and  IA5/IW5ELA to be  active from Elba  Island
          (EU-028, IIA LI-002) on 22-25 May.  They will operate SSB and  slow
          CW on 40-10 metres, plus 6 and 2 metres on 24-25 May. QSL via  home
          calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ5FDD]
          IZ1HVD will be active  as IF9Z from  Favignana Island (EU-054,  IIA
          TP-011) on 23-25 May. They plan to operate SSB and digital modes on
          the HF bands and 6 metres.  QSL via IT9YMM, direct or bureau.  [TNX
I       - ARI Lecce will  operate as  II7PBS on  1-30 June  to celebrate  the
          visit of  Pope Benedict  XVI (14-15  June).  QSL via  bureau.  [TNX
I       - Celebrating the Italian Navy Day (10 June) and the 90th anniversary
          of the battle of Premuda, special  stations II0MM, II9LR and  II1GA
          will be active  on 5-14 June.  QSL for  all via  IZ0INU, direct  or
          bureau.  Information  on  the  relevant  award  can  be  found   at
I       - Participating in the 7-8 June Museum Ships Weekend, operators  from
          ARMI will be  active as II2IGTO  from the submarine  "Toti" at  the
          National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan. Expect activity
          on the HF bands SSB and  CW from 9.30 to 18.30  UTC. QSL via  I2AZ,
          direct or bureau. Information on the relevant award can be found at
I       - Operators from ARMI  and INORC  will be  active as  IY1SP from  the
          Naval Museum  at La  Spezia  on 7-10  June,  for the  Museum  Ships
          Weekend and the Italian Navy Day. Look for activity on the HF bands
          SSB and CW. QSL via I1SAF, direct or bureau. [TNX IT9MRM]
JD      - Look for JD1BLX (QSL via JI5USJ) and JD1BLY (QSL via JI5RPT) to  be
          active  from  Chichijima  (AS-031),   Ogasawara  on  10-16   August
          ( They will operate CW, SSB and digital
          modes on 160-6 metres. [TNX JI5RPT]
JW      - LA5LJA and LA7FJA plan to operate  CW, SSB and  RTTY as JW5LJA  and
          JW7FJA from Spitsbergen Island (EU-026), Svalbard on 25-31 May. QSL
          via home calls. [TNX]
KL      - Hugh, K6HFA will  be active again  as K7A from  three Alaskan  IOTA
          groups as follows:
          27 May-2 June   Hinchinbrook Island   NA-042
          3-10 June       Shumagin Group        NA-087
          12-18 June      Neragon Island        NA-241
          He plans to operate CW (7016,  7041, 14018, 14041, 10112 and  18082
          kHz) and SSB (7078, 14153 and  18122 kHz) with  an amplifier and  a
          vertical dipole array. QSL via K6HFA, direct or bureau. [TNX K6HFA]
LY      - Back in 1408 Kaunas received city  rights under the Magdeburg  Law;
          to celebrate  the 600th  anniversary, Sam/LY5W  will be  active  as
          LY600W on 16-31 May. QSL via LY5W. [TNX LY5W]
OE      - Marcel, ON6UQ and other six operators expect to participate in  the
          CQ WW WPX CW Contest from  the Vienna International Centre,  4U1VIC
          (this is a  separate multiplier for  the contest, but  it is not  a
          separate DXCC Entity). [TNX ON6UQ]
OH      - Kent, SM5ELV will be active  is his spare  time as OH1/SM5ELV  from
          Kuuskajaskari (EU-173) on 20-21 May. QSL  via home call, direct  or
          bureau. [TNX]
OH      - DL5ME and DG3HWO  will be active  as OH2/DL5ME  from Emsalo  Island
          (EU-097) on 5-8 June. They plan to operate CW and SSB on 40, 30, 20
          and 15 metres. QSL via DH5MM. [TNX DL5ME]
OZ      - Fred, SM7DAY will  be active  as OZ/SM7DAY/p  from Bornholm  Island
          (EU-030) on 19-26 May. Expect him to  operate CW and SSB on the  HF
          bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX SM7DAY]
SM      - Pierre/SA6AOA, Sten/SM6MIS, Rick/SM6U, Bengt/SM6UQL, Magnus/SM6WET,
          Tomas/SM6XMY and Janne/SM6YOF will be active with three stations as
          8S6KOS from Nordkoster Island (EU-043) from  29 May to 1 June.  QSL
          via SM6WET, direct or bureau. [TNX SM6WET]
SM      - DL5ME and DG3HWO will be active as SD2O from Holmon Island (EU-135)
          from 29 May and 2 June. They plan to operate CW and SSB on 40,  30,
          20 and 17 metres. QSL via  DL5ME (direct only for stations  outside
          Germany). [TNX DL5ME]
SV      - Mike, DF3IS will be active as J48IS from Thassos Island (EU-174) on
          23-28 May, CQ WW WPX CW Contest included. QSL via home call, direct
          or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
TA      - TA1GR, TA1IG, TB1CGX, TB1CRN  and TB1CRQ will  be active as  TC1ATA
          from  Sile,  Istanbul  on  17-19  May,  to  commemorate  the   89th
          anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's arrival to Samsun, the  city
          where he initiated the War of  Independence. Main activity will  be
          on 20-40 metres. QSL via TA1KB. [TNX TA1HZ]
TA      - Tevfik, TA1HZ will be active as TC40TRT on 31 May, to celebrate the
          40th anniversary of  the Turkish Radio  and Television  Corporation
          (Turkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu). Expect activity on 40, 20 and
          17 metres. QSL  via TA1HZ. A  special TRT 40th  Year postage  stamp
          will be affixed on the envelopes for the first 40 direct QSLs. [TNX
TK      - Dan, IK2UWA reports  he will be  active as  TK/IK2UWA from  Cavallo
          Island (EU-164) from 31 May to 6  June. He plans to operate CW  and
          SSB on 10-40 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
TT      - Antonio Duarte Bebiano,  CT1CPP is expected  to be  active soon  as
          TT9/CT1CPP from Chad.  He should remain  in that  country with  the
          United Nations for one year. QSL  via home call, direct only.  [TNX
UR      - Special callsign EM5UCC will be used during the 18th convention  of
          the Ukrainian Contest Club (15-18 May). QSL via UY5ZZ. [TNX UY5ZZ]
V4      - Reiner, DL2AAZ  will  be  active  as  V4/9H3TI  from  Nevis  Island
          (NA-104) from 25  May to 15  June. He will  operate SSB  and CW  on
          80-10  metres.   QSL   via   DL2AAZ,   direct   or   bureau.   [TNX
VE      - Francois/VA2RC, Guy/VE2QRA,  Steve/VE2TKH and  Dany/VE2EBK will  be
          active as  CG2I from  Grosse-Ile (NA-128,  C.Is.A. PQ-010),  Quebec
          from around 16 UTC on 25 July until around 14 UTC on the 27th. They
          will operate on all bands  (6 metres included)  and modes with  two
          well equipped stations; during the IOTA Contest, a station will  be
          dedicated to  SSB/CW  contest  QSOs  exclusively.  QSL  via  VE2CQ.
          Further information can be found at [TNX VE2EBK]
VP5     - Jim, WB2REM will be active as VP5/WB2REM on 2-12 July. He plans  to
          operate CW and SSB on 160-6 metres. QSL via home call, direct only.
          [TNX WB2REM]
ZF      - Jim, W6NRJ will  operate holiday style  (from the  beach) as  ZF2LJ
          from Grand Cayman (NA-016) on 17-22  May. He will emphasize 30,  12
          and 17 metres as propagation permits. QSL via home call, direct  or
          bureau. Jim will  be joined by  Dennis, N6KD (ZF2KD,  QSL via  home
          call) who will operate CW and SSB from 16 to 23 May. [TNX NG3K]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

ARI CONTEST  ---> An  unexpected routing  malfunction has  occourred for  the
submission of the ARI Internation  DX Contest logs  to ARI's central  system.
While waiting for  the problem to  be fixed, and  in order  to avoid  loosing
logs, please note:
- if you have already submitted your log, but have not received the  expected
automatic  acknowledgement  of   receipt,  please  re-submit   your  log   to
- in the Subject line please enter  the callsign used during the Contest  and
the category (e.g. IT9BLB SOMIX, SOSSB, SOCW, SORTTY, MO, SWL).
The Contest  Manager  will  confirm  the  log  has  been  received,  but  the
acknowledgement will not be immediate -  please be patient! [TNX IT9BLB,  ARI
HF Contest Manager]

EMERGENCY TRAFFIC IN  CHINA ---> Following  the catastrophic earthquake  that
hit Wenchuan County,  Sichuan Province  (BY8) on  12 May,  the Chinese  Radio
Sports Association (CRSA) has requested that 7050, 7060 and 14270 kHz  should
be kept clear for Amateur Radio Emergency Service traffic.

EUROPEAN CASTLES DAY  ---> The seventh  edition of the  European Castles  Day
will take place on 18 May between 6 and 16 UTC. Several stations are expected
to operate from fortresses  and castles in  France, Belgium, Germany,  Italy,
Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom and Switzerland. Information on the event can
be     found      on     Jean-Pierre's      (F6FNA)     web      site      at

GEOPARKS WEEK ---> A number of special event stations will be active for  the
European Geoparks Week (21 May-6 June). GB6GEO will be on the air from Kent's
Cavern in Torquay, English Riviera Global  Geopark (24-25 May) [425DXN  883];
other European stations include GB1GEO (Worcester Geopark), GB2GEO (Smoo Cave
Geopark, Scotland) and DK0GEO. Activity is  also expected to take place  from
Geoparks in Greece and Ireland. [TNX G3VOF]

ITALY GAINS NEW FREQUENCIES ---> Effective 13 May 2008, Italian amateur radio
operators are  authorized to  use 7100-7200  kHz (for  the  time being  on  a
secondary basis) using  a total  radiated power  not exceeding  24 dbW.  [TNX

LOGS ---> On-line logs for HG80HQ (QSL via HA7PL), HA80MRASZ (QSL via HA1DAE)
and HG80MRASZ (QSL via HA1DAE) can  be found at .  These
special event  stations  will be  celebrating  the 80th  anniversary  of  the
Hungarian  Radio  Amateur  Society  (MRASZ)  until  the  end  of  the   year.
Information on the relevant  award can be  found at  [TNX

ON THE ROAD ---> Paolo/I2UIY, Dick/K6KR and Rusty/W6OAT have been  travelling
through Canada and the US since 1 May  and have now arrived in Dayton.  Their
journal with several pictures can be found at

OPERATOR NEEDED --->  Two Papua  New Guinea's  rare IOTA  groups (OC-181  and
OC-041) will be activated between 18 October and 4 November [425DXN 883], and
"due to a  cancellation we  can accommodate  one more  person", Derek,  G3KHZ
says.   If   interested   in   joining   the   team,   please   contact   him

ROCKALL (EU-189) ---> Mike, K9AJ was  unable to operate from Rockall  [425DXN
888], because  although the  sea state  itself was  slight to  moderate,  the
incoming swell kept  battering off Rockall  and made it  impossible to  land.

QSL VIA RN3RQ ---> The Michurinsk Contest Group (UA3R) was recently active as
RP63RQ, RP63RTK, RP3RST and RP3RZK. QSL via RN3RQ, direct or bureau. The logs
will be uploaded to LoTW in June.  RN3RQ can also confirm contacts made  with
UA3RAR, RX3RXX and RP3RTK after 1  January 2002. E-mail requests can be  sent
to (but please note that  on 1 March 2008  he sent some  12,000
cards to the bureau). [TNX RN3RQ]

QSL VIA YB9BU ---> Kadek is now the QSL manager for YC7IPZ (OC-166), YC8RSW/p
(OC-236), YC8TXW (OC-210), YC8TXW/p (OC-022  and OC-236), YC8UFF/p  (OC-236),
YC8XNE (OC-076) and YC8XWJ (OC-076). [TNX Mediterraneo DX Club]

ZS8T ---> According  to the latest  Marion Island  update posted  on 13  May,
Petrus "is  very aware  that the  world is  waiting for  him to  be QRV,  but
important matters in running the camp (he is in charge of the operation  down
there) are taking up his waking hours. Petrus is there for 11 more months and
there will  be plenty  of time  for DXing  once these  issues are  resolved".
Bookmark for further updates.

+ SILENT KEY + Dr Ronald A. Parise, WA4SIR, passed away on 9 May at 57  years
of age. The  Amateur Radio on  the International Space  Station programme  is
"deeply  indebted  to  WA4SIR  for  his  leadership,  technical  advice   and
tremendous  vision",  ARISS  Chairman  Frank  H.  Bauer,  KA3HDO  says.  "His
accomplishments were many, including space explorer, pioneer, astrophysicist,
pilot, ham  radio  operator,  avionics  and  software  expert,  inspirational
speaker and motivator, student satellite mentor, husband, father and friend".


QSLs received direct or through managers:  3D2MT, 3Y0C, 4L8A, 4U1ITU,  4U1UN,
5B/LZ2HM, 5H1HD, 5J0E, 5T5DC, 5U5U, 5X1AB, 5Z1A, 5Z4DZ, 5Z4FM, 5Z4HW,  7X4AN,
9A73AA, 9G5ZW, 9K2HN,  9M6XRO, 9M6XRO/p (OC-133),  9Q1EK, 9X0X, 9Y4NZ,  9Y4W,
A41MX, A45XR, C21DL,  C31IU, C38JM,  CO8LY, CW6V,  CX7CO, DL4MO/TI8,  DU3NXE,
E4/OM2DX, EA5/EA7TV (EU-093), EK6CC, EP2AC,  ET3JA, FG5LA, FM5WD,  FO/HA9G/p,
FO/OH1RX, FT5XP, H44MY, H7/IV3IYH, H7/NP2D, HC8A, HH2FYD, HH2FYD/6  (NA-149),
HI9/DL2RVL,  HP3AK,  HP3XUG,  HQ9R,  HT2N,   HV0A,  IF9ZWA,  J5C,   J8/DJ7ZG,
J8/DL7AFS, JD1BMH,  JY4NE, KH2/WE8A,  KH7X, LA/DL5ME  (EU-056), LT1F,  LU1ZD,
NP4A, OC1I (SA-076), OC6I (SA-098), OJ0B, OJ1ABOA, OM8A, OX/NA1SA,  OX/OH1RX,
OX3XR,  P29NI,  P40LE,  PW0T,  R7C/ANT,  R7C/TF,  RK2FWA,  RK3DZJ/1,   S79UU,
SM7/DL5ME (EU-138), SV2ASP/A,  SV9/DJ7RJ, T32OU, T32YA,  T77C, TI50DX,  TI5N,
TU2/F5LDY, UP0L,  V26CC,  V31MR, V31TB,  V31UZ,  V63OC, V63ZM,  V73QB,  VP2E,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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