WG3K > ANS 08.12.24 03:38l 53 Lines 3406 Bytes #121 (0) @ AMSAT
BID : ANS343.3
Subj: HADES-ICM Offering FM Transponder to Launch Q1 2025
Sent: 241208/0229Z 10661@WG3K.#SMD.MD.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24
The HADES-ICM 1.5p PocketQube recently underwent testing at UPM/IDR
University in Madrid. It will offer the amateur radio community a VHF/UHF
FM voice repeater as the one of SO-121 (HADES-D) but more powerful. It is
scheduled to be launched in Q1 2025 aboard the SpaceX Transporter-13
HADES-ICM 1.5 PQ satellite main mission is to act as a FM voice repeater.
It can also repeat FSK derived modes like FT-4 and FT-8. As there is a
small empty space available, it will be used to carry an experiment by
Smart IR/Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre, GEIC University of
Manchester (UK) consisting in a very low power active radiator to be tested
on space conditions. The data for this experiment will be transmitted in a
specific data packet in the telemetry. This experiment is the same as the
one in HADES-R. This experiment will be delivered to AMSAT EA for
integration and will be operated by AMSAT-EA, being all its data public and
open. Engineering and manufacturing support for this mission is carried out
with the help of private sector companies and universities, but AMSAT-EA
will be the only operating organization. icMercury is a company also
supporting the mission. It will develop ground tracking software for the
satellite. Telemetry will send some FSK English formatted text messages,
part of a history, to be collected as a challenge. HADES-ICM will offer
licensed radio-amateur around the world the opportunity to relay FM voice
and AX.25 / APRS 300 / 1200 bps communications. FSK derived transmissions
and modes like FT-4 and FT-8 are also supported. As an improvement from
previous missions, maximum power is now 0.25W when battery is charged (the
amplifier uses battery energy), allowing easier QSOs with handheld antennas
like Arrow or Elk and less sensitive receivers. The satellite will also
transmit telemetry with its status and CW messages. This all will be
achieved by implementing a SDR based repeater. The FM / FSK repeater will
be available all time and opened by squelch level without the need of a
subtone. As payload, the satellite will carry an experiment by Smart
IR/Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre, GEIC University of Manchester
(UK) consisting in a very low power active radiator to be tested on space
conditions. This experiment is the same as the one in HADES-R satellite
with updates and improvements. Also, as a challenge made with icMercury,
telemetry will send FSK English formatted text messages, part of a history,
to be collected. Launch is expected for February 2025 in SpaceX
Transporter-13 mission managed by the space broker Alba Orbital / D-Orbit.
The main mission for the satellite is to act as a FM voice repeater
although due to its SDR nature it can repeat data too. Users will have the
capability of making voice contacts and use FSK derived modes like FT-4 and
FT-8. This satellite is based on the hardware of HADES-D (SO-121, currently
being used by HAMs worldwide for voice contacts) and the next to launch
HADES-R. FM satellites are very demanded and appreciated by the HAM
community because they are easy to use, they donâ€Öt require of expensive
transceivers and allow continental and even transatlantic contacts in some
conditions. With this satellite we also put into use the amateur VHF and
UHF satellite sub-bands helping to secure them for the community in the
*[ANS thanks AMSAT-EA for the above information]*
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