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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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WG3K   > ANS      07.12.24 15:12l 19 Lines 1543 Bytes #121 (0) @ AMSAT
BID : ANS336.4
Subj: Open-Weather APT: Updates to the Web Based NOAA APT Image De
Sent: 241203/1952Z 10490@WG3K.#SMD.MD.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24

Dr. Sasha Engelmann and Sophie Dyer, the team behind the Open-Weather project have recently announced the launch of their new version of open-weather app, a web-based NOAA APT image decoder. The web-based program accepts a WAV file containing a NOAA satellite APT recording, demodulates and decodes it, and displays the resulting weather satellite image.

Sasha writes, "…Open-weather apt is the only public, maintained, browser-based decoder for Automatic Picture Transmissions (APT) from satellites NOAA-19, NOAA-18 and NOAA-15. It was developed to improve access to satellite signal decoding for all practitioners.

"We are excited to share a new and improved version available here! The new version includes the following updates and additional features:

*   Improved accuracy in decoding and finding sync positions (locates more sync positions than other comparable decoders)
  *   Upload a WAV file of any sample rate (no more re-sampling with Audacity!)
  *   Option to see the ‘rawâ€Ö image without syncing, and to ‘Find the Syncsâ€Ö
  *   Option to Rotate 180 degrees, often useful for viewing images from nighttime passes
  *   Go deeper in your analysis: explore Signal Value and Image Value Histograms
  *   Upload directly from open-weather apt to the Public Archive

"Open-weather apt is co-developed by open-weather with Rectangle (Lizzie Malcolm and Dan Powers), Bill Liles (NQ6Z) and Grayson Earle."

Complete information at

[ANS thanks for the above information.]

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