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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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WG3K   > ANS      02.09.24 20:12l 50 Lines 2345 Bytes #25 (0) @ AMSAT
BID : ANS245.6
Subj: Paul D. Graveline, K1YUB, Silent Key
Sent: 240902/1904Z 7812@WG3K.#SMD.MD.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24

With heavy hearts, AMSAT and The AMSAT Journal mourn the passing of Journal
assistant editor, Paul D. Graveline, K1YUB, on August 19, 2024.

Paul served as an assistant editor for the past seven years, starting with
the July/August 2017 issue. In addition to his editing and authoring
contributions to the Journal, Paul also served as an active member of the
CubeSatSim Educational Materials Team for AMSATâ€Ös Educational Relations

Here is how Paul described his ham radio exploits:

“Like many future hams in the 1960s, I became interested in radio by
listening to shortwave stations on my grandfatherâ€Ös old huge Philco radio.

“In 1960, I got a Hallicrafters S120 short wave receiver for Christmas, and
I was hooked. A year later, K1DEN got me interested in ham radio. I was
issued KN1YUB as a novice, and in 1963, I upgraded to General and K1YUB,
which I still use today. Most of my ham operating has been using CW.

“By 1973, I passed my Advanced and Extra which required 20 wpm skills.

“In the 1980s, I worked and taught Novice and General license courses at
Tufts Radio in Medford, MA. My time at Tufts included numerous ham
conventions from Denver to Clearwater.

“Along with K1TW, I helped reestablish the shortwave focused Boston Area
DXers which met on the third Friday of every month. Nearly 35 years later,
we still do!

“More recently, I have been spending time in activities to support ham

“For a number of years, Iâ€Öve been an Assistant Editor for The AMSAT Journal
as well as being engaged, along with KU2Y, KD2XS , KK6NOW and WD6DRI, on an
AMSAT project developing the CubeSat Simulator as a learning tool.

“I began following the space weather bulletins from Dr. Tamitha Skov,
WX6SWW, better known as “The Space Weather Woman,” a few years back and now
am a member of her steering committee, as well as being the Coordinator for
her new Super Community project with the objective of sharing space weather
knowledge across stakeholder communities like Aurora Chasers and Ham Radio
operators. I did a cover story of Dr. Skov in The AMSAT Journal.”

Paulâ€Ös good humor, dedication, enthusiasm and many contributions to AMSAT
and the larger amateur radio community will be greatly missed.

[ANS thanks Joe Kornowski, KB6IGK, AMSAT Journal Editor-in-Chief, for the
above information]

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