WG3K > ANS 02.09.24 20:12l 46 Lines 2435 Bytes #25 (0) @ AMSAT
BID : ANS245.2
Subj: AMSAT Mail Alias Service to End â€ö FINAL NOTICE!
Sent: 240902/1904Z 7808@WG3K.#SMD.MD.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24
A long-standing member service, the AMSAT Mail Alias Service was scheduled
to end on August 31, 2024, but a day or two of grace period has been added.
Members should understand that the email alias service, the news and
bulletin board subscription lists and the membership portal are three
separate systems.
*Persons using the Mail Alias Service should immediately migrate to a
different email account so they do not lose receipt of personal emails.
Notify your friends and business accounts of the change.*
*Persons wishing to continue to receive AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
and AMSAT-BB posts or official messages from AMSAT itself should update
their subscription addresses at *https://mailman.amsat.org/
*Members are especially asked to make sure they are NOT using a
callsign@amsat.org callsign@amsat.org as their registered email address
in the AMSAT membership portal. Members can easily change their registered
member email address by logging into the portal and updating their profile
at *https://mailman.amsat.org/.
A mail alias on AMSAT.ORG permitted people to send an email to members
without knowing their actual internet email address. They just needed to
know their amateur radio callsign.
Unfortunately, the unchecked rise in domain name hacking and email account
high-jacking has made it impossible to sustain this service at a
cost-effective level. The number of callsign@amsat.org email accounts that
had been hijacked and converted to zombie spam accounts over the years had
led many internet service providers and gateway centers to ban all @
amsat.org email addresses, including those business accounts of AMSAT
officers and officials. The tireless efforts of AMSATâ€Ös all volunteer IT
staff has worked for years to repair much of the damage, but AMSAT still
get complaints from members who are not getting their personal emails, ANS
bulletins or AMSAT-BB posts because of persistent delivery problems.
It has come to the point where the AMSAT volunteer IT staff can no longer
keep up with the maintenance requirements to keep the alias mail list clean
and to work with email gateways to remove blocks. And, after considerable
investigation into alternative paid email services, AMSAT leadership
decided that the money required to keep an email alias system alive would
be better spent on building and flying satellites for its members.
[ANS thanks the AMSAT IT Team for the above information]
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