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G4APL  > NEWS     28.05.17 12:33l 279 Lines 13203 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 44778_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main  News  - 28 May 2017
Sent: 170528/1028Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:44778 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday 28th May 2017

The news headlines:

* Ofcom licensing portal weekend outage
* New vlog features YOTA Super Supporter
* TX Factor 16 released

Ofcom has advised the RSGB that its online licensing portal will be 
unavailable from 6pm on Friday the 26th of May until 8am on Tuesday 
the 30th of May because of related systems work.

The RSGB is delighted to have seven Super Supporters for Youngsters 
on the Air, YOTA 2017 and the latest vlog features one of them . 
Martin, G4HKS . from Martin Lynch & Sons. In the vlog he chats 
about being a radio amateur for most of his life and explains why 
ML&S chose to support YOTA 2017. You can hear this and all the other 
vlogs and read latest YOTA 2017 news on the RSGB website

TX Factor Episode 16 is now available. In episode 16, new team 
member, Pete Sipple, M0PSX, looks forward to Youngsters on the Air 
2017 and chats to some key players at this summer's YOTA UK event. 
Pete also finds time to take an eager look at the new Kenwood TH-D74E 
dual-band handheld that includes D-Star. Bob chats to Bob 
Inderbitzen, N1QR from the ARRL about the Leagues' worldwide 
presence, and Mike investigates two clever devices from SOTABeams 
that will help to improve the filtering of your FT-817 and check the 
efficiency of your HF antenna respectively, as detailed in this 
month's RadCom. Go to to view the video TX Factor 
is sponsored by the RSGB and Martin Lynch & Sons. 

On Thursday the 11th of May, the Polish Government published a 
Gazette notice amending regulations in the National Frequency 
Allocation Table. Polish amateurs are now permitted access to the 
WRC-15 60m amateur secondary allocation of 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz under 
ITU Footnote 5.133B . ie with 15W EIRP. They also now have access 
from 70.0 to 7.30MHz on a Secondary basis with 20W EIRP. According to 
the Gazette notice, these regulations come into force 14 days 
following its publication, so we should expect to be hearing Polish 
stations on the band soon.

Following the co-option of the current Chair, Philip Willis, M0PHI to 
the RSGB Board, applications are invited for the role of Chair of 
TEC, the RSGB Training and Education Committee. The Committee covers 
most aspects of radio-related training, other than those within the 
remit of the Examinations Standard Committee. Its interests range 
from encouraging new entrants into the amateur service, training 
trainers, syllabus review and roll-out, helping disabled amateurs and 
working with schools. Full details of the Committee, current projects 
and members may be found at 
Applications by CV should be sent by email to RSGB General Manager, 
Steve Thomas, M1ACB, via email to gm.dept<at> to arrive by 
the 1st of July.

[Note to Newsreaders: the full URL is
tee/ ].

The RSGB Regional Council has elected Ian Douglas, G7MFN as Chairman 
and Mick Senior, G4EFO as Secretary for the coming year. The 
Regional Council comprises the elected Regional Managers and the 
President, and is responsible for the representation of Members' 
interests, promotion and co-ordination of the Society's activities in 
the Regions.

From next Sunday, 4th of June, there will be a news reading of GB2RS 
on 144.250MHz SSB at 8.30pm by G8VHI. Reg will be transmitting 
northwest and east from his location in Nuneaton using separate 

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week 

Today, the 28th, the Durham & District ARS Radio Rally takes place at 
Bowburn Community Centre, County Durham, DH6 5AT. The venture has 
disabled facilities and car parking on site. Doors are open from 
10.30am to 2.30pm, with disabled visitors gaining access from 
10.15am. Admission is GBP 2. There will be trade stands, Bring & Buy, 
talk in and catering on site, plus an RSGB bookstall. More details 
from Michael, G7TWX on 0782 692 4192 or by email to dadars<at>

Today, the 28th, the Causeway Coast Glens ARC Radio Rally takes place 
at Bushmills Community Centre, 14 Dunluce Road, Bushmills, Co Antrim 
BT57 8QG. There is car parking and disabled facilities at the venue. 
Doors open at 11am and entry is GBP 3. There will be trade stands, a 
Bring & Buy, an RSGB bookstall and catering on site. Contact Stevie 
Morrow, MI0ULK on 07544 923 956 or email stephen769<at>

Next Sunday, the 4th, the Spalding and District ARS Rally takes place 
at The Sir John Gleed Technology School, Halmer Gardens, Spalding, 
Lincolnshire PE11 2EF. There is free car parking on site. Doors open 
at 10am. There will be trade stands, an outside car boot area and 
there is catering on site. Details from John, G4NBR, on 0794 630 2815.

Also on the 4th, the 21st Red Rose QRP Festival will be held at The 
Rose Centre, also known as Lowton Civic Hall, Hesketh Meadow Lane, 
Lowton, Warrington WA3 2AH There is easy access from all directions 
including the M6, M61, M60 and A580. The venue has a large, spacious 
halls at ground level and free car parking. There are disabled 
facilities. Doors open from 11am to 3pm and admission is GBP 2, with 
children under 14 free. There will be trade and individual stalls as 
well as club stands, including the RSGB and G QRP. There will be a 
Bring & Buy. Catering is available on site. Contact Les Jackson, 
G4HZJ on 01942 870 634 for details.

If you have any rally or event information for future editions of 
GB2RS News, in RadCom and on the RSGB website, please email full 
details to radcom<at> The GB2RS deadline is 10am on 

And now the DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources

Thomas, OZ1AA is active as 5Z4/OZ1AA from Kenya until the 15th of 
June. He plans to visit Lamu Island, IOTA reference AF-040 until the 
29th. QSL via Club Log's OQRS and Logbook of The World, or via OZ1ACB.

Jean-Pierre, F6CTF will be active as TX5X from the Leeward Islands 
and the Windward Islands in French Polynesia between late May and 
early August. He will be using the 10 to 80m bands SSB, CW and JT65. 
Look out for him operating /MM too.

Max, ON5UR will be active holiday style as HB0/ON5UR from 
Liechtenstein from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June. QSL via his 
home callsign.

Kevin, K6TOP will be active again VP2V/K6TOP from Tortola in the 
British Virgin Islands, NA-023 from 28 May to 5 June. He operates 
almost exclusively using CW on 40, 30, 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres. QSL 
via Logbook of The World or direct to NR6M.

Bruce, K5TEN will be active as K4D from Dog Island, NA-085, from the 
3rd to the 11th of June. He will operate SSB and CW on the 6 to 40m 
bands. QSL via his home callsign, see for instructions.

Now the special event news 

GB1SCW will be on the air from Shoreham National Coastwatch Institute 
Lookout on the 3rd and 4th of June. The location is near Shoreham 
Beach car park, postcode BN43 5HY. Operation will be between 11am and 
4pm in the Lookout compound. Try your hand at Morse and explore 
amateur radio. Due to its beach location access for the disabled is 
restricted. Shoreham Fort will also be open for visitors. 

The Yorkshire Dales Contest Group will be active from Friday the 26th 
to Monday the 29th of May from the Yorkshire Dales. The activity is 
for World Flora & Fauna, WAB Squares, World Castles and the North 
Pennines UNESCO Global Geopark. Activity will be on HF, VHF and UHF, 
and they will be at high locations in the evenings and night-time. 
The Itinerary can be found on the MX0YCG page on

GB6GEO will be on the air from the English Riviera Global Geopark 
during the 2nd and 3rd of June, transmitting from Kent's Cavern, 
Torquay. See for the latest updates.

Mid Ulster ARC will be at the Lurgan Agricultural Show with a 
demonstration station on the 3rd of June from 9am to 5pm. Visitors 
are welcome to Lurgan Park, Windsor Avenue, Lurgan BT67 9BG.

On the 4th of June, Coventry ARS will be supporting Youth Aviation 
Day by putting GB4YAD on the air from The Gliding Centre, Husbands 
Bosworth in Leicestershire. 

The resting place of the keel from Marconi's floating lab, the yacht 
Elettra, will be the site of a special event in conjunction with the 
annual Museum Ships Weekend event on the 3rd and 4th of June. The 
Elettra station, sponsored by the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, will 
use the call sign IQ4FE. A special QSL card will be sent.

Now the contest news

The CQWW WPX CW contest ends its 48 hour run at 2359UTC today, the 
28th. CW is the only mode to use, with activity on all contest bands 
from 1.8 to 28MHz. RST and serial number forms the exchange. 

Today, the 28th, sees two contests on higher bands. From 0600UTC to 
1800UTC the UKuG contest is open on all modes on all bands from 5.7 
to 10GHz. The 70MHz Cumulative #3 runs from 1400UTC to 1600UTC using 
all modes on the 70MHz band. The report for both contests is RST, 
serial number and locator. 

The CW National Field Day takes place next weekend from 1500UTC on 
the 3rd to 1500UTC on the 4th. Using the 1.8 to 28MHz bands the 
exchange is signal report and serial number.

Also next weekend is the SEANET, or South East Asia NETwork, contest 
running from 1200TTC on the 3rd for 24 hours. Using CW and SSB on the 
3.5 to 28MHz bands, the exchange is signal report and serial number.

The UK Six Metre Group's Summer Es contest runs from 1300UTC on the 
3rd to 1300UTC on the 4th. Using all modes the exchange is signal 
report, serial number, locator and UKSMG membership number if you 
have one.

Finally for next weekend, the UK Microwave Group's Low Band Contest 
is on 1000UTC to 1600UTC on the 4th. Using all modes on the 1.3, 2.3 
and 3.4GHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and 

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO 
on Friday the 26th of May.

Last week's forecast of unsettled geomagnetic conditions at the 
beginning of the week and more settled conditions later was fairly 
accurate. The K index at high latitudes rose to five on Monday, but 
settled down to two and three by Thursday. At middle latitudes it was 
very settled after Wednesday. The solar flux index was in the range 
74 to 78, with just one single sunspot group visible on the solar 

As a result, HF conditions were not outstanding, although there were 
F2-layer openings up to 17 metres and even occasionally 15 metres at 
times. As we move towards having summer HF conditions, the maximum 
usable frequency over a 3,000km path is often staying above 7MHz 
through the night, with occasional night-time F-layer openings up to 

Sporadic-E is also proving worthwhile, with good short skip openings 
on HF, predominantly around late morning and late afternoon, although 
these can also occur at other times.

Next week we may see similar conditions, with the solar flux index in 
the low to mid seventies. Uncharacteristically, we expect to see more 
settled geomagnetic conditions next week, which should bode well for 
HF. As a result there may be some good daytime F2-layer DX to be had, 
and don't ignore the daytime Sporadic-E openings, plus the 
possibility of late evening and night-time DX on 20 to 40 metres.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

There is some uncertainty in the weather models for the week ahead 
and no real agreement between them. They predict alternating periods 
of high and low pressure. The high pressure period predicted for the 
beginning of the week has some agreement, so should provide some 
Tropo opportunities. 

In the summer these favourable conditions are quite often to be found 
throughout the day and night across the seas around Britain, but only 
briefly around dawn over the land. Mist and fog are good indicators 
that there may be some lift conditions.

There have been some very good Sporadic-E openings recently, 
including some transatlantic JT65A QSOs. These openings are 
associated with activity produced near jet streams in the upper 
atmosphere at 10km, which can couple with the E region 100km higher 
to produce the right conditions for Sporadic-E. Check the RSGB Forum, 
Propagation Q&A, for a daily blog on the prospects for these favoured 
conditions. The low-pressure periods may produce some heavy showers, 
and associated rain scatter on the GHz bands.

The Omicron . Cetids daytime meteor shower continues until the 2nd 
of June, but is past its peak so stick to early mornings for random 
meteor scatter QSOs.

The Moon reached perigee last Friday and is at maximum declination 
today, so the early part of the week is best for EME. Losses will 
increase and windows shorten as the week progresses.

And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  gb2rs<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro

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