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G4APL  > NEWS     12.02.17 00:22l 299 Lines 14233 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 34630_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main  News  - 12 Feb 2017
Sent: 170211/2253Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:34630 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday 12th February 2017

The news headlines:

* RSGB responds to Ofcom consultation
* Convention lectures on YouTube
* Slow Scan TV from ISS

The RSGB has responded to the Ofcom Proposed Annual Plan 2017/18 
consultation. The response highlights areas of the plan, including 
EMC and Spectrum, where the RSGB believes that Ofcom should improve 
its focus and resources. A copy of the response can be seen on the 
RSGB website. 

[Note for Newsreaders: the exact link is
-committee/minutes-papers-and-reports/ or alternatively]

We're delighted that a number of lectures from the RSGB Convention 
2015 are now on the RSGB's YouTube channel, by kind permission of the 
presenters. You can see Clean Up Your Shack by Ian White, GM3SEK; 
Navassa Island K1N by Glenn Johnson, W0GJ; What Makes The Pings Go 
Ping by John Worsnop, G4BAO and Engineering The Gemini Range of LDMOS 
VHF Power Amplifiers by Chris Bartram, GW4DGU. Please note that the 
presenters retain the copyright of their content and their slides. Do 
join the hundreds of people who have already subscribed to the RSGB 
channel so you're the first to see videos as they're added. You can 
find the videos at

Slow-scan television transmissions are planned from the International 
Space Station on Monday and Tuesday. The SSTV images will be 
transmitted as part of the MAI-75 Experiment on 145.800MHz FM. They 
will be made using the Kenwood TM-D710 transceiver, located in the 
Russian ISS Service module. It is thought they may use the PD-180 
SSTV format. The MAI-75 activities have been scheduled for the 
Russian crew on the 13th from 0925 to 1800UTC and the 14th from 1125 
to 1630UTC.

RSGB President Nick Henwood, G3RWF is writing a report on the 
implementation of the 2015 Review of Contesting. A questionnaire 
forms an important part of the input to this report, but there will 
also be feedback from clubs, groups and individuals as well as 
factual analysis of performance where possible. The questionnaire is 
now available on the RSGB website on the ‘Consultations' page. It 
will be live until the 19th of March. All those interested in the 
future of contesting are urged to complete it. Whether or not you are 
a Member of the RSGB, the Society is asking for your help and input. 
The President also welcomes offers of assistance, or requests to talk 
or meet. Contact him via president<at> The report will be 
completed by early April.

ClubLog has updated their latest 'DXCC Most Wanted List' as of the 
31st of January. The information is derived from QSOs uploaded to 
ClubLog. Currently there are 339 entities listed, see

A new PDF of Examination Announcements has been published. Its 
contents include Challenges and Appeals, Practical Assessments and 
feedback on Advanced exams in 2016. The document can be downloaded 
from the Clubs and Training section of the RSGB website. 

[Note for Newsreaders: the exact link is or 

As part of the Society's drive to improve communications across the 
organisation, the Chairman of the Board is going to investigate 
suggestions that the RSGB is not responding in a timely manner to 
comments received via Have Your Say. He will report his findings to 
the Board by the 17th of March.

On the 13th of February, ITU will join the global celebrations for 
World Radio Day, the day set aside to celebrate the unique power of 
broadcast radio. The ITU continues working to enable innovation in 
radio communications as well as ensuring that transmission standards 
and spectrum are available for digital radio in MF, HF and VHF 
broadcasting bands, and that there are approved international 
regulatory frameworks in place to allow for a smooth migration from 
analogue to digital radio. For full details of activity put World 
Radio Day into your favourite search engine and click on the many 
results you will find. 

AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL have confirmed that the Nayif-1 CubeSat, which 
has a full FUNcube payload, is now scheduled for launch at 0358UTC on 
the 15th. The flight, C-37, will carry a total of 104 satellites into 
orbit. As with previous missions carrying FUNcube payloads, AMSAT-UK 
would very much like to receive as many reports as possible from 
stations around the world, especially shortly after launch. 
Telemetry, using 1k2 BPSK to the FUNcube standard, will be on 
145.940MHz. The linear transponder uplink will be on 435.045 to 
435.015MHz and the downlink on 145.960 to 145.990MHz. Full details 
are at

Thinking Day on the Air will take place over the weekend of the 18th 
and 19th of February. This is an opportunity for the members of 
Girlguiding from the youngest Rainbow to the oldest Trefoil Guild 
member to talk to other members of the World Association of Girl 
Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world via amateur radio. A list 
of known stations due to be on the air can be seen at For further information contact Liz 
Jones, M0ACL by email to liz<at>

Lots of people have views on what the RSGB should or should not do. 
Here is your chance to have your say. The RSGB Board has been working 
with strategy expert Chris Deacon, G4IFX, the Leadership Team and 
Headquarters Staff to develop a strategy for the next 5 years. That 
work has been boiled down into a one-page document with a narrative 
to explain the context and background. We would now like your views. 
The draft strategy and narrative are online at and you will also find a link to an 
online survey where you can express your views. If you need a paper 
version of the questionnaire, please call the RSGB General Manager's 
office on 01234 832 700.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week 

The Harwell ARS Radio and Electronics Rally takes place today, the 
12th of February, at Didcot Leisure Centre, Mereland Road, Didcot, 
OX11 8AY. Talk-in will be available using G3PIA on 145.550MHz. There 
is free parking nearby, with disabled parking next to the Leisure 
Centre. Doors open at 10am. Admission is GBP 3, with children under 
12 free. There will be radio and electronics stalls, Special Interest 
Groups and an RSGB Book Stall. Refreshments will be available all 
day. Details for both traders and visitors from Ann, G8NVI, by email 
to ann.stevens<at>

The Radioactive Fair at Nantwich takes place on the 19th of February 
at the Civic Hall, Market Street, Nantwich CW5 5DG. The venue has 
free car parking. Doors open at 10am and admission is GBP 4. There 
will be trade stands and a Bring & Buy. Catering will be available on 
site. Details by email from stuart<at>

There has been an unavoidable change to the venue for the Rainham 
Rally on the 26th of February. It will now be held at The Victory 
Academy, Magpie Hall Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 5JB. This new venue will 
host the usual traders and exhibitors, with light refreshments 
available during the event. It is easy to find, just a couple of 
miles from the M2, and also larger, with on site parking for 250 
cars. The date and time of the rally remain unchanged at 10am on 
Sunday the 26th of February. Talk-in will be available on 145.550MHz 
using the callsign GB4RRR.

If you have any rally or event information you'd like to appear in 
future editions of GB2RS News, in RadCom and on the RSGB website, 
please email full details to radcom<at>

And now the DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources

Pista, HA5AO returns to Lesotho until the 26th of February. He will 
reactivate his 7P8EUDXF callsign that he aired last October. This is 
a spare time operation and QSLs should go via OQRS to HA5AO.

Michael, DF8AN will operate as CE0Y/DF8AN from Easter Island, IOTA 
reference SA-001, until the 17th of February. He will be on CW and 
digital modes. He then goes to Juan Fernandez Island, SA-005, from 
the 21st to the 24th where his callsign will be CE0Z/DF8AN. QSLs go 
via his home call.

Tim, LW9EOC will operate from San Andres, NA-033, between the 13th 
and 27th on the low bands and WARC bands using CW, SSB, RTTY as 
5J0NA. He will also participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL via 
LW9EOC and via the Bureau.

A DXpedition to the Arctic is due to set off on the 14th of February. 
RT9K/9 plans to operate from IOTA groups AS-121, AS-104, AS-068 and 
AS-054. Each activation is supposed to run for 4 to 5 days. Using the 
40 to 10m bands, operation will be on CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL 
via RX9KM, ClubLog OQRS.

Yuri, VE3DZ will be active as 6Y2T from Jamaica, NA-097, from 14 to 
21 February, including an entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL via 
his home call.

Now the special event news 

The 14th of February marks the 95th anniversary of the start of the 
UK's first ever regular, advertised broadcast radio station, 2MT, 
which came live from Writtle in Essex. A team from Chelmsford ARS 
will be making operating GB952MT from the 12th to the 14th to mark 
this occasion. Details are on

Until the 19th of February, Chertsey Radio Club is running special 
event callsign, GB5QE, to celebrate Queen Elizabeth's 65 Jubilee.

Operators from the Darwin Amateur Radio Club will on air using the 
callsign VI8BOD from the 18th of February to the 28th of March to 
remember the 75th anniversary of the Japanese bombing of Darwin, 
Australia in 1942. QSL Manager is M0URX & QSL cards can be requested 
on the M0URX OQRS. More information can be found by searching VI8BOD 

Now the contest news

The CQ WW WPX RTTY contest ends its 48 hour run at 2359UTC today, the 
12th. It takes place on the 3.5 to 28MHz bands. The exchange is just 
the serial number.

The PACC contest ends its 24 hour runs at 1200UTC today, the 12th. 
Using CW and SSB on the 1.8 to 28MHz bands, the exchange is signal 
report and serial number. PA stations also send their Province.

On Tuesday the 14th the Low Power 432MHz FM contest runs from 1900 to 
2000UTC. The exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. 
Following that, the 432MHz UK Activity Contest runs from 2000 to 
2230UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial 
number and locator.

On Wednesday it's the 80m Club Championship from 2000 to 2130UTC. 
This time it's the data leg, and the exchange is signal report and 
serial number.

On Thursday the Low Power 70MHz FM contest runs from 1900 to 2000UTC. 
The exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. Following 
on is the 70MHz UK Activity Contest from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all 
modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

Next weekend it's the ARRL International DX contest, from 0000UTC on 
the 18th to 2359UTC on the 19th. It's CW only on the 1.8 to 28MHz 
bands and the exchange is signal report and transmitted power level. 
W stations also send their State and VE stations their Province.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO 
on Friday the 10th of February.

Last week, the hoped-for settled geomagnetic conditions materialised, 
but could have been better. After Monday, the K index settled down to 
one or two for the rest of the week.

HF conditions have been variable, rather than outstanding. There have 
been some 15 metre openings at times, but 20 and 17 metres have been 
more consistent. The lower bands, such as 80 and 40 metres, have also 
been proving how good they can be in the winter, offering DX at times.

The daytime critical frequency has been reaching around 6MHz, meaning 
40m is open to slightly longer skip of 500 to 1,000 kilometres. Sixty 
metres has been better for day-time inter-G contacts. The estimated 
night-time MUF over a 3,000km path has been staying above 7MHz 
through the night.

Next week, the solar flux index is predicted to remain in the 70s, 
moving higher towards 80 around the eighteenth.

Geomagnetically-settled conditions should continue until around the 
fourteenth, when the K index is predicted to rise to four, due to 
recurrent coronal hole activity. But this should be relatively short 

We will be moving towards spring-time HF conditions in a few weeks, 
so make the most of the better low-band conditions while you can.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

With high pressure over the North Sea and the nearby continent, we 
might expect some enhanced Tropo conditions on paths across to 
Denmark and northern Germany later this weekend, but nothing major.

Some weather models bring the high a bit closer at the end of next 
week. This may limit the Tropo by lowering the temperature inversion 
and bringing very dry air from the continent, degrading the 
inversions' ability to generate Tropo. So, a slightly better week 
than last, but much of the time there will be no major Tropo event.

Even with poor Tropo conditions, it's worth investigating the VHF, 
UHF and GHz bands. There are always DX opportunities at VHF and above 
using aircraft scatter – up to 800km if you have the right 
equipment to take advantage of short duration paths. Digimodes or 
fast CW are required.

We are in the winter minimum of meteor activity, but there are still 
opportunities for random meteor scatter contacts around dawn, when 
the earth is rotating into the flux of meteoric particles.

Moon declination is falling, going negative on Tuesday, and losses 
are increasing. With apogee only a week away, the best conditions for 
EME contacts will be early this week.

And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  gb2rs<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro

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