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G4APL  > NEWS     25.09.16 00:36l 355 Lines 16930 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 18962_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main News - 25 Sep 2016
Sent: 160924/2314Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:18962 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday 25th September 2016

The news headlines:

* Former RSGB President SK
* National Hamfest this week
* DXCC checking at Hamfest

Sad news to begin this week's broadcast. Former RSGB President Terry
Barnes, GI3USS has recently become a Silent Key. Terry served as RSGB
President in 1992. He was the first GI callsign to hold the position
for around 25 years. Terry had been a volunteer for the Society for
some years before his election to President, and put this experience
to good use during his term of office. He was also the President of
the Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association (RAOTA) from 1994 until
1998. Our thoughts are with his family and many friends around the

The National Hamfest takes place on the 30th of September and the 1st
of October at the Newark & Nottinghamshire Showground. With several
international traders as well as the UK's largest dealers and
representatives from the main manufacturers, there will be plenty for
visitors to enjoy. For those looking for the extra bargain there will
also be a large car boot sale area. For more details go to

DXCC card checking will be available at the National Hamfest, on the
UK 6m Group stand. They can also check your documents for your
Logbook of the World, so bring your licence and an original photo ID
such as photo driving licence or passport, with the same name on
both. These documents don't have to be sent to the USA. If you plan
to bring a lot of cards, more than 25, please drop them off as soon
as you arrive. Please note the paper application forms are no longer
used, you must use the online tool to make your application and bring
the resulting printout with the cards.

The RSGB 2016 Convention takes place on the 7th to the 9th of October
at Kents Hill Conference Centre, Milton Keynes, sponsored by Martin
Lynch & Sons. Sam Jewell, G4DDK will be speaking on Saturday on the
secret life of the transverter. This will cover the basics of
transverters, including designs, performance trade offs, buy or build
and interfacing. Transverters can be used on any amateur radio band,
so the talk is equally applicable to LF, HF, VHF and microwaves. On
Sunday, Professor Cathryn Mitchell, M0IBG will be explaining Space
Weather that bombards the Earth, sometimes with dramatic effects on
our technology including how we are building resilience for our
infrastructure. Cathryn is a professor at the University of Bath who
has recently qualified as a radio amateur. Go to for tickets, bookings and details of the

The Convention Buildathon will provide attendees with the opportunity
to build a 40m transceiver based on a popular Kanga UK design.
Construction is simple and easy and will not pose any difficulties
even to the novice kit constructor. The basic build should be
completed in a half-day session, leaving plenty of time to enjoy the
rest of the Convention attractions.  Please note that participation
in the Buildathon is charged at GBP 29.95, which does not include the
cost of admission to the Convention but does include use of all the
equipment required and the 40m transceiver kit. Go to for details.

The RSGB is pleased that Susan Buckle, the Astronaut Flight Education
Programme Support Manager at the UK Space Agency will be speaking
following the Gala Dinner at the RSGB Convention. She will be talking
about how the RSGB and the ARISS UK team worked closely with her and
other UK Space agency colleagues for the ten amateur radio school
contacts with Tim Peake. If you have already booked your tickets and
want to reserve a table for friends, send an email to
elaine.richards<at> with the names of those wishing to
share a table.

For young amateurs, there's something new at the RSGB Convention. If
you are under 21 you have free admission, although young people under
16 must be accompanied. Just turn up at the door with some form of ID
that shows your age.

The annual RSGB Construction Competition is to encourage home
construction, experimentation, design and innovation. Any Member of
the RSGB, or group of Members, is eligible to enter. The closing date
for entries is the 30th of September and judging will take place at
the RSGB Convention. This year the competition is being sponsored by
Martin Lynch and Sons with prizes of GBP 50 of vouchers for each
category winner and GBP 100 for the winner of the prestigious Pat
Hawker G3VA Trophy that will be awarded to the best overall entry.
See the RSGB website for full details of the various categories,
where you will also find an entry form.

The RSGB's Training and Education Committee created a new role
earlier this year, to help support amateurs with disabilities. This
followed discussions with the RAIBC and the role includes liaising
between the two organisations, giving consideration to disabilities
more widely, from time to time making recommendations in this area to
the TEC Chair and helping formulate responses to RSGB Board requests.
If you are interested in this role, please contact Philip Willis via
email to tec.chair<at>

Region 13 is looking for a Deputy Regional Manager for the
Nottingham/Derbyshire area, which is District 136. If you are an RSGB
Member and think this role would suit you, contact the Regional
Manager, Jim Stevenson, G0EJQ by email to rm13<at>

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

The Chippenham & District Amateur Radio Mini-Rally takes place today,
the 25th of September, at the new venue of Kington Langley Village
Hall, Church Road, Kington Langley SN15 5NJ. The doors open at 10am,
with disabled visitors gaining access 30 minutes earlier. Admission
is GBP 2, with under 16s free. There is on site car parking. There
will be trade stands, a car boot sale area and refreshments will be
available. Details from Brian, G6HUI on 0772 224 2741.

The National Hamfest takes place on the 30th of September and the 1st
of October at the Newark & Nottinghamshire Showground, Lincoln Road,
Winthorpe, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24 2NY. More details are at

The Laugharne Tin Shed Rally takes place on the 1st of October in the
Tin Shed Experience, Clifton St, Laugharne, Carmarthen SA33 4QG.
Doors open from 10am to 2pm. There will be traders, a Bring & Buy and
a flea market. Refreshments are available including bacon sandwiches.
Details from Matthew, GW6KOA on 01994 427 581.

The British Vintage Wireless Society Auto Jumble takes place on the
2nd of October at The Angel Leisure Centre, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1SF.
Doors open from 10.30am to 4.30pm. Details are online at

On the 2nd of October the Blackwood ARS Rally takes place at
Rougemount School, Llantarnham Hall, Malpas Road, Newport NP20 8QB.
The venue has free car parking. A talk-in station will be on
145.550MHz. Doors open at 10am to 4pm, with disabled access 15
minutes earlier. There will be trade stands, a car boot sale, a Bring
& Buy, special interest groups and a lecture programme. There is
catering available on site. Details available from Mike Rackham,
GW4JKV on to 01495 226 149.

If you have any rally or event information you'd like to appear in
future editions of GB2RS News, in RadCom and on the RSGB website,
please email details to radcom<at>

And now the DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources

Alejandro, LU9VEA will be on Easter Island, IOTA reference SA-001,
working as CE0Y/LU9VEA between the 26th and 30th of September. Listen
for him on a variety of HF bands, working SSB. Send QSL cards to

Stan, LZ1GC and Emil, DL8JJ will operate as H44GC from Guadalcanal,
OC-047, from until the 3rd of October with two stations on the HF
bands using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. Emil then returns to Germany,
while Stan moves on to Nendo Island to operate as H40GC from the 4th
to the 17th. He then returns to Guadalcanal for another stint until
October 21. QSL via ClubLog OQRS, LoTW.

Kasimir, DL2SBY will be active as S79KB until the 2nd of October from
Praslin Island, AF-024 and from the 2nd to the 8th Eden Island. Look
for him on the HF bands using SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via DL2SBY direct
and ClubLog OQRS for direct and bureau.

Josep, EA3BT and Nuria, EA3WL will be on the air from the 26th of
September to the 1st of October as S9BT and S9WL, respectively, on
the 6 to 40m bands using SSB, RTTY and some CW. QSL both calls via

Aaron, VA1AXC is on the air as CY0/VA1AXC from Sable Island, NA-063
until early November, mostly on 20 metres during his spare time,
using SSB only. QSL via JE1LET.

Now the special event news

Enigma Reloaded 2016 takes place until the 1st of October. The main
goal of the event is to promote amateur activity as possible all over
the world, celebrating the history of the Enigma cipher machine and
its crucial role in World War II. From the 17th to the 30th of
September, stations registered as Activator stations will be on the
air. On the 1st of October those stations will exchange predefined CW
messages. Full details and rules are at

Riviera ARC from Devon will be activating Babbacombe Cliff Railway
for Railways on the Air today, the 25th of September. They will be
covering the HF bands and 2m / 70cm, and expect to be busy on 40 / 20
metres. They have requested the usual callsign of GB4BCR from Ofcom.

GB75ACO – that's Air Cadet Organisation – will be operating at
Stalham ATC Squadron, Norfolk, until the 28th of September. They are
celebrating 75 years of the Air Training Corps. Primary activity will
be on 40m, with some local 2m and 60m. Special QSL cards will be
available and details are on

The 950th anniversary of the Norman Conquest will be commemorated by
the Phoenix Amateur Radio Club, starting with the Battles of Fulford
and Stamford Bridge until the 26th of September. Callsigns will be
MX0PHX and MX0YHA, and operations will be subject to prevailing
conditions on the HF bands. More information is online at

Poole Radio Society celebrates its 40th Anniversary in October.
GB40PRS will be on air during the month at locations in and around
Poole. On the 1st to 3rd of October the callsign will be on the air
from Kingstone Lacy.

GB16IYL will be on the air from the 3rd to the 10th of October for
the BYLARA International YL Convention taking place in Milton Keynes.

On the 29th of September, Torbay Amateur Radio Society will be
operating GB6GEO from Kents Cavern Torquay as part of the 7th
International conference being held on behalf of the UNESCO Global
Geoparks. They will be active on HF and VHF for the day. More
information on

GB4DUK will be operating from the 1st of October to raise awareness
for Dementia & Dementia UK. A special QSL card will be available for
all HF and VHF contacts. More information is on

Now the contest news

The CQWW DX RTTY contest ends its 48 hour run at 2359UTC today, the
25th. Using the 3.5 to 28MHz bands, the exchange is signal report and
Zone, which for the UK is 14.

A UK Microwave Group contest on 5.7 and 10GHz takes place today, the
25th, from 0600 to 1800UTC. Using all modes on those two bands the
exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

The first leg of the ON Contest takes place on 6m from 0700 to
1000UTC today, the 25th. Work Belgian stations only, exchanging a
signal report and serial number. ON stations will also send club
codes, eg MCL, which count as multipliers.

Also today, the 25th, the Practical Wireless 4m Contest runs for four
hours from 1200 to 1600UTC. Using all modes the exchange is signal
report, serial number and locator.

On Tuesday the 50MHz UK Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 2130UTC.
Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and

Also on Tuesday from 1900 to 2130UTC the SHF UK Activity Contest is
on the 2.3 to 10GHz bands. Using all modes the exchange is signal
report, serial number and locator.

The UK IE 80m contest runs from 2000 to 2100UTC on Wednesday. Using
CW only, the exchange is your 4-character locator square.

On Thursday the 80m Club Sprint runs from 1900 to 2000UTC. Using CW
only the exchange is both callsigns, serial number and name.

On Saturday the 1st of October the 1.2/2.3GHz trophy takes place from
1400 to 2200UTC. Using all modes on these two bands, the exchange is
signal report, serial number and locator.

The 432MHz-248GHz contest runs from 1400 on the 1st to 1400UTC on the
2nd. Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and

The Oceania DX SSB contest runs from 0800 on the 1st to 0800UTC on
the 2nd. Using the 1.8 to 28MHz bands the exchange is signal report
and serial number. There are sections for single-op and multi-op
stations. To encourage LF activity the points for QSOs are different
on each band. Work only Oceania – that's VK, ZL and Pacific islands.

The IARU 432MHz to 248GHz contest runs from 1400UTC on the 1st to
1400UTC on the 2nd. The exchange is signal report, serial number and

The Worked All Britain HF Phone Contest takes place next Saturday and
Sunday, the 1st and 2nd, from 1200 to 1200UTC. Using the 14, 21 and
28MHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and WAB
square. Entries need to be with the contest manager by 23rd October.
Full details at and please note that
all contacts to all countries, even to non WAB members, count for

On the 2nd of October the International DX Contest runs from 0700 to
1900UTC. Using CW and SSB on the 14 to 28MHz bands, the exchange is
signal report and serial number. There are Open, Restricted and QRP
categories, plus you can enter single mode or mixed mode. Countries,
UK excepted, and Call Areas act as multipliers, and QSO points are
loaded to encourage operating on higher frequencies.

The ON Contest takes place from 0600 to 1000UTC on the 2nd. Using SSB
only on the 3.5MHz band the exchange is signal report and serial
number with ON stations giving their club code too.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO
on Friday the 23rd of September.

This week saw the solar flux index increase from 80 to 86, but poor
ionospheric conditions due to a high-speed solar wind stream
dominated the earlier part of the week. The K index hit five on the
20th but, as predicted, geomagnetic conditions improved slightly
towards the end of the week.

On the bright side, while some days have seen very poor HF
conditions, there have been highlights. The Chilton ionosonde has
indicated that the maximum usable frequency over a 3,000km path has
exceeded 21MHz at times. And better autumnal conditions mean that
there is DX around. This is an ideal month for working South Africa
and South America on 18, 21 and even 24MHz at times.

East-West paths may be better on 14MHz, and will improve as we head
into October. And don't ignore 30m at the moment, which may deliver
some surprises. Eighty and forty metres are also starting to come
into their own at dusk and after sunset.

Our best advice is look for days that are geomagnetically quiet. That
is, when the K index is zero, one or two. This may be tricky as NOAA
predicts very unsettled geomagnetic conditions for eight days from
September 28th. So work your best DX in the first half of this week.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

Prospects for tropospheric openings are poor this week, with low
pressure near to the north and west of Britain bringing autumnal
weather. For much of the period this will mean some quite strong
winds at times and little chance of tropo developing. There may be
some rain scatter options, although this could be difficult with
fast-moving weather systems.

There is likely to be high pressure over the continent and this will
place the better tropo conditions over the near continent and across
Biscay at times, and probably not accessible for most of the country.
The Sporadic-E season seems to be over, so it's back to random meteor
scatter as the main DX mode on the lower VHF bands.

Moon declination is heading negative again later this week so EME
moon windows will shorten as the week goes on. Losses are also
increasing as the moon heads out to apogee. But don't despair of the
poor VHF conditions. There are plenty of workable satellites in orbit
to give you your fix of VHF DX, so why not give them a try? Go to the
AMSAT-UK website for information.

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  gb2rs<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro
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