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M1CUK  > NEWS     09.04.09 22:26l 574 Lines 24878 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
Subj: rsgb news sunday 12th april
Sent: 090409/2011Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:26155 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:DF0896M1


Sunday 12th April 2009

The news headlines

"	Attend the RSGB AGM in Newcastle or watch online
"	World Amateur Radio Day Activity
"	RSGB QSL Bureau Updates

The RSGB AGM will be taking place on 18 April at the Hotel Novotel
Newcastle Airport. Any member planning to travel to the AGM by car will
be exempt from the hotel parking charges. If car drivers inform
reception on their arrival, they will receive an exemption ticket.
If you can't attend the AGM in person, you can still see what is going
on. The British Amateur Television Club will be streaming video and
audio of the proceedings live via the internet. Anyone with a broadband
connection can go to and click on Live Events to watch the
stream. It's completely free. 


Every year, 18 April is a special day for radio amateurs from all over
the world. It is a celebration to commemorate the formation of the
International Amateur Radio Union. A special event award, the WARD 2009
Award is being issued by the Polish Radio Amateurs' magazine  QTC and
the PZK for this year's event. There will be eleven special event
stations active between 16 and 19 April to commemorate World Amateur
Radio Day, each with WARD at the end of the special callsign, for
example 3Z0WARD. Details of the award can be found at
eQSL cards will be available for printing from the website: and paper QSL are via SP2FAP.


The RSGB QSL Bureau would like to thank Andy Thomas, G8GNI who has been
acting as volunteer QSL sub manager for the M6 series for the past year.
Andy will continue to handle M6 cards for England, but the bureau is
pleased to advise that there are new managers for both Scotland and
Wales. M6 callsigns in Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey and
Guernsey remain unaffected and should use their, Regional Sub Managers,
as normal. Details of the MM6 manager, Ray Simpson, GM7ZNI and MW6
manager Lloyd Thomas, 2W0LLT can be found in the QSL section of the RSGB
members website. Cards and envelopes are being transferred to the new
All amateurs are reminded to keep a stock of C5 size, numbered, stamped
addressed envelopes, bearing their callsign with their sub manager for
the receipt of cards and to be aware of the new postal rates that came
into operation this week. First class is now 39p and Second Class
postage 30p. Existing envelopes with stamps showing the words, "First
Class" and "Second Class", will be honoured, by Royal Mail. As volunteer
managers are only obliged to retain cards for a period of 3 months, it
is essential that appropriate envelopes are always to hand. Those not
wishing to receive cards are kindly asked to inform the relevant sub
manager that they do not collect. See the website for details.


On 3 April, GB7DK, a new D-Star system located at Stranraer in Scotland,
was commissioned. The system transmits on 145.6875MHz with -600kHz
split. This is the 5th site to come online under the D-Star Scotland
banner and forms another part of the D-Star network within Scotland. It
is hoped that as well as covering parts of GM, it may also cover GI and
GD. Reports are welcome. For further information on GB7DK and the D-Star
Scotland network please visit


The Mid Cornwall Beacon and Repeater Group would like to thank the RSGB
for including an appeal for funds for Beacon electricity bills in the
April RadCom. The GB3MCB 6m, 4m, 2m and 70cm beacons were due to close
down on 2 April through lack of funding. They will now remain on the
air. The UK Six Metre Group has generously funded the 6m beacon
electricity bill for a year and an anonymous donation has funded the 2m
beacon bill for a year. Other donations received so far will keep the 4m
beacon and the 70cm beacon operational for the next six months. The Mid
Cornwall Beacon and Repeater Group would like to thank all those who
have donated for their kind messages and give their reassurance that all
donations from outside Cornwall will be put towards the beacon
electricity bills.


Do you have a technical query, interested in technical aspects of the
hobby, discussions or even just started in the hobby and require
assistance? Then rsgbtech could be the place for you. It is open to all
radio amateurs and can be found on
p/rsgbtech/. Once on the yahoo site registration only takes a few
minutes and membership is automatically accepted. Just type in rsgbtech
in the 'search box' look for the RSGB logo and you are there. Please
note that all posting are moderated. Further information including links
can be obtained from Leslie Butterfields, G0CIB at g0cib<at>


The ARMMS RF and Microwave Society conference will take place on Monday
20 and Tuesday 21 April at Milton Hall near Oxford. The conference will
cover a wide range of technologies connected with microwave
measurements. This two day event gives delegates the opportunity to
question top industry speakers in a highly technical but informal
setting. For more information and to book a place, go to


The town of Bad Bentheim in Germany makes an award every year to the
amateur or amateur group who has made exceptional effort following
accidents or natural disasters. They are seeking nominations for this
year's Golden Aerial Award. If you know of an individual or group that
have used amateur radio in these circumstances, the details of how to
nominate are on the website


And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week.

18 April is World Amateur Radio Day and celebrates the day the IARU was
founded. Various special event stations will be on from both the UK and
the rest of the world.

The Andover Radio Club Boot Sale takes place on 19 April at the Wildhern
Village Hall and Playing field, postcode SP11 0JE. The venue is north of
Andover, just off the A343. There will be talk-in on S22 and ample car
parking on site. Entry is £1.50. Details from Martin, M0MWS, on

Also on 19 April, the West London Radio & Electronics Show, also known
as the Kempton Rally will take place at Kempton Park Racecourse. Doors
open at 10am and the venue has plenty of car parking. During the day,
the Top Ham Competition will take place. Details from Paul, M0CJX, on
0845 165 0351.


Now for the news of special events

On 12 April, GB2WLR will be on the air from the West Lancs Railway in

GB2LRS will be on the air on 18 April, run by Loughton Radio Society in

On 7 May 1909 the Admiralty began a process that was to lead to the
formation of the Fleet Air Arm. As 2009 is the Centenary Year of Naval
Aviation, there are a number of events and publications throughout the
year to celebrate and commemorate this event. The Royal Naval Amateur
Radio Society is to operate a special event station during May 2009. The
station will have the callsign GB100FAA and will be operated by members
of the Society, initially from HMS Collingwood at Fareham and latterly
at the Royal Naval Air Station at Yeovilton in Somerset. More
information about the Society and the awards can be found at:


And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources.

Several operators will be part of a team active with the prefix TI7 from
San Jose Island, Costa Rica, between 17 and 20 April. Activity will be
on 80 to 10m using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via DK6AO, direct or by
the bureau. For updates and more info, please visit their website at:

9A/VE3ZIK will be active from Bilice, Croatia between 12 and 21 April
using CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF bands, with an emphasis on 80,
40 and 30m. Plans are also underway to operate SSB and CW on 20 and 40m
from Ugljan Island and Pasman Island for one day. QSL via DO7ZZ (e-mail
requests for bureau cards can be sent to ve3zik<at> 

The website for the MM0RAI/P expedition to Rockall is now up and running
at The operators will attempt a landing on Rockall
between 30 April and 1 May and, depending on weather and sea conditions,
they will be active with two stations on 80 to 10m SSB and CW for about
48 hours. QSL via ON4BR, direct or bureau. 

Francois, F8DVD will be active once again from Spitsbergen Island,
Svalbard between 18 and 26 April. Look for him to operate as JW/F8DVD
from the Longyearbyen ARC, with main activity on 40 and 20m SSB and CW.
His 16-year-old son Victor, F0EPL will be with him. QSL via his home
call, direct or bureau. 


Now the contest news

The International Vintage Contest will take place today, Sunday 12
April, from 0800 to 1200UTC and from 1500 to 1900UTC on the 7 and 14MHz
bands. Competitors must use only radio vintage equipment. All
participants are invited to send your log even if a small number of
QSOs. The contest call is 'CQ Vintage'. For full details on the contest,
check out the website at

The RSGB 432MHz UK Activity Contest takes place on 14 April from 1900 to
2130. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and

15 April sees the RSGB 80m Club Championship taking place between 1900
and 2030. Using SSB, the exchange is signal report and serial number.

The SSB EU Sprint takes place on 18 April. The EU Sprint website at contains all the details as well as information on the
QSO format, which hopefully will be more familiar now, as a result of
the RSGB 80m sprints. The interesting thing about the EU Sprints is the
multi-band nature of the event, as it takes place on 80, 40 and 20m. 

On 21 April, between 1900 and 2130, it is the RSGB 1.3/2.3GHz Activity
Contest using all modes. The exchange is signal report, serial number
and locator.


Now the solar report for the period from the 30th of March to the 5th of
April, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS.

We start this week with the latest monthly smoothed sunspot numbers
which are for June, July and August 2008, they are 3.2, 2.7 and 2.6
respectively. The trend is still downward.

The solar disc was spotless everyday. The last sunspot group that was
seen on the Sun was the 7th of March. According to the website,
spaceweather dot com, so far there as been 594 spotless days this
minimum. In a typical minimum, whatever one of those is, we should
expect 485 spotless days. Solar activity was very low. Solar flux levels
averaged 71 units and varied little day to day. This figure is good
considering a spotless Sun. Just maybe, we are creeping out of minimum.
With a spotless Sun for several days we would expect solar flux levels
to be between the mid to high 60's. X-ray flux levels remained below the
minimum reporting level. Geomagnetic activity was quiet throughout. The
average was Ap 3 units. Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft saw
solar wind speeds decline from 440 kilometres per second on the 30th to
260 by the 3rd. Particle densities were low everyday. Bz varied minus 4
and plus 5 nanoTeslas.

And finally the solar forecast. This week solar activity is expected to
continue at very low levels. The solar disc could be spotless on some
days. Solar flux levels are expected to be around the 70 mark all week.
Geomagnetic activity is expected to be mostly quiet till at least next
weekend. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around
18 MHz for the south and 15MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows
should be about 9MHz. Paths this week to the Middle East should have a
maximum usable frequency with a 50 per cent success rate will be about
19MHz. The optimum working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate
should be around 14MHz. The best time to try this path will be between
0900 to 1700 hours UTC. 

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies
can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website
links where known.


We open the local news with advance notice of two forthcoming courses. 
First, the 8th Intermediate course run by volunteers from the Chelmsford
Amateur Radio Society (CARS) will start at the end of April. The course
will be held at the Danbury Village Hall near Chelmsford on Thursday
evenings between 7 and 9pm from 30 April until 9 July. The exam will be
held on Thursday 16 July. The course costs £65 which covers the room
hire, project materials, a copy of the Intermediate Licence Manual and
the exam fee. Those interested in attending should contact the CARS
Training Organiser Clive, G1EUC on 01245 224577 or by email to

Bromley and District ARS will be holding a Foundation Course on Sunday
17 May and Sunday 31 May. The exam will also be on the 31st. The venue
is the Victory Social Club, Kechill Gardens, Hayes BR2 7NH. Details are
on the web at

On Tuesday 14 April, Brede Steam ARS is operating from the shack.
Steve, on 0142 720815

On Tuesday 14 April, Harwell ARS have a talk on Kite aerials by Roger
Stafford, G4ROG. Details from Malcolm, G8NRP on 01235 524844.

On Wednesday 15 April, Chesham & District ARS is holding a Night on the
Air plus CW Training Session. Details from Terry, G0VFW on 01442 831

On Wednesday 15 April, Fareham & District ARC have a conducted tour of
the Southwick brewhouse starting at 7:30pm. Details from Ken, M0KLS on
02392 797 240.

On Wednesday 15 April, Norfolk ARC is holding an Informal, Construction
and Workshop evening. Details from Chris Danby, G0DWV on 01603 419204.

On Wednesday 15 April, Worthing & District ARC is having the General
Knowledge & Radio Quiz. Details from Roy, G4GPX on 01903 753 893. 

On Thursday 16 April, Cray Valley RS is holding the AGM. Details from
Bob, BRS32525 on 020 8265 7735 after 8pm please.

On Thursday 16 April, Horsham ARC is having a social evening at the Blue
Ship. Details on the website 

On Thursday 16 April, King's Lynn ARC is holding a club night and 2m
club net. Details from Ray, G3RSV by e-mail to ral-g3rsv<at>

On Thursday 16 April, Shefford & District ARS is having a Spring Junk
Sale. Details from David, G8UOD on 01234 742 757. 

On Thursday 16 April, Sutton & Cheam RS is having a talk on Amateur
Television by Mike Sanders, G8LES. Contact John, G0BWV on 020 8644 9945.

On Friday 17 April, Surrey Radio Contact Club is holding a VHF NFD 2009
Planning & 2008 Post Mortem meeting. Contact Ray, G4FFY on 020 8644

On Friday 17 April, Wey Valley ARG is holding a used equipment sale.
Details on the website



On Tuesday 14 April, Blackmore Vale ARS is holding the AGM. Details from
Nick Perrin, G3NRH, by e-mail at bnperrin<at>

On Tuesday 14 April, West Devon Radio Club is having a Radio Repair
Night. Details from Jules Cuddy, M1AGY on 01752291588. 

On Wednesday 15 April, South Bristol ARC has a Wine and Cheese Evening.
Details from Len, G4RZY on 01275 834 282. 

On Wednesday 15 April, Taunton & District ARC has a Digimode Evening.
Details from William, G3WNI on 01823 666 234.

On Wednesday 15 April, Thornbury & South Gloucestershire ARC has a video
night. Details from Tony, G0WMB on 01454 417048.

On Wednesday 15 April, Trowbridge & District ARC is having a natter
night. Contact Ian, G0GRI on 01225 864 698. 

On Thursday 16 April, Swindon & District ARC is having a talk on Vintage
Domestic Radios 1920s to 1950s by Geoff Harris, G3TPQ. Contact Den,
M0ACM on 07810 317750.

On Thursday 16 April, Yeovil ARC is having a QRP Convention briefing.
Contact Gary, 2E0BFJ by e-mail at g.swain<at> 

On Friday 17 April, Torbay ARS is having an operating night. Details
from Dave, G6FSP by e-mail at g6fsp<at>



On Monday 13 April, Gloucester AR & ES is Escarpment Operating. Details
from Anne, 2E1GKY on 01452 548478.

On Monday 13 April, South Birmingham Radio Society has no meeting as
it's Easter Monday. Contact Don on 0121 458 1603.

On Monday 13 April, South Normanton Alfreton & District ARC is also
closed due to the Bank Holiday. Contact A J Higton, 2E1GWO on 01773

On Monday 13 April, Stratford Upon Avon & District RS, has an Easter
Monday Informal Meeting. Details from Jack, G3VYE on 01926 641 988.

On Tuesday 14 April, Derby & District ARS is holding a Committee
Meeting. Contact Richard Buckby by e-mail at radio< 

On Tuesday 14 April, Eagle RG is holding an Auction & Table Top Sale.
Details from Terry, G0SWS on 01507 478590.

On Tuesday 14 April, Loughborough & District ARC is holding a discussion
on Old & new receivers - How do they compare? Details from Chris, G1ETZ
on 01509 504 319.

On Tuesday 14 April, Worcester RAA has a Night on the Air. Contact
Leslie Coyne, M3WRZ on 01905 764320.

On Wednesday 15 April, Lincoln Short-Wave Club is having a Natter Night
and Shack Activity Evening. Details from Pam Rose on 01427 788356.

On Wednesday 15 April, South Notts Amateur Radio Club is having a
Construction Project Evening with G4EDX. Details from the website

On Wednesday 15 April, Telford & District ARS is holding a Hints & Tips
Evening when Members talk about favourite ideas and methods. Details
from Mike, G3JKX on 01952 299 677.

On Thursday 16 April, Salop ARS is holding their first fox hunt. Details
on the website

On Friday 17 April, Bromsgrove & District ARC is holding a committee
meeting. Details from Chris, M0BQE on 01905 776 869. 

On Friday 17 April, Coventry ARS is holding the 2nd Round of the G2FDC
2m DF Trophy. Contact John, G8SEQ on 07958 777363. 

On Friday 17 April, Hucknall Rolls Royce ARC is holding a Member's Club
Forum starting at 8.30pm. Details from Dave Wilde, G1YAI by e-mail at

On Friday 17 April, Melton Mowbray ARS is having a talk on VHF/UHF DF
antennas by John, G4YSP. Details from Geoff, G3STG on 01664 480 733.

On Friday 17 April, South Birmingham Radio Society is holding a
construction evening. Details from Don on 0121 458 1603.

On Saturday 18 April, Hucknall Rolls Royce ARC is celebrating World
Amateur Radio Day. Details from Dave Wilde, G1YAI by e-mail at



Commencing today, Sunday 12 April, there will be a new GB2RS news
reading on 145MHz for listeners in North Lancashire. This will take
place at 09.30 hours local time via the GB3RF Accrington based repeater
on 145.775MHz. The newsreader will be Mark, G0VOF with Laurie, G0MRL
acting as a temporary standby reader. An assistant reader is required,
who must be an RSGB member, to give Mark a break on a rota basis.
Volunteers are asked to contact the GB2RS News Manger Gordon Adams,
G3LEQ on 01 565 652 652 for more details, or he can be E-mailed via
gb2rs<at> Mark is looking out for reception reports after
his news readings and is hoping that this will plug a gap in our North
Lancashire coverage.

The Northumbria Amateur Radio Club is celebrating its 40th Anniversary
on Saturday 18 April at the Clubhouse in Ellington near Ashington.
Members of the Club will be on the air from 10am with the Club call
GX4AAX. To mark the occasion there will be a radio station displayed as
it would have been in 1969, along with the contemporary station of
today. Please give the Club a call or visit the Clubhouse at the "Old
Telephone Exchange" on the Cresswell Road, Ellington any time on the
Saturday after 10 am.

The Sausage and Scouse Net takes place every morning on GB3MP covering
Cheshire, Merseyside, North Wales, Staffordshire, Cumbria. Sunday 31 May
sees a Summer Meeting at the Old Quay, The Parade, Parkgate, Wirral CH64
6SB at 12 noon. Further information from Bill, G4USW on 07870 325537 or
Dave, M3OCH 07776 236367.

On Sunday 12 April, Finningley ARS has a special event station at
Sandtoft trolleybus museum. Details from Colin, 2E0UBT on 0172 471 1686.

On Monday 13 April, Angel Of The North ARC has no meeting as it's Easter
Monday. Details from Nancy Bone, G7UUR on 0191 477 0036.

On Monday 13 April, Sheffield ARC has no meeting as it's Easter Monday.
Contact Mike Gordon, G0TKO on 01709 382479.

On Monday 13 April, Thornton Cleveleys ARS has a talk on Slow Scan TV by
Ted, G3WBB. Details from John Webb, G8RDP/M3RAE on 01253 876313.

On Tuesday 14 April, Finningley ARS has a 4m transverter construction
evening. Details from Colin, 2E0UBT on 0172 471 1686.

On Tuesday 14 April, Morecambe Bay ARS has a film night. Details from
Martin Hazel, M0ZIF on 07852 200232.

On Tuesday 14 April, Pontefract & District ARS is having a CW on the
air: G3FYQ and G1FYQ calling 'CQ FISTS' night. Details from 07594 596

On Wednesday 15 April, Denby Dale RC has a talk and demonstration on
some multiband antennas. Details from Gerald, G3SDY on 01484 602905.

On Wednesday 15 April, Goole R & ES has a contest planning night.
Details from Ken, G6YYN on 01757 638539. 

On Wednesday 15 April, Hornsea ARC has an Intro to Foxhunting by
Richard, G4YTV. More details from Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV on 01377

On Wednesday 15 April, Mid-Cheshire ARS has a Morse Key appreciation
evening. Foundation & Intermediate course training will also take place.
Details from Peter Paul Fox, G8HAV on 01606 553401.

On Thursday 16 April, South Manchester R & CC has a talk on 5A3 Libyan
adventures by Ron G3SVW. More details from Ron, G3SVW on 0161 969 3999.

On Friday 17 April, East Cleveland ARC has a night on the air. Details
from Alistair, G4OLK on 01642 475 671.

On Friday 17 April, Mexborough & District ARS has a Pie & Pea Supper.
Please let them know if you plan to attend. Further details from Sharon,
M0BOH by e-mail at M0boh<at>

On Friday 17 April, Tynemouth Radio Club has a talk on satellite imaging
by G8YFA. Further details from Tony, G8YFA by e-mail at

On Saturday 18 April, Finningley ARS is holding a club operating day.
Details from Colin, 2E0UBT on 0172 471 1686. 



The Northumbria Amateur Radio Club is celebrating its 40th Anniversary
on Saturday 18 April at the Clubhouse in Ellington near Ashington.
Members of the Club will be on the air from 10am with the Club call
GX4AAX. To mark the occasion there will be a radio station displayed as
it would have been in 1969, along with the contemporary station of
today. Please give the Club a call or visit the Clubhouse at the "Old
Telephone Exchange" on the Cresswell Road, Ellington any time on the
Saturday after 10 am

On Sunday 18 April, Wigtownshire ARC is holding an on air PSK31 evening.
Details from Ellis Gaston, GM0HPK on 01776 820413. 

On Tuesday 14 April, Livingston & District ARS is holding an operating
evening. Further details from Norman on 0131 449 7641.

On Wednesday 15 April, Ayr ARG has a group discussion evening. More
information from Charlie, MM0GNS on 01563 551704.

On Wednesday 15 April, Kingdom Amateur Radio Society has a presentation 
night. More information from Brian, MM0XBD on 01383 738905.

On Wednesday 15 April, Paisley (YMCA) ARC is having a Gordon Hunter Film
Night GM3ULP. Contact Bill Anderson, 2M0BZZ on 01505 613633.

On Thursday 16 April, Aberdeen ARS is having a talk on the Sun and its
influence on Amateur Radio and life itself! by Graham Knight, GM6FFX.
Contact Lewis, GM4AJR on 01224 575 663. 

On Thursday 16 April, Wigtownshire ARC is holding an on air PSK 31
evening. Details from Ellis Gaston, GM0HPK on 01776 820413 

On Saturday 18 April Cockenzie & Port Seton ARC is holding a 10 Pin
Bowling Night at the Megabowl Fountainbridge starting at 8pm. More
details from Bob, GM4UYZ on 01875 811 723.



No news items have been received for Wales this week.



On Friday 18 April, Antrim & District ARS is having a talk on the
motorcycle trip of the Sahara by David Kyle, MI5KAW. More details from
Paul Alexander, MI0CUN by e-mail at mi0cun<at> 


And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast,
prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.


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