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M1CUK  > NEWS     27.02.09 00:15l 646 Lines 28566 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 860871M1CUK
Subj: rsgb news sunday 1st March
Sent: 090226/2207Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:24738 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:860871M1


Sunday 1st March 2009

The news headlines

"	RSGB negotiates extensions to 500kHz NoVs 
"	More stations for the Commonwealth Contest
"	Book the date for the RSGB Convention

Following proposals from the RSGB, Ofcom have extended existing NoVs for
501 to 504kHz until 28 February 2010. Letters are being set to all NoV
holders. The extension of the NoV also authorises an ERP of up to


Commonwealth Contest news. India have announced that they will be
entering a team in this year's Commonwealth Contest. This means that
there will be nine Indian stations and one from Sri Lanka entering this
year. Teams for Australia, Canada and Rest of the World have already
been announced. The Commonwealth Contest website has been upgraded and
now contains up to the minute news and propagation predictions prepared
for 16 Commonwealth call areas by RadCom propagation expert Gwyn, G4FKH.
The website URL is and the contest runs from 1000UTC 14
March to 1000UTC 15 March.


Some news about the forthcoming RSGB Convention. This year's event, at
the Wyboston Lakes Conference Centre in Bedfordshire over the weekend 9
to 11 October will, for the first time, see the inclusion of a full
stream of VHF lectures and presentations. This new stream will run
alongside the usual streams of HF, DX, Technical and Beginners lectures.
Here's a great opportunity to meet the people involved at the leading
edge of the use of the spectrum, in the usual lecture environment but
more importantly in a social environment. As in previous years, the
Convention will be hosting the full range of UK licence exams. A
detailed programme will be available in due course. So remember, RSGB
Convention, Wyboston 9 to 11 October, see you there.


The Arcala radio station, OH8X, is believed to be the first-ever amateur
radio station to be active in a Virtual World on the internet in the
hope of attracting more young people to the hobby. Millions of
computer-minded youngsters gather there daily. They have launched a
competition asking amateurs to imagine themselves as an 18 year old
enthusiastic radio amateur then, in 250 words or less, describe the
excitement of being an amateur to other young people and say why they
should join amateur radio. The writing should be either in English or
Please submit your paper by e-mail no later than15 March to
oh8x<at> for English papers or yv5amh<at> for Spanish
ones. The papers will be reviewed by a panel of well known international
radio amateurs. The three best papers will receive plaques and the
winning text will be made available to amateur radio publications and in
the Virtual Reality world. Full details at


Is your callsign a G3Y or a G3Z? The QSL sub manager for the
G3YAAA-G3ZZZ series changed some time ago. The current manager is Jim
Peden, G3ZQQ. Full contact details are listed on the RSGB website. The
QSL bureau list is regularly updated and all members are reminded to
check  current details from time to time. 


The AMTOR-mailbox DA5TOR will move its 40m access frequency in order to
comply with the new bandplan of 29 March. The new frequencies are 7047,
7049 and 7051kHz. All frequencies and technical details of the mailbox
can be found on The new activity-centre of AMTOR is
7042kHz for direct connections.


Each year, on 18 April, radio amateurs celebrate World Amateur Radio
Day. On that day, in 1925, the International Amateur Radio Union was
founded. In 2009, the theme of the event is Amateur Radio: Your Resource
in Disaster and Emergency Communication. With a large number of skilled
operators, who know how to communicate often with very limited means and
even under difficult circumstances amateur radio can be a valuable
asset. Activities on World Amateur Radio Day 2009 can be a great
opportunity to spread the word about what amateurs are doing. If your
Club or Group are participating, RadCom would be interested to hear
about your activities.


A new school radio club will be launching at the Notre Dame High School
in Norwich, during this year's Science Week, with a club callsign of
MX0NDH. Pupils will be operational on HF and VHF each Monday lunchtime
from 9 March and would be very appreciative of supportive contacts.


Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society at Merley near Bournemouth will
be taking part in National Science and Engineering Week with an open day
for the public. Using state of the art gear and their large dish,
demonstrations planned include 8.4GHz DX reception from distant
satellite probes and solar noise measurement. There will also be amateur
satellite operation, Baird style mechanical TV, an impressive Tesla coil
demo and a 10GHz Doppler effect demonstration. The HF shack will be open
and the VHF shack will be busy taking part in a contest during the day.
The event will be open from 10am to about 5pm and will be streamed live
on the BATC website from where it can be watched worldwide by anyone
with access to broadband internet. Go to then click on the
Live events icon and select Live Stream 1. Live events will be shown as
they happen and a caption will list timings.


The next Foundation course to take place at the Tamworth Amateur Radio
Society is planned for 9, 16 and 23 May. Contact Colin, G4ZPJ on 01827
700893 for full details and applications.


And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

The Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club Rally will take place
today, 1 March, at The Britten Arena, Wood Green Animal Shelter, King's
Bush Farm, London Road, Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire PE29 2NH. This
venue is on the A1198, 4 miles from Huntingdon via the A14. Contact
David, G8JKV on 01223 355254.

Also today, 1 March, the Exeter Radio & Electronics Rally will take
place in America Hall, De la Rue Way, Pinhoe, Exeter EX4 8PW. Doors open
at 10.30am with disabled visitors having access from 10.15am, entry is
£2 and there will be trade stands, a Bring and Buy and refreshments
available. Contact Pete, G3ZVI on 07714 198374.

Bournemouth Radio Society will be holding its 21st annual sale on Sunday
8 March at the Kinson Community Centre, Pelhams Park, Millhams Road,
Kinson, Bournemouth BH10 7LH. Doors will open at 9.30am and on display
will be new and used radio gear, components and a huge range of junk and
secondhand items. Refreshments and free parking will be available.
Contact John, G0HAT on 07719 700 771.

On 8 March, The Wythall Radio and Computer Rally will take place at
Woodrush Sports Centre, Shawhurst Lane, Hollywood, nr Birmingham on the
A435, just 2 miles from J3 of the M42. Doors open at 10am and entry is
£1.50. there will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy and refreshments
available. Contact Chris, G0EYO on 07710 412 819. 


Now for the news of special events

Norfolk County RAYNET will be still be operational today, Sunday 1
March, from the Norfolk County RAYNET caravan at the Beach Car Park, Sea
Palling, Norfolk using the callsign GB4NCR. The event is to publicise
and demonstrate RAYNET capabilities to the local community and flood
wardens on the North Norfolk Coast. The station will be operational from
10am to 4pm on 2m and 70cm FM and 80m SSB. A Special Event QSL Card will
be available and QSL Cards should be sent via the RSGB Bureau or Direct
with and SAE to G4PSH, QTHR.

GB250RB will be active on Sunday 1 March on 2m SSB from Burnweil Tower
near Tarbolton, locator IO75RM.

On Sunday 8 March, special event callsign GB80RBP gets another airing.
The Radio Society of Harrow will be operating from Bentley Priory in
support of a fundraising event for the Bentley Priory Battle of Britain
Trust and the Battle of Britain Fighter Pilots Association. Listen out
for them on the air between 0930 and 1600. Full details at

No.49F Greenock Squadron of the Air Training Corps was one of the first
squadrons to be formed in Scotland when the ATC was originated. Today,
it has a thriving amateur radio programme supervised by their resident
squadron radio instructor, RAFARS Member Brian Burt, MM0GLX. During the
weekend of 6 to 8 March, the Squadron plans to activate the amateur
bands from Garelochead Training Camp in Dumbartonshire using the
callsign GB0ATC. The cadets would like as many contacts as possible, so
please, if you hear them, call them through the 'pile up'.


And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources.

The Desecheo Island operation, K5D, is expected to run until 26
February, with 15 operators allowed on the island at any given time.
There will be a changeover of some personnel at the halfway point. A
total of 6 to 8 stations will be operational on all bands. This should
be relatively easy from the UK on 15m to 160m, at least once the initial
pile-ups have died down. Operators should note the DXpedition are
operating split frequency. So far the K5D operation has exceeded 40,000
contacts in the short time it has been on the air. Check their website
for the latest details.

A group of German operators will be active as CT9L on 7 and 8 March
during the ARRL DX SSB Contest. QSL via DJ6QT. Outside the contest
period the operators will probably sign their own home callsigns,
portable CT3.  For those contacts, QSL as directed on the air.  

G3SWH and G3RWL will be active from Mayotte until 5 March. Both will
sign FH/G3SWH. Activity will be mainly on CW on all bands 80 to 10m.
Subject to QRN and site conditions, there may be some 160m activity.
Richard may also operate some RTTY and/or PSK31. Propagation permitting,
they plan to have two stations on the air for as many hours every day as
is possible. QSL via G3SWH either direct with SAE and adequate return
postage, via Phil's website for a bureau reply or via the bureau. There
is more information on Phil's website, just search on G3SWH using your
favourite search engine.

A team of nine New Zealand operators will be activating Chatham Island
in March. The team leaders are ZL2AL and ZL2AAA. ZL3JT in Christchurch
is the designated pilot station for the operation. Look for operations
on 160 to 10m using CW, SSB, RTTY. Although ZL7 is not particularly
rare, it still is in the top 100 needed for DXCC. As such, it still
generates quite a bit of activity on the bands.


Now the contest news

The CQ World Wide 160 metre SSB contest runs until 2200GMT today, 1
March. The exchange is RST and CQ Zone. 

On 2 March, from 2000 to 2130, it is the RSGB 80m Club Championship data
modes leg. The exchange is signal report and serial number.

Then, on 3 March, it is the RSGB 144MHz UK Activity Contest and Club
Championship from 2000 to 2230 using all modes. The exchange is signal
report, serial number and locator.

On the international contest scene, the evergreen ARRL International SSB
contest is on 7 to 8 March. Lots of great activity from the USA and this
one is lots of fun for the beginner and experienced operator alike. On
all bands from 1.8 to 28MHz, SSB, the exchange os signal report and

On VHF/UHF, there's the March 144/432MHz contest on 7 and 8 March.
Always a tough call whether to go out portable or not! Many stations
operate from home, but there is usually a portable or two out. If you do
venture out portable, good luck and do check the weather forecast
carefully! And if you're at home, make sure you support the portables by
working them! Timings are 1400 to 1400 using all modes and the exchange
is signal report, serial number and locator.


Now the solar report for the period from the 16th to the 22nd of
February, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS, and Martin Harrison, G3USF.

Once again the solar disc was spotless everyday and with it as expected
solar activity was at very low levels. In fact no solar flares took
place at all. Solar flux levels averaged 70 units and only varied either
side of that by one unit. X-ray flux levels remained firmly below the
minimum reporting level everyday. Geomagnetic activity was quiet with
the Ap index below 5 units everyday. The average was Ap 3 units. The
predicted coronal hole disturbance that was forecast to arrive on the
22nd had still not arrived. The two coronal holes that have been visible
over recent months have on each rotation decreased in size. Solar wind
data measured at the ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds decline from
520 kilometres per second on the 16th to 280 by the 19th. Speeds then
gradually increased to around 430 kilometres per second by the end of
the period. Particle densities were low at first but on the 19th
increased and by the 20th reached 22 particles per cubic centimetre. Bz
varied between minus and plus 5 nanoTeslas throughout, which is what we
would expect with a quiet geomagnetic field. 

And finally the solar forecast. This week solar activity looks set to
continue at very low levels. The solar disc could be spotless on some
days. Solar flux levels will be around the 70 mark unless a substantial
sunspot group appears, though unlikely, however, cannot be totally ruled
out. Geomagnetic activity is expected to be quiet everyday. MUFs during
daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 18MHz for the south
and 15MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows are expected to be about
8MHz. Paths this week to South America should have a maximum usable
frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of around 24MHz. The optimum
working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be about 19MHz.
The best time to try this path will be between 1200 and 1800 hours UTC.

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.


Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies
can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website
links where known.


A new volunteer news reader is required to assist, on a sharing basis,
the GB2RS readings currently carried out on Sundays by Dickie G3EKJ and
Gavin G6DGK at 10.30am on 145.525MHz and 51.530MHz. They are located in
Uckfield, Sussex and any volunteer needs to be somewhere in their area
and must also be a member of the RSGB. If you can help, on one or both
of these bands, please contact the GB2RS News Manager Gordon G3LEQ on 01
565 652 652 or by e-mail to gb2rs<at>
The talk to the Huntingdonshire Amateur Radio Society on the Early Days
of Amateur Television by Ron G8GRT due on 12 March has been re-scheduled
to take place on 26 March 2009.

On Monday 2 March Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society is
holding a 2nd Construction Evening. Contact John, M5AJB, on 01787 460

On Monday 2 March Burnham Beeches Radio Club is holding the AGM. Contact
Dave, G4XDU, on 01628 625 720.

On Monday 2 March Southdown Amateur Radio Society is having a Chaseley
AFS results and talk evening. Contact John, G3DQY on 01424 424 319.

On Monday 2 March Surrey Radio Contact Club is holding a Spring Surplus
Equipment Sale. Contact Ray, G4FFY, on 020 8644 7589.

On Tuesday 3 March Andover Radio Amateurs Club is having a shack
operating tips evening. Contact Martin, M0MWS, on 0777 618 1646.

On Tuesday 3 March Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is operating from
the shack. Contact Steve, 0142 720815.

On Tuesday 3 March Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society  is having a talk on
What has the RSGB ever done for me? by RSGB President Colin Thomas,
G3PSM. The doors open at 7.10pm and the meeting gets underway at 7.30pm.

On Tuesday 3 March Horndean & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
Natter night and social evening. Contact Stuart, G0FYX on 023 9247 2846.

On Tuesday 3 March Leiston Amateur Radio Club is having a Surplus
Equipment Sale at Leiston High School, starting at 7.45pm. Contact Dave,
G4HUP, on 01473 737 717.

On Wednesday 4 March Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a general meeting and CW training session. Contact Terry, G0VFW,
on 01442 831 491.

On Wednesday 4 March Dover Radio Club is having a talk on Basic HF
Antennas Part 1 by Ian G3ROO. Contact Brian, G4SAU, on

On Wednesday 4 March Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on PMR
by Gary, G6NYH from Norcall. Contact Mark Taylor, G0LGJ, on 01362

On Wednesday 4 March Southdown Amateur Radio Society is operating at
Hailsham. Contact John, G3DQY on 01424 424 319.

On Wednesday 4 March Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is having
a talk on Interesting HF Antenna Facts I have learned by Bob Rylatt,
G3VXJ. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893

On Thursday 5 March Cray Valley Radio Society is holding a Construction
Contest with G0FDZ . Contact Bob, BRS32525, on 020 8265 7735 after 8pm.

On Thursday 5 March Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a Used
Equipment Sale. Details on the web at

On Thursday 5 March King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is having a club
night and 2m club net. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to

On Thursday 5 March Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society is
having the AGM. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757.

On Friday 6 March Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is having an
visit by G3XFD from Practical Wireless. Contact David Leary, G8JKV on
01223 355254.

On Friday 6 March Crystal Palace Radio and Electronics Club is holding
the AGM and Construction Contest . Contact Bob, G3OOU, on 01737 552 170.

On Friday 6 March Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having a talk from
Rob Mannion, G3XFD. Details on the web at



The first meeting of the Mid Somerset Amateur Radio Club since the club
folded some 12 years ago will be on Tuesday 10 March at the Peter Street
Rooms, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. The location is just behind the shops
at Town Street where there is free parking very close by. Refreshments
will be provided and everyone is very welcome to come along and meet up
with other radio operators whether you are licensed, a short wave
listener or just curious about amateur radio and would like to find out
more. For further information please contact Shaun, M0RTS on 01749
347446 after 6.30pm.

On Monday 2 March Cornish Radio Amateur Club have a committee meeting.
Contact Ian, on 01872 561 058.

On Tuesday 3 March West Devon Radio Club is having a military radio
night by Tony G4BCX. Contact Jules Cuddy, M1AGY, on 01752 291588.

On Wednesday 4 March Cornish Radio Amateur Club have a talk on Guitars
Part 2, Amplifiers and Effects by Bob G4EIK. Contact Ian, on 01872 561

On Wednesday 4 March South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a
Friesdrichshafen Update. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282.

On Wednesday 4 March Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on Home brew by Michael, M0CIE and Dave, M0CIF. Contact William,
G3WNI, on 01823 666 234.

On Wednesday 4 March Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio
Club is having a Slideshow on an Underwater Travelogue by Peter, G4OST.
Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417048.

On Wednesday 4 March Trowbridge and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk on The GB3JB Story, a repeater for south Wiltshire by Dave
Boniface, G3ZXX. Contact Ian, G0GRI, on 01225 864 698.

On Thursday 5 March Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is having a
natter night. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317750.

On Thursday 5 March Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a construction
contest. Contact Gary, 2E0BFJ, by email to g.swain<at>

On Friday 6 March Saltash and District Amateur Radio Club is having a
site aerial rigging evening. Contact Brian, M0BHG on 01752 844 321

On Friday 6 March Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having an operating
Night. Contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to g6fsp<at>



The meeting place of the Eagle Radio Group has changed to the Montalt
Arms, George Street, Mablethorpe. This became necessary after the Eagle
Hotel (the home of the group for the last eight years) ceased trading.
The Eagle Radio Group meets every 2nd Tuesday of each month. Further
details can be had from the Secretary Terry Stow G0SWS at

On Monday 2 March Gloucester Amateur Radio And Electronics Society is
having a talk on Mobile Phones by Steve G4HFT. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on
01452 548478, daytime.

On Monday 2 March Hucknall Rolls Royce Amateur Radio Club have teams
entering the South Normanton inter club quiz. Contact Dave Wilde, G1YAI
by e-mail at webmaster<at>

On Monday 2 March South Birmingham Radio Society is having a ragchew and
contest meeting. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Monday 2 March South Normanton Alfreton and District Amateur Radio
Club is having an external visit or natter night. Contact A J Higton,
2E1GWO, on 01773 783658.

On Tuesday 3 March Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is having a
Junk Sale. Contact Richard Buckby, by email to radio<at>

On Tuesday 3 March Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is
having the annual dinner at The Griffin Inn, Swithland. Contact Chris,
G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Wednesday 4 March Lincoln Short Wave Club will be having a talk on
Whatever happened to Montague Glew by Peter Gray, G1FLL. Contact John,
G1TSL on 01526 323 153.

On Wednesday 4 March Midland Amateur Radio Society is having a committee
meeting and ragchew evening. Contact Norman, G8BHE, on 01214 229 787.

On Wednesday 4 March South Birmingham Radio Society is having a Stew and
Curry Evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Wednesday 4 March Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a Open House with and On the air session. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on
01952 299 677.

On Thursday 5 March Salop Amateur Radio Society is having a natter
night. Details on the web at

On Friday 6 March Bromsgrove and District Amateur Radio Club is having a
general club evening. Contact Chris, M0BQE, on 01905 776 869.

On Friday 6 March Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association is having a
display of home-constructed equipment. Contact Derek Thom, G3NKS, on
01242 241099.

On Friday 6 March Coventry Amateur Radio Society is having a visit by
RSGB HF Manager Dr John Gould, G3WKL. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958

On Friday 6 March Hucknall Rolls Royce Amateur Radio Club is having a
general club meeting with a club quiz and raffle draw . Contact Dave
Wilde, G1YAI by e-mail at webmaster<at>

On Friday 6 March South Birmingham Radio Society is having a
construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Saturday 7 March Worcester Radio Amateurs Association is taking part
in a Hallow Scout Hut working party. Contact Leslie Coyne M3WRZ, on
01905 764320.

On Sunday 8 March South Birmingham Radio Society has a stand at the
Wythall Radio Rally. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Sunday 8 March Worcester Radio Amateurs Association has a stand at
the Wythall Radio Rally. Contact Leslie Coyne M3WRZ, on 01905 764320.



On Monday 2 March Angel Of The North Amateur Radio Club is having an On
the Air Night. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 477 0036.

On Monday 2 March Sheffield Amateur Radio is having a talk on What is
good operating? by Dave, G0JJR. Contact Mike Gordon, G0TKO, on 01709

On Tuesday 3 March Chester and District Radio Society is having a talk
on the History of Jodrell Bank by Lisa Mossop . Contact Barbara Green on
0151 339 9183.

On Tuesday 3 March Pontefract & District Amateur Radio Society is having
a construction project SMPS wrap-up evening with the final construction.
Ring 07594 596 040 for details. 

On Tuesday 3 March Stockport Radio Society is having a Mentor Evening on
Good Operating Techniques. Contact David, M1ANT, on 0161 456 7832.

On Tuesday 3 March Warrington Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on QSL
Cards by Cliff M0MRC. Contact Roger, M0DWQ, on 07868 000 705.

On Wednesday 4 March Denby Dale Radio Club is having a talk on ICARUS, a
project utilising the use of a meteorological balloon, carrying a GPS,
and camera. Contact Gerald, G3SDY on 01484 602905.

On Wednesday 4 March Goole Radio and Electronics Society is having a On
the Air Night. Contact Ken G6YYN, on 01757 638539.

On Wednesday 4 March Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is having an activity
night and talk by Richard, G7MFO. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on
01377 240573.

On Wednesday 4 March Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is having a
Committee and Radioactive Rally Meeting. There is also Foundation &
Intermediate course training taking place. Contact Peter Paul Fox,
G8HAV, on 01606 553401.

On Wednesday 4 March South Notts Amateur Radio Club continues its
Advanced course. Contact Terry, M0RIA, on the web at

On Thursday 5 March Pontefract & District Amateur Radio Society is
having two films in the club room. Ring 07594 596 040 for details. 

On Thursday 5 March South Manchester Radio And Computer Club is holding
a talk on ATUs by G3RJQ. Contact Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999.

On Thursday 5 March York Radio Club is having a night on the air.
Contact Tony Skaife G4XIV, on 01904 330502.

On Friday 6 March East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is having a radio
components catalogues evening. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475

On Friday 6 March Tynemouth Radio Club is having a talk on Vertical
Antenna Design by members. Contact Tony, G8YFA, on mail<at>

On Friday 6 March Angel Of The North Amateur Radio Club is starting a
week of activities for National Science Week. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR,
on 0191 477 0036.

On Friday 6 March, Silcoates School Amateur Radio Club will host a talk
by Roger Western, G3SXW. Entitled "An evening with Roger", he will talk
about his many years of DXpeditioning and contesting. The event starts
at 7.30pm. Tickets are free but in limited supply and so they are
available on a first come first served basis by sending an envelope and
stamp to The Radio Club, Silcoates School, Wrenthorpe, Wakefield WF2



On Tuesday 3 March Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk on What's in the box? by Norman Stewart GM1CNH. Contact
Norman, on 0131 449 7641.

On Wednesday 4 March Ayr Amateur Radio Group is having a talk on  Making
the most of your flat screen by John Shankland, GM3CSO. Contact Charlie,
MM0GNS, on 01563 551704.

On Thursday 5 March Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club is having a night on
the air using PSK31. Contact Ellis Gaston, GM0HPK, on 01776 820413.

On Friday 6 March Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having
a normal club night. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.



On Tuesday 3 March Chepstow and District Amateur Radio Society is having
an event discussion evening. Contact Mike, GW3YKZ, on 07825 987115.

On Tuesday 3 March Wrexham Amateur Radio Society is holding its AGM.
Details on the web at

On Wednesday 4 March Conwy Valley Amateur Radio Club is having a
demonstration of glass blowing and model making in glass by John
Charles. Contact Wynne, GW6PMC, on 01745 855 068.

On Thursday 5 March Meirion Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on
the use of antenna noise bridges by Bob GW0AYQ . Contact John, MW0VTK.



On Monday 2 March Glengormley Electronics Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk on the QSL Bureau Talk, by Harry Squance GI4JTF. Contact
Peter Lowrie, MI5JYK, by email to mi5jyk<at>

On Thursday 5 March Bangor and District Amateur Radio Club is having an
Operating Evening. It's an ideal opportunity for members to get used to
the new equipment. Contact Mike, GI4XSF, on 028 4277 2 383.


And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.


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