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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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N5VLZ  > ALL      23.07.24 23:30l 288 Lines 9532 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 9192_NS2B
Sent: 240723/2128Z 9192@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24


N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Backup Net Control/Sysop)
KX4AC, Carl, Florida
N3MEL, Glenn, Pennsylvania
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma



For those who think I'm lying, in that
I'm here, I have a good explanation. :)
I originally was going to have a sleep 
study done tonight into Tuesday, then 
a urologist appointment on Tuesday; but 
the threat of thunderstorms made me go 
ahead and reschedule both of them, as 
I didn't want to be standing outside 
with my metal walker, with pouring rain 
and lightning, while I waited for the
transportation. Good chances of storms 
exist into early next week, then the 
heat looks to return. At least my lawn 
guy is due on August 1, and I need the 
lawn mowed, and bushes trimmed. I'll be 
glad when the dormant time from late 
fall into early spring arrives, when I 
won't have to worry about getting the 
lawn done. I wish I had the resources 
to kill all the ivy my late Mom planted, 
as that stuff is far worse than kudzu.
Plus, I'd get a big tree in the front 
yard cut down, as I'm afraid it'll fall
on the house one day. And, I saw where
Ryan Hall, who does live YouTube feeds
during severe weather, is a ham, KJ4WHM.

I finally got set up on Exam Tools, and 
was able to create new sets of exams, as
Team Leader for the UALR Ham Radio Club.
However, I have to wait until next month 
to get more paper and ink. The cost of 
paper isn't too bad, but the ink costs
more than the printer!! And, both HP and 
Canon have it set to where if you try to
use] less expensive "generic" inks, the 
printer will not take them, and it'll 
shut down. I saw where my new set of 
Extra Class books from ARRL/VEC arrived 
in the Post Office Box today, but I'm 
going to wait until storm chances lessen 
a bit, before making the trip.

I had to order some more groceries, with 
the most essential items of cough drops 
and toilet paper!! My throat gets very 
dry and scratchy when I'm talking doing 
all my traffic nets, and every house has 
to have (as my late wife termed it) "bum 
wad" (hi hi). With getting the groceries 
(back to a peanut butter and grape jelly 
diet) that'll cover me through August, I 
hope to find an inexpensive probate 
attorney, to transfer my late brother's 
assets to one of his ex-wives, who has 
taken over the bills and the property. 
She did so much care for him after the 
freak motorcycle wreck 17 years ago that 
nearly killed him, so I have no problem 
letting her take over. From what she told 
me, his pickup truck and mobile home were 
filled with the stench and stain of both
tobacco and nicotine, as well as used 
cigarette butts, and empty beer cans,
so it's rather nasty, to say the least. 
Both she and her daughter are cleaning 
up, and she will sell in a "yard sale" 
what she doesn't want, and then split 
the money with me...although I'm not 
expecting to get much, if anything. It 
has been 3 weeks since he shot himself 
in the head, and I'm the last one of my 
family left. The family Christmas letter 
this year will be difficult, to say the 

And, if Christmas in July shopping wasn't 
bad enough, it is now Back To School Time. 
I'm so glad I finished college 41 years 
ago, but I go back to the local campus to 
do ham radio license exams 4 times a year 
with their ham radio club, and to the fall 
campus picnic in September or October, where 
they have a free catered lunch (so much for 
"there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" 
(hi hi)), and music by members of the campus 
band. I have to take Lyft up there, as I quit 
driving over 2 years ago due to dry corneas 
and blurring vision without warning (I'm in 
no danger of going blind), but at least I 
don't have to worry about finding a parking 
space, as it's usually held on a Wednesday, 
while the fall classes are in session. The 
campus has sure changed in the 40 years since 
I was going to school. Back then, it was a 
commuter campus, with no dorms...but there 
are now big parking decks, and several dorms 
around campus.

There is a glitch on Facebook, where I can't
originate posts/message threads, unless I'm
the moderator/admin for the group...but I 
can reply to posts started by someone else. 
I've gotten no notice of "Facebook Jail", and 
I've had the same problem on my Android 
smartphone, plus with Microsoft Edge, Google 
Chrome, Opera, and Mozilla Firefox. I have 
sent Facebook several messages, but no reply 
has come back yet. I have rebuilt the registry 
on the Windows 11 computer several times, but 
that doesn't solve things, either. It definitely 
is a Facebook issue, and I wonder if anyone else 
is having this problem??

My local square dance club will be having a 
"celebrate summer dance" Saturday night, with 
watermelon and hot dogs during the dance. In 
southwest Arkansas, in the community of Hope, 
they do a big watermelon festival each August. 
Several years ago, someone had grown a 275 
pound melon...plenty to go around, but you 
better have the moist napkins handy, as it got 
real sticky and messy (hi hi).



GE All!

A pretty good week so far. HF hasn't been 
great, but I managed to get the node running 
on Amprnet now. So I have 2 domain names for 
the node now. and if you're on 

So really nothing changes for anyone, but now 
I have access to a whole new group of partners.

My portable FT8 project is just about together,
still working out cabling for it - I thought I 
was going to run it with VOX - but that's not 
giving me enough level control range, so I'm 
going to cobble up a PTT cable. Hopefully, I'll 
have this thing running in a couple days.

Hope your sleep study goes well Daryl. 

And, Happy Birthday Carl!



GE All,

Well, it is a quiet week this week. Too hot 
to go to the parks, but I am taking a week's 
vacation, because it is my birthday tomorrow. 
My main plan is for a steak dinner tomorrow, 
and maybe a trip up to Cocoa Beach just to 
see the sights.

On the Ham front, I continue to do HAMWORD 
each week, and started to look at Winlink 
Wednesday. I should probably try to do that. 
I need to figure out a better Winlink packet 
radio path. We are still having trouble with 
some of our packet links here. I looked at 
the local node today, and it seems OK.

I may have to take a physical trip down south 
to check whether there is activity on the nodes 
we try to connect to.

I have several electronics projects still in 
the works. I have the QRP amp mostly completed, 
but it does not have the gain I expect. I need 
to spend some time debugging to see what I did 
wrong.  Probably something stupid.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. Take care all, 
see you next week. 



Good evening everyone, Happy Birthday Carl. 
Daryl, you have a lot going on there my friend, 
but don't forget the toilet paper! 

The PKTNET for July started yesterday, and we 
have 20 check-ins so far, and TY Bob NY for 
your check-in as well. We continue to add new 
stations to the growing Packet HF Forwarding 
Network, we added a Fla station last week and 
2 stations in Maine the week before. We have 
RF coverage from Maine to Northern NC, We 
should be adding a GA station soon, the goal 
being to cover the East Coast before Fall. 

If you would like to check in to the PKTNET, 
it runs till Sat night 23:59 UTC, see your 
local BBS for details. 



GE Daryl and all on the net. Sorry I was a 
little late getting here tonight!

You're right, this weekend is ham holiday, 
and it should be interesting to browse the 
flea market section, and sit in on some of 
the technical talks.

I've been helping one of the younger hams in 
the local club get ready to sell a few things 
there. One is a "combo" pack consisting of a 
Quansheng HT, a programming cable, and a better 
antenna. He has bought quite a few of the radios 
in bulk, including a mix of ones with different 
external colors. I think he will do well with 
them. He also has a bunch of the 
"all-in-one-cables" with cases to sell. The aioc 
makes it easier to use the Quansheng and other 
cheap radios with a PC for winlink/vara fm, etc. 

Daryl, wish you were coming over for it, but I 
guess you might need some recovery time from the 
sleep study. Maybe too "pooped out", so to speak!

Happy Birthday to Carl! Thanks to Bob and Daryl 
for making the net happen each week!!


Replies from N5VLZ:

Bob (NY), I don't see any difference between 
the ddns and the amprnet -- but even the Space 
Shuttle had triple redundancy. FB on the FT8 
project, and I rescheduled the sleep study for 
July 30. I thought "sleep study" was what you 
did in Study Hall (hi hi).

Carl, Happy early Birthday. Enjoy the steak 
dinner, and the travel. FB on Hamword, and 
working on a new Winlink packet path. GL on 
getting the QRP amp working, it's usually the 
small stuff that gives the most grief.

Glenn, life can be awfully crappy without 
toilet paper (hi hi). FB on the PKTNET...glad 
to hear of the increased check-ins.

Bob (OK), I've never slept well at the sleep 
studies, as you're wired for sound...and with 
being on Lasix, I'm sure I'll have nocturia 
that'll ruin my sleep. I was at the Ham Holiday 
several years ago, meeting Tim Duffy, K3LR, and 
Bob Heil, K9EID (SK)...really a good event. I 
hope the guy with the rigs and all in one cables 
does well. And, we're glad to have the net here 
each week.


Daryl, N5VLZ, Little Rock, Arkansas
Please see my QRZ bio for more info.

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