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IR0EQ  > INFO     24.10.21 03:54l 373 Lines 16633 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 43M9_I0OJJ
Subj: Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2295 for Friday October 22nd,
Sent: 211024/0141z @:I0OJJ.ITA.EU [Rome] $:43M9_I0OJJ

Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2295 with a release date of Friday
October 22nd, 2021 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a QST.  Monsoon floods ravage south India. Military
radio operators prep for a big contest -- and a milestone for the
Straight Key Century Club. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline
Report Number 2295 comes your way right now.



NEIL/ANCHOR: As Newsline went to production, the southern Indian state
of Kerala was besieged with flooding and landslides, the result of
heavy monsoon rain that began on Friday, October 16th. Authorities were
still counting the dead and the missing as the National Disaster
Response Force sent its teams out across the state's central and
southern regions. The National Institute of Amateur Radio reported that
hams were deployed to assist with communications at such sites as the
fire and rescue station in the city of North Paravoor.
Newsline will continue to follow this story as it develops.



NEIL/ANCHOR: For 36 hours between the 26th and 28th of October,
international teams of radio operators will push the limits of their
abilities and their radio equipment to compete in an event that
military organizers in Canada are calling the world's "most prestigious
military-led High Frequency Radio competition." Graham Kemp VK4BB has
the details.

GRAHAM: The exercise, known as Noble Skywave, is a friendly contest
among military radio operators and their affiliates to contact other
teams, making use of voice and data modes. Teams can comprise radio
operators active in various nations' military forces or they can be in
the Reserves or National Guard. Operators also participate from the US
Military Auxiliary Radio System and the Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio

This year, more than 150 teams in 10 nations are expected to be on the
air hoping to be crowned the best of the best. Although  the majority
of participants are in the US and Canada, past exercises have also
drawn participation from teams in Australia, the UK, New Zealand

The Communications and Electronics Branch of the Canadian Armed Forces
has been at the helm of this training exercise since 2013.  Lt. Taylor
Curran of the Canadian Armed Forces' 21st Electronic Warfare Regiment
told Newsline in an emailed statement that his regiment is the Lead
Mounting Unit for the event.

For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Graham Kemp VK4BB.



NEIL/ANCHOR: With the help of some key funding, a digital safety net is
ready to expand in the Pacific NorthWest. Andy Morrison K9AWM brings us
that report.

ANDY: An emergency communications network in Oregon is getting the
resources to expand its reach with the help of an $88,000 grant from
Amateur Radio Digital Communications. Oregon HamWANâ-"for Wide Area
Networkâ-"will use the funds to set up a dozen distribution sites
between Salem and Portland, Oregon, enabling a connection to the Puget
Sound Data Ring. That data ring provides communications between Seattle
and Vancouver in Washington State.

The project leader of the Oregon digital network, Herb Weiner, called
the connection a [quote] "game-changer for emergency communications in
the Portland area." [endquote] The establishment of 12 backbone
distribution sites will allow hams to set up network nodes more quickly
in the event of a disaster such as an earthquake. Each network node
would operate with such equipment as a 12-volt battery and a low-cost
Wi-Fi router.

The chairman of the private foundation's grants advisory committee,
John Hays, K7VE, praised the project for its ability to provide [quote]
"a strong backbone in Oregon and help preserve our microwave bands."
[endquote] The multi-megabit data network provides regional
connectivity via amateur radio on the microwave bands, providing
high-speed digital communications.

For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Andy Morrison K9AWM.

(ARDC, Oregon Ham-WAN)


NEIL/ANCHOR: The Straight Key Century Club is celebrating a membership
milestone. Randy Sly W4XJ tells us how it happened.

RANDY: On October 14th, the Straight Key Century Club enrolled its
25,000th member, the Florida Island Hoppers Amateur Radio Club, W4USI.
Club Trustee, Bill Clark, W3SI, who has been an individual member for
over a year, told Amateur Radio Newsline that he is excited to have his
club join "by far the friendliest, most active group I have ever been
with." Now, as they activate US Islands, the club can also issue their
membership number.

The SKCC was founded in 2006 to promote and preserve the art of manual
sending with straight keys, bugs and sideswipers. Membership quickly
spread from North America to Europe, Oceania, and Asia. Members can
earn various awards as well as participate in sprints and other
contests, The club welcomes new and returning CW operators with an
overriding philosophy of always being considerate regarding the other
operator's speed and skill.

Membership in SKCC is free and open to operators of all skill levels.
They provide a good place to get your CW feet wet, as well as a fun
place to hone your skills on mechanical keys.  For more information and
to join, please visit their website at

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Randy Sly, W4XJ


NEIL/ANCHOR: What are you doing the first week or so in December?
You're invited to be part of the Antarctic Eclipse Festival. Geri
Goodrich KF5KRN explains what's involved.

GERI: The Antarctic in December? It's a promising time and a promising
location for citizen scientists volunteering to help yet another
project of HamSCI. No, it doesn't involve travelâ-"just an HF radio and
some commitment to the cause: With a total solar eclipse happening over
Antarctica on December 4th, HamSCI is hoping that hams and shortwave
listeners around the world will help measure Doppler shift at that time
by using their HF receivers at home. The shifts are the result of space
weather having an impact on the ionosphere and on propagation paths.

The worldwide project, which is being called the Antarctic Eclipse
Festival, will be looking for measurements gathered between the 1st and
10th of December.

Instructions on how to sign up for the festival, how to collect the
data and how to submit it can be found on the HamSCI website at hamsci
dot org.

For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Geri Goodrich KF5KRN.



NEIL/ANCHOR: There are some new radio rules for a prestigious global
yacht race. Here's Jeremy Boot G4NJH with that update.

JEREMY: A past controversy over alleged illegal use of amateur radio
has sunk plans to have such a rig on board any yachts competing during
the prestigious Sunday Times Golden Globe Race in 2022. According to an
article in Yachting Monthly magazine, the only permissible radio will
be a waterproof shortwave receiver. There may also be a fax capable of
receiving charts of weather systems.

The 2018 race was beset with reports of illegal radio operations and,
in one high-profile controversy, one sailor was sanctioned for allegely
breaking rules that banned outside assistance. He was accused of asking
a ham radio operator for weather routing details. Race chairman Don
McIntyre said at the time that skippers were only permitted to use
information that is available publicly and that weather routing was
strictly banned.

The yachts are to set sail in September of 2022 for a race that the
Yachts and Yachting website calls [quote] "a gruelling demanding and
daring marathon." [endquote]

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jeremy Boot G4NJH.



NEIL/ANCHOR: So who needs wires anyway? The US Federal Communications
Commission has given its approval to wireless charging technology from
a San Jose, California company. Energous Corporation sought approval
for its 900 MHz, 1-watt active energy harvesting transmitter that
enables wireless transfer of power. The US regulatory agency's OK
follows similar approval granted in Europe this past May. The
transmitter, known as WattUp, is able to charge several devices at the
same time and is seen as key to the growth of devices reliant on the
Internet of Things. The company heralded the move on its website,
praising WattUp as [quote] "the world's first and only
regulatory-approved wireless charging technology that supports near and
far field wireless power transfer."


BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur
Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including
the K6PVR repeater in Ventura, California on Sundays at 6:30 p.m.


NEIL/ANCHOR: You don't have to have a Hammarlund radio to participate
in the 2021 Hammarlund Radio Hullabaloo special event in November but
it sure can't hurt. Skeeter Nash N5ASH gives us the details.

SKEETER: This year's Hammerlund radio special event is a busy one for
members of the High Appalachian Mountain Amateur Radio Club. Special
event station W4H is marking two occasions this year: the 160th
anniversary of the birth in Sweden of Oscar Hammarlund, founder of
Hammarlund Manufacturingâ-"and the 70th anniversary of the radio
factory he opened in Mars Hill, North Carolina, to produce Hammarlund
radios. Hammarlund founded his company in New York City in 1910 and
while it was operating there, it created the first commercial
short-wave superheterodyne receiver. North Carolina, however, was home
to Hammarlund's last manufacturing plant, which closed in 1973.

Even if your radio is a newer model, you can still contact operators
between the 17th of November at 1100 UTC and 19th of November at 0100
UTCâ-"but don't be surprised if the radio transmitting back at you is
one of the older classic Hammarlunds. Operators will be calling QRZ
using CW, SSB, AM and FM as well as FT-8. Hams in the area can also
make contact via the Mount Mitchell repeater on 145.190 MHz.

For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Skeeter Nash N5ASH.



NEIL/ANCHOR: If you know how to handle busy traffic on the air, perhaps
you'd like to think about handling some equally busy traffic at an
amateur radio attraction in the UK. Jeremy Boot G4NJH explains.

JEREMY:  There are thousands of visitors to the National Radio Centre
of the Radio Society of Great Britain each monthâ-"so many that the
Society is working to expand its volunteer team, especially for weekend
shifts. The National Radio Centre (NRC) is located at Bletchley Park, a
Victorian mansion near Milton Keynes, 75 kilometres or 50 miles
northwest of London. It was the centre for second world war
intelligence message code-breaking.

NRC volunteers will receive training and have access to the GB3RS radio
station on the premises. They're being asked to be available to work at
least two days a month, especially at weekends.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact Martyn Baker,
G0GMB at nrc dot support at rsgb dot org dot uk

For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Jeremy Boot G4NJH.


NEIL/ANCHOR: If you're licensed and still confused, welcome to the
club. Or better still, welcome to a boot camp that's being held just
for hams and would-be hams who have more questions than answers. Sel
Embee KB3TZD tells us how to participate.

SEL: Members of the Nashua Area Radio Society believe it's important to
take the mystery out of amateur radio for licensees, whether they're
new Technicians or veterans with an General or Extra class license. The
camp is being held on Saturday, November 13th, offering tutorials and
demonstrations on everything from putting together an HF station and
operating SSB to fox hunting, CW operation, programming a radio,
joining a repeater net, and even the basics of Echolink. Sessions will
be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The radio society website notes that the bootcamp is for anyone in
North America, not just amateurs in the New England states. Attendance
is even open to prospective amateurs who want to learn more about what
awaits them once they do get licensed.

To register, or for more information, follow the link in this week's
Newsline script at

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Sel Embee, KB3TZD.




In the world of DX, Miguel, EA1BP, will operate from Martinique from
the 27th of October to the 5th of November as FM/EA1BP. He'll be on the
air holiday style using CW and SSB only, on various bands. Listen for
him as well during the CQ WW DX SSB contest on the 30th and 31st of
October, when he will be using the callsign TO7O (T OH SEVEN OH). Send
QSLs to his home call direct, by the Bureau, ClubLog or LoTW.

In the months ahead, be listening for the special callsign DL35EUDX
between November of 2021 and October of 2022. Radio operators will be
using it to mark the 35th anniversary of the European DX Foundation. Be
listening as well for other special event stations with callsigns
ending in 35EUDXF.  An award will be available for contacts.

December will be a big month for Gavin, GM0GAV, who is activating the
callsign GB60ANT all month from Scotland to mark the 60th anniversary
of the Antarctic Treaty Signature. Send QSLs to GM0LVI.

Listen for TJ, PE1OJR, operating holiday-style from Bonaire as
PJ4/PE1OJR through October 29th. He will be on SSB and FT8/FT4 on 40
and 20 meters. QSL using LoTW or ClubLog.



NEIL/ANCHOR: If hams love something more than anything else, it's
communicating. That means when they're not on the radio, they're
talking about radio or reading about it. John Williams VK4JJW tells us
about a magazine recently launched by amateur radio operators in India
that's being published electronically to a worldwide readership.

JOHN: Amateurs from the Satara Institute of Hams and the Ocean Cadet
Academy Ham Club have just added to the library of amateur radio
publications with the launch of The Five Nine Amateur Radio Magazine.
Editor Gauri Gopi Shetty, VU3WTE, and associate editor Komal Bhosale,
VU3LWE, present articles every quarter showcasing projects, contests
and club activities, paying tribute as well to Silent Keys. According
to the Satara Institute's Rohit Bhosale, VU2MIB / W2MIB, the digital
magazine, which is available as a free, downloadable PDF, already has
more than 15,000 readers globally. The October issue has just been
published. The inaugural issue, released in June, featured radio
pioneer Jagadish Chandra Bose on the cover and a message from club
president Deepak Visvanathan VU3IKO. He said the editorial team takes
particular pride in launching the magazine on the occasion of the
centenary year of amateur radio in India. The publication's name
-represented by the numerals "5" and "9" represent the report given for
a perfect signal for QSOs by phone.

The editorial team is hoping readers will likewise give Five Nine
magazine.....a five nine.

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm John Williams VK4JJW.


NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to the the ARDC; ARRL; Business Wire; CQ
Magazine; CNN; David Behar K7DB; Energous; HamSCI; Lt. Taylor Curran;
Nashua Area Radio Society; National Institute of Amateur Radio; Ohio
Penn DX;; Oregon Ham-WAN; Radio Society of Great Britain; Ralph
Rognstad, W4RRJ; Rohit Bhosale VU2MIB / W2MIB; Straight Key Century
Club; Southgate Amateur Radio News;; Ted Randall's
QSO Radio Show; WTWW Shortwave; Yachting Monthly and you our listeners,
that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. You can write to us at We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio
Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs
expenses for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please
visit our website at and know that we appreciate youall.

For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and
our news team worldwide, I'm Neil Rapp WB9VPG in Union, Kentucky saying
73. As always we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

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