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G4APL  > NEWS     01.01.21 19:50l 252 Lines 11815 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 17396_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main News  - 27 Dec 2020
Sent: 201227/0843Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:17396 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday the 27th of December 2020

[Season's greetings from the GB2RS Editorial Team: Elaine Richards, 
G4LFM (who compiles the Main News) and Giles Read, G1MFG (who puts 
together the Local News section). Our thanks to all who read the 
news, whether weekly or on a rota system. 
PLEASE READ THIS (not aloud!): This is the script for the last 
reading of 2020, which is optional. Later in this document is 
another, slightly abbreviated script, for the 3rd of January. Again, 
that script is optional. The full news service will return on the 
10th of January.]

The news headlines:

* Thanks and seasonal greetings
* Charity auction raises over GBP 1000
* New GB2RS News Manager appointed

This is the final GB2RS news reading for 2020 and we start with 
seasonal greetings to all newsreaders and listeners, both over the 
air and via the internet recordings, and not forgetting viewers of 
the ATV broadcast, which is available via several repeaters and 
kindly streamed via the BATC.TV website, as well as those that get 
this news via TX Factor or podcasts. We would like to take this 
opportunity to once again thank all those that read the news, in 
whatever format, for their tireless dedication to their fellow 
amateurs. There will be an abbreviated news reading available for the 
3rd of January, although it's voluntary as the RSGB realises not all 
newsreaders will be available. A full GB2RS service will resume on 
the 10th of January.
The RSGB is delighted that its charity auction for Get on the air for 
Christmas had a fantastic winning bid of GBP 1,025.99. Ellie Orton, 
Chief Executive of NHS Charities Together said, "Thank you so much 
Roy Bailey for choosing to raise funds for NHS Charities Together in 
such a unique way. In addition, I'd like to say a huge thank you to 
the RSGB for kindly match-funding the winning bid. These funds mean 
we can continue to help NHS charities to support NHS staff, 
volunteers and patients at the centre of this crisis." Get on the air 
for Christmas continues until the 9th of January and there are still 
many activities you can take part in. Go to the Society's website at
The RSGB Board has appointed Steve Richards, G4HPE as the new GB2RS 
Manager. A long-time GB2RS newsreader himself, Steve has had a 
lifelong career in broadcasting. He will start his new role in the 
New Year and can be contacted via email at

RAYNET groups in several coastal areas have been on active standby in 
the last few days. In the South East in particular, groups have been 
ready to act alongside Local Resilience Forums to help with the lorry 
chaos caused by the temporary closure of the French border. In areas 
where there are large ports, groups have been preparing to offer 
assistance with difficulties envisaged with Brexit. These include 
working with other voluntary agencies conducting welfare checks on 
lorry drivers who may be in long queues, plus helping to ensure the 
distribution of vital supplies including Covid-19 vaccines. Several 
groups have activated wide-area communications systems, including one 
where the local authority has installed a new PMR system that some 
feel may not be adequate to cope with extreme call volumes. 

On the 2nd of January, the RSGB National Radio Centre plans to host 
the special event station GB2DAY, to help promote the 
well-established KW activity weekend. The NRC hopes to operate on 
both the 80 and 40m bands using its KW2000D – an incredibly rare 
prototype model that never made it into mainstream production at the 
KW Factory. The event will be held within appropriate Covid 

An ARISS Slow Scan TV event is scheduled from the International Space 
Station for late December. This will be a special SSTV event to 
celebrate the 20th anniversary of Amateur Radio on ISS. The event is 
scheduled to begin on the 24th of December and continue through until 
the 31st of December. Dates are subject to change due to ISS 
operational adjustments.

Listen out for Youngsters On The Air stations around the world. 
GB20YOTA will be operating until the end of December. The full 
calendar is shown on the GB20YOTA page on 

The latest ICQ Podcast contains an update on the RSGB's Get on the 
air for Christmas campaign as well as a wider look at amateur radio 
construction. The chat with Board Director Stewart Bryant, G3YSX; 
Construction Competition Lockdown Category winner Roy Bailey, G0VFS; 
and RSGB Communications Manager Heather Parsons starts at 1:18:15 in 
the ICQ Podcast episode. See

RSGB HQ is closed for the Christmas and New Year until at 8.30am on 
the 4th of January. During that time, if you need information about 
amateur radio, exams or RadCom you'll find lots of information on the 
RSGB website, The RSGB's National Radio Centre at 
Bletchley Park is currently closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now the special event news

From the 1st to the 28th of January, GB4BLC will be operational from 
the QTH of G8GMU. Operation will take place on most bands and will 
include digital modes. This station is promoting the work of Lions 
Clubs International and amateur radio.

Members and supporters of Denby Dale ARS are running special event 
stations to welcome the New Year from the end of December. They will 
be using callsigns GB – number – HNY. For more details see the entry for GB9HNY. 

Thurrock Acorns ARC members will be on the air as GB4XMS from the 
20th of December to the 3rd of January. 

During the month of December, Welland Valley ARS members will be 
running GB1XMS, GB2XMS, GB5XMS and GB9XMS from their home shacks. QSL 
via eQSL and Logbook of The World. 

Now the DX news

Kenji, JA4GXS will be active as JA4GXS/4 from Otsu Island, IOTA 
reference AS-117, on the 25th and 26th of December. He will operate 
CW, SSB and FT8 on 40, 30 and 20m bands. QSL via home call.

Now the contest news

Please remember to check before the contest for any new rules due to 
lockdown and social distancing, which may differ around the world. 
The RSGB strongly advises obeying your national and local 
government's advice.

As per tradition, December is a quiet month for traditional contests, 
with no RSGB HF contests, but do look out for the RSGB Hope QSO 
Parties. There are two series, which run from 21 December to 14 
January, with a short break over Christmas. You can find out details 

On Tuesday, the 29th, the 50MHz Machine Generated Modes Contest and 
the 144MHz Machine generated Modes contest both run from 2000 to 
2130UTC. The exchange for both is signal report, serial number and 

On the 1st of January the IRTS 80m Daytime Counties contest runs from 
1700 to 1800UTC. Using SSB and CW, the exchange is signal report and 
serial number, with EI and GI stations also sending their County.

On Saturday the 2nd, the CW AFS contest runs from 1300 to 1700UTC. 
Using the 3.5 and 7MHz bands, the exchange is signal report and 
serial number.

The first session of the EUCW 160m CW Party is also on the 2nd from 
2000 to 2300UTC, with the second session on the 3rd at 0400 to 

The ARRL RTTY Roundup runs from 1800UTC on the 2nd of January to 
2359UTC on the 3rd. Using the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the 
exchange is signal report and serial number, with US stations sending 
their State and Canadians their Province too.

The Worked All Britain Christmas party runs until the 6th of January. 
Using all modes on the amateur contest bands, the exchange is the WAB 
book number.

The UK Six Metre Group Winter Marathon runs until the end of January 
2021. Just exchange a signal report and locator.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA & G4BAO on 
Wednesday the 23rd of December.

HF conditions were not terribly good over the last week with maximum 
usable frequencies down in general. The best DX has been on 40m, 
especially around greyline times, although there has been a little 
winter Sporadic-E activity on 10 metres as well that has seen Italy 
and Spain appearing on FT8, as well as Brazil on 10m via the F2 
layer. The lack of sunspots has seen the solar flux index move back 
down to the low 80s again.

Solar matter from a coronal hole pushed the Kp index up to four late 
on Monday evening as predicted and on Tuesday the Kp index was still 
pegged at three for most of the morning. NOAA predicts that the solar 
flux index will remain in the 80s for the Christmas period, with 
active region 2794 helping to push it towards 86 over Christmas Day 
and Boxing Day.

Unfortunately, NOAA also predicts that a high-speed solar wind stream 
from a coronal hole may impact Earth over the Christmas period, so we 
may expect the Kp index to rise again to four or even five just 
before Christmas with detrimental effects on maximum usable 
frequencies. Look out for possible pre-auroral enhancements, although 
these are hard to predict.

This should start to settle by the 27th, with the Kp index predicted 
to go back down to two. So DX conditions may improve after that time.

There is little other festive cheer, with the SFI remaining in the 
low 80s for the rest of the month and into the New Year. Let's hope 
2021 sees the return of the upward trend of Solar Cycle 25 with an 
increase in sunspots and HF DX. 

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

It's looking like a predominantly unsettled period of weather over 
the Christmas holidays, with a ridge of high pressure to the west of 
Britain soon declining to allow low pressure to move in and reside 
over the UK for the bulk of next week. This has a chance of providing 
some good rain scatter conditions on the GHz bands.

Sporadic-E has a habit of appearing at this time of year. There is 
some work that relates the chances of Sporadic-E to disturbances in 
the stratosphere when the winter polar vortex breaks down in a 
feature called a sudden stratospheric warming, where temperatures can 
increase by tens of degrees Celsius over 24 hours. 

This disturbance in the stratosphere can produce conditions where 
Sporadic-E is more likely because of the changed flow pattern. Check 
the usual Sporadic-E bands like 10m and 6m for signs of activity, 
especially during the first two weeks of January, but it is probably 
better to focus on the period 9am to 3pm rather than the summer 
pattern of mid-morning and late afternoon.

The Quadrantids meteor shower peaks between late-night on the 2nd of 
January until dawn on the 3rd with, a huge ZHR of 110. It is known 
for bright fireball meteors causing big over-dense radio meteor 
bursts. You have to be ready at the right time though, as the peak is 
very short, lasting just a few hours. This is because the shower is a 
thin stream of particles and the Earth crosses the stream at a 
perpendicular angle.  

The Moon reaches maximum declination this Tuesday so visibility 
windows are long. Today we are at apogee so losses are high but 
144MHz sky noise is low, not reaching 500 kelvin until Tuesday.

And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain. With the holiday season in full
swing, the next bulletin will be broadcast on 10 January 2021. 
Items for inclusion in the that news bulletin can be emailed to
radcom<at> to arrive by 10:00 on the Thursday before 
transmission. In the meantime may we wish you all seasons'
greetings and a Happy New Year.

Our thanks to Andy G4TNU for providing this RSGB feed.
-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro

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