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G4TNU  > NEWS     12.07.20 01:34l 208 Lines 9892 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 43369G4TNU
Subj: RSGB Main News - 12 Jul 2020
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GB2RS Main News for Sunday the 12th of July 2020
The news headlines:

* RSGB online Convention streams announced
* Latest news on ‘Get on the air to care'
* RSGB expands Remote Invigilation to Intermediate exams

The RSGB online Convention will consist of two streams. The first is 
called "An introduction to…" and will include a wide range of 
topics to support new and returning radio amateurs as well as 
existing amateurs who'd like to try something new. The second is 
"Learn more about…", where speakers will dig deeper into the 
details of the subjects. We're also pleased to announce that Eric 
Swartz, WA6HHQ, who is the co-founder of Elecraft, will be our 
keynote speaker. We'll be releasing more details of the presentations 
over the next few weeks. 

The RSGB and NHS ‘Get on the air to care' campaign continues to 
gain coverage in the national and amateur radio media as well as 
being supported by clubs and radio amateurs. There are some great 
stories to read on the Society's website that feature clubs like 
Denby Dale ARS, individuals such as remote exam invigilator Donna, 
M7DON and publications ranging from the Emergency Services Times to 
‘Third Age Matters', which is the magazine of U3A. Go to to find out more.

Following on from the success of remote invigilation of Foundation 
exams, the RSGB is pleased to expand that to include Intermediate 
exams. From this Monday, the 13th of July, the automated exam booking 
system will accept bookings for both Foundation and Intermediate 
level exams. Please note that the earliest available bookings for 
exams at either level are during the second week in August. The 
requirement for Intermediate practical assessments is waived until 
further notice, but this will be reviewed at a later stage.

An article has just been published in Nature about the first amateur 
radio communication system in lunar orbit, Longjiang-2, also known as 
Lunar-OSCAR 94 or LO-94. It was built by students at the Harbin 
Institute of Technology. Read the Nature article at Thanks to the Spectrum 
Forum for this information.

Despite the closure of many amateur radio events, you can still visit 
the online QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo on the 8th and 9th of August. 
Attendance is free and registration is now open. There will be around 
70 speakers over the weekend including Ward Silver, N0AX speaking on 
Grounding and Bonding; Glen Johnson, W0GJ talking DXpeditions and 
John Portune, W6NBC on building slot antennas. Go to to learn more and register.

John Armstrong, GW3EJR will be celebrating his 100th birthday on the 
18th of July. He told us that, "It has been a long journey since 
1920, although a rather shorter one from when I got my callsign, 
G3EJR, in 1948. I am still active, using a very ancient Icom IC-706, 
with a full size G5RV on HF and a Yagi on the 2m band. When I go out 
and about, I go on 2m with a Baofeng UV-5R5." Many happy returns John.

Ofcom have advised the RSGB that their online portal was due to be 
down between 4.30am and 11.30am on Saturday the 11th of July. 

Mid Ulster ARC have been holding online talks during the Covid-19 
pandemic. These talks are available for everyone to view on the 
club's YouTube channel. Last week RSGB Region 8 representative Philip 
Hosey, MI0MSO made a presentation, which was followed by a Q&A 
session with RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB. They have also 
had talks by Dom, M0BLF on QO-100, George, GI4SJQ on coaxial cable 
and connectors and Tony, G2NF speaking about urban QRM, amongst 
several others. The MUARC YouTube channel is at

Now the special event news

Since the change of regulations applying to special event stations in 
the UK, many activations are now able to go ahead. UK amateurs would 
like to thank Ofcom for their help in making this happen.

To commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the FT8 Digital Mode Club, 
special event stations will be on air during the FT8DMC Activity Days 
until the 31st of July. All stations will bear the FTDMC or FTDM 
suffix. An FTDMC Anniversary Award can be earned by working the FTDMC 
and FTDM stations and collecting points applicable for various award 
classes. See for more details.

9A164T is the special callsign to commemorate the birth of Nikola 
Tesla, who was born on 10 July 1856. QSL via the bureau and eQSL.

VC3STYWELL is the third Covid-19 special callsign to be operated by 
The Seven Thirty Social Distancing Nets in Ontario. It is on the air 
until the 19th of July. QSLs via VE3ES.

Now the contest news

Please remember to check before the events for new rules due to 
lockdown and social distancing, which may differ around the world. 
The RSGB strongly advises obeying your own government's advice first 
and foremost.

The IARU HF Championship runs for 24 hours until 1200UTC today, the 
12th. Using SSB only on the 1.8 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange 
is signal report and ITU Zone, which is 27 for the UK.

On Tuesday the 432MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1800 to 1855UTC. 
Then from 1900 to 2130UTC it's the all-mode 432MHz UK Activity 
Contest. The exchange for both is signal report, serial number and 

On Wednesday it is the SSB leg of the 80m Club Championships, running 
from 1900 to 2030UTC. The exchange is signal report and serial number.

The 70MHz UK Activity contest takes place on Thursday from 1900 to 
2130UTC. It's all mode and the exchange is signal report, serial 
number and locator.

Next Sunday, the 19th, the Low Power Contest runs from 0900 to 
1600UTC. This is CW only on the 3.5 to 14MHz contest bands, with an 
exchange of signal report, serial number and power. This is the only 
RSGB contest with a lunch break, so please check the rules.

The 70MHz Trophy contest also takes place on Sunday the 19th. It runs 
from 1000 to 1600UTC. It's all mode and the exchange is signal 
report, serial number, locator and postcode.

The UK Six Metre Group's Summer Marathon runs until the 2nd of 
August. Using all modes on the 50MHz band, the exchange is your 
4-character locator.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO 
on Friday the 10th of July.

An elevated solar wind stream moved past Earth late on the 4th of 
July and early on the 5th, sending the Kp index to three. This was 
the most significant solar event of the last week as otherwise the 
Sun remained calm. The Kp index remained at one or zero for the rest 
of the week, which no doubt helped boost propagation. There were no 
sunspots this week after the minor group, region 2766, which pushed 
the sunspot number to 12, vanished on Monday. Note that the number 12 
represents two sunspots (2) in one group (+10), so it wasn't quite as 
exciting as it sounds. Otherwise there was little to write home 
about. Sporadic-E continues to be the major mode of propagation, 
although there were days when it was more sporadic than the previous 
week! We have probably seen the best of the Sporadic-E season now 
although it should keep running until late August, albeit at lower 
levels. If previous experience is anything to go by, we can expect a 
few bigger openings yet so please don't write off 10 metres 

The NOAA space weather prediction for next week doesn't exactly 
inspire either. It has the solar flux index pegged at 68-69, with a 
maximum planetary Kp index of two. The STEREO Ahead spacecraft view 
shows very little in the way of forthcoming activity, other than a 
few bright spots in the extreme ultraviolet view that may or may not 
come to something as the Sun rotates. 

Looking for some good news, according to the Chilton ionosonde data, 
20 metres is generally staying open on 3,000km paths until around 
midnight on most nights, although you may find 30 metres more 

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

It's looking like another week of changes with last week's unsettled 
weather making way for a new ridge of high pressure over this 
weekend. This means that, after a period of potential GHz bands rain 
scatter, we are now heading into some Tropo prospects, especially in 
the south for paths into France and across Biscay to Spain. But low 
pressure is never far away to the north, particularly after mid-week 
when a low passes close to Scotland and showery fronts are driven 
across the country to give a few rain scatter options again. 

The Sporadic-E season is still out there and as usual the best advice 
is to check the bands and clusters for activity mid-morning and again 
late afternoon and early evening. 

Moon declination goes positive today and 144MHz sky noise is low but 
rising as the week progresses. Apogee is tonight so path losses will 
be falling throughout the week. Peak Moon declination is just a week 
away, meaning longer Moon windows – time to get that EME system up 
and running again. 

There are no major meteor showers this week, so continue to operate 
around local dawn for the best chance of random meteor scatter 

And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  radcom<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

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