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M1CUK  > NEWS     12.09.08 21:04l 681 Lines 29444 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : E50611M1CUK
Subj: rsgb news sunday 14thseptember
Sent: 080912/1901Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:13246 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:E50611M1


Sunday 14 September 2008

The news headlines

• Nominations for RSGB Board and Regional Council sought

• G7 QSL Manager wanted

• Train the trainers at Verulam ARC

There are three RSGB Board vacancies and seven vacancies for Regional
Council. RSGB members wishing to stand for election must have their
nomination paperwork into the RSGB by 1 October. Details of the
requirements for election can be found on page 7 of the September
RadCom. Requests for election papers should be send to Michelina Gramson
on 01234 832700 or by e-mail to


The QSL bureau is calling all G7s to advise them that Mark Litchman,
G0TOC is retiring from his post as the G7 QSL sub manager. Mark has been
a valuable contributor to all things QSL, including RadCom and the
RSGB yearbook, for a number of years. The Society wishes to express its
thanks to him for his valuable service to members, over a long period.
Until a new manager is appointed, G7 call holders may send both
cards and collection envelopes directly to the bureau. Ideally, the
Bureau would like to appoint a G7 as the new post holder who will be
able to receive his or her own cards direct If you are interested in
volunteering to provide this valuable and much needed service to others,
please contact Richard, G3UGF at the bureau as soon as possible. E-mail:


An RSGB Train the Trainers session, hosted by the Verulam Amateur Radio
Club, will take place on Saturday 4 October near in St Albans. The Train
the Trainers scheme helps tutors enhance the standard of their
Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced licence courses. Alan Betts,
G0HIQ, and Brian Reay, G8OSN, will be presenting the all day course,
which is free of charge to attendees. For more information and to
register, contact Ralph Nash, G1BSZ, via E-mail or on
01923 265572. Demand is expected to be high, so it is important to
register as soon as possible.


The Home Counties QRP Circle (HCQRPC) has a world-wide membership and is
organising its first gettogether.

On 21 September, HogCon will take place at Shephall Community Centre,
Shephall Green, Stevenage, Herts SG2 9XR. There will be talks such as
QRSS and other adventures in extreme homebrew QRP by Hans Summers, G0UPL
and QRP DXpedition to Mauritius by Dom Baines, M1KTA as well as a
special event station. Full details can be found at


The British Wireless for the Blind Fund’s (BWBF) annual 48-hour
Transmission fund raising event for radio amateurs kicks off on 20
September. The competition invites radio amateurs to make as many
sponsored contacts with other amateurs across the globe as possible.
Money raised will help the BWBF, a national charity, which provides
specially adapted radio equipment for blind and partially sighted people
in need. The BWBF, which was launched by Winston Churchill in 1929,
issues specially adapted sets through a network of more than 300
voluntary agencies across the UK. For more information visit or call 01622 754757.


Japan Amateur Radio League has offered to host the fifth Global Amateur
Radio Emergency Communications Conference. GAREC-2009, will likely take
place in Tokyo next spring in conjunction with the JARL Ham Fair.


14 year old Brittany Decker, KB1OGL, has been named Youth Editor of CQ
Amateur Radio magazine. CQ's youth column will appear quarterly and is
scheduled to debut in the December 2008 issue.


If you can get your application in quickly, the crew of VK9DWX wants to
invite two young amateurs who have a passion for Amateur Radio, DXing
and contesting to take part in the DXpedition to Willis Island in
this year. One trip is from 6 October until 19 October and the other
from 15 October till 28 October. You can reside in any country in the
world and you must hold a valid amateur radio licence in your country,
have some experience in working pile-ups and must be between 18 and 29.
For qualification you have to send an mail to contact<at> which
must include an essay of 500 words minimum (in English) describing how
you got started in amateur radio, who your Elmer was and why you should
be selected for this DXpedition opportunity. Please include also you
full name, callsign and home address.

The VK9DWX crew will pay for all expenses except your flight from your
home to Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Send your application now to They will take applications until 15 September
and will make a fast decision.


The Scottish Open Day at Jaycee Electronics, Glenrothes, Fife, will be
on Saturday 20 September, opening at 10am. It is their 35th celebration
and will be even bigger this year. The event has become one of the
biggest gatherings of amateur enthusiasts in Scotland and the North of
England. The event is spread between the shop and the large adjacent
hall. Yaesu, Kenwood and Icom will be there with equipment displays.


Bishop Auckland Amateur Radio Club is coordinating the National Railways
on the Air Weekend that will take place on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th
September. This date celebrates the anniversary of the first steam
powered passenger railway. If you would like to take part by running a
station, approach your nearest preserved railway, ask if they are
celebrating the birth of passenger railways in this country and would
they like to have an amateur radio station as part of their event to
promote awareness of their railway. Once you have their agreement, apply
for a special event licence in the usual way with Ofcom. When you have
the details of the station, please register at
Please click on the ‘Register for the Railways on the Air Weekend’ link
and enter details of your special event station in the contact box.


On 26 September, a new EU directive comes into force preventing the
importation of Ni-Cd and other batteries into Europe. Ni-Cd batteries
will only be available from Icom UK until their UK stocks are
exhausted. Alternative types of battery for current equipment has been
available for some time, so there should be no problem in finding a
substitute. For older equipment where Ni-Cd was the only type of battery
available, replacements may not be available. Care should be taken to
ensure you have the appropriate charger for alternative battery
technology that is used for your equipment. Please dispose of your
safely. Most municipal recycling centres have facilities for the
disposal of batteries, and you may also be able to leave the defective
batteries with your replacement supplier for disposal. Should you
require any further advice please email Icom at:


The first D-Star repeater in the Azores Islands is on the air. CQ0DAH-B,
is located at Santa Bßrbara Mountain in Terceira Island. It is on UHF
Channel RU576, with a transmit frequency of 438.450MHz and  receive
frequency of 430.850MHz, transmitting 25W. 


Heritage Open Days take place on Sunday 14 September. The museum in
Hemel Hempstead's Old Town will be opening its doors for visitors to
enjoy their eclectic collection of early technology. 

The Museum of Technology - The Great War & WWII will be open from
10.00am to 4.00pm at 81 High Street. Radio amateurs will be interested
in the exhibits of military communications, telegraphy, valves and
radios. Entry is free. Check out


The GB7DE D-star system now has an operational internet gateway. This
forms a major part of the GM DStar network across the central belt of
Scotland. The central belt network is made up of GB7DW, Ayrshire,
GB7DG, Glasgow and Clyde Valley and GB7DE, Fife. A new website has also
been launched in order to keep users of the system and visitors
up-to-date with information,


And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week
Today, 14 September, the Lincoln Short Wave Club Hamfest takes place at
the Lady Eastwood Pavilion, Newark and Nottinghamshire Showground,
Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark NG24 2NY. This is close to the junction
of the A1, A46 and A17. More details can be obtained from Roger, G3PVU,
on 01522 693848.

21 September sees two rallies planned in Plymouth and Hornsea. The
Plymouth Radio Club Rally will be held in the ELM centre, Leigham,
Plymouth. Doors open at 10am. Details from Frank Russell on 01752

The Hornsea Amateur Radio Club Rally will be held in the Floral Hall,
Hornsea, East Yorks HU18 1NQ. Doors open at 10.30am and the RSGB
Regional Team will have a bookstall at the event. Details from Duncan,
G3TLI on 01964 532588.


Now for the news of special events

The Radio Society of Harrow will be running a demonstration station at
RAF Bentley Priory on 14 September as part of the Heritage Open Days
programme. This is the first time in 80 years that Bentley Priory has
been open to the public since it became an RAF base.

On Wednesday 16 September, GB0PAS for Pontefract Astronomical Society
will be on the air from Pontefract. GB5SEC from St Etheldreda's Church
in Somerset will also be on the air on 16 September.

On 20 to 21 September, South Tyneside Amateur Radio Society will be in
Keilder Forest as part of the British Wireless for the Blind fundraising
weekend with the callsign GX0WKQ/P. The more contacts they make, the
more money they get for the BWFBF so please listen out for them.

Also over the weekend 20 to 21 September, GB90VK will be on the air for
the 90th anniversary of the first direct G to VK telegram.

On 20 September, GB0KES for King Edmund School will be on the air from
Rochford in Essex. Also on the same day, GB0RBP for Robert Baden Powell
will be on the air. 

Other stations to listen out for on 20 September are GB0VKfrom North
Wales, GB1SRT for the Strange Radio Team in Coventry and GB2BWF for the
Blind Wireless Fund from Oldbury in the West Midlands.

Sunday 21 September sees GB0WUK on the air from Durham, GB2QRP from
HogCom in Stevenage and GB4HGR for narrow Gauge Railway 

GB8AP will be operating at weekends in September to celebrate and
publicise Liverpool's status as European Capital of Culture.

In commemoration of 90 years of the steelworks, PA90CORUS will be on the
air until 28 September. Activity will be on all bands and modes. 
QSL via PB7CW.

GB1CM, which is to commemorate the first anniversary of the loss of the
rally driver Collin McRae, will be on the air during the month of
September on 80m through to 6m on SSB.


And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources

Members of a SV DX Group will be active as SY8L from the Greek island of
Limnos until September 15th. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using
all modes. QSL via SV2DGH, by the Bureau or direct.

OZ/DL4VM will be active from Romo Island in Jutland, Denmark until 20
September. Activity will be QRP only with 5 watts and only CW on 40, 20,
15 meters and perhaps 10 and 6 meters depending on conditions. QSL via
his home callsign of DL4VM, by the bureau or direct see

DL1BKK and DL1BKI are celebrating 40 years of marriage on a holiday
style DXpedition as 8Q7KK from Kuramathi in the Maldive Islands until 17
September. QSL to DL1BKK, direct or via the bureau. There's no
electronic QSLing for this one.

A team of 8 Korean operators will be active from Tok Island in the Sea
of Japan using a specially issued callsign, D9D, between 13 and 18
September. However, some operators may sign as homecall/5, for example
DS2GOO/5 sometimes.

TC470PDZ, celebrating the 470th anniversary of the Preveze Naval Victory
will be on the air between 24 and 30 September,mainly on 20 and 40m. QSL
via TA1HZ .

K3GV/VY2 will be on the air from Prince Edward Island, Canada until 22
September. Activity will be on 20 and 15 metres around the usual IOTA
frequencies. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

Members of Sands Contest Group and Workington Amateur Radio Society are
combining to activate the Isle of Jura from 22 to 29 September this
year. They are hoping to be active on all modes and bands as conditions


Now the contest news

20 and 21 September sees the 50th Anniversary of the Scandinavian
Activity Contest is taking place. There will be a special Anniversary
Award in three classes (Gold, Silver and Bronze). Participants can
preannounce their participation in the contest at

The Strange radio Team HF Contest will also take place over the weekend
20 and 21 September starting at 1300UTC on the Saturday and running
until 1300UTC on the Sunday. The bands in use will be 10 to 160 metres
(no WARC) using SSB. The exchange is signal report (RS) followed by the
CQ zone number. Logs must be sent before the 15th of November to the Log
Manager by e-mail to Check out

The Southeastern DX Club are celebrating their 50th anniversary this
year. In recognition of that important milestone, they are sponsoring a
worldwide contest. The dates are 20 and 21 September, full details are

Scandinavian stations are always great supporters of RSGB contests, so
take a moment to try and get on and support this contest in a milestone

The second 70MHz Contest takes place on 14 September between 0900 and
1200. Four metre contests are taking on a new dimension with the very
welcome increase in activity from around Europe. This will almost
certainly change the dynamics of what it takes to succeed in 70MHz
contests – outlying parts of the UK having previously been favoured.

On the international contest scene, Worked All Europe SSB is still on
today, 14 September, which is a fun one to try. Using SSB on 3.5 to
28MHz, the exchange is RS and serial number.

The annual IARU Region 1 Amateur Television Contest is still taking
place until 1200UTC on 14 September on all bands from 70cm upwards.
Stations are encouraged to participate, or just look for increased
TV activity on these bands. Talkback is most likely to be found on
144.75MHz FM. Details of how to enter the contest can be found on the
BATC website and entrants do not need to be BATC members.


Now the solar report for the period from the 1st to the 7th of
September, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS, and Martin Harrison, G3USF.

Yet again the solar disc was void of any sunspots for another week. In
fact, August was the first full calendar month with no sunspots since
1913. There have been periods longer than 31 days, but generally over a
two calendar-month period in which there were some sunspots in each
month. As of the 7th there have been 49 continuous days with no
sunspots. This will be the fourth longest spot-free period, looking back
over the last 150 years to the mid-19th century. The third longest
period was 54 days starting from the 16th of February 1879, the second
longest period started on the 11th of March 1901 and lasted 63 days. But
by far the longest spotless period lasted from the 8th of April to the
8th of July 1913, which in total was 92 days. Will we beat that? Stay
tuned to GB2RS and find out. Solar activity was very low. Solar flux
levels averaged 66 units and only varied by one unit on the 5th and the
7th. X-Ray flux levels remained below the minimum reporting level
everyday. Geomagnetic activity started at quiet levels but on the 4th a
coronal hole disturbance arrived, the Ap index for that day was 33
units. Activity then declined for the remainder of the period. The
average was Ap 10 units. Solar wind speeds at the ACE spacecraft
increased from 290 kilometres per second on the 2nd to above 600
kilometres per second from the 4th. Particle densities increased to 30
particles per cubic 
centimetre early on the 3rd. Bz varied between minus 5 and plus 7
nanoTeslas on the quiet days and between minus 10 and plus 15 nanoTeslas
during the disturbance.

And finally the solar forecast. With no sign of any increase in solar
activity, it looks like another week when solar activity will again be
at very low levels. Solar flux levels are expected to be in the mid to
high 60’s. 

Geomagnetic activity could be unsettled today due to a small recurring
coronal hole. Activity for the rest of the week should then decline to
quiet levels. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be
around 19MHz for the south and 16MHz for the north. The darkness hour
lows are expected to be around 9MHz.

Paths this week to South Africa should have a maximum usable frequency
with a 50 per cent success rate of about 25MHz. The optimum working
frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be around 19MHz. The
best time to try this path will be between 0900 and 1800 hours.
And that’s all for this week from the propagation team.


Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies
can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses
and website links where known.


Bromley and District ARS are holding a Foundation Course on 21 September
and 5 October and an Advanced course starting on 22 September. Further
details are on the club web site and early enrolment is

Colchester Radio Amateurs is holding a Foundation Licence Course on
Monday 29 September and 6 October. The practical assessment and exam on
Sunday 12th October. For further details please contact Kevan, 2E0WMG,
on 07766543784.

Whitton Amateur Radio Group in West London is a registered examination
centre for all levels of licence. An Intermediate course starts on 5
November and subsequent Wednesdays, with the exam on 17 December.
The total cost of the course and exam is £57.00. To apply please or
telephone 0870 760 5082 or email

On Sunday 14 September Crawley Amateur Radio Club is hosting the next
Microwave Round Table. The venue is Hut 18, Tilgate Forest, Crawley.
Doors open 9.30 am. Light refreshments, coffee, tea etc will be
available during the day. Contact Derek Atter, G3GRO on 01293 520424 for
further information.

On Monday 15 September Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society is
planning for its BWBF entry and having a rig clinic. Contact John,
M5AJB, on 01787 460 947.

On Monday 15 September Felixstowe and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a post mortem on EWSR. Contact Paul, G4YQC, by email to

On Monday 15 September Surrey Radio Contact Club is having a fix it,
advice, club station and move it on evening. Contact Ray, G4FFY, on 020
8644 7589.

On Tuesday 16 September Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a technical talk. Contact John McCutcheon, on 01462 459254.

On Tuesday 16 September Verulam Radio Club is having a talk by Stan
Ames, G4OAV on clandestine radio activity around St Albans. Contact
Ralph, G1BSZ, on 01923 265572.

On Wednesday 17 September Dover Radio Club is watching a DVD on digital
voice for amateur radio. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to

On Wednesday 17 September Havering and District Amateur Radio Club is
having an informal evening. Contact Dave, 2E0EBV, on 07956 594 514.

On Wednesday 17 September Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having an
evening of gadgets and gizmos, hosted by David, G7URP. Contact Mark
Taylor, G0LGJ, on 01362 691099.

On Wednesday 17 September Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is
having its construction contest. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893.

On Thursday 18 September Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a social
evening at The Queens Head, West Chiltington. Details on the web at

On Thursday 18 September King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is having a talk
by Dr Bob Whelan, G3PJT, on the Radio Communications Foundation. Contact
Ray, G3RSV, by email to ral-g3rsv<at>

On Thursday 18 September Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a mobile DF hunt. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757.

On Thursday 18 September Sutton and Cheam Radio Society is having a talk
on the 3B7C DXpedition by Justin Snow, G4TSH. Contact John, G0BWV, on
020 8644 9945.

On Friday 19 September Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a video evening. Contact David Leary, G8JKV on 01223 355254.

On Friday 19 September Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a
radio night and table top sale. Contact Sue, G6YPY, on 01273 845 103.

On Friday 19 September Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having an
introduction to Smith Charts by Bob Bagwell, G4HZV. Details on the web

On Sunday 21 September Bromley and District Amateur Radio Society is
running its Foundation course at Victory Social Club, Kechill Gardens.
Details on the web at



On Monday 15 September Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk in the K3 transceiver by G4XHK and G4NCU. Contact Brian
Jewell, M0BRB, on 01237 473251.

On Monday 15 September Weston-Super-Mare Radio Society is having a talk
on 45 years of Longleat Rally by Shaun O'Sullivan, G8VPG. Contact
Kirstie, M3UWI, on 01934 613 094.

On Tuesday 16 September Chippenham District Amateur Radio Club is
running its Foundation Training with Ian Carter, G0GRI. Contact Ian,
G0GRI, on 01225 846 698 evenings and weekends.

On Wednesday 17 September Exmouth Amateur Radio Club is operating via
satellites on Woodbury Common, weather permitting. Contact Mike, G1GZG,
on 01395 274172.

On Wednesday 17 September South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a
demonstration of old domestic radios by Sam, M0DIL. Contact Len, G4RZY,
on 01275 834 282.

On Wednesday 17 September Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk by Jeremy Adams, G4JZL on his FT817 and Z11QRP setup.
Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234.

On Wednesday 17 September Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur 
Radio Club is having a video night. Contact Tony, G0WMB, by email to

On Wednesday 17 September Trowbridge and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a natter night. Contact Ian, G0GRI, on 01225 864 698, evenings
and weekends.

On Thursday 18 September Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
homebrew HF mobile antennas by G4DCH. Contact Gary, 2E0BFJ, by email to

On Friday 19 September Guernsey Amateur Radio Society is having a talk
on surface mount devices and how to solder them by Phil, GU0SUP. Contact
Phil, GU0SUP.

On Friday 19 September Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having a natter
night. Contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to g6fsp<at>

On Sunday 21 September Chippenham District Amateur Radio Club is having
a 144MHz direction finding event from 11am. Contact Ian, G0GRI, on 01225
846 698 evenings and weekends.

On Sunday 21 September Plymouth Radio Club is running its rally. Contact
Frank, frank<at>



On Sunday 14 September Lincoln Short-Wave Club is running the Lincoln
Hamfest. Contact John, G1TSL, on 01526 323 153.

On Monday 15 September Gloucester Amateur Radio and Electronics Society
is operating on VHF. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478, daytime, or
on the web at

On Monday 15 September Sandwell Amateur Radio Club is practicing contest
techniques for BWBF weekend. Contact Dave, G4JSR, on 0121 552 1820.

On Monday 15 September South Normanton Alfreton and District Amateur
Radio Club is having a junk sale. Contact A J Higton, 2E1GWO, on 01773

On Monday 15 September Stourbridge and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a main meeting. Contact John, M1EJG, on 01562 700 513, or on the
web at

On Monday 15 September Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk by David, G1IVF, on the 2007 California fires and the use of
Echolink in the USA. Contact Simon, G8PAN, on 07977 266643.

On Tuesday 16 September Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a quiz night. Contact Martin, G3SZJ, on 01332 556 875.

On Tuesday 16 September Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a Pye Equipment Evening and inviting members to bring an example
along. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Tuesday 16 September Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a report on Friedrichshafen. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299

On Tuesday 16 September Wythall Radio Club begins its Intermediate
Course. Contact Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819.

On Thursday 18 September Tamworth Amateur Radio Society is on the air.
Contact Colin Marks, G4ZPJ, on 01827 700 893.

On Friday 19 September Coventry Amateur Radio Society is taking part in
the final round of the G2FDC 2m DF Trophy. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 02476
273 190.

On Saturday 20 September Sandwell Amateur Radio Club is taking part in
Transmission 2008 contest using the callsign GB2BWF. Contact Dave,
G4JSR, on 0121 552 1820.



On Sunday 14 September Wirral and District Amateur Radio Club is taking
part in the North Wales DF Challenge. Contact Tom, G4BKF, on 07050 291

On Monday 15 September Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a video
evening. Details on the web at

On Monday 15 September Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is
having a construction evening with Mick, G4EZM. Contact John Webb,
G8RDP, on 01253 876313.

On Tuesday 16 September Chester and District Radio Society is having its
second construction challenge evening of discussion and guidance with
G8OJQ. Details on the web at

On Tuesday 16 September Pontefract District Amateur Radio Society is
having a web site workshop. For more information contact 07594 596 040.

On Wednesday 17 September Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is preparing for
its rally. Contact Sue, G6UQA, on 01482 668 041.

On Wednesday 17 September Wirral and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a natter nigh at The Hoylake Lights, Hoylake. Contact Tom, G4BKF,
on 07050 291 850.

On Thursday 18 September North Wakefield Radio Club is having an
introduction to computer logging by Richard, M0RBG. Contact Richard,
M0RBG, on 07976 220 126.

On Friday 19 September East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is having a
technical forum. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671.

On Friday 19 September South Manchester Radio And Computer Club is
having a PC clinic with Dave, G4UGM. Contact Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969

On Friday 19 September Tynemouth Radio Club starts its 'build it' month
with G0EDK and 2E0IGB. Contact Tony, G8YFA, by email to

On Saturday 20 September Bishop Auckland Radio Amateurs Club is
attending St Helen's Brownies' Communications Day. Contact Mark, G0GFG,
on 01388 745353.

On Sunday 21 September Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is running the Hornsea
Radio Rally. Contact Sue, G6UQA, on 01482 668 041.



On Wednesday 17 September Paisley YMCA Amateur Radio Club is having part
one of a talk by GM4FLX on The Early Days. Contact Bill Anderson,
2M0BZZ, on 01505 613633.

On Thursday 18 September Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having an
equipment check and winter project discussion. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on
01224 575 663.



Cwmbran and District Amateur Radio Society is located at the community
centre in Ventnor Road, Old Cwmbran, NP44 3JY. The club is able to offer
courses for the foundation, intermediate and advanced license. The venue
is a registered RSGB exam centre. Full disabled facilities are provided
and there is a well stocked kitchen. The club meets every Thursday from
7pm and visitors are welcome. Details are on under MC0YAD.

On Tuesday 16 September Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society is having a
silent auction. Contact Les, GW8PSJ, on 01239 811 922.

On Tuesday 16 September Wrexham Amateur Radio Society is having a talk
by GW3WEQ. Contact Glyn, MW0BNB on the web at

On Friday 19 September Blackwood and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk on the early years of the society with films of previous
club events. Contact MW0LAO<at>

On Friday 19 September Highfields Amateur Radio Club is being visited by
RSGB General Manager Peter Kirby, G0TWW. Contact Steve, GW6CUR, on 02920
634 613.



No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.


And that’s the end of this week’s GB2RS news broadcast,
prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.


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