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M1CUK  > NEWS     08.08.08 17:49l 584 Lines 25151 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 8D0540M1CUK
Subj: rsgb news sunday 10th August
Sent: 080808/1546Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:11729 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:8D0540M1


Sunday 10 August 2008

The news headlines

• New RSGB Awards Manager

• AMSAT Mars movie

• Hilberling production ceases

RSGB HF Awards Manager, John Dunnington, G3LZQ, has now also taken on
the management of the RSGB’s VHF awards that were previously handled by
Bill Salt, M0CBQ. Thanks are due to Bill for his work in this role. The
opportunity is being taken to bring the rules for VHF and HF RSGB awards
into line. In particular, all awards will be credited to individuals
rather than a callsign. This means, a claimant may submit cards from
more than one callsign that he or she has held or still holds (from the
same geographic entity).

Also, eQSLs will not be accepted for RSGB awards. A traditional QSL
confirmation is required, though discussions are in hand with ARRL with
a view to linking up with Logbook of the World in due course for 
certain RSGB awards.

For lower-level awards, the General Certification Rule will apply,
allowing cards to be checked and certified locally. Check first with
G3LZQ as to whether this applies in a specific instance. The above does
not cover IOTA awards, which are handled separately as previously.


AMSAT reports that its Phase 5-A will be the first spacecraft built by
radio amateurs to go to Mars and now there's a movie about it. Called
With AMSAT P5-A to Mars, the 10 minute video was produced by AMSAT
Germany and covers almost every aspect of the AMSAT organisation since
its very beginning before taking viewers through the development cycle
of P5-A. It can be found on YouTube, just search the video section for
With AMSAT P5-A to Mars and choose the language you require. 


Production of the Hilberling PT-8000 HF and VHF transceiver has been
stopped. A notice on the company's website says that the project was
abandoned due to ever changing requirements placed by the European
Union on the German designed transceiver.


The 435 to 145MHz linear transponder onboard the Delfi D Oh 64 satellite
has been activated. The transponder uplink is 435.570 to 435.530MHz and
the downlink is 145.880 to 145.920MHz. All frequencies are +/- Doppler
shift that can be up to 3kHz at 145MHz. The transponder is inverting,
which means Lower Sideband is translated to a Upper Sideband signal on
the downlink. Delfi D Oh 64 was built at the Delft University of
Technology in the Netherlands. Since it was launched in April it has
been collecting educational research data for use by the university
students with the assistance of radio amateurs around the world.


Jason Anderson, KI6GIV, at California Polytechnic State University is
requesting amateur radio operators worldwide to assist with capturing
the telemetry of the Cal Poly CP4 satellite. According to Anderson there
has been some unpredictable behaviour on the CP4 satellite. He says that
controllers only have contact with the satellite once every 12 hours so
it would be extremely helpful if they could get some global support in
collecting beacon transmissions. That way they would get a more complete
picture of the satellite's health.

CP4 downlinks on 437.325MHz using FSK lower sideband modulation. The
baud rate is 1200 with beaconing every minute. Audio or decoded binary
data along with other reports go by e-mail to jander06<at>


More than 380 lighthouses in more than 51 countries from Argentina to
Wales will be on the air for the 2008 International Lighthouse/Lightship
Weekend (ILLW) organised by the Ayr Amateur Radio Group. The event,
takes place Saturday, 16 August from 0001UTC until Sunday 17 August
2359UTC. While not a contest, the event is more of a QSO Party and
amateur radio demonstration. Participating lighthouse/lightship stations
do not have to be inside the structure or on the vessel itself; a Field
Day-type setup at or adjacent to the light is sufficient.


And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

Flight Refuelling ARS Hamfest takes place today, 10 August, at the
Cobham Sports and Social Club Ground, Merley, Nr. Wimborne, Dorset BH21
3AA. Doors open at 10am and there will be trade stands, a car boot sale,
licensed bar and catering. Details from Mike, M0MJS, on 01202 883479.

Also today is the King’s Lynn ARC Rally and Car Boot at the King’s Lynn
Caravan & Camping Park, PE33 0QR, (off A47, 3miles east of King’s Lynn).
There is free car parking and an entry fee of £1 with doors opening at
10am. There will be trade stands, a car boot sale, Bring & Buy and an
RSGB bookstall. Details from Ray, G3RSV, on 01553671307.


Now for the news of special events

Today, 10 August, GB4SCL will be on the air from Ribblehead Station on
the Settle to Carlisle line for the 40th anniversary train. Operation
will be on 80 meters in the evening.

Also today, 10 August, GB2GCH will be on the air from Gateford Care Home
in Worksop, Nottinghamshire.

Navajo Radio Club will operate N7C between 14 and 17 August from 1400 to
0000UTC daily on behalf of the Navajo Code Talkers in Window Rock,
Arizona. Frequencies 14.265 and 7.265MHz. QSL via N7HG.

On 14 August, GB0DCW will be on the air for Dawlish Carnival Week.

GB0BMB will be on the air for the Beaulieu Millennium Beacon from Lepe
near Southampton on 16 August.

On 16 August, GB0HOD will be on the air for Harwell Open Day in Wantage.
Melton Mowbray are celebrating their 50th Anniversary at the South
Melton Community Centre, LE13 0BQ on 16 and 17 August. As part of the
weekend’s activity, GB5FOX will be on the air.

GB2JBM will be on the air from the John Barrow Monument in Ulverston,
Cumbria on 16 August. Also on 16 August, GB2KAY will be on air for Kay

GB2PF will be on the air on 16 and 17 August to commemorate the birthday
Peter Fidler who was born in Bolsover and mapped large areas of Canada
in the 18th Century. The station will be active from the newly
refurbished radio shack in the grounds of the Bolsover Coalite Sports
and Social Club, off Moor Lane,Bolsover, S44 6EB. Activity will take
place on HF, VHF and UHF and possibly using amateur television on 23cm.

The Swansea ARS will be activating GB0HEL at the Helwick Lightship LV-91
from the Swansea Marina during the International Lighthouse & Lightship
weekend on 16 and 17 August. For further details contact Roger, GW4HSH
on 01792 404422.

Dragon Amateur Radio Club will operate GB2TD from Anglesey for the
International Lighthouse and Lightship weekend on 16 and 17 August.

Other stations to look out for during the weekend of 16 and 17 August
for the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend are, from
Scotland, GB0NHL from Noss Head Lighthouse, Caithness, GB2ELH from
Eshaness LightHouse, Shetland, GB2LBN from Barns Ness in East Lothian,
GB2GNL from Girdleness Lighthouse in Aberdeen and GB2NL from Newhaven
Lighthouse in Edinburgh. Activations expected in Wales are GB2LSA from
Saint Anne Lighthouse in Pembrokeshire and GB4BPL from Burry Port
lighthouse in South Wales. From Northern Ireland, GB0REL will be on air
from the Rathlin East Lighthouse at Ballycastle. Finally, from England,
the following stations will be taking part in the weekend’s activity.
GB0PL from Paull Lighthouse, GB1DLH from Dungeness Lighthouse in Kent,
GB2BTL from Belle Tout Lighthouse in Eastbourne, GB2HLH from Hunstanton
Lighthouse in Norfolk and GB4SML from St Mary’s Lighthouse, Whitley Bay.


And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources

CU6AY/P will be active from Pico Island between 12 August and 4
September. QSL direct to his home callsign, see

Niels, OZ8KR, will be active as JW/OZ8KR from 12 to 17 August. Activity
will be on 20 metres using SSB probably around 14.220 and 14.260MHz. QSL
via his home callsign.

ZD8LP will be active from Ascension Island on 15 and 16 August and 14
September. Bob will be using a vertical antenna and intends to be very
active on 40 through 10 meters as propagation permits. QSL direct to
his home callsign only.

5Z4/IK8VRH will be active from Kenya during the month of August.
Operations will be from the Coast Province North Group from 15 to 17
August and the Coast Province South Group from 20 to 22 August 20 to
22. Activity will be on 40, 20 and 17 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.
VP9/IK2RZP will be active from Bermuda from 5 to 24 August. Activity
will be mainly SSB and the digital modes on 17 and 12 metres. QSL via
his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

Special event station TM0WPC will be activated using CW, SSB and digital
modes on 160 through 2 metres until 17 August, celebrating the 18th
World Parachuting Championships in Formation Skydiving. QSL via F5KEB.

Laurent, F8ATM will be active as 6V7L from Senegal until 22 August. He
plans to operate SSB and RTTY on all HF bands. QSL via his home call,
direct or via the bureau.

DO7ZZ will be active from Croatia operating VE3ZIK portable 9A until 23
August. Activity will be on the HF bands only, using CW, SSB, RTTY,
PSK31, PSK63 and 10m FM. QSL via DO7ZZ via the bureau

IM0/IZ1DSH will be active from the Island of Tavolara until 17 August.
Activity will be on 40 to 10 metres SSB. QSL via his home callsign,
bureau is preferred. No eQSL.


Now the contest news

The Worked All Europe Contest is still taking place today, 10 August,
until 2359UTC. It’s CW on 3.5 to 28MHz bands and the exchange is RST and
serial number. The aim is for Europeans work Non-Europeans.

There's the fun of the QTC exchange, which is the opportunity to send
and receive extracts of logs for extra points. Even if you're not
participating too deeply, why not say yes, when a station offers you a
QTC as they get extra points for sending it to you..

On 12 August, it’s the RSGB 432MHz UK Activity Contest which takes place
from 1900 to 2130. You can use all modes and the exchange is RS plus
serial number and locator.

The RSGB 80m Club Sprint is on 14 August from 1900 to 2030 using CW. The
exchange is both callsigns plus serial number and your name or nickname.

Over the weekend of 16 and 17 August there should be plenty of data
stations on the air for the SARTG WW RTTY Contest. All bands from 3.5 to
28MHz can be used and the exchange is RST and serial number.

The RSGB 70MHz trophy takes place on 17 August from 0900 to 1500UTC. If
you can be on the band just once a year, this is the contest that brings
out most stations from around the UK. The exchange is RS plus serial
number, locator and postal code.


Now the solar report for the period from the 28th of July to the 3rd of
August, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS, and Martin Harrison, G3USF.

The solar disc was spotless everyday which led to another week where
solar activity was very low with no solar flares taking place at all. 
Solar flux levels were 66 units everyday except for the 30th which
increased to 67. The average was 66. The 90 day solar flux average on
the 3rd was 67 units, that’s the same level as last week. X-ray flux
levels remained below the minimum reporting level everyday. Geomagnetic
activity was quiet everyday. The most disturbed day was the 28th with an
Ap of 7 units. Several days the Ap was only 3 units. The average was Ap
4 units. The ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds decline from 470
per second on the 28th to 320 by the 3rd. Particle densities were low
everyday, ie, below 10 particles per cubic centimetre. Bz all week never
varied more than minus 5 and plus 7 nanoTeslas.

And finally the solar forecast. With still no sign of any increase in
solar activity, this week looks set to continue at very low levels. As
we have warned previously, when activity increases it will be rather
Solar flux levels are expected to be in the mid to high 60’s.
Geomagnetic activity is expected to be mostly quiet, however today and
tomorrow could be slightly unsettled due to a small coronal hole. MUFs
during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 18MHz for the
south and 15MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows should be about
9MHz. Paths this week to the Middle East should have a maximum usable
frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of about 21MHz. The optimum
working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be around 15MHz.
The best time to try this path will be between 1600 and 1800 hours UTC,
even though the band will have been open since around 0900. Sporadic-E
is expected to take
place on some days. Any openings will now tend to be less intense now
that we are approaching the end of the summer season for another year.
And that’s all for this week from the propagation team.


Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies
can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses
and website links where known.


On Sunday 10 August Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is attending
Sandford Mill Radio Museum's Open Afternoon. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on
01245 469 008.

On Sunday 10 August King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is running the King’s
Lynn Rally. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to ral-g3rsv<at>

On Monday 11 August Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society is having the
CATS Summer barbecue at the QTH of G4RWW. Contact Andy, G8JAC, by email
to g8jac<at>

On Tuesday 12 August Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a technical talk by Martin, G8KDF. Contact John McCutcheon, on
01462 459254.

On Wednesday 13 August Aylesbury Vale Radio Society is having a planning
meeting for HF SSB. Contact Roger, G3MEH, on 01442 826 651.

On Wednesday 13 August Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a technical talk. Contact Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 831 491.

On Wednesday 13 August Dover Radio Club is having a portable evening at
the War Memorial, St Margarets. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to

On Wednesday 13 August Hastings Electronics and Radio Club is having a
demonstration on how to make your own PCBs. Contact Gordon, on 01424 431

On Wednesday 13 August Havering and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk by John, M0UKD, on how to track and work satellites.
Contact Dave, 2E0EBV, on 07956 594 514.

On Wednesday 13 August Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having a trophy DF
hunt. Contact Mark Taylor, G0LGJ, on 01362 691099.

On Wednesday 13 August South Essex Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk by Dave, G4UVJ, on converting PMR and CB radios to work on amateur
bands. Contact southessex.ARS<at>

On Wednesday 13 August Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a barbecue evening. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893.

On Thursday 14 August King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is having a club
night and 2m club net. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to

On Thursday 14 August Reading and District Amateur Radio Club is on the
air. Contact Pete, G8FRC, on 01189 695 697.

On Friday 15 August Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society starts
its three-day summer camp. Contact John, M5AJB, on 01787 460 947.

On Friday 15 August Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is having
an informal evening. Contact David Leary, G8JKV on 01223 355254.

On Friday 15 August Loughton and Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is
having a club barbecue. Contact Marc, G0TOC, on 020 8502 1645.

On Friday 15 August Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a radio
night and table top sale. Contact Sue, G6YPY, on 01273 845 103.

On Friday 15 August Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having a club
night and treasure hunt. Details on the web at

On Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 August Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is
operating from the Tollesbury Lightship. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245
469 008.

On Saturday 16 August Dover Radio Club is operating a special event
station at South Foreland Lighthouse for International Lighthouse
Weekend. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to g4sau<at>

On Saturday 16 August Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club is having a
hobbies weekend at Royal Victoria Country Park with Brian, M0WSR.
Contact Quintin, M1ENU, on 023 8078799.

On Saturday 16 August King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is taking part in
Lighthouses on the Air as GB2HLH from Hunstanton Lighthouse. Contact
Ray, G3RSV, by email to ral-g3rsv<at>

On Saturday 16 August Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is taking part in
Lighthouses on the Air from Happisburgh. Contact Mark Taylor, G0LGJ, on
01362 691099.

On Saturday 16 August Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society is
taking part in International Lighthouse Weekend. Contact John
McCutcheon, 01462 459254.

On Sunday 17 August Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is attending
Sandford Mill Radio Museum's open afternoon. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on
01245 469 008.

On Sunday 17 August Southdown Amateur Radio Society is cutting the grass
at Beachy Head. Contact John, G3DQY, on 01424 424 319.



Poole Radio Society will be running a Foundation Course on Friday
Evenings starting on Friday 19th September 2008. Anyone interested doing
the course to get a Foundation Amateur Radio Licence should contact Alan
Walker G4UWS on (01202) 732912.

A series of training courses will be run at Oldfield School, Kelston
Road, Bath. Classes will be from 7-9pm and the tutors are Steve Hartley,
G0FUW, Mike Coombs, G3VTO and Lewis Thomas, G4YTN. A Foundation
Licence course for complete beginners will run from 4 September to 16
October. A Foundation to Intermediate conversion course will run from 23
October and 22 January. The Intermediate to Advanced conversion course
will follow from 29 January until the June or August exam. Intermediate
and Advanced licence courses can only be taken by people who have passed
the next lower exam. For more information, and to register, contact
Steve Hatley on 01225-464-394 or by email to hartley_steve<at>

On Monday 11 August Cornish Radio Amateur Club is having a computer
section meeting. Contact Ian, on 01872 561 058.

On Tuesday 12 August Poldhu Amateur Radio Club is having its barbecue.
Contact Keith, G0WYS, on 01326 574 441.

On Wednesday 13 August South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having its
summer darts match. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282.

On Wednesday 13 August Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio
Club is on the air. Contact Tony, G0WMB, by email to

On Thursday 14 August Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
Eddystone communications receivers by G7LNJ. Contact Gary, 2E0BFJ, by
email to g.swain<at> 

On Friday 15 August North Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
the 8R1PW DXpedition to Gyana by Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH. Contact Dick
Elford, G0XAY, by email to G0XAY<at>

On Friday 15 August Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having a natter
night. Contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to g6fsp<at>



Worcester Radio Amateurs Association will run an Intermediate Licence
training course with registration on 9 September. The course will run
over several weeks. For more information please email

On Sunday 10 August Lincoln Short-Wave Club is attending the King’s Lynn
Rally. Contact John, G1TSL, on 01526 323 153.

On Sunday 10 August Sandwell Amateur Radio Club is having a garden
party. Contact Dave, G4JSR, on 0121 552 1820.

On Monday 11 August Gloucester Amateur Radio And Electronics Society
Club is having a picnic at Beechenhurst in the Forest of Dean. Contact
Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478.

On Monday 11 August Sandwell Amateur Radio Club is on the air. Contact
Dave, G4JSR, on 0121 552 1820.

On Monday 11 August South Normanton Alfreton and District Amateur Radio
is on the air. Contact A J Higton, 2E1 GWO, on 01773 783658.

On Monday 11 August Stourbridge and District Amateur Radio Society is
having an open shack night. Contact John, M1EJG, on 01562 700 513.

On Tuesday 12 August Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is having
a committee meeting. Contact Martin, G3SZJ, on 01332 556 875.

On Tuesday 12 August Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is
having its 6th DF of 2008. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Tuesday 12 August Wythall Radio Club is having a committee meeting.
Contact Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819.

On Wednesday 13 August Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a quiz. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677.

On Thursday 14 August Tamworth Amateur Radio Society is having a
construction and fault finding evening. Contact Colin Marks, G4ZPJ, on
01827 700 893.

On Friday 15 August Coventry Amateur Radio Society is taking part in the
third round of the G4ZMC trophy. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 02476 273 190.

On Saturday 16 and Sunday 19 August Melton Mowbray Amateur Radio Society
is celebrating its 50th anniversary with demos and a display of the club
history. Members will also be operating GB5FOX in traditional and new
digital modes. All amateurs and visitors will be welcome at the South
Melton Community Centre LE13 0BQ or see
For more information contact Geoff, G3STG, on 01664 480.



Further to our request last Sunday for newsreader volunteers from the
Scarborough area, we welcome Tony Blythe, G3LOJ to the team, reading the
news at 11.30am via the GB3YC repeater on 2 metres. Ernest, G4FCH has
agreed to continue as a reader for the time being. However, if anyone
else is thinking of volunteering to assist they should contact the GB2RS
News Manager Gordon Adams on 01 565 652 652 or by email to
gb2rs<at> Geoff Pritchard, G4ZGP is moving out of the area
shortly and we thank him for his past service as a newsreader over the
last thirteen years.

On Monday 11 August Bolton Wireless Club is having its third VHF DF
hunt. Email info<at>

On Monday 11 August Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a barbecue
and sports evening. Contact Trevor, M0TWS.

On Monday 11 August Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk about Summits on the Air by Tom Read, M1EYP. Contact Jack, G4BFH,
by email to jack.duddington<at>

On Wednesday 13 August Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is having a foxhunt.
Contact Sue, G6UQA, on 01482 668 041.

On Wednesday 13 August Maltby and District Amateur Radio Society is on
the air. Contact Keith, G1PQW, on 07801 156 678.

On Thursday 14 August North Wakefield Radio Club is planning for
Lighthouses on the Air. Contact Richard, M0RBG, on 07976 220 126.

On Friday 15 August East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is having a
technical forum. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671.

On Friday 15 August South Manchester Radio And Computer Club is showing
a DVD on the Battle of Britain. Contact Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999.

On Friday 15 August Tynemouth Radio Club is having a Building Blocks
talk by G0EDK and 2E0IGB. Contact Tony, G8YFA, by email to

On Saturday 16 August Bishop Auckland Radio Amateurs Club is taking part
in Lighthouses on the Air Weekend. Contact Mark, G0GFG, on 01388 745353.

On Saturday 16 August North Wakefield Radio Club is taking part in
Lighthouses on the Air Weekend from Flamborough Chalk Lighthouse.
Contact Richard, M0RBG, on 07976 220 126.



On Tuesday 12 August Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk on operating practices and procedures. Contact Norman, on
0131 449 7641.

On Wednesday 13 August Paisley YMCA Amateur Radio Club is having an
evening of teaching, practical work and general discussion. Contact Jim,

On Thursday 14 August Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is on the air.
Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663, or on the web at

On Saturday 16 August Ayr Amateur Radio Group is taking part in
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend with the club station at
Turnberry lighthouse. Contact John, GM3CSO, on 01292 443 580.

On Saturday 16 August Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is
taking part in International Lighthouse and Lightship as GB2LBN from
Barns Ness. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.



On Sunday 17 August Wrexham Amateur Radio Society is having a quiz night
with John, GW3RBM. Contact Glyn MW0BNB or on the web at



No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.


And that’s the end of this week’s GB2RS news broadcast,
prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.


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