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G4APL  > NEWS     25.11.18 05:32l 240 Lines 11177 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 46654_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main News  - 25 Nov 2018
Sent: 181125/0331Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:46654 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday 25th November 2018

The news headlines:

* Share your love of radio
* Black Friday book sale ends Monday
* UKFM Group seeks opinions

Do you have friends or family members who are interested in getting 
into our amazing and varied hobby? Why not encourage them to book 
onto one of the RSGB's brand-new workshops, An Introduction to 
Amateur Radio? Running in association with Bletchley Park, the 
workshops will take place at the RSGB's National Radio Centre on the 
weekend of 15 and 16 December. They are open to anyone aged 17 and 
upwards. Full details, including booking information and prices, can 
be found at

The RSGB Shop is having a Black Friday sale between now and the end 
of Monday, the 26th of November. Members, and non- Members alike, 
will find great bargains on a large number of books. Check out for full details.

The UKFM Group (Western) repeater group is conducting an online 
survey about the Stoke-on-Trent 2m repeater, GB3VT, and its mode, 
which changed to D-Star from FM some years ago. The results of the 
survey will provide insight into whether changing the repeater's mode 
should be considered. The survey is open until the end of New Year's 
Eve. Please visit for more information and a link to 
the survey.

Reg, G8VHI is still looking for a second reader for the GB2RS news 
reading at 8.30pm on Sundays. He starts a new work shift system in 
mid January and will not be able to broadcast every week. Please 
email radcom<at> and we will forward the details to Reg.

YOTA month is almost upon us. The first two clubs to activate the 
GB18YOTA callsign will be Aberkenfig Radio Club in Bridgend on the 
first of December and Sandringham School Amateur Radio Club, with 
help from Verulam ARC, on the 3rd. If you hear this station and 
others around the world taking part in YOTA month, please take the 
time to contact the young people.

Most of the 2017 RSGB Convention videos, which were on the Members' 
area of the RSGB website, have now been released onto YouTube. Go to to view all the videos available.

RSGB Members who have signed up to receive RSGB Membership 
communications should have received a free RSGB book shop discount 
voucher this week. If you would like to sign up for this and similar 
emails from the RSGB, go to 

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week 

Today, the 25th, the Bishop Auckland ARC rally takes place at 
Spennymoor Leisure Centre, 32 High Street, Spennymoor, Co Durham, 
DL16 6DB. This venue has good parking and access to a large ground 
floor hall. Doors open at 10.30am, 10.15am for disabled visitors. 
Admission is GBP 2, accompanied under-14s free. There will be the 
usual radio, computer, electronics and bring and buy stalls as well 
as catering and bar facilities. Talk-in is on S22. Contact John, 
G4LRG, on 01388 606 396.

Next Saturday, the 1st of December, is the annual ML&S Hog Roast & 
Open Day at ML&S Ltd, Wessex House, Drake Ave, Staines TW18 2AP. 
Sponsored by Yaesu, Icom & Kenwood, the store will have its usual low 
prices, lecture streams and manufacturers on site. There will be 
bacon butties for the early birds and a succulent pig in a bun for 
lunch. Doors open 8am and close at 4pm. For details, see 

Also on the 1st of December is the South Lancashire ARC Winter Rally 
at Bickershaw Village Community Club, Bickershaw Lane, Bickershaw, 
Wigan WN2 5TE. Attractions include trade stands, a Bring & Buy, 
special interest groups, car parking, disabled facilities, catering 
and a licensed bar. Admission is GBP 2.50 and the doors open at 9am. 
More from Jason, G0IZR on 01942 735 828.

To get your event into RadCom and GB2RS, please send details as early 
as possible to radcom<at> – we need to know at least 
three to four months in advance to get your information into RadCom. 

And now the DX news from 425 DX News and other sources

Norman Stewart will be active in Colombia from the 30th of November 
to the 31st of December. Operation will be on the 80 to 10m bands as 
time and band conditions allow. He will use the callsign HK3/MM0BMG. 
Note that the numeric part of the HK3 callsign may vary depending on 
the region of operation within Colombia. QSL via eQSL or MM0BMG.

Cezar, VE3LYC and Adrian, KO8SCA will be active as TX0A from Maria 
Est Atoll, IOTA reference OC-113, and as TX0M from Morane Atoll, a 
new IOTA, OC-297, during the first half of December. DXCC wise, both 
these atolls count for French Polynesia. The tentative schedule is to 
operate from Morane on the 6th to the 10th of December and from Maria 
Est on the 12th to the 16th of December. Plans are to operate SSB and 
CW with two stations on the 40 to 10m bands. The logs will be 
uploaded to Club Log when the operators return home. QSL via 
Clublog's OQRS or via VE3LYC direct or via the bureau.

DK7TF and DH6ICE will be active as 4S7DLG from Sri Lanka, AS-003, 
until the 6th of December. They will operate mainly SSB and FT8. QSL 
via Logbook of the World or via DK8ZZ, either direct or via the 

Look for 4W/HL1AHS and 4W/DS3EXX from Timor Leste, OC-148, between 
the 26th of November and the 3rd of December. They will operate SSB, 
CW and FT8 on the 160 to 10m bands. QSL via Logbook of the World or 
direct to their home callsigns.

KN4EEI and AA7JV will be active as C6AGU from Water Cay in the 
Bahamas, NA-001, until the 3rd of December. They will operate CW and 
FT8 mainly on the 160, 80 and 40m bands. They plan to operate during 
the CQ Worldwide DX CW contest and the ARRL 160m contests.

Santa's Radio Club will be active as OH9S between the 1st and the 8th 
December from Finnish Lapland, some 200km above the Arctic Circle. 
Activity will be mainly on the 80m to 6m bands on all modes, FT8 
included. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau and 
Logbook of the World; direct cards via ClubLog's OQRS are preferred, 
or via OH9MM.

Now the special event news 

The Radio Club de Nice will be active as TM8AB between the 24th of 
November and the 12th of December to commemorate the 95th anniversary 
of the first trans-Atlantic amateur two-way contact between Leon 
Deloy, F8AB and Fred Schnell, 1MO, on the 28th of November 1923.

Please send event details to radcom<at>, as early as 
possible, for free publicity on GB2RS, in RadCom and online. UK 
special event stations must be open to the public, so our free 
publicity can help make your efforts more widely known. 

Now the contest news

The big contest this month, CQ Worldwide DX CW, ends its 48 hour run 
at 2359UTC today, the 25th. Using all contest bands from 1.8 to 
28MHz, the exchange is signal report and CQ Zone, which for the UK is 

On Tuesday the 27th, the SHF UK Activity contest runs from 1930 to 
2230UTC. Using all modes on the 2.3 to 10GHz bands, the exchange is 
signal report, serial number and locator.

On Thursday the Autumn Series of contest runs from 2000 to 2130UTC. 
Using CW only on the 80m band, the exchange is signal report and 
serial number.

Starting on Friday at 2200UTC and ending on Sunday at 1600UTC, the 
ARRL 160m contest uses CW only. The exchange is just the signal 
report, although American and Canadian stations will also send their 
ARRL or RAC section number.

Next Sunday, the 2nd of December, the 144MHz Affiliated Societies 
contest runs from 1000 to 1600UTC. Using all modes on the 144MHz 
band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

The UK Six Metre Group's Winter Marathon begins on Saturday the 1st 
of December and runs until the end of January. There are no specific 
operating periods. Just work as many Locator squares as you can, when 
you can, using any mode on the 50MHz band.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO 
on Friday the 23rd of November. 

Last week saw relatively quiet geomagnetic conditions, thanks to a 
reduction in coronal hole activity. The Kp index never got higher 
than three, and was usually between zero and two for most of the 
week. We had a solar flux index high of 72 and a low of 69, which is 
in keeping with this point in the solar cycle. Speaking of which, a 
new sunspot with a reversed magnetic signature was spotted on 17th 
November. As it was at a high solar latitude we can probably 
associate it with the upcoming Solar Cycle 25. Unfortunately it 
quickly faded, but the spot marked the second such region in the 
Sun's northern hemisphere in as many weeks, suggesting we could be in 
the early throes of the new solar cycle. Don't get too excited 
though, as sunspot minimum is still predicted as being somewhere 
between September 2019 and early 2020.

Other news was the appearance of Sporadic-E on 10 metres. This gave 
many UK amateurs some relatively short skip contacts into southern 
Europe on November the 10th. On the 19th we also saw a short-lived 
F2-layer opening on 10 metres around lunchtime, which just goes to 
show it pays to watch the bands, and/or the near real-time graphs at

Next week NOAA has the solar flux index around 68 with generally 
quiet geomagnetic conditions until Saturday the first, when the K 
index is predicted to rise to four or more. Therefore conditions for 
this weekend's CQ Worldwide CW contest could be quite reasonable, at 
least on the bands up to and including 20 metres, with occasional 
higher band openings.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

It's looking a bit like a flat week for most VHF propagation modes, 
with high pressure parked to the north of Shetland. This leaves just 
a hint of Tropo, but confined to the far north across to Scandinavia. 
The rest of the country is under an easterly flow with a bit too much 
wind to allow any significant temperature inversions to develop.

The next changes will come as a large area of low pressure moves in 
from the Atlantic by mid-week, which will bring unsettled weather and 
remove any chance of Tropo, although it may introduce a possibility 
of some rain scatter on the microwave bands. Other options might 
include some aurora if we're lucky and perhaps even some 
out-of-season Sporadic-E, like we saw on 10 metres on November the 
10th with an opening to Corsica and southern France.

There is no meteor shower activity this week, but the December 
Geminids shower is not too far away!

With maximum declination today, the Moon is up for nearly 12 hours 
early this week, and with Monday's perigee, path losses are at their 
lowest meaning it is a good week for EME.

And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  radcom<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

Our thanks to Andy G4TNU for providing this RSGB feed.
-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro

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