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G4APL  > NEWS     07.10.18 04:31l 308 Lines 14790 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 40804_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main News  - 7 Oct 2018
Sent: 181007/0231Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:40804 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday 7th October 2018

The news headlines:

* RSGB Club of the Year winners announced
* Jamboree on the Air looms large
* Renew your 146 to 147MHz NoV

At the National Hamfest on the 29th of September the winners in the 
RSGB's National Club of the Year 2017 competition were presented with 
their prizes. Once again, we thank Waters and Stanton for sponsoring 
this year's event. There are two categories, Large clubs with 25 
members or over, and Small clubs with under 25 members. The 3rd 
placed Large club was Stockport Radio Society in Region 3 and the 
Small club was Greenisland Electronics & ARS in Region 8. The 2nd 
placed Large club was Wythall Radio Club in Region 5 and the Small 
club was South Bristol ARC in Region 11. The 1st place large club was 
Essex Ham in Region 12 and the Small club was South Kesteven ARS in 
Region 13. Congratulations to all the winners for the excellent job 
they do at the grass roots of amateur radio, and also to all the 
other clubs who took part in earlier stages of the competition. 

Two million young people from around the world are expected to take 
part in this year's Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet. 
These take place from the 19th to the 21st of October and are the 
world's biggest Scouting event. Some 20,000 licensed amateur radio 
operators put 12,000 radio stations on the air. This offers an 
excellent opportunity for radio amateurs both young and old, to 
inspire Scouts with the charms of radio techniques. During JOTA-JOTI, 
Scouts and Guides will encounter numerous different languages and 
cultures in a worldwide learning experience that lasts all day and 
well into the night.

All current 146-147MHz band Notices of Variation expire on Tuesday 
the 31st of October. Ofcom has agreed that the band will be made 
available for another year. To continue to use the frequencies you 
must obtain a new NoV via 

On Friday the 12th of October, the RSGB's National Radio Centre is 
inviting RSGB members to visit in the afternoon as part of the 
Convention weekend. Entry will be via the main Bletchley Park site. 
RSGB Members should download their free entry voucher from At 3pm there will be a private Bletchley Park 
tour just for RSGB visitors. At 4pm there will be a practical 
introduction to making an FT8 QSO for anyone interested to learn 
about this new, popular mode. Licenced amateurs are reminded to bring 
a copy of their licence and, if there is time, they will have the 
opportunity to operate the NRC station GB3RS.

IARU volunteers have been working for three years to progress World 
Radio Conference 2019 Agenda Item 1.1, which seeks a Region 1 
allocation at around 50MHz for the Amateur Service in the Radio 
Regulations Table of Frequency Allocations, to align with the 
allocations in Regions 2 and 3. After many weeks of planning and 
meetings in both regional and global forums post the WRC in 2015, the 
next step on the route to WRC19 took place last week. The Amateur 
Service has met strong opposition from a few nation states who argue 
that the 50MHz band is already allocated to other services in their 
countries, following the closure of many broadcasting stations in 
recent years which operated in this band, and believe that sharing 
the band presents problems. At this meeting two options were 
prepared. You can find out the full details of the meeting and 
proposals at

The RSGB Convention takes place from the 12th to the 14th of October 
at Kents Hill Park Training and Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. 
Our thanks to the principal sponsor, Martin Lynch & Sons. This year 
there will be a Partners' room, which also includes space for those 
who bring non-radio projects. Also the deadline has been extended 
until midnight tonight, the 7th, for those wishing to join others at 
the Convention Buildathon. You can see the whole Convention lecture 
programme, and apply for a Buildathon place, at 

For the second time this year, during the weekend of the 13th and 
14th of October, the Cadet Forces will be operating on the UK 5MHz 
band using the allocated frequencies for the purpose of Exercise Blue 
Ham 100. All their usual live logging and map plotting will be taking 
place. Upon conclusion of the exercise, amateurs who have met the 
requirement for the number of contacts can submit their log sheet to 
the Blue Ham Ex Co-Originator via blueham<at> for 
your certificate to be issued. Please note that once again the 
exercise has different QSL exchange information. Also, PSK31 will be 
in use on 5.363MHz. You can find all the details via

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week
Today, the 7th of October, the 45th Welsh Radio Rally will take place 
at Rougemont School, Malpas Road, Newport, South Wales NP20 6QB. 
Doors open 10am and admittance is GBP 2.50. There will be a Bring & 
Buy sale, catering, lectures/seminars, talk-in, RSGB bookstall, trade 
stands, special interest groups, and a prize draw/raffle. There will 
be talks by Eric Edwards, GW8LJJ on Free Digital Voice on HF and by 
Andrew Rushton, GW0UZK on Aerial Basics. Contact Michael Rackham, 
GW4JKV, on 01495 226 149.

Today, the 7th of October, the Hack Green Bunker Rally will be held 
at Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, French Lane, Hack Green, 
Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8AL. This will be a sale of electronic 
equipment, amateur gear, components, military radio items and vehicle 
spares. Doors open 10am, and there will be refreshments available 
onsite. Contact 01270 623 353 for further information.

Next weekend, from the 11th to the 14th of October, Microwave Update 
2018 will take place at the Holiday Inn Dayton, Fairborn, Ohio, USA. 
It is an international conference dedicated to microwave equipment 
design, construction and operation. It's hosted by The Midwest 
VHF/UHF Society. Go to for more information.

From the 12th to the 14th of October, the RSGB Convention takes place 
at Kent's Hill Park Training and Conference Centre, Swallow House, 
Timbold Drive, Kent's Hill Park, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire 
MK7 6BZ. The RSGB would like to thank the principal sponsor Martin 
Lynch & Sons for their continued support of the event. The Convention 
programme of lectures for all interests is available on the website,

On the 14th of October, the Hornsea Amateur Radio Rally will take 
place in The Floral Hall, Hornsea HU18 1NQ. Doors open at 10am and 
admission is GBP 2, with under 14s free. There will be trade stands, 
a Bring & Buy run by the Hornsea ARC and an RSGB book stall. Hot and 
cold food is available in the café. More from Les, 2E0LBJ on 
01377 252 393.

The Holsworthy Radio Rally will take place on the 14th of October at 
Holsworthy Community College, Victoria Hill Holsworthy, Devon 
EX22 6JD. There will be traders, a Bring & Buy and catering. Doors 
open at 10am. More information from Howard, M0MYB, by email to 

To get your event into RadCom and GB2RS, please send details as early 
as possible to radcom<at> – we need to know at least 
three months in advance to get your information into RadCom. 

And now the DX news from 425 DX News and other sources

John, W5JON will be active as V47JA from St Kitts, IOTA reference 
NA-104, from the 10th of October to the 6th of November. He will 
operate SSB and FT8 on the 160 to 6m bands. QSL via W5JON, direct 
only, and Logbook of The World.

Ken, LA7GIA will be active as TT8KO from N'Djamena in Chad from the 
9th to the 21st of October. He will operate CW and maybe some SSB on 
the 160 to 10m bands.

Volker, DL1WH will be active as DL1WH/p from Rugen Island, EU-057, 
from the 6th to the 20th of October. He will operate mainly CW with 
some SSB on the HF bands. QSL via his home call, direct or via the 

Scout station 3E1JT from Panama will be active throughout October, 
and particularly during the Jamboree on the Air from the 19th to the 
21st. QSL via HP1ALX.

WA7WJR will be active as XV9WJR from Vietnam until the 27th of 
October. He will operate CW, some PSK31 and SSB on the 40, 20 and 15m 
bands from the city of Vung Tau, with side trips to Con Son Island, 
AS-130, and Phu Quoc Island, AS-128. QSL via Logbook of The World, 
eQSL, or via WA7WJR.

Now the special event news 

The RNIB, now known as the Royal National Institute of Blind People, 
was founded on 16 October 1868. As part of their 150th anniversary, 
Terry, GM3WUX will run GR150NIB throughout October. Special QSLs will 
be available. A log search is at 

Scarborough ARS will be operating GB2YMR at Pickering War Weekend 
from the 12th to the 14th of October from the North Yorks Moors 
Railway Station in Pickering. Operations will include some modern and 
military radios. A warm welcome is extended to all visitors and those 
they contact on the air. 

The Wireless in Wales Amateur Radio Club will operate GB0WIW on the 
8th of October to celebrate the Museum's 10th anniversary. Museum 
tours, talks and refreshments will be available 10am to 3pm. Visitors 
are welcome.

We are very happy to publicise your event on GB2RS, in RadCom and on 
the RSGB website. Please send details to radcom<at> as 
early as possible. One condition for getting a special event callsign 
is that the station must be open to the public, so our free publicity 
can help make your efforts more widely known. 

Now the contest news

The CQWW DX RTTY contest ends its 48 hour run at 2359UTC today, the 
30th. Using the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is RST and 
Zone, which for the UK is 14.

The Oceania DX SSB contest ends its 24 hour run at 0800UTC today, the 
7th. Using SSB only on the 1.8 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange 
is signal report and serial number.

The IARU 432MHz to 245GHz contest ends its 24 hour run at 1400UTC 
today, the 7th. Using all modes on 70cm and above, the exchange is 
signal report, serial number and locator.

Today, the 7th, the DX Contest takes place from 0500 to 2300UTC. 
Using CW and SSB on the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is 
signal report and serial number.

The Worked All Britain DX contest takes place today, the 7th of 
October, from 0500 to 2300UTC. The exchange will be RS plus serial 
number plus WAB square using the 80, 50, 20, 15 and 10m bands, SSB 
only. This is a new contest and replaces their HF contest that was 
discontinued. Entries need to be with the contest manager by the 28th 
of October. is your source for details 
of the rules and log sheets.

On Tuesday the 432MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1800 to 1900UTC, 
using FM only. It is immediately followed by the all-mode 432MHz UK 
Activity Contest from 1900 to 2130UTC. The exchange for both contests 
is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Thursday the 50MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1800 to 1900UTC, 
using FM only. It is immediately followed by the all-mode 50MHz UK 
Activity Contest from 1900 to 2130UTC. The exchange for both contests 
is signal report, serial number and locator.

Next weekend the Oceania DX CW contest runs from 0800UTC on the 13th 
to 0800UTC on the 14th. Using the 1.8 to 28MHz contest bands, the 
exchange is signal report and serial number.

On the 14th, the IRTS 40m Counties contest runs from 1200 to 1400UTC. 
Using CW and SSB on the 7MHz band, the exchange is signal report and 
serial number, with EI and GI stations also sending their County.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO 
on Friday 5th October 2018. 

There are signs that ionospheric conditions are improving as we head 
into autumn. This isn't unexpected; as the ionosphere cools there is 
a chemical shift towards more monatomic species that are easier to 

The 4U1UN New York, VE8AT Nunavut and ZS6DN Pretoria beacons on 
14.100MHz were all audible at the same time on Wednesday, and we can 
expect transatlantic conditions to get better as the month 
progresses. Robert, G4TUK even reported working Mayotte in the Indian 
Ocean on 10 metres. So do make sure you make the most of the autumn 
DX openings if and when they occur.

Next week the solar flux index is predicted to remain around 68-70, 
so 14 and 18MHz are likely to be the main daylight DX bands, with the 
possibility of occasional openings on higher bands. However, the 
effects of a solar coronal hole may once again disrupt the ionosphere 
with Sunday the seventh and Monday the eighth predicted to see a 
raised Kp index of up to six.

Look for pre-auroral enhancements before or just after the solar 
matter hits the earth. One way to do this is monitor the real-time 
solar wind at An increasing wind speed, increasing 
particle density and a south-facing interplanetary magnetic field or 
Bz are all indicators of an impending geomagnetic disturbance.

Wednesday the 10th and Thursday the 11th may also be disturbed, 
before we see a little respite later in the week.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

It's looking a bit mixed for the next week with high pressure nearby 
over southern areas, while we have occasional periods of low pressure 
to the north and west of Scotland. The high pressure in the south 
will mean that Tropo will be a feature again this week. This is 
typical autumn fare, and there should be some good paths into the 
continent and across the southern North Sea to the Baltic. It will 
also be worthwhile checking paths to the south across Biscay to Spain 
and the Canaries.

The northwest of the British Isles will probably miss out on these 
Tropo conditions since it will also be rather breezy with occasional 
rain or showers. A few options may present themselves for some rain 
scatter on the microwave bands.

Moon declination is positive until Monday night, so EME windows will 
shorten and losses will climb as the week progresses.

October is a busy month for meteor showers. Next Tuesday sees the 
peak of the Draconids, which favours temperate and far-northern 
latitudes. Look for increased activity from tonight.

And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  radcom<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

Our thanks to Andy G4TNU for providing this RSGB feed.
-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro

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