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G4APL  > NEWS     04.10.18 13:11l 296 Lines 14421 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 40103_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main News  - 30 Sep 2018
Sent: 180930/0231Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:40103 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday 30th September 2018

The news headlines:

* Renew your 146MHz NoV NOW
* DXCC card checking at Convention
* Enigma Reloaded at National Radio Centre

All current 146-147MHz band Notices of Variation (NoV) expire on 
Tuesday the 31st of October. Ofcom has agreed that the band will be 
made available for another year. However, to continue to use the 
frequencies you must obtain a new NoV. These are available free from 
the RSGB website via Currently, 548 NoVs have been 
issued for this band.

DXCC card checking will be available on Saturday the 13th in the 
special interest display area at the RSGB Convention near Milton 
Keynes. Before the Convention please use the ARRL's online DXCC 
application form at to complete 
and pay for your application, then print out the PDF document to 
bring with your cards. Hand completed paper forms are no longer 

The fifth Enigma Reloaded event will take place in two stages. Until 
the 5th of October, Italian and other amateur radio stations 
registered as Activator Stations will be on the air to allow 
participants to obtain the points required for the Enigma Award. On 
the 6th of October, the final day, the Activator Stations will 
exchange predefined CW messages previously enciphered by a real or 
emulated Enigma machine. The RSGB's National Radio Centre, located at 
Bletchley Park, will be the only UK organisation participating. A 
team of CW operators using the NRC's amateur radio station, GB3RS, 
will take down the encoded message and pass it to an Enigma operator 
for decoding into plain text. The original WWII Enigma machine, and 
an operator, will be provided by Bletchley Park. Don't forget, RSGB 
Members can gain access to the NRC by downloading a free entry 
voucher from the RSGB website. All details and rules are available on 
the official website in English at

The RSGB Youth Committee provides a focus for the young Members of 
the RSGB and represents the UK at several national and international 
events. The RSGB would like to appoint an individual to champion the 
Youth Committee in all that they do including managing the UK 
attendance at the YOTA camp each year and YOTA month every December. 
Full details of the role are on the RSGB website at
[Note for Newsreaders: the full URL is

The RSGB Convention takes place from the 12th to the 14th of October 
at Kents Hill Park Training and Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. 
Our thanks to the principal sponsor, Martin Lynch & Sons. You can see 
the whole Convention lecture programme at 
Visitors will be pleased to know that Neil Smith, G4DBN will 
investigate what really matters when you are aiming for the ultimate 
performance with FT8 and other digital modes. Antenna radiation 
patterns are difficult to measure because antennas are typically high 
above the ground, and the peak gain tends to be horizontal or above. 
Jenny Bailey, G0VQH will describe a practical method of measuring the 
radiation field around an antenna using a drone. She will cover CAA 
restrictions, drone selection, payload, operation, measurement of 
antenna design and plotting results. 

Although the current UK amateur radio licence is known as a 
.licence for life', all radio amateurs are required to revalidate 
their licence at least every five years. This means every licence 
holder must contact Ofcom to confirm or update the details on the 
licence database. The quickest way to revalidate is simply to access 
the licensing system and confirm or re-confirm your details online 
via the Ofcom website, or by email to 
spectrum.licensing<at> Links to the Ofcom website as 
well as a helpful article about the Licensing Portal, Registration 
and Revalidation can be found on the RSGB website at
[Note for Newsreaders: the full URL is]

The RSGB is pleased to announce that Mike Bruce, M0ITI has been 
co-opted to the RSGB Board, with immediate effect. Mike will provide 
focus and expertise to ensure that the Board is fully equipped to 
support the major changes within the Examinations Systems. Mike was 
recently appointed Examination Systems Review Manager, has been a 
member of the Examination Group for some years. Other Board changes 
of responsibility will be announced in due course. 

The next RSGB Train the Trainers event will take place on Saturday 
the 3rd of November in Wimborne, Dorset. The course runs from 9am to 
4.30pm at Flight Refuelling ARS, Cobham Sports and Social Club, off 
Merley Park Road, Broadstone, Wimborne BH21 3DA. To book a place 
please contact Sue Macdonald via email to<at> 

It is over two years since a course was held in the South West, so it 
would be useful for new trainers and those who attended previously as 
a refresher. The course continues to develop, improve and change, so 
those attending again will not be bored! There are significant 
opportunities to network and exchange ideas and good practice 
throughout the day.

The final of our series of lectures from the RSGB 2017 Convention 
entitled Reflections on the History of Radar by Hugh Griffiths, G4CNV 
is now available online for RSGB Members. Go to the Video section 
after you have logged into your RSGB account.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week 

Today, the 30th, the Pencoed ARC Table Top Sale takes place at 
Pencoed Rugby Football Club, The Verlands, Felindre Road, Pencoed 
CF35 5PB. Tables are GBP 10 each, on a first come first served basis. 
Doors open 8am for sellers, 9.30 for buyers. Admission is GBP 2. Hot 
and cold drinks are available, with hot food available in the morning 
and at lunchtime. More from Madeline Roberts on 0773 837 5775.

Next Sunday, the 7th of October, the 45th Welsh Radio Rally will take 
place at Rougemont School, Malpas Road, Newport, South Wales 
NP20 6QB. Doors open 10am and admittance is GBP 2.50. There will be a 
Bring & Buy sale, catering, lectures/seminars, talk-in, RSGB 
bookstall, trade stands, special interest groups, and a prize 
draw/raffle. Lectures from Eric Edwards, GW8LJJ on Free Digital Voice 
on HF and Andrew Rushton, GW0UZK on Aerial Basics. Contact Michael 
Rackham, GW4JKV, on 01495 226 149 

Next Sunday, the 7th of October, the Hack Green Bunker Rally will be 
held at Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, French Lane, Hack Green, 
Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8AL. This will be a sale of electronic 
equipment, amateur gear, components, military radio items and vehicle 
spares. Doors open 10am, and there will be refreshments available 
onsite. Contact 01270 623 353 for further information.

To get your event into RadCom and GB2RS, please send details as early 
as possible to radcom<at> 

And now the DX news from 425 DX News and other sources

A large team of operators from Albania, Austria and Slovenia will be 
active as ZA5V from Lake Shkodra, JN92RD, on the 1st to the 12th of 
October. They will be using 6 and 2m EME as well activity on the 80 
to 10m bands using all modes. QSL via OE6FNG.

Fabien, F4GYM will operate as F4GYM/p from Sein Island, part of the 
Finistere South West group, IOTA reference EU-068, between the 2nd 
and the 5th of October. Operating on the 80m to 10m bands using SSB 
and digital, QSL via F4GYM, either direct or via the bureau.

Klaus, DL8DZL will be visiting Trassenheide on Usedom Island, EU-129, 
until the 6th of October. He will operate as DL8DZL/p on all HF bands 
using CW and SSB. QSL via DL8DZL, either direct or via the bureau.

Four operators will be on the air from Christmas Island, OC-002, as 
VK9XT until the 6th of October. Planned activities will take place on 
the 160m to 10m bands using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL direct via 
N4GNR, Logbook of The World or eQSL.

Ulrich, DL2AH will operate as WH8/DL2AH from Ofu Island, OC-077, 
between the 2nd and the 29th of October using SSB, FT8 and RTTY in 
holiday style. He plans to take part in the CQWW DX SSB contest. QSL 
direct via DL2AH.

Now the special event news 

The RNIB, now known as the Royal National Institute of Blind People, 
was founded on 16 October 1868. As part of the celebration of their 
150th anniversary, Terry Robinson, GM3WUX will run a special event 
callsign GR150NIB from 1 to 28 October. Activity is planned on SSB 
and CW across all HF bands except 60m, plus some possibly limited 
activity on 4m and 6m. Special QSLs will be available. There will be 
a log search at where all QSL requests 
should be made via OQRS only.

We are very happy to publicise your event on GB2RS, in RadCom and on 
the RSGB website. Please send details to radcom<at> as 
early as possible. One condition for getting a special event callsign 
is that the station must be open to the public, so our free publicity 
can help make your efforts more widely known. 

Now the contest news

The CQWW DX RTTY contest ends its 48 hour run at 2359UTC today, the 
30th. Using the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is RST and 
Zone, which for the UK is 14.

Today, the 30th, the UK Microwave Groups contest runs from 0600 
to1800UTC on the 5.7 and 10GHz bands. The exchange is signal report, 
serial number and locator.

On Tuesday the 144MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1800 to 1900UTC, 
using FM only. It is immediately followed by the all-mode 144MHz UK 
Activity Contest from 1900 to 2130UTC. The exchange for both is 
signal report, serial number and locator.

On Wednesday the UK & EI Contest Club 80m event runs from 2000 to 
2100UTC. Using SSB only, the exchange is your four-character locator.

Next Saturday, the 6th, the 1.2GHz trophy takes place from 1400 to 
2200UTC. Using all modes on the 1.2 and 2.3GHz bands, the exchange is 
signal report, serial number and locator.

The Oceania DX SSB contest runs from 0800UTC on the 6th to 0800UTC on 
the 7th. Using SSB only on the 1.8 to 28MHz contest bands, the 
exchange is signal report and serial number.

The 432MHz to 245GHz contest runs from 1400UTC on the 6th to 1400UTC 
on the 7th. Using all modes on the 432MHz to 245GHz bands, the 
exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

The IARU 432MHz to 245GHz contest runs from 1400UTC on the 6th to 
1400UTC on the 7th. Using all modes on 70cm and above, the exchange 
is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Sunday the 7th, the DX Contest takes place from 0500 to 2300UTC. 
Using CW and SSB on the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is 
signal report and serial number.

The Worked All Britain DX contest takes place next Sunday, the 7th of 
October from 0500 to 2300UTC. The exchange will be RS plus serial 
number plus WAB square using the 80, 50, 20, 15 and 10m bands, SSB 
only. This is a new contest and replaces their HF contest that was 
discontinued. Entries need to be with the contest manager by the 28th 
of October. is your source for details 
of the rules and log sheets 

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO 
on Friday 28th September 2018. 

At the risk of sounding very "samey", the solar flux index remained 
at around 67-68 with zero sunspots this week, and just a few points 
off what we can expect at absolute solar minimum.

As predicted, geomagnetic conditions were relatively poor at the 
beginning of the week, but did improve slightly later on, although 
the K index remained at three at times. This was due to ongoing 
coronal hole activity on the Sun. But as we are now moving to better 
autumnal ionospheric conditions the daytime maximum usable frequency 
over a 3,000km path did exceed 18MHz at times according to the 
Chilton ionosonde. There are signs that if geomagnetic conditions can 
remain quiet for a few days this may even reach the dizzy heights of 
21MHz. It is worth monitoring the higher bands, and if you don't hear 
much activity, check out the FT8 frequencies on 18 or 21MHz or head 
for the International Beacon Network frequencies at 18.100MHz or 
21.150MHz. If all else fails, call CQ!

Next week, NOAA predicts the solar flux index will remain around 
68-70, but we may have unsettled geomagnetic conditions around the 
1st and 2nd of October. The best HF conditions may occur later in the 
week as the ionosphere becomes more settled.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

At 21:47hrs on Tuesday the 25th of September, the Region 1, 144MHz 
tropo record was broken again, this time from England. G3SMT worked 
D4Z on the Cape Verde Islands via the marine duct caused by the 
Azores High system. At 4,431km, it broke the previous record of 
4270km set just one minute earlier by GW0KZG! 

Next week has plenty of high pressure around, so get down to the 
bottom of the bands on CW, SSB and FT8. The high pressure will again 
be centred initially just to the west of the UK making linkage in to 
the Azores system still a possibility. Eventually part of this will 
drift east across the country to end the week over the continent, 
while a weak front crosses the British Isles. Tropo will be present 
to some degree for much of the week over southern parts, but more 
fleeting in the north, where it will be rather breezy at times.

If you're not well placed for Tropo, EME conditions will be at their 
best this coming week with peak declination on Tuesday and perigee 
next Saturday. Note that these two occurrences are starting to drift 
apart in time again, but don't worry they won't be fully out of phase 
until July 2022!

There are no significant meteor showers this week so around dawn on 
the lower VHF bands will be the best time for QSOs via random meteors.

And that's all this week from the propagation team.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  radcom<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

Our thanks to Andy G4TNU for providing this RSGB feed.
-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro

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