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G4APL  > NEWS     29.07.18 12:08l 309 Lines 15031 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 31055_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main News  - 29 July 2018
Sent: 180729/0231Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:31055 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday 29th July 2018

The news headlines:

* WRTC 2022 venue announced
* Lighthouse 300 registered
* Kraftwerk jams with astronaut on ISS

After the recent successful World Radiosport Team Championship in 
Germany it has been announced that the 2022 event will be hosted by 
Bologna in Italy. The invitation-only event pits the world's greatest 
DXers against each other in over sixty teams. They compete with each 
other using similar stations in similar terrain to level the playing 
field. As far as possible, this means it comes down to a fair test of 
the operators' sheer skill. The official website of the 2022 event is 

The International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend takes place over the 
weekend of the 18th to the 19th of August. The event's organisers 
have just announced the 300th lighthouse registration. It's still a 
little short of the 2014 record, which was 544 lighthouses and 
lightships. However, there is still time and if you'd like to take 
part . either as an activator or a chaser . you will find the 
details at

Pioneering 1970s electronic music band Kraftwerk performed an 
extremely unusual duet last week, playing live on stage in 
conjunction with ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst aboard the 
International Space Station. The event took place as part of 
Stuttgart's Jazz Open Festival on the 20th of July. After 
introductions, they played a special duet version of the track 
Spacelab, for which Alexander Gerst had a tablet computer configured 
with virtual synthesisers. You can find full details on Gerst's blog 
[Note for Newsreaders: the original URL 

As a result of work by the RSGB Emerging Technology Coordination 
Committee, in July Ofcom cleared two 23cm ATV repeaters for 
operation. GB3EY in Hull and GB3FT in Blackpool have received their 
NoVs. These are the first 23cm units to be cleared for several years. 
Separately, 23cm TV repeater GB3YT, or Yorkshire Television, is now 
back on the air following an extensive update of equipment. It has 
inputs on 70cm digital plus 23cm digital and analogue. You can find 
details of these . and all other UK repeaters . on the ETCC 
website at 

The RSGB presently has several important volunteer vacancies. 
Candidates must be an RSGB member, be willing to agree to observe the 
Society's Code of Conduct and Ethos and support the Society's 
strategies. We can only give brief details of each vacancy in this 
broadcast but there are more details on the RSGB website or on 
request, and full details will appear in the September RadCom. 

The RSGB has over 30 affiliated national clubs and societies and we 
have recognised the need for an Honorary Officer to act as a champion 
for these groups, and to develop a closer relationship to support 
them and the amateurs they represent. This position is offered for an 
initial period of up to three years. For more details please see or contact Len Paget, GM0ONX, on 
01563 534 383 or via email to gm0onx<at> 

The Operating Advisory Service, OAS, is the RSGB's new advisory and 
reporting service. It replaces the Amateur Radio Observation Service, 
AROS. RSGB needs an Honorary Officer, who will be known as the 
Operating Advisory Service Coordinator. They will coordinate this 
service, including recruiting and training a team of volunteer 
Regional Operating Advisers. The role requires patience and tact, 
good communication skills and a willingness to help create and 
continue to improve this new service. 

In support of the Operating Advisory Service Coordinator the RSGB is 
also seeking Operating Advisory Service Regional Operating Advisers 
from around the country. There will be notionally one per RSGB 
Region, and they will be the first point of contact to provide advice 
for the Regional Team. They will be proactive in disseminating advice 
through clubs, repeater groups and events where radio amateurs may be 
found. The Regional Operating Advisers will be supported by, among 
other things, an email group to help develop best practice and common 
presentation materials. To find out more about either of the OAS 
roles, please see or contact RSGB Board 
Director Philip Willis, M0PHI, via email to m0phi<at>

British Inland Waterways on the Air takes place over the 25th to the 
27th of August, the Bank Holiday weekend. It is open to all amateurs 
that use tow paths, rivers, lakes or reservoirs that are used for 
recreation. For more details see

Finally, the RSGB offers its congratulations to Radio Communications 
Foundation scholar Luke Andrews, who is now M0LLX. Luke passed all 
three exams since being selected as an Arkwright Scholar, and gaining 
sponsorship from the RCF. The RCF Trustees are grateful to Martin 
Atherton, G3ZAY, and the Cambridge University Wireless Society for 
their support. 

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week 

Today, the 29th, the Chippenham & DARC rally, electronics fair & car 
boot sale takes place at Kington Langley Village Hall & fields, 
Church Road, Kington Langley SN15 5NJ. Doors open at 9am, or 8.30 for 
disabled visitors. Admission is GBP 2. There will be a car boot sale, 
catering, flea market, special interest groups, talk-in and trade 
stands. Sellers pay GBP 10 per pitch, or the same per indoor table, 
and can set up from 7am. Details form Brian Tanner, G6HUI, on 
0772 224 2741.

Also today, the Horncastle amateur radio rally takes place at 
Horncastle Youth Centre, Willow Close, Cagthorpe, Horncastle LN9 6DZ. 
It's all on one level, making it suitable for people with mobility 
problems. Hot food & drinks are available and there is room for 
traders outside. Entry remains GBP 2. The RSGB bookstall will be in 
attendance. Details from Tony, G3ZPU, on 01507 527 835.

Next Sunday, the King's Lynn ARC Great Eastern Radio Rally takes 
place at Gaywood Community Centre, Gayton Road, King's Lynn, Norfolk. 
PE30 4DZ. There will be talk-in on 145.550MHz and car parking is 
free. Doors open at 9am, with admission GBP 2. There will be trade 
stands and a Bring & Buy. There are amateur radio pitches outside as 
well as tables inside. Onsite catering will be available. Details 
from Ted, G4OZG, on 01553 768 701.

Also next Sunday, the Lorn Radio Rally takes place at Crianlarich 
Village Hall, Main Street, Crianlarich, Perthshire FK20 8QN. Doors 
open at 10.30am and entry is GBP 2. There will be trade stands, for 
which tables are free but a raffle prize is appreciated, as well as a 
Bring & Buy. The raffle will be drawn at 1.30pm. Catering is 
available on site. Details from mm0elf<at>

To get your event into RadCom and GB2RS, send details as early as 
possible to radcom<at> 

And now the DX news from 425 DX News and other sources

With the IOTA Contest reaching its end today you're sure to find the 
bands still busy with lots of exotic DX from rare locations. 

Dave, G4BUO will be active as E51BUO from Rarotonga Island, IOTA 
reference OC-013, from the 30th of July to the 6th of August. He will 
operate on HF CW, using 100W and wire antennas. QSL via home call.

From the 5th to the 12th of August SP7IDX will be on the air from 
Vlore, Albania as ZA/SP7IDX. Activity will be on 40 to 10m, SSB and 
digital. QSL via LotW or direct to homecall. 

Next weekend you can expect to find lots of activity from unusual 
places on VHF as there are three contests happening at the same time. 
More details of those later in this broadcast. 

Finally, note that the planned CY9C DXpedition to St Paul's Island, 
Nova Scotia, has been cancelled. It was due to run from the 1st to 
the 9th of August. 

Now the special event news 

Continuing the year-long Eleven Cities Marathon in Holland, PF2018HAR 
will be on the air throughout August from Harlingen in the 
Netherlands. You can email info<at> to set up a sked.

Wearside Electronics Amateur Radio Society and other clubs are 
running GB4SAS this weekend for the Sunderland Air Show. Operating 
from the Life Guard Station, Marine Walk, SR6 0PW, all bands from HF 
to 70cm will be in use from 10am on both days. Visitors are welcome. 

ZM50MAUQ will be on the air throughout August to commemorate the 1968 
fire aboard the SS Gothic, which resulted in the deaths of four 
passengers and three crew. Activity will be on 80, 40 and 20 metres 
using CW and SSB. QSL via ClubLog. There is a gripping account of the 
accident at
[Note for Newsreaders: the original URL is]

Celebrating five decades of offshore broadcasting, the Martello Tower 
group will operate GB5RC from the Radio Caroline ship the MV Ross 
Revenge from the 3rd to the 5th of August. Operation will be from 
three stations on 80m, 40m, 20m, 17m and 10m, running SSB and various 
datamodes. QSL direct to G6NHU or via the bureau to GB5RC. More 
details are at

Members of the Carpathian Society of Transylvania will be active as 
YP27EKE during their hosting of the 27th Roaming Camp from the 30th 
of July to the 5th of August. Activity will be on the HF bands. They 
may also activate WWFF sites YOFF-0177 and YO/MC-031. QSL via YO6PIB

If you're planning a special event station, please remember to send 
publicity information well in advance to radcom<at> . we 
are very happy to help publicise your event, for free, on GB2RS, in 
RadCom and on the RSGB website, but can't help you unless you tell us 
what you're doing!

Now the contest news

The RSGB IOTA Contest draws to a close at 1200UTC today, Saturday. 
Using CW or SSB on the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is 
signal report, serial number and IOTA reference, which is EU-005 for 
mainland Great Britain. 

Also today, the UK Microwave Group High Band contest takes from 
0600UTC to 1800UTC. Using all modes on the 5.7 and 10GHz bands, the 
exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

Thursday sees the regular Straight Key Sprint Europe contest, which 
takes place on the first Thursday of every month. At this time of 
year it runs from 1900UTC to 2100UTC. You'll find the rules on the website but, in brief, it's CW-only, using only a 
manual key, sideswiper or bug. All the contest bands can be used from 
160 to 6m, and the website has some suggested centre frequencies. The 
exchange is a true signal report, a QTH code which you can find on 
the website, operator name and either your SKCC membership number or 

Next Saturday is going to be very busy on 2m, with no fewer than 
three events taking place more or less simultaneously. The Worked All 
Britain 144MHz Low Power Phone contest runs from 1400UTC to 1800UTC. 
Using all phone modes on the 2m band, the exchange is signal report, 
serial number and WAB square. 

Also next Saturday, the 144MHz Backpacker #4 runs from 1300UTC to 
1700UTC. Using all modes on the 2m band, signal report, serial 
number, locator and postcode forms the exchange.

Overlapping with that is the 144MHz Low Power contest, which takes 
place from 1400UTC to 2000UTC on Saturday. Conveniently, the exchange 
is the same . signal report, serial number, locator and postcode.

Next Sunday morning the 432MHz Low Power contest runs from 0800UTC to 
1200UTC. Again, the exchange is signal report, serial number, locator 
and postcode. 

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO 
on Friday the 27th of July.

The solar flux index hit 66 on Thursday 26th, which is probably the 
lowest it will go this sunspot minimum. At the time of writing the 
visible solar disk has been devoid of sunspots since June 27th, apart 
from the tiniest fleck that sent the sunspot number to 11 for one day 
on 12th July. We can probably expect more of the same through 2018 as 
we make our way through this low part of the current solar cycle.

Geomagnetic conditions were a little unsettled this week due to 
coronal hole activity, with the K index hitting four at times. Next 
week NOAA has the solar flux index pegged at 68 with 
reasonably-settled geomagnetic conditions.

This weekend is the RSGB Islands on the Air Contest, which may 
actually be over by the time you hear this. But for those of you who 
read GB2RS online or catch it on Saturday, expect 40m and 20m to be 
the money bands, with 7MHz coming into its own after dark. Fifteen 
metres and ten metres may struggle to open, other than through 
Sporadic-E openings, which are now becoming less prevalent as we move 
towards August.

Started in 1993, IOTA is now a major international event, attracting 
thousands of participants from all over the world. Radio amateurs 
will be travelling to islands around the globe, and putting them on 
the air, so it is an ideal opportunity to make some contacts. 

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

The weather is breaking with some heavy thundery showers in 
attendance this weekend, so there's the prospect of some rain scatter 
for the microwave bands. This will only be temporary as fine weather 
returns from Tuesday. That also means that although we are having a 
pause from the almost daily Tropo weather due to the recent high 
pressure, it will return from mid-week to give the prospect of some 
VHF DX paths across the North Sea to the Baltic and Scandinavia, or 
to the south across Biscay to Spain and western France. Sea paths are 
often the best under these summer Tropo conditions.

The Sporadic-E conditions have been a bit variable recently, but 
don't worry about the change of month, as Sporadic-E can go right 
through to early September in a good year. However, we do really need 
a more changeable pattern of weather to bring us the useful jet 
streams, which can be good for Sporadic-E. There are some jet streams 
about, so you maximise the potential for openings by listening for 
the beacons and looking at the clusters. The peak times are typically 
late morning and late afternoon and early evening.

It is only two weeks to go until the Perseids meteor shower, the 
biggest of the year, so check out your equipment and be ready for 
some . literal . fireworks on the 12th.

The moon is past apogee again and declination goes positive on 
Thursday so EME conditions will pick up as the week progresses.

And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  radcom<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

Our thanks to Andy G4TNU for providing this RSGB feed.
-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro

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