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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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VK6BE  > WINPAC   14.12.10 15:03l 22 Lines 1050 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : E70049VK6BE
Subj: Re: VK6BE > Winpack & Win 7
Sent: 101214/1339Z @:VK6ZRT.#BUN.#WA.AUS.OC #:60881 [Boyanup] $:E70049VK6BE

Quite true, Warren but Virtual XP requires Windows 7 Professional and
there's no way I am gonna pay that much for an operating system I don't
need. Incidentally  my "guru" tells me he is taking Windows 7 off machines
and reinstalling XP as fast as the customers line up.Why are they lining
up? Because XP works perfectly well and they don't want to buy new
editions of MS programs which they use regularly.To replace programs such
as Publisher,the old versions of which work perfectly, costs real money
and I for one am not prepared to pay out for it just to be "up to date".
BTW XP runs much faster than 7 on these new machnes. Why? Because XP is a
smaller program than 7 and occupies less disk space and memory..
Bob VK6BE who is enjoying being behind the times.

This one is special just for you. (;->) I'm running Winpack on XP virtual 
machine over Windows 7 and this bull proves your guru is just a bit 
behind the times. Oh and BTW when you upgrade do it right, here's your 

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