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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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VK2AWZ > WINPAC   14.08.10 01:50l 28 Lines 1242 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 390208VK2AWZ
Subj: Re: winpack & windows7
Sent: 100813/2327Z @:VK2DOT.CC.NSW.AUS.OC #:25115 [Niagara Park] $:390208VK2AWZ

    	As others said Winpac works great on Win7. However it won't do a
normal install, because it is only a 16bit program?
	I copied a working Winpac onto a memory stick and then dragged and
dropped it onto C drive of Win 7.
	You don't get the development of Winpac icons doing that way, but no
trouble just change the folder icon to something appropriate.
	A warning however is that if you have put it onto a CD and dropped it on
the H/D most files will be READ ONLY. So just right click on the Winpack
folder and go to properties. A box will come up that shows a tick of
hidden files. Delete this and save for all files and it will be ok.
	Don't worry as you earlier mentioned, that it won't be put into the
registry as most Microsoft programs do. In fact u can drag and drop a lot
of old programs this way and they WILL work!
	Some even have most of their existing earlier programs on a separate hard
disc drive ie E etc and without doing an install, these mostly work ok.
However any programs that edits the registry won't work, due to the
overerly protective nature of Win7 

73 - de Dave, VK2AWZ @ VK2DOT

Message timed: 10:35 on 2010-Aug-14
Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80

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