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VK7AX  > WIA      12.11.13 04:47l 61 Lines 2612 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 27607-VK7AX
Subj: [WIA-News] Terry Ryeland VK2UX - Silant Key
Sent: 131112/0329Z 27607@VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:27607-VK
To  : WIA@WW

Terry Ryeland VK2UX - Silent Key

Date : 11 / 11 / 2013

Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

It is with great sadness that Terry Ryland VK2UX, a doyen of amateur radio 
education and very active in Institute and club affairs, 
passed away on Sunday 10 November, 2013.

He built his first crystal broadcast receiver at the age of 12, 
and then progresses to a two-valve shortwave receiver. He was inspired by 
his father who listened to the US baseball games on shortwave.

In 1954, after listening to a pair chatting on air he gained the courage 
to ride his bicycle to a radio amateur nearby and they formed a long friendship. 
That led to more home-brewing and sourcing bits and pieces through war surplus. 
It was about 1974 that Terry joined a class of prospective radio amateurs 
under the famed Rex Black VK2YA (SK), gained the callsign VK2ZMR, 
then with Morse code became VK2NER and VK2BRQ.

Joining the Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club (BMARC) in about 1975-76, 
just after it ceased as a branch of the WIA. He served with distinction, 
including being its President and Education Officer. 
If anything drove him it was his belief that encouraging newcomers to become 
radio amateurs was a way to make the hobby grow. 
The BMARC made him a Life Member in 1992. 
In the honour, mention was made of his education work that helped many to 
be qualified, and his commitment to building antennas and the like.

Terry had a long commitment to the WIA NSW, where he was President 
at the time and also the Education Officer. In June this year, 
Amateur Radio New South Wales (formerly the WIA NSW Division) at its 
annual general meeting bestowed Life Membership on him for his 
many years of service. 
At a subsequent ARNSW committee meeting Terry VK2UX was again elected as President.

Over the years he was a tutor and class organiser. 
At one time he wrote and had approved exam papers, 
using them at both BMARC and WIA NSW Division. 
In fact he closely influenced the running of examinations.

Terry continued this work with renewed endeavour when the Foundation Licence 
was introduced, and had been trainer and assessor for the 
Standard and Advanced licences too. He had plenty of work ahead of him as a 
Nominated Assessor of the WIA Exam Service, at which he excelled.

Terry Ryeland VK2UX will be sorely missed by clubs and organisations, 
the many new radio amateurs he helped, and all who knew him. 

His family are yet to publicly announce the funeral arrangements.

(Sourced from the WIA Website)

(Posted to the Packet Network courtesy Tony VK7AX)

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