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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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HB9ABX > TEST     30.08.22 12:43l 237 Lines 9373 Bytes #999 (999) @ WW
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Sent: 220830/1035z @:DB0FHN.#BAY.DEU.EU [JN59NK Nuernberg] obcm1.07b12 LT:999
From: HB9ABX @ DB0FHN.#BAY.DEU.EU (Felix)
To:   TEST @ WW
X-Info: Sent with login password

Welcome to the VK7 Amateur Radio News and this was first broadcast on Sunday
the 28th August 2022. At the mike of VK7WI this week is Peter, VK7PD.

On Sunday this broadcast goes out on repeaters all over VK7 and on digital
radio - DMR Talk Group 5 and D-Star Reflector 91C by Clayton VK7ZCR.

We go out on medium and high frequency courtesy of the following rebroadcast

On 1.862 MHz by Graham, VK7GS

On 3.670 MHz by Dale, VK7DG

On 7.140 MHz by Peter, VK7TPE

On 14.130 MHz by Ross, VK7ALH and 

On 28.525 MHz by Garry, VK7JGD

We also go out on UHF CB Channel 15 thanks to Mark VK7FMAC in the Hobart area.

You can hear this broadcast again on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters
VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RAD in Southern VK7.

Contest News
ALARA Contest

Please listen out for YLs, and Scouts and Guides on 27 and 28 August. The Huon
Scout Group did well in last yearâ€Ös contest and will be active again this

The contest is open to all licensed operators throughout the world to
participate. Scout and Girl Guide groups are encouraged to participate using
their Clubâ€Ös equipment and callsign.

The object is all about participation: YLs work everyone; OMs work YLs only.

Operators can use CW and or Phone. It starts Saturday 27th August 2022 at 0600
hours UTC and runs for 24h through until Sunday 28th August 2022 at 0559 hours

Operators can use all HF Bands except 160m and WARC Bands and contacts made on
ECHOLINK will also be accepted.

For the full rules are available on the ALARA website.

73, Linda, VK7QP

Event News
JOTA 2022 Update

Here is a JOTA/JOTI 2022 update from Peter VK7KPC.

Itâ€Ös only just over 50 days to go to this years JOTA/JOTI and at this time
there are at least 5 stations being organised.

Thanks to members of North West Tasmania Amateur Radio Club, the station at
Paton Park has been upgraded ready for activation. They have been actively
searching for some more operators to help on the weekend, even if only for a
few hrs. Please contact Eric VK7EV if you can help. They are also waiting to
hear if Spreyton group has a building to operate from this year, which will
mean an extra couple of operators

Burnie will be having a station operating, probably 10 to some time on the
Saturday. Lucas VK7LSB is looking for a couple of operators to help out.

He is also looking at some small construction projects for the attending youth

The Storm Hut at The Lea has been booked and Noel VK7FLCN and Danny VK7HDM are
planning to activate this site. I have heard that several scout groups have
booked to camp there on that weekend.

The REAST station at the Domain is planned to be open. Randall VK7VWK has
indicated that he is interested in operating from the Domain.

The Radio Patrol comprising licensed scouts from Huonville are considering
operating probably portable in their district. There is another possibility
that they may operate portable in Hobart city as part of a district cub event.

Planning at Rocherlea is under way with most of the normal site activities held
there in recent years. 

We may also have a portable operation on the Sunday, just waiting on further
info from the District Cub Scout Leader.

Thanks to Michael VK7MRS, Assistant Project Commissioner Radio for promoting
JOTA in the South of the state.

More to Follow or QTX if receiving via morse code.

Peter VK7KPC, Project Commissioner Radio, Scouts Tasmania

Contest News
Remembrance Day Contest Logs

Well the 2022 RD contest had been and gone. VK7 had a really good turnout of
eager competitors that had all the bands humming for the full 24 hours. It was
great to also hear that there were many operators handing out the 001 exchange
signifying they have been licensed for 1 year. Hopefully they all had an
absolute ball and will be back again next year with even more enthusiasm.

There was much activity in the south of Tasmania on the various VHF/UHF bands
to keep us all busy, along with quite a few new contest participants and on HF
conditions were much better than some years and there were plenty of operators
form all avenues of the hobby, Club multi multiâ€Ös having a real crack with
incredible dedication to setup and run such complex stations all the way
through to the casual operators with only a few contacts and all those in
between. A staunch group of local amateurs sat up for the full 24 hours and
gave it a real crack and from the sounds of it there are some really high
numbers about so we wait with anticipation for the results.

Iâ€Öm sure myself like many made quite an effort to setup various antennas,
rigs, masts and all sorts of clever things either on the day or the day before.
Many Iâ€Öm sure achieved significant productivity gains to the point we wonder
why we can do this all the time.. but this is special.. this is the RD

Iâ€Öd like to thank those that took time to participate in the contest,
especially those that did the sleep deprivation effort it made it a great fun
event to be involved with.

Please make sure you check your log for any glaring errors or typos that you
spotted during the contest, and never got round to fixing as you were busy and
then submit your log using the wia vklogchecker site by the end of today - the
last day to upload.

Good luck in the contest, see you all for the next one

73, Richard, VK7ZBX

Conference News
Tassie Ham Radio Conference & Expo
As heard on the WIA National News registrations for the Tassie Ham Radio
Conference and Expo are now open.

On Saturday 5th November we have a full day of presentations - a veritable
degustation menu of amateur radio activities that includes - youth engagement,
remote stations, electrical and RF safety, low power portable EME, QRP SOTA,
POTA, WWFF, interference mitigation, digital amateur television, microwave
experimentation, history and much more.

On the Saturday 6th November there are a huge number of vendors coming down in
person. Vendors include ICOM and All About DX and many more. We have a number
pre-loved tables already booked and informational tables including ALARA, WIA,
VEA, WWFF, SOTA, ROAR and many more.

Why not give that shack a good spring clean and sell some of that preloved
equipment so you can save for that new transceiver you've always been wanting.

Additionally if anyone would like to setup a stand showing off their favourite
interest in the hobby, please let us know.

Please email us at tassiehamexpo(at)

This conference and expo is all happening at the University of Tasmania, Sandy
Bay Campus in a spacious and contemporary Sir Stanley Burbury Lecture Theatre

There is plenty of free car parking available directly outside the venue for
those coming in vehicles.

Registrations for the Conference and Expo is NOW OPEN just head to the REAST

We look forward to seeing you all in Hobart!

Tassie Ham Radio Conference and Expo Organizing Committee

Statewide News
Thursday Night SSTV Nets

Ken VK7KRJ who runs the Southern 2m SSTVCam site has done some modifications to
capture the Thursdayâ€Ös 2M SSTV nights.

NTARC gave the modified site a test hammering on Wednesday nightâ€Ös Tech Night
and it is as Ken said  “new sstv web page- it's an infinitely-scrolling page
where they can scroll through every 2m sstv pic that I have received since
about May (currently 408).

The url can be found on the email edition of this broadcast.

It does indeed have a long, long, long list of images divided into manageable
groups of twelve.

Thursday night saw the following participants sharing photos –


Nearly fifty photo, with a science fiction theme for the night. Even if some
are a bit cryptic, like the Red Dwarf ones of Talky Toaster and the two human
faces of Holly the spaceships computer.

73 Stefan VK7ZAB


On Monday night the 22nd August  we held a NW Tassie SSTV Net, on the VK7RMD Mt
Duncan 2m repeater. We had six participants, VK7s WP, LSB, EV, HSC, KPC and OR.
The night allowed participants to test, learn and adjust settings as well as
sending pictures. We had a semi-controlled net, round robin style to allow
people to take turns transmitting, make comment and adjust settings and finally
finished about 9pm. 

A good night was had by all and it was great to have people on air from Sulphur
Creek through to  Launceston, with some being there first delve into SSTV, as
well as some amateurâ€Ös speaking to other amateurs for the first time.


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