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KF5JRV > TECH     14.07.16 13:22l 119 Lines 6639 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 6031_KF5JRV
Subj: IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
Sent: 160714/1116Z 6031@KF5JRV.#NWAR.AR.USA.NA BPQK1.4.65

The IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC), called Mark I by 
Harvard University's staff, was a general purpose electro-mechanical 
computer that was used in the war effort during the last part of World War II.
The original concept was presented to IBM by Howard Aiken in November 1937. 
After a feasibility study by IBM engineers, Thomas Watson Sr. 
personally approved the project and its funding in February 1939.

Howard Aiken had started to look for a company to design and build his 
calculator in early 1937. After two rejections, he was shown a 
demonstration set that Charles Babbage's son had given to Harvard 
university 70 years earlier. This led him to study Babbage and to add 
references of the Analytical Engine to his proposal; the resulting machine 
brought Babbage's principles of the Analytical Engine almost to full 
realization, while adding important new features."

The ASCC was developed and built by IBM at their Endicott plant and shipped to 
Harvard in February 1944. It began computations for the U.S. Navy Bureau of 
Ships in May and was officially presented to the university on August 24, 1944.

One of the first programs to run on the Mark I was initiated on 29 March 1944 by 
John von Neumann, who worked on the Manhattan project at the time, and needed 
to determine whether implosion was a viable choice to detonate the atomic bomb 
that would be used a year later. The Mark I also computed and printed 
mathematical tables, which was Charles Babbage's initial goal for his 
analytical engine.

The Mark I was officially retired, after 15 years of service, in 1959.

Design and construction

The ASCC was built from switches, relays, rotating shafts, and clutches. It 
used 765,000 components and hundreds of miles of wire, comprising a volume of 
51 feet (16 m) in length, eight feet (2.4 m) in height, and two feet (~61 cm) 
deep. It weighed about 10,000 pounds (4500 kg). The basic calculating units 
had to be synchronized mechanically, so they were run by a 50-foot (~15.5 m) 
shaft driven by a five-horsepower (4 kW) electric motor. From the IBM Archives:

    The Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (Harvard Mark I) was the 
    first operating machine that could execute long computations 
    automatically. A project conceived by Harvard University\rquote s Dr. 
    Howard Aiken, the Mark I was built by IBM engineers in Endicott, N.Y. A 
    steel frame 51 feet (16 m) long and eight feet high held the calculator, 
    which consisted of an interlocking panel of small gears, counters, 
    switches and control circuits, all only a few inches in depth. The ASCC 
    used 500 miles (800 km) of wire with three million connections, 3,500 
    multipole relays with 35,000 contacts, 2,225 counters, 1,464 tenpole 
    switches and tiers of 72 adding machines, each with 23 significant 
    numbers. It was the industry's largest electromechanical 

The enclosure for the Mark I was designed by futuristic American industrial 
designer Norman Bel Geddes. Aiken considered the elaborate case to be a waste 
of resources, since computing power was in high demand during the war and the 
funds ($50,000 or more according to Grace Hopper) could have been used to 
build additional computer equipment.

Contribution to the Manhattan project 

Von Neumann joined the Manhattan Project in 1943, working on the 
immense number of calculations needed to build the atomic bomb. He showed that 
the implosion design, which would later be used in the Trinity and Fat Man 
bombs, was likely faster and more efficient than the gun design.

In 1928 L.J. Comrie was the first to turn IBM punched-card 
equipment to scientific use: computation of astronomical tables by the method 
of finite differences, as envisioned by Babbage 100 years earlier for his 
Difference Engine . Very soon after, IBM started to modify its 
tabulators to facilitate this kind of computation. One of these tabulators, 
built in 1931, was The Columbia Difference Tabulator

John von Neumann had a team at Los Alamos that used modified IBM 
punched-card machines to determine the effects of implosion.

On 29 March 1944, he demanded to run certain problems regarding implosion on 
the Mark I. In early August 1944 he arrived with two mathematicians to write a 
simulation program to study the implosion of the first atomic bomb.

    The Los Alamos group completed its work in a much shorter time than the 
    Cambridge group. However, the punched-card machine operation computed 
    values to six decimal places, whereas the Mark I computed values to 
    eighteen decimal places. Additionally, Mark I integrated the partial 
    differential equation at a much smaller interval size [or smaller mesh] 
    and so...achieved far greater precision.


The Mark I had 60 sets of 24 switches for manual data entry and could store 72 
numbers, each 23 decimal digits long. It could do three additions or 
subtractions in a second. A multiplication took six seconds, a division took 
15.3 seconds, and a logarithm or a trigonometric function took over one 

The Mark I read its instructions from a 24-channel punched paper tape. It 
executed the current instruction and then read in the next one. A separate 
tape could contain numbers for input, but the tape formats were not 
interchangeable. Instructions could not be executed from the storage 
registers. This separation of data and instructions is known as the Harvard 
architecture (although the exact nature of this separation that makes a 
machine Harvard, rather than Von Neumann, has been obscured with the passage 
of time, see Modified Harvard architecture).

At first, the Mark I had no conditional branch instruction. This meant that 
complex programs had to be physically long. A loop was accomplished by joining 
the end of the paper tape containing the program back to the beginning of the 
tape (literally creating a loop). Later modifications introduced program 
branching. The first programmers of the Mark I were computing pioneers 
Richard Milton Bloch, Robert Campbell, and Grace Hopper.

Instruction format

The 24 channels of the input tape were divided into three fields of eight 
channels. Each accumulator, each set of switches, and the registers associated 
with the input, output, and arithmetic units were assigned a unique 
identifying index number. These numbers were represented in binary on the 
control tape. The first field was the binary index of the result of the 
operation and the second, the source datum for the operation. The third field 
was a code for the operation to be performed.

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