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G8MNY  > TECH     24.09.08 07:32l 200 Lines 9221 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 3552_GB7CIP
Subj: CW/SSB Rig Frequency
Sent: 080923/2324Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EU #:3552 [Caterham] $:3552_GB7CIP

By G8MNY                                       (New Nov 07)
(8 Bit ASCII Graphics use code page 437 or 850)
Rigs frequency readouts are not all what they seem. Here is an explanation of
why they can be wrong. With the older pre PLL rigs, tiny frequency errors of
a few 100Hz considered was irrelevant, but with 10Hz digital readouts it looks
so bad.

On modern PLL rigs this is the oscillator that is used to lock the VFO to.
Changing this will alter all the Tx/Rx frequencies.

³MASTERÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ´MIXERÃÄÄÄÄÄ´ LOOP ³        The PLL needs to do the whole
³  OSC ³      ÀÄÄÂÄÄÙ     ³FILTER³        of HF down to say 10Hz for
ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ         ³        ÀÄÄÄÂÄÄÙ        good tuning, however correcting
          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ¿      ³           a VFO only 10 times a second
 DIGITAL ð³PROGRAMMABLE³      ³DC         to get 10Hz loop steps is not
FREQUENCYð³   COUNTER  ³      ³Control    a good strategy, as there is
  INPUT   ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÙ      ³           slow tuning response & higher
                 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ>OSC  ³           noise sidebands (wobble)
              ÚÄÄÁÄÄ¿         ³           than a faster loop.
              ³ VFO ÃÄÄÄ<ÄÄÄÄÄÙ
To solve this problem another method is used...

This is a pre calibrated offsets of a crystal oscillator. Sometimes used for
just a 5kHz FM rig shift, but more sophisticated may be up to 256 fine steps.

More typically 100x 10Hz steps to fill in frequency gaps of a 1kHz PLL step
oscillator. Correctly set up the result can be perfect, but incorrect it will
give uneven jumps for each PLL step.

      Just right                 Gain to high               Gain too low
  interpolation steps        interpolation steps         interpolation steps
    Course PLL steps           Course PLL steps            Course PLL steps

So the gain of the interpolation offsets needs to be just right, so that at the
PLL step the interpolation frequency jump provides a step is the same. An
error here may CORRUPT the PLL Master Oscillator calibration!

For direct conversion rigs the PLL is used directly as the Rx & Tx frequency in
SSB but has a Rx offset to generate a CW tone on Tx.

  SSB Direct     CW Direct        FM Only                 Multimode
  conversion   Conversion      Rx   Rigs   Tx                      Tx/Rx
      ³          ³Tone³        LO           ³           LO           ³
     PLL         Rx  Tx         <----IF---->              <----IF---->
    Dial        Rx   Dial     PLL  Jump---->Dial        PLL         Dial

For superhets the Rx LO frequency is offset by the IF, so the PLL is setup to
do that. In an FM only system then the PLL will be asked to jump to the Tx
frequency on Tx (N.B. not to Tx the jump QSY sweep!). In a multimode the Tx
signals are made at the IF frequency & may share the IF filter for bandwidth

With these modes the Tx frequency is the same as the dial. If the rig uses a Tx
IF for these, its frequency will need setting up to generate the dial
frequency. If this is not done after the PLL is set up, & the Tx freq used for
PLL calibration a frequency scaling error will occur & the PLL will be out at
other frequencies!

As well as the LO being offset by the IF frequency the modulation &
demodulation uses an IF BFO in the product detector/mixer. So there is another
frequency to set up. With USB & LSB modes it is placed above or below the IF
filter. The PLL system is programed with these mode offsets....

   USB Dial                                                LSB Dial
     Freq                        Filter                      Freq
   0 _³             ______________________________             |
 -6dB_³           /~                              ~\           |
      ³          /                                  \          |
-40dB_³      _.ú'                                    'ú._      |
      0  100 200 300              USB             2k6 2k7 2k8 2k9 Hz
         2k8 2k7 2k6              LSB             300 200 100  0

On non PLL rigs the BFO is normally set up to place the IF filter at it's best
place for good communications frequencies e.g. 300-2600Hz. But with a PLL
design a BFO frequency error will put the dial out!

      ³BFO      ___________________________
      ³ ³      /                           \
      ³ ³     |                             |
        0     300                         2k6 Hz
     >   <

An exacting way of checking this is to tune into an accurate AM broadcast
signal & select AM, USB, & LSB, modes & see if there is any pitch difference,
there should be none. (If the rig display is one that jumps in frequency
between modes, it will need resetting to the station's frequency when U change
    ________________________ ³ ________________________AM signal
   /         /~~~~~~~~~~~\  \³/  /~~~~~~~~~~~\         \
  |         |     LSB     |  ³  |     USB     |         |
   -4k5   -2k6          -300 0 300           2k6    4k5 Hz

  <----------------------AM Filter----------------------->

Using the RIT to eliminate pitch difference.. Fixed RIT difference may indicate
the PLL is off, a different amount of RIT for USB than LSB indicates the IF
BFOs are off.

Rigs using 2 IFs it is possible to overlap filters of different frequencies to
change the BFO to IF frequency without an apparent frequency shift or to get
variable IF widths.
    Dial                        IF Shifts
    Freq              LOW                                HIGH
      ³         ___________________________________
      ³        /               ú~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ú
      ³       |               :                     |                 :
      0  100 200 300 400 500 600                   2k2 2k4 2k5 2k6 2k7 2k8 Hz

To do this the BFOs/LO are mixed together so that the overall IF difference is

    Freq                          W   I   D   E
      ³            ____________________________________________
      ³           /            ú~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ú            \
      ³          |            :       NARROW       :            |
      0  100 200 300 400 500 600                  2k2 2k4 2k5 2k6 2k7 Hz

Different makers use different controls for these functions. Simple ones let
you narrow the width by removing top or bottom bandwidth in a single control,
more complex ones use 2 controls to give a full combination of the 2 functions.

If set up properly IF shift & bandwidth should not affect calibration, but they
will need calibration in them selves, so that the filters do overlap fully for
the widest IF, say when the control is in the middle. This may have
consequences for the Tx IF/SSB tone.

This is a crystal that is tunable across the IF to filter out unwanted signals
on spot frequencies.

    Freq                       TUNABLE NOTCH
      ³             ________________   _______________
      ³            /                \ /               \
      ³           |               <- U ->              |
      0  100 200 300 400 500                 2k4 2k5 2k6 2k7 2k8 Hz

It will not affect frequency calibration, except to itself so the centre of
control is centre of IF.

Note this is a split frequency mode! In Rx the offset PLL is set up to produce
a CW tone ideally equal to the CW Tx sidetone say 700Hz.

   Rx ---- BFO offset ---- ³         Like the SSB mode to do
    Ã----- Rx CW tone ---->³         are shifted between Tx
                          Dial       & Rx & the 2 frequencies
     <Ä CW AF Sidetone Osc ´         will need setting up if the
          Fixed 700Hz                rig is being calibrated.

Then tuning in to a CW station at the same pitch has your sidetone you will be
able to Tx EXACTLY on the same frequency & not a few 100 Hz out!

If there is a narrow CW IF filter then the BFO will need to be calibrated for
that to do the same.

Of course the above is all true for DSP as well, except that all the
calibrations are in the software, so if the master PLL is OK all should be OK.

But generally to calibrate a Rig's frequency there are several BFO oscillators
to set up.. USB, LSB, CW Tx, CW Rx, AM Tx & FM Tx, as well as the PLL master
oscillator. VHF/UHF sets may have other mixer oscillators as well.

See also my TECH buls on "Calibrating Frequency", & "Off air lock ref osc".

Why don't U send an interesting bul?

73 de John G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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