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G8MNY  > TECH     13.08.10 23:40l 339 Lines 17914 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 59776_GB7CIP
Subj: Oscilloscopes
Sent: 100813/2113Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EU #:59776 [Caterham] $:59776_GB7CIP

By G8MNY                                   (Updated Dec 09)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)

This bull tells you about the basics of Oscilloscopes.

               The display uses 2 coordinates Horizontal X & Vertical Y.
  Y            The 3D Depth Z coordinate can't be displayed on the 2
 /³\ _ Z       axis system, but it is sometimes used as a brilliance
  ³  /|        input. (e.g. grid 1 voltage for TV work).
  ³ /
  ³/           The X coordinate is usually used for time display with
  ÅÄÄÄÄÄÄ>X    an internal time ramp generator (Timebase).

Until recently this has always been a Cathode Ray Tube, usually electrostaticly
                 Deflection           The beam of electrons from the gun are
          EHT      Plates             attracted or repelled by the pair of X
Phosphor  _|_        X Y              & Y plates, that have a differential
 coated  ³   "~Ä-.________________    deflection voltage across them. The more
 front   ³ Glass    []ÄÁÄ Electron³ð  sensitive Y plates are nearest the gun.
 screen  ³  Bulb   [] ÄÂÄ   Gun   ³ð  The gun voltages are usually @ -1kV to
  with   ³   _.-Ä"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    the final gun anode & deflection plates.
Graticule ~~~PDA   X   Y              This means some of the front panel gun
                                      controls may be @ -1kV!

The glass bulb often uses a Post Deflection Acceleration system where Extra
High Tension of several kV is applied to the screen end of the bulb & a spiral
high value resistance coated to the inside eventually reaches the lower votlage
gun anode. The effect of this is to further accelerate the electron beam, but
at the direction already set by the plates, this greatly enhances the
brilliance (electron energy) without needing kilo volts of deflection voltage.

With magnetic defection types (for audio bandwidths) the plates are replaced by
external coils mounted at 90 degrees to their deflection axis. Larger forces on
the electron beam can be applied this way so PDA is not used & deflection
angles can also be much greater (shorter tubes). However as the coils are
inductive & need the drive voltage proportional to frequency & it is this that
limits the usefulness for wide bandwidth scope use, as the drive circuits
become a very inefficient constant current system. A TV CRT magnetic deflection
has fixed scan frequencies & that can be made quite efficient.

Phosphors can be any colour, but green is the brightest to the eye & blue the
best for photography, so blue-green (e.g. P7) colour is common. Phosphor
persistence times or afterglow can be quite slow for scope phosphors to reduce
flicker & for you to follow a very slow trace. The afterglow can be a different

There where more specialist CRTs that permit image storage, these are very
useful for very slow events as well as fast "one offs". They use a 2nd gun to
spay re-energizing electrons that are attracted to the static charge left on
the screen by the 1st gun & keep the screen trace dimly lit for as long as

Modern LCD systems such as on PCs offer a more flexible system, but the A-D
generally used is limited & the quantisation & pixilation of some of the
cheaper offerings are far inferior to a good old CRT display. But different
trace Colours & Storage features are a standard feature.

Graticule.  Controls a light that    ÚÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄ¿
            eliminates the etched    ³    ³    ³    ³    ³ Spot is 3.0
            graticule (like graph    ÃÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄùÄÄ´ divisions
            paper) engraved on       ³    ³    ³    ³    ³ up & 3.4
            the tube or just in      ÃÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ´ divisions
            front of it. (avoid      ³    ³    ³    ³    ³ across from
            parallax error when      ÃÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄ´ the left
            taking measurements)     ³    ³    ³    ³    ³ hand corner.

Brilliance. Alters the brightness by controlling the CRT's electron gun current
            too bright will burn the phosphor over time, especially if left as
            a bright spot or line! Blanking signals are used in the scope turn
            the gun off!
                                                ELECTRON GUN
              SCREEN                        Astig
                                           ÚÄ Á ÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ÚÄ__Cathode
            ³  (  ù  )  ³     Electron beam             |[<Heaters
                                           À¿ Ä ÄÂÄÄÄÄÙ³ÀÄÄÄGrid
                                            ³   Focus  ³

            A bright spot will have faint rings around it due to the electron
            wave length effect at the voltage used in the CRT.

Focus.      Controls the gun mid repelling (focus) tube electrode voltage (see
            GUN diagram above) The effect is to make a weak electrostatic lens
            that focuses the divergent electron beam from the cathode to a
            small spot on the screen.

                        ³          Electrostatic
                        ³              Lens

            A defocussed blob often shows a picture of the cathode surface!

                        ú          ù           @
                    Small dim   Brighter   defocussed
                      spot        spot        blob

Astig.      Astigmatism control is similar to focus, but applied to a pair of
(internal)  plates in the focus tube wall, so it causes the spot to change from
            a horizontal oval to vertical oval shape, enabling a really tight
            small round spot to be achieved.       ÜÜ    ù    Ý

Rotation.   Controls current put on a coil around the tube that puts a small
(internal)  twist on the electron beam, to rotate the whole display so the X &
            Y axises are true to the rectangular faceplate. Round tubes you
            just unclamp & rotate the tube!          _ . -Ä
                                        Ä Ä Ä_Ä.ÄúÄ~Ä Ä Ä Ä
                                        -Ä ~
Geometry.   Controls an additional beam plate voltage used to correct the
(internal)  display to make it exactly fit the graticule for perfect geometry.
            sometimes a pincushan shape. (a carrier will produce a rectangle)
                              _ . -Ä ~  ³       ³~ÄÄ----ÄÄ~³    ..--ÄÄ--..
            ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ      ³          ³       ³          ³   ³          ³
             ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ     ³          ³   or  ³          ³   ³          ³
             ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ     ³         _³       ³          ³   ³          ³
              ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ    ³_ . -Ä ~          ³_.--ÄÄ--._³    ~ÄÄ----ÄÄ~

Y Shift.    Controls the standing DC on the Y plates to set the vertical beam
            position. Use with input grounded for display calibration. For +ve
            only signals set the beam to the bottom graticule, for AC or ñ DC
            use the middle. For 2 channels either superimpose (confusing) or
            use a near top & bottom reference graticule.
              ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿       ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿       ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿       ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
              ³       ³       ³ /\    ³       ³       ³       Ã-------´Y1
              ³  /\   ³+      ô  ³  ôAC     ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍ͵Y1Y2   ³       ³
              ³_³  ³__³DC     ³    \/ ³       ³       ³       Ã-------´Y2
            Internal balance & bias presets may affect the shift offset
            position as the gain is altered. (A calibration round robin.)

Y Gain.     A wide range stepped input attenuator in front of the Y pre-
            amplifier that through the Y defection amp drives the Y plates.
            Volts per division is in 10 3 1 steps or 10 5 2 1 steps per decade.
                                                       __    __
                                          __    __    ³  ³  ³  ³ good square
               ÚÄÄ¿__ÚÄÄ¿   ÚÄÄ¿  ÚÄÄ¿   ³  ³  ³  ³   ³  ³  ³  ³ waves have
                               ÀÄÄÙ         ³__³         ³  ³    invisible
                                                         ³__³    verticals!
                10V/div       5V/div        2V/Div      1V/Div

            There is often an off calibration variable gain control as well.
            A higher gain (e.g. pull for 10x) option switches come at the loss
            of display bandwidth (e.g. 20MHz reduced to 8MHz @ 10x)

            Y Bandwidth can also non linear with small displays OK & large
            ones poor, due to high voltage output amp slew rate limitations.

Y Input     Selects input DC coupled or AC coupled that removes DC components
            from Y input amplifier. Note there will be a DC limit (e.g. 300V)
            An input grounded option is used for shift calibration.

            The BNC input is normally 1Mê//30pF (DC open circuit on AC mode),
            a 10:1 scope probe is designed to use this as its calibrated input
            load. (See ref below)

Y Select    Scopes with more than one Y channel, you can select which one to
            use or both. Sometimes the 2 can be added or subtracted (ADD with
            an inverted channel).
                  .-.                 ___
                 /   \               /   \           Subtracted    _
              Y1³     ³         Y2 ÚÙ     À¿          ¿/ÀÄ¿_ÚÄÙ\ÚÄÙ ÀÄ
            AF Amp     \   /   Distorted    \___/    Distortion after gain
            input 100mV '-'    AF Output 50V 4ê      adjusts cancel signal

X Input     This may be an option when the timebase is off. Normally fixed
            gain in the timebase external trigger input, or using the 2nd Y
            channel amp with all its gain options. Bandwidth quite a bit less
            than the normal Y channels.  ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
                                         ³          . ú '³
                                         ³      .ú '     ³
                                         ³   .ú'X Y plot ³
                                         ³ ,'            ³
                                         ³:              ³
            Lissajous figures can be obtained with an X in & different but
            related frequencies.
                _ _ _        _ _            _ 
               (_X_X_)      (_X_)     \ to (_) to /         8
              X = 3x Y     X = 2x Y       X = Y           X = Y/2

X Shift     This has the same function as the Y shifts but often used to move a
            waveform to a convenient graticule for measurement.

X Gain x5   Often a fixed gain increase rather than variable. Again a higher
            gain will normally reduce the X bandwidth further & also make the
            trace proportionally dimmer. It is used to zoom in to part of the

X Timebase. This is a re-triggerable ramp oscillator that is used to scan the
            spot across the screen.

              off__     ___     Gun Blanking
                   |___|   |___|

                      /³      /³
                     / ³     / ³ Xamp input
                ramp/  ³    /  ³
                ___/   ³___/   ³___
               hold off awaiting trigger

            The time per division can be set over a large range of decade sub
            steps 10 3 1 or 10 5 2 1.

            Ú¿Ú¿Ú¿Ú¿Ú¿Ú¿Ú  ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ Ú  ÚÄÄÄ¿   ÚÄÄÄ¿    ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿        Ú
             ÀÙÀÙÀÙÀÙÀÙÀÙ    ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ      ÀÄÄÄÙ   ÀÄÄ           ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
               20mS/Div       10mS/Div          5mS/Div           2mS/Div

            Off calibration speed variable usually provided to make waveforms
            fit the display better & for % measurement. A "hold off" control on
            some scopes lets you vary the free run timebase frequency without
            altering the sweep calibration.

            During spot flyback the gun is turned off (blanked) to stop any
            misleading traces.

X Trigger   Selected from Y channels, external input or mains line. Trigger can
            be DC or AC input & +/- edge trigger, Variable trigger Level or
            "Stability control" enables the exact height or slope to determine
            the trigger point.
                             +ve slope AC
                                   .Á.    -DC Zero trigger
                     +DC trigger -/   \  /
              +DC Zero trigger - ³     ³Ù    ³
                                /       \   / -DC trigger
                               -ve slope '-'
                               AC trigger/

            An "HF mode" can help recover HF trigger signals better, as can
            triggers filters for line & frame TV waveforms. Some scopes allow
            for alternate channel triggering.

            Some scopes can even show the trigger channel on screen.   

Chop/Alt    With 2 channels being displayed on a singe beam CRT there are 2
            ways to do this. Either chop between them at a high frequency
            (e.g. @ 100kHz) to show low frequency waveforms, where gun blanking
            is done to hide the chop mode edges..

                  _     _    Gun Blanking
             ____| |___| |____ signal
             _____       _____
              ch1 ³ ch2 ³ ch1  Chop Mode Astable
                  ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ Switch matrix control voltage

            Or for higher Y frequencies say above 50kHz, use alternate & change
            ch. every timebase sweep. The timebase now triggers a bistable.
             _____         _______
             ch1  ³  ch2  ³  ch1  ³ Y switch matrix
                  ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ         control voltage
                       /³      /³
                      / ³     / ³ Xamp input
                 ramp/  ³    /  ³
                 ___/   ³___/   ³____
             hold off awaiting trigger

            The switching is done with balanced low impedance lines with a
            diode matrix where only the signal currents are switched.

            Simple scopes do the choice for you depending on timebase setting.

Delay Line. After the switching & before the Y display amp, fast scopes fit a
            signal delay line say around 20nS (e.g. 6M of 100ê twisted wire).
            This gives the timebase time to be triggered before the event
            reaches the display, so you can see it!

            Timebase  ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿   Y delay  ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿  Exaggerated
            delay  _  ³   Ú¿_           ³   >   < Ú¿_         ³  delay here!
              > < ³   ³   ³  À¿_        ³         ³  À¿_      ³  But you are
               _Ü_³   ³ Ü_³     À¿_     ³   ³  _Ü_³     À¿_   ³  able to see
            ³_³ ß     ³ ß  Video   ~³_  ³   ³_³ ß  Video   ~³_³  before the
              |       ³_________________³   ³_________________³  trigger
           Trigger      With no Y delay      With Y delay line   point!

Dual timebase. For more advanced scopes a 2nd timebase able to run at a faster
            rate can be used to select a small part of the waveform. Typical
            example is to display one line from a TV frame waveform, e.g. a
            test line. Bright up highlight mode indicates the waveform section
            that can be expanded up. Extreme brightness is needed for this!
                                                   _                  ___
               ºººÝº|||...                        ³ À¿_           ³  ³   ³
               ºººÝººººº³³³||||..              _Ü_³    À¿_    _Ü__³__³   ³
              _²²²Û²²²²²²²²²²²²²²_²         ³_³ ß         ~³_³ ß          ³_
                 TV  Frame  20mS               2 highlighted lines  128uS
            Main frame triggered A timebase     Line triggered B timebase

Calibrate.  This is usually a square wave of fixed height, sometimes at mains
            frequency, that is used for checking Y gain & timebase, &
            especially for calibrating scope probes. (see Ref. below)
              __³  ³__³ e.g. 500mV peak to peak @ 1kHz.


   DC    _______   _______
Y1ÄÂÄ\. ³Stepped³ ³  Y1   Ã>Trigger          Graticule---Lamp
in À´ÃÁÄ´ Atten ÃÄ´preamp ³              Delay   ______
    AC  ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³x10 optÃÄÄÄÄ¿         line_  ³  Y   ÃÄY+    /\/\/
Y1gain------------ÁÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ     \___________³ ³_³output³Plates
Y1shift------------Ù           ³ Balanced   ³_³ ³ amp  ÃÄY-    \/\/\
   DC    _______   _______     ³ diode matrix   ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
Y2ÄÂÄ\. ³Stepped³ ³  Y2   ÃÄÄÄÄÙ switch          Rotate--Coil
in À´ÃÁÄ´ Atten ÃÄ´preamp Ã>Xamp   |             Brill---CRT G1
    AC  ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³x10 optÃ>Trigger|             Focus---CRT A2
Y2gain------------ÁÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ        |             Astig---CRT A3
Y2shift------------Ù         ______³___   Z in--ÂÄÄÄÄÄÅ--CRT Anode
                            ³  Chopper ³        ³ CRT ³--CRT Cathode
Y Mode----------------------´Astable/ö2ÃÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄ´ PSU ³--CRT Heaters
      Y1¿ÚY2   _______      ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÙ  ³     ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ--CRT EHT
TrigÄÄÄÄ \____³Trigger³  ________  ³ Blank³ Y2   ______
  in          ³ Gate  ³ ³TimebaseÃÄÙ      ³ ³ __³  X   ÃÄX+    /³_/³
+/- ----------³       ÃÄ´        ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ  /  ³output³Plates   _
DC/AC---------³       ³ ³        ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³  ³ amp  ÃÄX-    \³ \³
TV/HF----------Ù          ³  ³               ³    ³  ³
Time----------------------Ù  ³        X in ÄÄÙ    ³  ³
Variable---------------------Ù                    ³  ³
Xshift--------------------------------------------Ù  ³

Also see my buls on "Scope & DMM Calibrator" & "Scope Probes".

Why Don't U send an interesting Bul?

73 De G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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