G8MNY > TECH 13.07.24 09:44l 122 Lines 6122 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 11560_GB7CIP
Subj: Driving Inductive Loads
Sent: 240713/0839Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:11560 [Caterham Surrey GBR]
By G8MNY (Updated Apr 23)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)
If you have ever tried to get a tape recorder head current flat, magnetic
cutting pickup, LF scope scan coils, hearing aid loop etc, you will be aware it
is not very efficient & impossible to match over a wide frequency range.
Z ê RMS Volts
100k´ .ú' Ã100
30k´ .ú' Ã 30
10k´ .ú' Ã 10
===== 3k´ .ú' Ã 3
(((() 1k´ .ú' Ã 1
³ ³ 300´ .ú' Ã .3
Z=R+Xl 100´___.ú' Ã .1
1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Hz
Theory says the impedance Z starts at the DC resistance and then the coil
inductance reactance Xl takes over as you increase frequency. As the impedance
gets higher at higher frequency the self & lead capacitance will resonate coil
making the total Z go very high.
So trying to design a driving stage to give constant magnetic field (or force)
is really impossible. What is normally done in the Valve era was to use a high
series resistor from a high power stage, so the constant current was fed in as
the head Z was always much lower than the series R.
³ Bias Osc
)||( PLayback LS Input>ÄÄ´\. ====
)||( Winding HF Record ³ñ,>ÄÄÂÄ´ÃÄ((()ÄÄ¿
)|| ÚÄ´ÃÄ< Bias ÚÄÄÄ´/ ³ )||Low Z
/~³~\ 0.2u )||High Z R ===C )||Read
³ ³ )||Head The R & C give 6dB/Octave lift
Old Valve Circuit Typical Semiconductor Circuit
For valve tape recorder a large HF bias voltage is applied too. For
transistorised equipment especially battery powered using such a wasteful
approach is not used. Instead pre-emphisis is used to predict the head current
and drive the head from a lower impedance. This gives a flat response OK, but
it has the problem that higher drive voltage is not available as needed for
LOUD treble, so most simple designs suffer from treble clipping (SHUSHY treble)
in the driving amp and this is often mistaken for poor tape etc.
Many years ago I made a tape recorder from scratch using an old Valve type tape
deck and I knew there would be this problem with a semiconductor design. I came
up with this approach still using the AF amp as a drive source, but a step up
transformer that gradually came in at HF to boost the voltage available at the
treble end to give the full unclipped recording level.
Rec )|| ³
³\ 1000u _____ )||48mH )||HIGH Z
³ >ÄÄ´ÃÄÄÄÄ\ ³_)|| )||HEAD
³/ ³Play )||1:10 )||
AF ³ Ú _³_
AMP LS === C
_³_ _³_
At bass to mid the constant current came from a series 10K, from mid to treble
the step up came in as the cap C and the tapping ratio were chosen to give the
drive required step up to maintain the full head current for tape saturation.
I have a 12" one of these, I use it for displaying a spectrum analyser adaptor.
It uses constant current power output drivers with current NFB. The whole thing
runs terribly hot, as any display offset (e.g. trace at the bottom of screen)
needs huge standing current from a low voltage supply, & at only a few 10s of
kHz the supply is far to low to give much deflection current.
³ +10V
+10V @8A Drive ³._ Supply
Display Amp ³ ³ _³ ³ _ DISPLAY
_ Input Ä´\³ ³' ³' ____
ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ ³ñ >ÄÄÂÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ _10v Þ Ý
ÚÄ´/³ 220 1R)|| Y Yoke Clipped Ý Þ
³ ³ ³ )|| Coil Transiant Ý Þ Ý Þ
³ 0R1 Slopping sides on large
-10V @8A _³_ verticals due to lack of volts
Putting the yoke coil in the NFB loop gives the required voltage to frequency
uplift of 6dB/Octave, but due to the coil there is a time delay that causes
instability, so the amp gain has to be reduced at HF to make this circuit work.
Unlike with audio, the signal phase is important on scopes. so no bodges really
work well. :-(
Here is another inductance load! The main problem here is not to overload the
driving amp etc. & still give plenty of treble.
TV ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ Equivalent Loop Circuit
³\LS ³ ³
³/³ ³ ³ ROOM ³ ___()))))_______R cable____
³ ÀÄÄ´ÃÄÙ LOOP ³ ³ ³
³ Cs ³ ÀR radiationÙ
³_____________________³ (very little)
(at audio)
Rs makes up the total DC resistance to not less than 8 ohms, & it has to handle
most of the LS amp power (1-5W). Cs (e.g. 1-10uF) can then boost some of the
treble if needed, as the loop Z goes up due to it's inductance. The lower the
loop DC resistance the bigger Rs needs to be, & the more Cs may have an effect.
If the loop is made more sensitive with several turns, it may be too inductive
(<1mH for 8 ohm system) & treble will be reduced!
Why don't U send an interesting bul?
73 De John, G8MNY @ GB7CIP
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