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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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G8MNY  > TECH     25.02.08 00:00l 192 Lines 9291 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 48038_GB7CIP
Subj: 198kHz Off Air Standard
Sent: 080224/1016Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EU #:48038 [Caterham] $:48038_GB7CIP

By G8MNY                                       (New Feb 08)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850)
I currently use an analogue TV lock reference system (see my buls on "Off Air
lock for Ref osc", "Simple Crystal Oven" & "Crystal Drift Compensation") for
calibrating RF gear, but as this TV source will end in the not too distant
future in London, I took the opportunity to buy someone's old homebrew
veroboard construction version of the 198kHz off air reference project. (from a
Practical Wireless article Dec 1995 by G8JVE, to go with the Robin counter).

Well it sort of worked, but there was far too much PSK on the reference output
following the low speed PSK DATA on the 198kHz broadcast. As well as that it
was quite insensitive despite an extra RF buffer stage over the original
article. It also had a rearranged divide chain (same ICs) to give more useful
reference frequencies.

³External³ ³  RF  ³³     ³³ 2kHz ³³ IF³³  IF  ³³   IF  ³ Rx ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ Lock
³ Active ÃÄ´BufferôMixerô LC IFôAMPôTuned ôLimiterÃÄÄÄÄ´          ÃÄLED
³Ferrite ³ ³      ³³     ³³Filter³³x10³³Filter³³ x100  ³2kHz³  Phase   ³
ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ            ³200kHz             S meter           ³          ³ ³
                      ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿            ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´          ³ ³
  ³Variable³³      ³³  ³³  ³³  ³³  ³³   ³³  ³³  ³                  ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄ¿
  ³ 10MHz  ôBufferôö2ôö5ôö5ôö2ôö10ôö5ôö2³                  ³Multiple³
  ³Xtal Osc³³      ³³  ³³  ³³  ³³  ³³   ³³  ³³  ³                  ³  Slow  ³
      ³        10M   5M   1M   100k   10k     1k                   ³ Filter ³
      ³AFC      Frequency reference/marker outputs                 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÙ

On testing I found the mixer was hard clipping very early, & carefully
following the circuit I found it was incorrectly biased, due to uncut track!
Fixing that showed me there was room for improvement here, a there was 2kHz IF
beats on several of the Mixer bias points, I changed those u1 caps to u47 &
reduced the IF in inputs symptoms. The RF buffer was rebuilt to a simpler less
lossy circuit. (see below)

The problem with the PLL was initially crudely solved with a 100uF & series 2k2
across the AFC line, then it gave a steady 10MHz note.

1/ PLL Filter
Looking into the PLL loop jitter problem, the was a very high Z circuit using a
40 Meg ohm as the R for a 40 second time constant. This obviously was not
working correctly on this layout, possibly leaky old PCB or varicap diodes?

Anyway I redesigned that bit using electrolytics, something the original
designer avoided. But by using 2 identical electrolytics in series across the
5V power rail, I avoided the most of the leakage problems & I gained instant
half rail AFC voltage on initial power up, for fast lock up time.

              +³100u    4x 1N4148
              ===    ÚÄ´<ÃÄÄÂÄ´<ÃÄÄ¿       Scope
Varicap        ³     ³      ³      ³         o    IC CD4046
         ÃÄ2k2Ä´     ³      ³      ³  ³           Pin 13
         ³     ³     ÀÄÄ1MÄÄÁÄ220kÄÙ  ³ 1u
        ===   +³                     ===
      u1 ³    ===100u                 ³

I enhanced the variable CR system with 2 more diodes & resistor, so out of lock
you have 39k to 200uF (8S), @ 1V from lock add a 220k (50S) & then @ less than
0.5V add a 1M (200S).

The 39k & 1u (39mS) is needed to remove the 5V 2kHz pulses & reduce the 10Hz
phase shift to below 0.5V. This however is a loop time constant that would
oscillate, so the 2k2 is added to damp this oscillation, but not to big to let
through to the AFC line, any significant amount of the PSK data.

At lock, the scope point using a ö10 or ö100 probe & locked to a fraction of
50Hz mains (e.g. 12Hz> you see.
     +5V ³³³³³³³³³ 2kHz phase
         ³³³³³³³³³ correction
         ³³³³³³³³³ needle pulses   \/ PSK Ripple
       ..ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÄ-...__________..   Under 0.5V
          Mean 2.3V/   ³³³³³³³³³   /\ Swing.
      0V_              ³³³³³³³³³
           SLOW  P.S.K.  DATA

The PSK data pulls on the stored AFC voltage several times a seconds.

2/ As there was an ugly hole in the box & a S meter/centre zero meter & switch
fitted, I developed a circuit for these, a manual Centre Zero mode with a pot
to fill the hole.

     pot   ÚÄ27kÄÄ´                                      oÄÄÄ< S meter circuit
+5V on/off ³     \³/         Loop    Green        ______/
 Ào\___o\__ÃÄÄÄÄÄ47kÄÄ6k8ÄÂÄ<Filter  LED         ³       oÄÄÄÄÄ22kÄÄÄ>CD4046
     ³           Pot      ³  AFC     ³           ÃÄÄÄÄÄ¿ CZ mode      Pin 2
     ³                  ³/         ³/          /~~~\  +³
     ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ3k9ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ T1     ÚÄ´ T2       ³Meter³ ===
     ³                  ³\e      ³ ³\e         \___/   ³100u
     ³                   _³_     ³  _³_         _³_   _³_
     ³                           ³

The switched log pot I used had a double make e& I needed a changeover. Leaving
the pot in circuit & using T1 to short incoming AFC line I achieved the same
function, & T2 shorts out the Green in lock LED to indicate it is in manual off
lock mode.

As the pot was log the varicap angle-frequency action was not quite linear so
27k is put max to centre & 6k8 on min end, gave a really even feel to the
offset (ñ10Hz @ 10MHz) with a 2.3V centre.

The Centre Zero meter action was take from pulses directly from the unused IC
pin 2 via a 22k to set the meter sensitivity. If you scope that pin see.

 ³   ³ ³ ³³   ³  The average changes a little depending on the two 2kHz phases.

3/ I added an AGC, as I found the mixer & other stages could overload &
possibly add phase mod from the AM signal before the signal was tightly
filtered. I did not want to remove RF buffer gain, as this is useful when in
building with weak signals. So I used a NPN to short out the external FET
preamp supply & this gave a very good AGC no distortion AGC action & gave the S
meter with usable log scale.

                           ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÂÄÄÄ+12V             ÚÄÄÄ>S meter
            d              ³        ³  2k2                 100K
||       g ÃÄÄÄÄÂÄ15kÄ¿   22k      1M   ³  4n7            preset        IF
||ÚÄÄÂÄÄÂÄ>³    ³     ³    ³   4n7  ³   ÃÄ´ÃÄ>Mixer          ³   u1    Opamp
||(  ³  ³\ ÃÄÂÄÄ)ÄÄ´ÃÄÁÄ>>ÄÅÄÄÄÄ´ÃÄÄ´ ³/          ÚÄÄÄÂÄ100kÄÁÂÄ´ÃÄ*ÄÄ< pin1
||( === ³/\ s³  ³  1u       \³      ÀÄ´ RF Buff   ³   ³+     _³_   No
||(  ³ ===   ³ ===        AGCÃÄÄÂÄÄ¿  ³\e         ³  ===     /_\  Series
||(  ³ /³   4k7 ³1u        e/³ === ³    ³         ³   ³10u    ³     R
External Active Aerial  BNC     u1 ³          AGC ³

4/ Frequencies
As this design was not quite to the published wiring here is the arrangement.

The narrow 1:5 200kHz pulses fed to the mixer has been ramped a bit with an
additional 4n7 & 1k, instead of a 10k, this yields 3dB more mixer gain (ideally
a 100mV square wave is best).

                          4n7 ÚÄÄ>Mixer
       74LS132       74HC390  ³         74HC390
           ³14         16³   1k         16³    2kHz
10MHz   ÚÄÄÁÄ¿  10M   ÚÄÄÁÄÄ¿ Ão200    ÚÄÄÁÄÄ¿  o
Buffer>´1 11ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´1  15ÃÄ´ kHz   Ú´3  15ÃÂÄÁÄÄ>to Phase
       À´2  8ÿ       ³    9ÃÄÙ     50À´4   9ÃÙ     Comparator
       Ú´3 12ô    ÚÄÄ´3    ³       kHz³     ³
       ô4 13ÃÙ    ÃÄÄ´4  13ÃÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄ´1  13ÃÄÄÄÄÄ¿
       À´5  6ÿ    ³  ³     ³     ³    ³     ³     ³
        ³   9ô    ³ Ú´14 12ÿ    ³   Ú´14 12ÿ    ³
        ³  10ô    ³ ô2   7ô    ³   ô2   7ô    ³
        ÀÄÄÂÄÙ³    ³ ³ÀÄÄÂÄÄÙ³    ³   ³ÀÄÄÂÄÄÙ³    ³
          7³  ³    ³ ³  8³   ³    ³   ³  8³   ³    ³
              o    o         o    o           o    o
             10M   5M       1M   100K        10k   1k
              ÀÄÄ´ÃÄ470ÄÄÂÄÄÄÂÄÄ(o Output
                33n     _³_ _³_ ³  1V p-p
                        \_/ /_\ ³
5/ Output Protection
By adding a the 1N4148 diode clipped attenuator the TTL chips are protected
from external static damage & small amounts of accidental RF (10W?).

I now have a very accurate marker for HF, & I can calibrate Frequency counters
or lock then up to this source, as well as lock up my 100Hz-1GHz PLL sig gen.
For VHF & UHF, Xtal oscillators age & can't be relied on to maintain high
accuracy over several years. This accurate source (better than 1 in 10^7)
enables checking of standards.

Why Don't U send an interesting bul?

73 De John, G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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