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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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G8MNY  > TECH     11.09.21 09:47l 173 Lines 8438 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 46421_GB7CIP
Subj: Marconi Counter Type 2432A
Sent: 210911/0745Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:46421 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

By G8MNY                                   (Updated Nov 20)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)

I have repaired one of these old Marconi Instruments 560MHz Precision Frequency
Counters, Model No.52432-313Z.

 ³  _    __________________      ³    Burst Mode, holds reading on sig loss
 ³ (_)  ³ø8.³     ³  >2 10Hz-200MHz 25mV-5V (250V 50Hz) 1Mê BNC
ɵ      ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ     Æ»   AF filter, <200kHz
̵   _           _               ƹ   LF Multiplier, 0.01Hz Res to 13kHz (1Sec)
º³  (_)  Ý Ü  Ý (_)  Û Û Û Û ±   ³º Gate times  10S, 1S,  10mS,  1mS
º³   1           2               ³º Resolution 0.1Hz,1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz ñ1 count
º ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ º Oven Ref Output & Ext 1MHz 1V BNCs

I could not find a diagram for this "A" version, board layout & circuit are not
the same as the 2432 model, the 3 power supplies are all different. But the
counter & ICs are all the same, so a good starting point.

"Not working", there was no -12V, caused by a shorted tantalum capacitor, &
that had taken out the T05 pass transistor. The +12V +5V rails were both
dangerously high, due to no negative rail on their control 741 op-amps! A
simple fault, if none of the chips were fried with the over voltage, it should
work now? But life is never that simple, as that was not the only fault! The 1S
gate range read 10x too low & other ranges occasionally read 0.6x low.

        Drivers  Timers  40pin IC   TOP PCB    Up End Out Rigger
       =============================================== Connection
FRONT  Ý7seg        JoiningÀÂÂÂÂÂÂÙ     Hing out
       Ý                 PCB||||||     /~~~~~~~~~~\  [ MAINS IEC
       ÝLEDs              ÚÄ||||||Ä¿  ³   Mains    ³ [ & Volts
       _ _ _ _ _ _ _  XTAL³ |||||| ³  ³   Toroid   ³ Ä¿           REAR
BNCs      Screened    OVEN³ |||||| ³   \__________/  ÄÙRef BNCs
IN  ÚÄÜÜ  Pre-amps    UNIT³ÚÁÁÁÁÁÁ¿³   metal frame  o< Age Cal
& SWÀÄßß=============================================
       - - - - - - -   Pre-scalers  *    PSUs  BOTTOM PCB

Pressing hard on the top PCB did change the faults, but a good solder up over
the 2 PCBs, did nothing! All these faults eventually proved to the large main
special counter IC, with it's 40 gold plated pins & socket on the top PCB.
Re-seating it MANY TIMES initialy cleared all the faults, so no blown chips,
from the original PSU fault. But it did not stay OK for long so I looked inside
the IC holder to see several broken socket fingers! So I soldered the IC
directly in. (well you would never get a replacement IC)

A year later another fault appeared, the Ovened 10MHz Ref Osc stopped working!
An aged rubber sleeve (conducting) around the Trimmer C was the fault, after
much poking around.

The 2 inputs both see pre-amps with a common AGC (90dB LF, 54dB UHF) & are
relay selected, to feed a special gated UHF ö10 pre-scaler IC, then into an HF
ö10 pre-scaler, & last into a ö2. The resultant ö200 feeds the slower special
40 pin main 5.5 digit counter IC. The pre-scalers also feed 9 BCD data lines,
read during gate reset time, for the additional (LSD) 2.5 digit information to
make up the 8 digit read out.

                     TB Gate            Gate time select
                   ÚÄ<ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿10m 100m 1S 10S LF
                   ³    Reset/read    ³ v   v   v   v   v
       VHF-UHF     ³ ÚÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄ<ÄÄ¿³ |...|...|...|...|......DP......
1)fuse-Preamp__  ÚÄÁÄÁ¿ÚÄÁÄÄ¿ÚÄÁÄ¿  ÚÁÁÄÁÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÁ¿             \
        ÃAGC   \_³ö10 ôö10 ôö2 ÃÄ>´   MAIN 5.5 DIGIT   Ã>DRIVERS->8x 7seg
2)ÄÄxÄÄPreamp__  ÀÂÂÂÂÙÀÂÂÂÂÙÀÄÂÄÙÚ>´     COUNTER IC     ³       LED display
  Filter                 BCD data          ³        |  |
                   ÚÄÄÄ¿          ÚÄÄÄ¿    ³        |  À-->Overflow LED
      Ref 10MHzÄÄ>Ä´ö10ÃÄÂÄÄÄÄ\___³ö10ÃÄÄ>ÄÙRef     |
       Osc Oven    ÀÄÄÄÙ ³ ÚÄÄ  | ÀÄÄÄÙ   100kHz    À--------->Gate LED
                         ³ ³ ÚÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
Int)<ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÃÄ´Auto Ext Ã----------------------->Ext LED 
      1MHz                 ³ ³Ref Sence³

The main IC determines the TimeBase gate time & is feed with 100kHz reference.
This is derived from a fairly accurate & stable 10MHz Xtal osc & buffer in the
electronicaly controlled oven.

The fast reading LF multiplier range (a useful LF feature) gives resolution
down to 0.01Hz in 1 second! It counts reference clock for a few input cycles
(100kHz Ref & Gate swapped) & then the reciprical is calculated & displayed.
But it only works up to 13kHz!

The +5V rail has a preset for setting it to +5.10V & the +12V rail follows. The
-12V is independant.

Input 1 VHF-UHF, pre-amp tends to oscillate @ 400MHz with no input, & a lockout
preset (like a squelch) kills the erroneous reading. When adjusted well, it
managed >810MHz @ 1V input (5V max=250mW).

Input 2 AF-VHF, pre-amp has a Schmitt trigger, & setting the bias preset (DC1)
well, is very important for best sensitivity, & good to VHF. It managed >320MHz
@ 1V input.

Both pre-amps share the same AGC preset with 6V DC set testpoint (no signal).

Reference oscillator calibration is done after at least 15 min warm up with the
rear multi-turn preset. Compare the 1MHz output with an off air locked 1MHz on
dual beam scope (while counting something), or just count a reference source.

Overflow LED lights over 99999999 count, but the display is still accurate for
>8 digits.

Square law Time-Hz plot of a 10MHz off air locked reference.
  Hz     _
 +20´   Þ 'ú Fast Oven   - - Longer term Oven & PCB warm up heat drift - -
 +10´   Ý   ' Heat Up            Heater &
 5.0´  Þ     ' Overshoot        Thermisitor
 2.0´  Ý      '                Delay Oven Cycle
 1.0´  Ý       '              .ú''''ú.    .úúú.      
 0.5´ Þ         '           ú'        ''''     'ú...ú''ú.  ..    
 0.2´_Þ_  _  _  _ú _  _  _.'_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ ''_ 'ú''ú.ú'úúú..
-0.2´ Þ           ,      .                       _     -
-0.5´ Þ                 ú            _     -  
-1.0´ Ý            'ú.ú' _     -  Warm up Drift Compenstion diode
-2.0´ Ý      _     -           Correction offset mod for quicker accuracy.
-5.0´ Ý-                      I------------------------------------------->
    0     0.5      1       2       4       8      16      30      60    120Min
 Longer term Oven & PCB warm up heat drift

In use it gives repeatable accuracy of < 2/10^7 ñ1, or less than ñ2Hz in 10MHz
after 1 min warm up! But 1 hr for 20x better stable reading of < 1/10^8 ñ1, or
less than ñ0.1Hz in 10MHz! (ref to an off air source)

The internal reference is 10-100x more stable/accurate than a non-ovened Xtal
in a cheaper counter, or for that matter your rig !

MODIFICATION. To reduce the warm up drift of above in a few mins.

+12VÄÄ750RÄÂÄÄÄÄ¿                      ÄÂÄ+12V
          _³_  10K            *1N4148  43K*    Cal Voltage to 
     6.8V /_\' Cal<ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´<ÃÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ>Varicap of ref Osc
           ³   Pot  *4u7 ===     Inside Oven 

Put *4u7 near oven connections to reduce stray Counter input pickup affecting
the reference. Take plastic cover off oven & put *diode & 43K under the foam

OVEN LED MOD. This shows when Oven is warming up.

+12V >ÄÂÄÄ5R6ÄÂÄÄo Heater
       ³      ³
       ÃÄÄ´>ÃÄ´1N4001     The main PCB +12V track is cut feeding 
       ³      ³           the oven & components soldered to the
       e\³   4K7          tracks & nearby ground. A wire is threaded
     PNP ÃÄÄÄÄÙ           from the 2k7 to the front bezel & a small 
        /³     //         LED -ve lead clamped under the metal surrond
       ÃÄÄ2K7Ä´>ÃÄ¿       under the Overload LED. Care must be taken
      4K7         Á       to avoide other components! 

See my other tech buls "Watson 'Hunter' Counter Mods", "PIC Freq Counter Mods",
"Old Venner Counter Type TSA3334", "198kHz Off Air Standard", "Off Air Lock for
Ref Osc", "Calibrating Frequency" & "RTT Comms Test Set".

Why Don't U send an interesting bul?

73 De John, G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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