I0OJJ > SYSOP 23.03.08 23:00l 685 Lines 30771 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
Subj: H-addr/FWD designators
Sent: 080323/2027z @:I0OJJ.ILAZ.ITA.EU [Colleferro] obcm1.07b3
X-Info: Sent with login password
Ciao a tutti,
ho provato a mandare questo msg come SP sia a Marco IW2OHX e sia
a Mirco IK4XQC ma ho visto che obcm *stranamente*,indirizza
tutto il traffico SP verso IQ0LT... ma questo non sarebbe un problema
se poi i msgs venissero forwardati verso le destinazioni volute.
Questa cosa *strana* non era mai successa prima che fosse operante il
nodo XNET... poi vedremo insieme anche questo fatto... e come fare
per forzare le routes SP verso un PBBS anziche' quello che sceglie il
sistema obcm.
Ho parlato di XNET, ma puo' darsi che questa volta non c'entri, HI!
Siccome la 'nota tecnica' allegata e' in inglese, la potranno leggere
anche gli altri SysOp del mondo visto che anche i msgs @ITA vengono
forwardati dappertutto... ho trovato i miei SB@ITA in Giappone e
negli USA e credo che siano arrivati dappertutto... poco male!
Va bene... comunque siccome il sistema del forwarding funziona
secondo certe precise regole che sono state anche fin troppo
dettagliate nel documento... allora leggete attentamente e poi
trattiamo la compilazione dei files di forwarding per i sistemi
(x)fbb e obcm che vanno per la maggiore.
Buono studio.
Gus i0ojj
---------------------------------cut here--------------------------------
Ciao Marco,
ti invio uno studio sul problema del forwarding che dibattevamo intorno
all'anno 2000, come vedi la materia ritorna sempre di attualita'.
Nell'ANNEX 1 c'e' il dettaglio dell'indirizzo gerarchico delle regioni
italiane con le 'call areas' stabilite dal Ministero delle Comunicazioni.
Da notare anche che gran numero di PBBS c'erano ancora nel 2000!!!
Gus i0ojj
---------------------------------cut here-------------------------------
From : I0OJJ
Type/Status : PF
Date/Time : 22-Jun-00 13:55
Bid (MID) : 40142-I0OJJ
Message nr : 564430
Title : H-addr/FWD designators
Hello all,
recent msgs originating in Europe and some requests from SysOps to translate
into English language a document (see ref. 4 of attached text), concerning
some notes about 'Forwarding designator elements' written in italian language,
prompt me to collect, and then, studying and synthetizing, the most recent
'official' documentation, with the aim also to revisit and up-to-date our ham
I hope to be suceeded in elaborating the present work and that, this might
help someone on the matter and so, as a contribute for all ham-radio
73 de Gus i0ojj
------------------------------cut here--------------------------------------
22 June 2000
(A revisited and up-to-dated proposal for packet-radio
*standards* by Gus, i0ojj)
1. BBS Hierarchical Addressing Protocol - Dave Wolf, WO5H et
al. - August 30th, 1994.
2. International Routing Designators - Jenkins, Lew N6VV et
al. - October 1, 1988.
3. Some comments on the Hierarchical Continent Address
Designator - Clark, Tom W3IWI - September 22, 1990.
4. Elementi designatori del forwarding (only IT) - Gus Ponza,
I0OJJ - 5 February 1998 (up-to-dated and superseded by the
present proposal).
5. Working Paper on Creation of Dot-EU Top-Level Domain -
European Commission - 2 February 2000 - approved last days
also at level of individual Governments of European Union.
6. Countries or areas, codes and abbreviations - revised 16
February 2000 (ISO ALPHA-3 code).
7. Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions and
component geographical regions - revised 16 February 2000.
8. Various documentation collected from packet-radio network
during about a decade as PBBS SysOp.
The following would be a *further* attempt to define the
information that should be placed in the "TO" and the "@"
portions of a message.
These info will help to comprise the HIERARCHIAL ADDRESS
of a message and consequently it concerns with the correct
compilation of forwarding files.
The two types of messages that are discussed here are
If it is a Personal message, the first line that is sent may
look like |
this: +---+-------------- (S)end the (P)ersonal message
| +------- (TO) IK1GKJ
| | +--- distribute to the PBBS IK1MSL
| | | located in Piemonte region
| | | in ITA
| | | in EUROPE
-+ -----+ +-----------------
Or, if it is a Bulletin, it may look something like this:
+-----+------- (S)end a (B)ulletin
| +-- addressed (TO) anyone interested
| | to (AMSAT) informations
| | +- distribute to the geographic
| | | location (Lazio region)
-+ --+-- +---
example 2: SB AMSAT @ ILAZ
In example 1 the message being sent is Personal and needs a
specific GEOGRAPHIC HIERARCHICAL address. The hierarchy of the
address is parsed from right to left and identifies the
location of the station to whom the message is addressed. The
format of that address is as follows:
+---- Send Personal +- AF - Africa
| +- NA - NAmerica
-+ +- SA - SAmerica
+----- +----- +--- -+- | +- EU - Europe
| | | | +- CONTINENT -+- OC - Oceania
| | | | (see Note 2)
| | | +-- COUNTRY -----+- PRT - Portugal
| | | (see Note 2) +- ESP - Spain
| | +-- REGION +- FRA - France
| | (see Note 1) +- xxx - yyyyyyy
In our italian system, the administrative part (and also a
manageable area for packet-radio purposes) wich characterizes
a distinct *geographical area* below the *country area* is
called Region (there are 20 Regions wich, in some instances,
identify also a *call area*) and to wich we can (or *must*)
address the forwarding, in a well defined mode, without any
possible ambiguity of *geographic route*. See Annex 1.
The just done considerations make clear that adding another
field to our r-lines between, PBBS callsign and Region, filled
for example with the abbreviation (numberplate) of our
(italian) 'provinces' (in many instances a consistent number
within each region), prefixed with, or without a '#' sign,
besides being useless (unproductive) as per forwarding rule,
could be lead also (in general) to an incorrect messages
The Country and Continental H designators are *ignored* when
the message is in its particular domain. Example: in a msg
wich originates inside Lazio region and addressed to a
station of the same region, the Nation and Continent
designators (.ITA.EU) will be ignored.
The *general* format, wich could be represent almost all
over the world realities follows:
+---- Send Personal
sp call @ pbbs.region.state.country.continent
(a) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(a) = valid callsigns as defined by local communications
(b) = may be a 'Region', an 'Area routing number', a
any other 'large' Administrative/Postal district
existing *below* the Country, or *below* the
State/Province areas (as defined into the next (c)
This field *MUST* be defined by each Country.
(c) = the names of 'States' or 'Provinces' into wich some
Countries are subdivided. This field is applicable
*ONLY* for such a systems in wich this situation is
foreseen. Classic situations in wich 'State' or
'Province' applies are, for example: USA 'states',
Canada 'provinces', Mexican 'states', Chinese
'provinces', Brasilian 'states', Australian
'provinces'(?) an so on; for all other countries
this field *must* not exist.
At the risk to be repetitious I guess that, while
the reference to the "State" appear be generally
understood, that for "Province", *not yet*, in
particular, in this context, I would stress the
the concept that we refer to the word "Province" as
that, *exclusively* applicable to those very large
areas as for the above examples and for other
equivalent situations; all other applications are a
very big error.
(d) = the names of 'Countries' or 'Areas' code as per
International Standard ISO 3166-1, Codes for the
representation of names of countries and their
subdivisions-Part 1: Country codes, ISO 3166-1: 1997
(E/F), International Organization on Standardization
(Geneva 1997);
(ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/49/Rev.4/WWW revised 16 February
2000). See Annex 2.
(e) = the 'Continent' in accordance with 'Composition of
macro geographical (continental) regions and
component of geographical regions' as excerpted from
the United Nations publication in press, also
revised 16 February 2000:
Note: No ISO ALPHA-x code has been foreseen for
Continent's designation into the above
official documentation and others (United
Nations, NATO, EEC, UEO, etc.) as per my own
Code proposed by myself as *standard* for each
'Continent' or 'Particular groups of geographical
Regions' is defined by a *two letter* code.
Africa - (Eastern Africa, Middle Africa, Northern
Africa, Southern Africa, Western Africa).
Code AF
North America - (Northern America, Caribbean and
Central America).
Code NA
South America
Code SA
Asia - (Eastern Asia, South-central Asia, South-
eastern Asia, Western Asia)
Code AS
Europe - (Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern
Europe, Western Europe)
Code EU
Oceania - (Australia and New Zealand, Melanesia,
Micronesia, Polynesia)
Code OC
In example 2 the message being sent is a Bulletin. In
Bulletins the hierarchy of the address is expressed in both
the TO (expressing an AREA OF INTEREST) and the @ (expressing
the GEOGRAPHICAL ADDRESS) namely, the portion of the address
wich identifies the DISTRIBUTION AREA.
This will forward using the address found after the @ PBBS
Send Bulletin -+ +----------- TO portion of address
| | wich identifies the
| |
| | +------- @ portion of address wich
| | | identifies and limits the
The TO portion identifies the AREA OF INTEREST, which
usually is a topic such as DX, HELP, FBB, SAT, etc. It helps
identify the population of persons who have an interest in
reading the Bulletin.
The @ portion of the message narrows the distribution of the
Bulletin to specific GEOGRAPHIC AREAS (e.g. ITA, ILAZ, IPIE
etc.) and, in a few rare cases to a broad *topical area* (e.g.
Some examples:
SB HAMFST @ ILAZ advertise ham for a HamFest in Lazio
SB DX @ ITA a DX bulletin for distribution (whole ITA)
SB USERS @ I0OJJ Information for users of I0OJJ PBBS
SB JNOS @ WW for Hams concerned in JNOS (whole world)
The following are examples of the *information* that should
be placed in the TO position of a BULLETIN. They identify the
AREA OF INTEREST (they are proposed from myself as
|ALL All packet stations (see note below)
|TUTTI All packet stations in Italy (see note below)
|????? Every nation useing the equivalent expression
| within its territory (ALLE for DE, TOUS for FRA etc)
|AMSAT Satellites info
|ARI ARI bulletins (an IT ham club)
|ARRL ARRL bulletins (USA ham league)
|BAYCOM BayCom PBBS and pkt terminal info
|CALLS last calls issued from national authority
|CISAR CISAR bulletins (an IT ham club)
|CLUB Club events/meet/etc.
|DX DX reports and info
|EVENT announcement
|FBB7 7plus msgs about F6FBB server and related utilities
|FBB_7 7plus msgs about F6FBB server and related utilities
| (the same 'formula' as per above examples to be
| applied for all existing SW to be splitted into
| 7plus parts)
|HAMFST Hamfest/flea market info.
|HELP need help, questions
|INFO General information
|JNOS JNOS and related info
|xNOS (for other SW as TNOS, UKNOS etc.)
|KEPS Keplerian Elements (satellites)
|LIST Lists, PBBSs, Nodes, Freqs
|MAPKEY Index or lists of maps
|MODS re: equipment mods.
|NETWRK packet network info.
|PUBSVC Public service info.
|SAT Satellite info
|SPACE Space News
|SPLIT Generic prg msgs coded in 7plus
|TCPIP TCPIP information
|TPK TPK prg info
|TSTH TSTHost prg info
|TSTHW TSTHost prg for WIN9x
|WINPAK WinPack prg info
|????? All other packet PBBS/Pkt terminal prgs
|USERS All users of a single PBBS
|VIRUS All news and AntiVirus software
|(to be continued)
Msg# TSLD Dim To @BBS From Date/Time Title
564146 B$ 9045 SYSOP WW I0OJJ 0619/2327 ROUTINGS
NOTE for ALL (TUTTI) - Use the ALL designation sparingly.
along with an AREA OF INTEREST
i.e.: TSTH @ ITA
The following are examples of the information that should be
placed in the @ BBS position of a BULLETIN. They identify the
|ITA National distribution
|ILAZ For distribution to Lazio Region only
|ROMA For distribution to Province of Rome only
|EU For distribution in EU domain
|WW For distribution all over the world
|USA For distribution in all United State of America
|FRA For distribution in France
|AMSAT National AMSAT info.
|(to be compleded for each country area)
Msg# TSLD Dim To @BBS From Date/Time Title
564146 B$ 9045 SYSOP WW I0OJJ 0619/2327 ROUTINGS
73 es QRO de Gus i0ojj
Annex 1:
FOR ITALY (by Gus i0ojj).
Italy consists of 20 administrative Regions (as of June 2000)
+- Numeric part of callsign assigned to the Region
| +- Part of hierarchical address (region.country.continent)
| |
| | +- Name of Administative +- PBBS active as
| | | Regions | of 20 Jun 2000
-+ +----------- +------------------------ +-- (total 206)
0 .ilaz.ita.eu Lazio 16
0 .isar.ita.eu Sardegna 8
0 .iumb.ita.eu Umbria 6
1 .ilig.ita.eu Liguria 7
1 .ipie.ita.eu Piemonte 18
1 .ivda.ita.eu Valle d'Aosta 1
2 .ilom.ita.eu Lombardia 30
3 .ifvg.ita.eu Friuli Venezia Giulia 7
3 .itaa.ita.eu Trentino Alto Adige 6
3 .iven.ita.eu Veneto 16
4 .iemr.ita.eu Emilia Romagna 13
5 .itos.ita.eu Toscana 16
6 .iabr.ita.eu Abruzzo 7
6 .imar.ita.eu Marche 12
7 .ibas.ita.eu Basilicata (MT prov. only) 1
7 .ipug.ita.eu Puglia 7
8 .ibas.ita.eu Basilicata (PZ prov. only) 1
8 .ical.ita.eu Calabria 7
8 .icam.ita.eu Campania 9
8 .imol.ita.eu Molise 1
9 .isic.ita.eu Sicilia 17
Annex 2:
revised 16 February 2000
(listing in alphabetical order)
Country or area name ISO ALPHA-3
Afghanistan AFG
Albania ALB
Algeria DZA
American Samoa ASM
Andorra AND
Angola AGO
Anguilla AIA
Antigua and Barbuda ATG
Argentina ARG
Armenia ARM
Aruba ABW
Australia AUS
Austria AUT
Azerbaijan AZE
Bahamas BHS
Bahrain BHR
Bangladesh BGD
Barbados BRB
Belarus BLR
Belgium BEL
Belize BLZ
Benin BEN
Bermuda BMU
Bhutan BTN
Bolivia BOL
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH
Botswana BWA
Brazil BRA
British Virgin Islands VGB
Brunei Darussalam BRN
Bulgaria BGR
Burkina Faso BFA
Burundi BDI
Cambodia KHM
Cameroon CMR
Canada CAN
Cape Verde CPV
Cayman Islands CYM
Central African Republic CAF
Chad TCD
Channel Islands ---
Chile CHL
China CHN
Hong Kong Special Administrative HKG
Region of China
Macao Special Administrative Region of China MAC
Colombia COL
Comoros COM
Congo COG
Cook Islands COK
Costa Rica CRI
Cote d'Ivoire CIV
Croatia HRV
Cuba CUB
Cyprus CYP
Czech Republic CZE
Democratic People's Republic of Korea PRK
Democratic Republic of the Congo COD
Denmark DNK
Djibouti DJI
Dominica DMA
Dominican Republic DOM
East Timor TMP
Ecuador ECU
Egypt EGY
El Salvador SLV
Equatorial Guinea GNQ
Eritrea ERI
Estonia EST
Ethiopia ETH
Faeroe Islands FRO
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FLK
Fiji FJI
Finland FIN
France FRA
French Guiana GUF
French Polynesia PYF
Gabon GAB
Gambia GMB
Georgia GEO
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Gibraltar GIB
Greece GRC
Greenland GRL
Grenada GRD
Guadeloupe GLP
Guam GUM
Guatemala GTM
Guinea GIN
Guinea-Bissau GNB
Guyana GUY
Haiti HTI
Holy See VAT
Honduras HND
Hungary HUN
Iceland ISL
India IND
Indonesia IDN
Iran (Islamic Republic of) IRN
Iraq IRQ
Ireland IRL
Isle of Man IMY
Israel ISR
Italy ITA
Jamaica JAM
Japan JPN
Jordan JOR
Kazakhstan KAZ
Kenya KEN
Kiribati KIR
Kuwait KWT
Kyrgyzstan KGZ
Lao People's Democratic Republic LAO
Latvia LVA
Lebanon LBN
Lesotho LSO
Liberia LBR
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LBY
Liechtenstein LIE
Lithuania LTU
Luxembourg LUX
Madagascar MDG
Malawi MWI
Malaysia MYS
Maldives MDV
Mali MLI
Malta MLT
Marshall Islands MHL
Martinique MTQ
Mauritania MRT
Mauritius MUS
Mexico MEX
Micronesia, Federated States of FSM
Monaco MCO
Mongolia MNG
Montserrat MSR
Morocco MAR
Mozambique MOZ
Myanmar MMR
Namibia NAM
Nauru NRU
Nepal NPL
Netherlands NLD
Netherlands Antilles ANT
New Caledonia NCL
New Zealand NZL
Nicaragua NIC
Niger NER
Nigeria NGA
Niue NIU
Norfolk Island NFK
Northern Mariana Islands MNP
Norway NOR
Occupied Palestinian Territory PSE
Oman OMN
Pakistan PAK
Palau PLW
Panama PAN
Papua New Guinea PNG
Paraguay PRY
Peru PER
Philippines PHL
Pitcairn PCN
Poland POL
Portugal PRT
Puerto Rico PRI
Qatar QAT
Republic of Korea KOR
Republic of Moldova MDA
Réunion REU
Romania ROM
Russian Federation RUS
Rwanda RWA
Saint Helena SHN
Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA
Saint Lucia LCA
Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT
Samoa WSM
San Marino SMR
Sao Tome and Principe STP
Saudi Arabia SAU
Senegal SEN
Seychelles SYC
Sierra Leone SLE
Singapore SGP
Slovakia SVK
Slovenia SVN
Solomon Islands SLB
Somalia SOM
South Africa ZAF
Spain ESP
Sri Lanka LKA
Sudan SDN
Suriname SUR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJM
Swaziland SWZ
Sweden SWE
Switzerland CHE
Syrian Arab Republic SYR
Taiwan Province of China TWN
Tajikistan TJK
Thailand THA
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia MKD
Togo TGO
Tokelau TKL
Tonga TON
Trinidad and Tobago TTO
Tunisia TUN
Turkey TUR
Turkmenistan TKM
Turks and Caicos Islands TCA
Tuvalu TUV
Uganda UGA
Ukraine UKR
United Arab Emirates ARE
United Kingdom GBR
United Republic of Tanzania TZA
United States USA
United States Virgin Islands VIR
Uruguay URY
Uzbekistan UZB
Vanuatu VUT
Venezuela VEN
Viet Nam VNM
Wallis and Futuna Islands WLF
Western Sahara ESH
Yemen YEM
Yugoslavia YUG
Zambia ZMB
Zimbabwe ZWE
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