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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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KB2VXA > REJECT   15.09.13 20:34l 72 Lines 2997 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 44131_VK6ZRT
Subj: Re: G0TEZ is here!
Sent: 130915/1912Z @:VK6ZRT.#BUN.#WA.AUS.OC #:44131 [Boyanup] $:44131_VK6ZRT

Hi Ian and all,

I'm REJECTED! WWWAAAaaa............ (;->) I was rejected in 1968 after 
bleeding all over the floor of the Induction Center and breathed a sigh of 
relief. That set the stage for accepting rejection with a smile and I've been 
happy ever since.

"...maybe it is something political with Brad..."
That's Bradd with 2 Ds. (;->)
"...I just don't understand US politics."
I don't either and I LIVE HERE! WTH? I don't care what sort of "ocracy" you 
call it, more like Pluto-Kleptocracy since money rules thieves and thieves 
rule the country, "making money" is a Capatalist lie, you don't make money, 
you TAKE money, the Federal Reserve Bank makes money. Actually it makes 
currency, money is a measured ammount of precious metal and since the country 
went off the gold standard allowing the price to skyrocket from $43 per ounce 
and fluctuate wildly it no longer has any value. In common parlance money was 
never made honestly by hard work, old Polish proverb; you'll never get rich 
working for the man, you've got to BE the man. The man makes money hand over 
fist, you've heard the expression, now visualize the stance. That's right, if 
you don't put money in the hand you'll quickly find out what's hiding under 
it, a fist.

"So, I am to blame for starting it."
SOMEBODY had to and you ARE the representitive of the BNP on the BBS, you did 
that which is expected of you.

"If I am rejected in Indiana, so be it."
That's right, meh. (For those who don't know, that's an internet shrug.)

"I don't even know pffhand where Indiana is :- 0"
Just to the right of Mrs. Pee Pee's river under Michigan J. Frog's kitten 

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73 de Warren

Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

Message timed by NIST: 15-Sep-2013 at 18:25 GMT

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