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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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IR0EQ  > SPACE    19.10.21 21:13l 187 Lines 7199 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: [G3XBM] 8m NoV
Sent: 211019/1859z @:I0OJJ.ITA.EU [Rome] $:43BV_I0OJJ

Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

8m NoV

Posted: 18 Oct 2021 10:43 PM PDT

As some know, I have applied to OFCOM (RSGB copied) for a time limited, 5W,  
digital only, permit to operate next March to October 2022 at 8m (40MHz).   
I expect this will take some time, although I very much hope it is accepted  
as there are no 8m stations operational in the UK at this time as GB3RAL is  
looking for a new site.
In my view there is a good justification for this NoV, especially when  
OFCOM can find a whole 2MHz for DTV experiments and I am probably after  
just 50Hz with QRP for part of 1 year. In my view. this would really  
contribute to radio propagation science.
I am awaiting their verdict soon....

4m transverter

Posted: 18 Oct 2021 10:41 PM PDT

This is band I have not tried for many years. Many years ago I got on the  
band with this homebrew transverter and a wire dipole. It was in GQRP SPRAT  
magazine, but I forget which one.

4m is increasingly popular on modern rigs as the band is now widely  
available in Europe. When I was first on the band in the late 1960s there  
were very few countries on.
This transverter may give you some ideas for a winter project. It is well  
capable of reaching many European countries by SSB in the Es season. I am  
sure it can be improved.
See .

Oscar 100 activity

Posted: 18 Oct 2021 10:40 PM PDT

As regular readers of the blog know, every few weeks I take a peek at  
activity on the narrowband transponder of this geosynchronous satellite.  
When I as looked (mid afternoon on Monday in Europe) it was very quiet. If  
anything, I think there is less activity that a few months ago.


10m FT8 RX yesterday

Posted: 18 Oct 2021 10:39 PM PDT

  In all, 236 stations were spotted yesterday on 10m FT8 RX. In the end a  
string of South Americans were spotted. Yesterday Jan was wondering if the  
Europeans were F2 backscatter. Indeed this is possible, although I would  
have expected more pure F2 stations from Ukraine, Russia, Lebanon and  
Israel if this was F2 backscatter. Mind you, I am no expert!,

Sunspots - Tuesday October 19th 2021

Posted: 18 Oct 2021 10:38 PM PDT

  Solar flux is 76 and the SSN 0.   A=10 and K=3.

10m FT8 RX (Monday)

Posted: 18 Oct 2021 09:21 AM PDT

In a few moments, I intend to turn on my 10m FT8 RX system. With the SSN  
being 0 and the solar flux being lower than for a while, I am unsure how it  
will be today.
UPDATE 0908z:  System on at 0807z.  8 spots so far - all in Europe. I  
suspect with suspect with a higher antenna (possibly a beam) I might spot  
signals 10dB weaker. No doubt the "big guns" will be working 10m FT8  
signals I cannot even spot! I have absolutely no intention of erecting a  
mast and beam. If I miss some does it matter? No.
UPDATE 1020z:  42 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX with furthermost  
9G5FI (5189km).
UPDATE 1200z:  79 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX. Furthermost is A65BR  
UPDATE 1253z:   97 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX today.  94 have been in  
Europe.  Many (possibly most) of these will be via Es propagation,  
underlining the value of FT8 in showing there is still Es well outside the  
traditional Es season. If things go as previous days, the Americas will  
start to come through shortly.
UPDATE 1450z:  133 stations spotted today. See map.
UPDATE 1545z:  149 stations with nothing from the Americas yet today.
UPDATE 1621z:  154 stations spotted. At the moment, this more like E layer  
than F2.

AMSAT-UK Satellite Colloquium

Posted: 17 Oct 2021 11:26 PM PDT

In all my time I have only had a single QSO through a satellite. That was  
probably in the 1980s. I have been interested, but not enough to get me  
My interest was first sparked by listening to USA stations on 2m SSB during  
late night passes of Oscar 6 and 7. In those days this was a real novelty.  
This would have been in the mid-1970s. They would appear, briefly, then  
they were gone over the horizon.
These days there are lots of amateur satellites including 1 geosynchronous  
one called Oscar 100.
We may get inspiration from the AMSAT Colloquium online on Sunday, October  
24th. You have to register beforehand I think.
See .

10m FT8 RX yesterday

Posted: 18 Oct 2021 01:00 AM PDT

With 200 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX yesterday, it was a good day  
despite me being very late getting on. See the map. I only started mid  

First 8m QSO between South Africa and Europe

Posted: 18 Oct 2021 12:59 AM PDT

The first QSO has been recorded on 8m FT8 between South Africa and Slovenia.
See EI7GL's blog.
UPDATE 0757z: No news of my application to OFCOM (RSGB copied) for an 8m  
NoV. It will probably take months and then be rejected!  😟

Sunspots - Monday October 18th 2021

Posted: 17 Oct 2021 11:22 PM PDT

Solar flux is 77 and the SSN 0.  A=10 and K=3.

Yaesu FT818

Posted: 18 Oct 2021 06:00 AM PDT

This was introduced some years ago, mainly to address component  
obsolescence with the FT817.  I have owned 2 FT817s over many years and  
these were good, solid QRP transceivers. In my case they have been used  
from 136kHz to 432MHz, in some cases with homebrew transverters. I have  
never, ever regretted having them.

When the FT818 came out I was extremely disappointed. It seemed that Yaesu  
had lost its way and ignored the huge worldwide market for a better,  
modern, product. They could have used the same mechanics and just changed  
the battery and guts. Instead, they introduced basically the very same  
product. Such a wasted chance.
In my view, they have one last chance. We are on the way up to the next  
solar peak and the world is expecting a replacement for a product that is  
about 20 years old.
Yaesu is well capable of designing a worthy successor to the FT817, so get  
on with it!
Yaesu  -  wake up!!!

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