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VK7AX  > BCAST    11.05.24 08:00l 971 Lines 31958 Bytes #140 (0) @ WW
BID : 62428_VK7AX
Subj: VK National News 12May24
Sent: 240511/0545Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:62428 [Ulverstone] $:62428_VK7AX

VK National News 12May24

Text edition:

Weekly news from the WIA:
MP3 edition of news available at: 
Text edition:








WIA President, Scott Williams VK3KJ and last weekends WIA AGM. -






This is WIA President, Scott Williams (VK3KJ) and welcome to all
listeners wherever you might be to the National News Broadcast this

Wow, what a huge past week it has been with the WIA Convention and AGM
taking place in Bundaberg last weekend on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th

The WIA convention this year was held in conjunction with the
Bundaberg Amateur Radio Club and what a stellar job they did in hosting
the event.

We kicked off on Friday night with the opening of the Convention and
my thanks goes out to Mayor Helen Blackburn for speaking and officially
opening the convention. We then settled into some networking drinks and
dinner for those people that stayed.

On Saturday the convention got underway at the local Multiplex Centre
and in addition to a great range of commercial exhibitors, there was a
hamfest and a great range of presentations and talks in one of the
lecture rooms.

The Saturday night was the Gala dinner with around 70 people in
attendance and then the highlight was a live cross to the International
Space Station (NA1SS) who interacted with a range of Bundaberg High
School students. The students got to ask a whole range of questions and
it was truly a unique and memorable occasion. Thank you to ARISS
Co-Ordinator Shane Lynd VK4KHZ and also to Martin Diggens VK6MJ who
established the contact and then patched the audio through to

On Sunday, the WIA AGM took place in the morning and there was all the
normal proceedings. The WIA announced that is had recorded a small
surplus for the year ending 31 December 2023 of $10,492 and closed with
a net asset position of $475,186. This also included a $20,000
provision of additional IT system development and marketing /
promotional expenses.

One of the highlights of the AGM was the membership granting Honorary
Life Membership to Robert Broomhead, VK3DN. Robert has been a
significant contributor to the WIA for over 35 years and this
recognition was very fitting indeed.

There was also a long list of awards presented and further information
will be published on the WIA website shortly.

Some of the awards presented were:

Presidents Commendation Dr Kevin Johnston VK4UH
Presidents Commendation Terry Mowles VK5TM
Presidents Commendation Sam Dellit VK1DXA

Brenda Edmonds Award HAM COLLEGE VK6HC
Technical Excellence Award Andrew McColm VK3FS

Chris Jones Award Peter Cossins VK3BFG
Michael J Owen Distinction Medal Alan Shannon VK4SN

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH the WIA Editor in Chief of the AR Magazine and
Publications Committee presented the following WIA PUBLICATIONS AWARDS

Encouragement Award Alec Cherry VK2MV
Encouragement Award - Rob Streater VK3BRS,

Higginbotham Award Will McGhie VK6UU
Higginbotham Award - Phil Wait VK2ASD

Al Shawsmith Award - Glen Alford VK3CAM
Al Shawsmith Award Peter Wolfenden VK3RV

Technical Award Jim Tregellas VK5JST
Technical Award Lou Destefano VK3AQZ
Technical Award - Dale Hughes VK1DSH

The WIA AGM was attended by around 70 individuals and a special guest
of the Board was Dainel Vandenberg ZL2DRV, who is the President of
NZART. It was great to have Daniel attend the weekend in person and
thank you Daniel for making the effort to travel over from New Zealand.

After the AGM, the WIA held its normal open forum and there was some
great discussion around the ACMA Five Year Spectrum Outlook, Class
Licensing and then an update on club insurance.

Overall, it was an outstanding couple of days with around 220 people
that attended over the 3 days. I want to personally acknowledge and
thank the Bundaberg Amateur Radio Club and a huge thank you to all of
the organising committee, but in particular to Secretary David Nebe
VK4DN who did an outstanding job to make the weekend a tremendous

To all those members that travelled to Bundaberg, thank you for
supporting the WIA convention and AGM hosted by the Bundaberg Amateur
Radio Club.

Thats it for me this week and after being away all of last weekend,
I am sure looking forward to staying home this weekend with my family.
Can I say a very happy Mothers day to all those mothers listening

This has been Scott Williams, WIA President on behalf of the WIA Board
Best Wishes.


This is Linda VK7QP with some good news about ALARA grants.

ALARA is continuing its grant program under the new class licence

ALARA offers a limited number of grants to women and girls applying
for a Foundation level recognition certificate or upgrading to
Standard or Advanced.

There have been some changes in the grants now that the ACMA has
reduced charges for the certificate and callsign application.
ALARA will now not only cover half these costs, but also half the cost
of a Foundation manual, and other charges, such as course fees. Just
keep all your receipts and make an application once you have your

The grant also includes one years membership of ALARA.

For more details and an application form go to the ALARA website.

Lyn VK4SWE has just updated the ALARA website. It includes the new
grant information, photos from ALARAmeet 2023 and some new guides
to encourage young beginners in amateur radio.

Have a look.


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to ARRL, DX-WORLD, eHam, Hackaday,
SARL and the World Wide sources of the WIA.


A researcher in Iceland is calling satellites a hazard to the
protective shield around Earth known as the magnetosphere.

American physicist has been stirring concern about the impact of
satellite re-entries on the Earth's magnetosphere. The scientist,
Sierra Solter-Hunt, a doctoral candidate at the University of Iceland,
writes that magnetic dust generated at the time of satellite re-entry
could eventually destroy the planet's protective shield - a concern
accelerated in recent years by the proliferation of commercial
satellite mega-constellations such as the Starlink network.

An article on the website notes that although meteors are
also known to burn up as they enter our atmosphere, their makeup is
not the same as the man-made satellites.

Several media reports say that the research paper's theory has been
questioned by other scientists who nevertheless agree that the impact
of satellites burning up upon re-entry does require further study.


The FCC is taking action against more US radio stations it claims
engaged in unlicensed operation.

Six broadcast radio stations in Massachusetts have been charged with
piracy by the US Federal Communications Commission, which is proposing
to levy a total of $850,000 in fines against them.

The stations, along with seven operators who are said to be
unlicensed, were identified as part of a sweep by enforcement agents
in the Boston metropolitan area. The agents conducted the
investigations under the PIRATE Act, which gives the FCC increased
ability to act against pirate broadcasters by authorizing fines of as
much as $100,000 per violation up to a total of $2 million.

The US Department of Justice is responsible for enforcement and
collection of the fines. The PIRATE Act, which became law in 2020 is
an acronym for Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement..


Two CW ops made history 100 years ago this month - one in Argentina
and the other in New Zealand.

A two-hour ragchew between the hams was one for the history books
as well as the log books and indeed, that's just where that contact
has been recorded. The CW contact between Carlos Braggio, C B8, and
Ivan O'Meara, 2 AC, took place on May 22nd, 1924, setting a world
distance record. The fact that the 7,000-mile chat was on 130 metres
stunned scientists who believed that such a frequency could never
support long-distance radio.

The New York Times headline shouted to the world:
"Radio amateurs talk 7,000 miles for 2 hours; Argentinian and New
Zealander Establish What Is Declared a Record for Non-Professionals."

Starting on the 18th of May, that history, as recorded by NZART
historian Craig Crawford, ZL3TLB, is being celebrated. the New Zealand
Amateur Radio Transmitters and the Radio Club Argentina are marking
the centenary of this record-setting contact. Many Argentinian
amateurs will be signing on the air with the prefix of "L" followed by
a number, hoping to exchange greetings with hams in New Zealand.
The NZART branch in Gisborne, where Ivan had his QTH, will host an
open house celebration, also on the 18th of May, at their radio room
at the Eastern Institute of Technology.

For the rest of the month, hams from the Gisborne branch will be on
air using callsign ZL 1 AC.

CQ Magazine Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, SK

Long-time amateur radio publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, has become a
Silent Key. He passed away April 27.

In 1960, Ross started working for Cowan Publishing Company and quickly
became Associate Editor for CQ. He was elevated to Vice President
General Manager of the company in 1976 and in this role, he was
responsible for all fiscal matters and publishing operations for
five publications.

As President of CQ Communications, Inc., he was also publisher of
multiple magazine titles, including Popular Communications, CQ VHF,
CQ Contest, WorldRadio, Communications Quarterly, CB Radio Magazine,
Electronic Servicing & Technology, Modern Electronics, MicroComputer
Journal, and Music and Computer Educator. In addition, Ross oversaw
the production and publication of CQ Communications books and
calendars, the CQ Video Library, and more.

We have not heard yet what plans would be made for CQ magazine's

Gaspar, EA6AMM, IARU Region 1 Monitoring Service coordinator reports
that there is CODAR-like radar transmitting on 25 000 kHz CF
(Bandwidth = 200 kHz. 2 sps) and causing interference from 24 900 to
24 990 kHz, so almost the whole 12 m amateur radio band.
The signal is coming from the sea and not from the shore. It's
believed the signal is most likely coming from the Croatian coast."
The signal can be heard daily, the transmissions are lengthy.



Since the RSGB Commonwealth Contest in March, a small group including
representatives from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK, has
been discussing possible changes that might be made to encourage more
participation in the contest in future years.

Although confidence is that the contest will be viable in its present
form for some time, concern is that fewer Commonwealth participants
outside the more highly represented countries has been observed and
it may be appropriate to freshen up the contest.

The committee are now very keen to hear from regular entrants and also
from those who have never entered but might consider doing so in the

Please complete the questionnaire whose link is in the text edition
of this weeks WIA NATIONAL NEWS, its only open for about a week,
closes Monday 20 May.


The St. George Amateur Radio Society will hold the Don Edwards
memorial slow Morse next weekend, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May.

This contest commemorates Don VK2NV, whose operating was almost
exclusively on CW. Don was always willing to assist other amateurs to
learn, or to improve, their Morse Code.

The contest aims to encourage all amateurs but especially those who
dont usually operate Morse to take part. Contest rules are simple
send by hand and receive by ear, no more than 10 words per minute.
Past contests have seen many successful contacts at 5 words per minute
or less.

Full details on the St. George Amateur Radio Society's website



IARU HF World Championship July 13-14.
Starts: Zero hours UTC Saturday Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday



Trans-Tasman Low Band Contest

July 21st

The Trans-Tasman contest, always held on the 3rd weekend in July,
aims to encourage Low Band activity between VK and ZL

Only contest bands 160 80 and 40M are allowed with SSB, CW and
Digital (i.e. RTTY OR PSK)

This contest is another official WIA Contest and will count towards
the Peter Brown Contest Champion Awards.


YOTA Contest 2024

The next session of this year's YOTA Contest will be from
10:00 to 21:59 UTC 21 July on the five classic bands using
CW and SSB.

Everyone can work everyone.

The complete rules can be found on


AUGUST 17 - 18

Remembrance Day Contest.

This contest commemorates the Australian Amateurs who died during
World War II and is designed to encourage friendly participation and
help improve the operating skills of participants.

It is held on the weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on
which hostilities ceased in the southwest Pacific area.

A perpetual trophy is awarded annually to the Australian state or
territory with the best performance. The name of the winning State
or Territory is inscribed on the trophy, and that State or Territory
then holds the trophy for 12 months. The winning State or Territory
is also given a certificate, as are leading entrants.

Amateurs will endeavour to contact amateurs in VK call areas,
ZL and P29 on all bands except WARC bands. Modes allowed are PHONE,
CW and RTTY as per the era remembered

Again the 2024 contest is 17th & 18th August.



44th A.L.A.R.A. CONTEST AND this ALARA contest is ALWAYS held on the
last FULL weekend of August.


All licensed operators throughout the world are invited to
participate. Scout and Girl Guide groups are encouraged to
take part using their Club's equipment and callsign.

YLs work everyone; OMs work YLs only.

CONTEST: Combined phone and CW run over 24 hours:
STARTS: Saturday 25th August 2024 at 0600 hours UTC
ENDS: Sunday 26th August 2024 at 0559 hours UTC

SUGGESTED FREQUENCIES: All HF Bands except 160m & WARC Bands.
Contacts made on ECHOLINK will also be accepted.

(alara web page)


Oceania DX Contest

This years contest will be held on October 5th and 12th



Youth on the air test 3 of 3 will be from 10:00 to 21:59 UTC on
29 December on the five classic bands CW and SSB.






QRV is 9 X 2 AW from Kigali until May 17 on 160 to 10 meters using CW,
SSB, FT8, and FT4.

QSL 9X2AW via M 0 OXO.



Special callsign 9H6HE is in use by the Malta Amateur Radio League
to celebrate the swearing in of Malta's 11th President.

Look for activity until the 31st of May on the 40, 20, 15 and 10m
bands using SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL 9H6HE via Logbook of the
World, noting that paper QSL cards are not available.




Don, 7Q6M is QRV until May 13, 2024 and has also been active on 160
meters. QSL via LoTW.



Active will be A 25 SHD from different locations in Botswana,
between 30 April and 13 May. QSL A25SHD via home call which is



In the World of DX, be listening for members of the Zurich City Police
Radio Amateur Club throughout the year, operating as HB 2 SP the club
is marking its 20th anniversary. Unfortunately no Bureau QSL's but you
can use Logbook Of The World, and HB20SP runs until December 31.

(sourced to ARNewsLine 2410)


Listen throughout the year for the special callsign 9 A 1 RKZ
marking the 100th anniversary of the Radioklub Zagreb which was
founded the 24th of March 1924 in Croatia

QSL via 9A1ADE.

(ARNewsLine 2410)



Special event callsign EI 80 MB is active until the 31st of May to
commemorate the 80th anniversary of the rescue of 168 German seamen
who were rescued from the waters of the Bay of Biscay after a battle
between British and German naval forces in 1943.

The men were carried out by a small Irish coaster called Kerlogue
[KER-LOG] which had the callsign EIMB. The rescue took more than ten

QSL WI80MB via Club Log's OQRS or via EI6AL




active until the 31st of December celebrating the 100th anniversary of
the beginning of regular radio transmissions in Austria in 1924.

The station has heard recently on the 40m band using CW.

QSL via the Bureau.





On May 1, an extremely powerful solar flare occurred on the Sun
which led to a large-scale radio blackout throughout the Pacific

The flare peaked at 2346 UTC and lasted 12 minutes.

Flares on the Sun are a manifestation of magnetic energy that
accumulates in its atmosphere and is then released in the form of
intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation. They are divided by
size into categories, the most powerful of which is X-class, followed
by M, C, B and A-class. According to
the flare May 1 had a power of M 9.53, which is slightly less than the

The strength of the flare was measured by NASAs GOES-16 satellite.

Read more Universe Magazine


HamSCI to Present Initial Eclipse Findings at Hamvention

Initial results of the HamSCI 2023-2024 Festivals of Eclipse
Ionospheric Science will be presented May 19th by Nathaniel Frissell
W2NAF during Hamvention at the Antenna Forum.

In addition, HamSCI will provide numerous forum and booth talks at



A pico balloon launched by the Hualapai Amateur Radio Club will mark
1 year in orbit on May 19th. The balloon contains a 20 meter WSPR
beacon from QRP Labs. Overcoming a damaged dipole antenna, telemetry
from the balloon was recently received by two stations in Australia.

VK5ARG and VK7JJ first started spotting it with complete reception of
the telemetry, altitude, solar panel voltage and temperature. It was
still at 50,000 feet give or take a couple hundred feet as the air
pressure changes at altitude.

The balloon has now started another trip across the Pacific Ocean
heading due east toward South America, so they probably will not hear
from it for a while.

The balloon is a hydrogen filled 32" Yokohama brand clear sphere
which are purchased from Japan.

(hrd and qrz)

AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary(at)

AMSAT Italia Enters into Ownership of IO-117 GreenCube Satellite

AMSAT Italia announced their acquisition of the IO-117 GreenCube
satellite. This move averts the satellite decommissioning process
that was signposted for last February by transferring the legal
responsibility of the satellite from the Italian Space Agency to
AMSAT Italia.

GreenCube is a hugely popular amateur radio digipeater and is the
first ham radio satellite to operate in a medium earth orbit.
Orbiting at altitude in excess of 5800 km, it has a very large



Activation of VI 60 IOTA coming to an island near you!

Grant VK5GR is coordinating the activation of a special event callsign
celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Islands on the Air program
this year in Australia. The callsign will be VI60IOTA.

As part of the activation, Grant is looking to have the callsign be
active from as many different VK IOTAs as possible. So far that
includes OC-171, OC-001 and OC-261, with plans for OC-139, OC-136 and
hopefully others in the works.

Each activation window can be as long or short as the respective
operators can offer. If they want to book the callsign for windows of
6 hours over a weekend or an afternoon that's fine. To book, you just
need to email iotacheckpoint(at)

You can then put the callsign on air - making sure to broadcast which
IOTA you are located in.

The only requirement is that all contacts are logged in an ADIF
format and the log is sent by email to iotacheckpoint(at)
within 24hrs of the conclusion of the activation.

Each planned activation is added to the VI60IOTA QRZ page (along with
its IOTA designator) so that people know where the call is coming from
at any given time. QSL cards are being handled through Charles M0OXO
as the event QSL manager.

(vk7wi news)

INCLUDING ILLW NEWS - ILLW 17th August 2024 to 18th August 2024

The U.S. retired the Coast Guard Cutter Ingham more than 3 decades
ago, but the decorated ship's radio room came back to life recently
its computer screens blinking with color-coded blocks of
numbers and letters.

Two experienced radiomen, both now in their 80s, donned headphones and
manned the computers and radio dials, sending out calls, making
contacts and communicating with people, by voice and Morse code,
all over the world -- New Zealand, Thailand, Japan, France, all
50 states of the USA and more. But they weren't discussing military
operations or classified missions. No, this was a "party," an amateur
or ham, radio party.

In the jargon of these radio operators, it was the FQP Florida QSO
Party, and it took place over two days for 10 hours each day with
local ham radio operators manning the station in the Inghams radio
room making contact with as many people as they could in as many
far-flung places as possible.


Recordings of military transmissions can be found on the
Signal Identification Guide Wiki at

The RSGB National Radio Centre will be operating special event
callsign GB 2 DAY to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the
D-Day landings during the Second World War.

The station will be active between the 6th and 9th of June.

In addition, volunteers will be hosting the special demonstration
station GB1SOE (SOE is Special Operations Executive on Saturday
the 15th of June.



Storms and Tornadoes: Amateur Radio Ready

Strong storms and reports of at least 60 tornadoes have wreaked havoc
in the Central U.S. for nearly two weeks. Homes and businesses across
Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, and Iowa were destroyed, and
power is still down for more than 30,000 residents.

President Joe Biden declared a major disaster exists in Oklahoma,
making federal aid available to those affected by severe storms.

Section Manager of the ARRL Iowa Section Lelia Garner, WA0UIG,
reported that in Iowa, they have moved from response to recovery.

We recently networked at a central Iowa HamFest and are building our
emergency communications capacity primarily through the Amateur Radio
Emergency Service (ARES). ARES resources include personnel,
experience, meetings, training, communications equipment and
operating trailers. The opportunity to share our experience and
knowledge gained in the field has been critical to supporting ARES in
Iowa," said WA0UIG.

She added that awareness is the best tool stressing that amateur
operators and ARES members work to help the National Weather Service
and other served agencies in order make their work and the community

(sourced to arrl)


Mills On The Air.

The Mills on the Air event is held annually in May, and is
co-ordinated by the Denby Dale Radio Society in the United Kingdom.
It coincides with the National Mills Weekend, run by the Society for
the Protection of Ancient Buildings. This is not a contest, but rather
an opportunity of promoting the hobby of amateur radio and at the same
time promoting the preservation of heritage. Mills of all kinds around
the world, including Australia are currently on air over this weekend
including in VK3 at Smeaton where the Bendigo Amateur Radio &
Electronics Club (BAREC) is operating at Andersons Mill with the
special callsign of VI3MILLS today and tomorrow on HF frequencies:
7.115 and 3.655MHz and 2 metre repeaters VK3RWA and VK3RCV.

An eQSL card is available on request by sending your QSO details to
@... Andersons Mill features displays of heritage crafts, machinery
and historical information, along with the huge waterwheel and steam engines, plus lots
more, with free admission.

Be '
, , Today, , .

The Mills on the Air event is held annually in May, and is co-ordinated by the Denby Dale
Radio Society in the United Kingdom. It coincides with the National Mills Weekend, run by
the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings.

The VI3MILLS callsign is available for BAREC from May 10th to May 13th. Stations that
have worked the BAREC VI3MILLS callsign during that period (subject to operator
availability) are eligible for an emailed QSL card.

, (.. , ,
) @... You do not need to
send a QSL card, however we will be happy to display any QSL cards received in our club

HF: 80 metres on 3.655 MHz +- and 40 metres on 7.115 MHz +-.

VK3RWA Ben Nevis repeater, 147.100 MHz + offset, CTCSS of 91.5. IRLP Node 6310
(subject to the Node availability).

VK3RCV Mt Alexander repeater, 147.150 + offset.

Listen out during the Saturday and Sunday on 80 and 40 metres, VK3RWA and VK3RCV, or
call in via IRLP Node 6310. Frequencies and times may vary over the weekend.

Friday May 10th from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm AEST (0930 to 1130 UTC) on 3.590 MHz - catch
Stephen VK3SPX (using VI3MILLS) on the Bottle Shop Net from 8 pm!

Friday May 10th from 9.30 pm to 10.30 pm AEST (1130 to 1230 UTC) on 3.655 MHz +-.
Scheduled operator: Don VK3PDB.

Monday May 13th from 9 am to 3 pm AEST (2300 May 12th to 0500 May 13th UTC) on
7.115 MHz +-. Scheduled operator: Tony VK3CTM.

Monday May 13th from 6 pm to 9 pm AEST (0800 to 1100 UTC) on 3.655 MHz +-.
Scheduled operator: Tony VK3CTM.

Keep an eye out at for other frequencies and times and QSL

Join us for a great weekend. "The atmospheric Anderson's Mill comes alive with displays
of heritage crafts, machinery and historical information. The huge waterwheel turns
majestically transporting all who see it back to the days when machinery ran quietly and
cannot be heard inside the mill with its thick bluestone walls." Free entry! There is more
information at
weekend and


2024 IT'S A DATE

Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section

Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.

VK - National Volunteer Week Monday 20 Sunday 26 May 2024.
National Volunteer Week (NVW) is Australias largest annual
celebration of volunteers and their important contribution to
our communities.

VK2 - June 8-9. Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club Field Day. (vk2zhe)

VK5 - Aust. Fox Hunting championships Mt Gambier 8/9 June.(vk5dj)

VK4 - Caboolture Radio Club HamFest July 11 (vk7jea)

VK3 - Bendigo AR & Electronics Club RadioFest August 18 (vk3gtv)

VK4 - GOLD COAST HAMFEST OCTOBER 13 at Nerang Country Paradise
Parklands 231 Beaudesert-Nerang Road Nerang. (vk4DMH)

VK5 - Amateur Radio Experiments Group Radio & Electronics Sale
Saturday 26th October 10AM David Roche Park Kilburn (vk5qi)

VK7 - Tasmanian Ham Conference November 2 and 3 Hobart. (vk7news)
Held at the Sandy Bay Campus of UTAS. The Friday night
is a social BBQ held at the REAST Clubrooms and then
Saturday and the first half of Sunday is a fun-filled conference
of presentations and activities centred around Innovation in
Amateur Radio.

VK3 - SPARC Rosebud RadioFest November 17 at Eastbourne Primary
School, Allambi Ave. Rosebud. (vk3pdg)

 Reception Reports

 WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
 welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
 straight after the Local News. Local news follows National
 news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would
 email their reception reports and location to


 WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

 Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed
 prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

 Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers
 you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who
 knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

 Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who
 utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly
 Who and where are they?
 Promote your local rebroadcast; details on
 The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of
 interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing
 in Australia and the globe. 

 We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
 Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
 Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who
 submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the
 rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are
 done so in the spirit in which they were submitted." 

 If you would like to see the call-backs reported each
 broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National
 News call back tally then please send through your call-backs
 to callbacks(at)

 How do I join this National News List? 
 (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
 Email to vk1wia-news-join(at)
 from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

 How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your
 weekly feed)
 Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want
 to unsubscribe from.  Send unsubscribe to the list
 unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave(at)
 You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the
 instructions given in that mail to complete the 
 Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will
 probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription
 from the list and at that point you should stop receiving


            (Posted to the packet network courtesy Tony VK7AX)

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