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VK7AX  > BCAST    06.01.24 12:14l 415 Lines 23626 Bytes #44 (0) @ WW
BID : 21529_VK7AX
Subj: VK7 Amateur Radio News 07Jan24
Sent: 240106/1003Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:21529 [Ulverstone] $:21529_VK7AX

VK7 Amateur Radio News 07Jan24

Text edition: 


FOR SUNDAY 7th January 2024


Welcome and Seasons Greetings from the VK7 Amateur Radio News Team for the Happy New Year edition of the VK7 Amateur Radio News and this was first broadcast on Sunday the 7th January 2024. At the mike of VK7WI this week is Mike, VK7FB.

On Sunday this broadcast goes out on repeaters all over VK7 and on digital radio - DMR Talk Group 5 and D-Star Reflector 91C by VK3PG and VK7JH.

We go out on medium and high frequency courtesy of the following rebroadcast stations:

On 1.862 MHz by Graham, VK7GS,

On 3.670 MHz by Peter, VK7TPE,

On 7.140 MHz by Ross, VK7ALH,

On 14.130 MHz by Garry, VK7JGD, 

On 28.525 MHz by Dale, VK7DG.

UHF CB Channel 24 in the Hobart area - Any Takers. 

You can hear this broadcast again on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RHT in Southern VK7.

Statewide Repeater News
VK7RHF 10m Repeater on the air!

Hayden VK7HH lets us know that after a few years of hiatus, the VK7RHF 10 metre repeater has now been recommissioned and is back on the air. 

Many hours have been slaved over a hot soldering iron rebuilding the entire system from scratch to run over the VKLink VOTER system. The repeater will incorporate 3 diversity voted receivers, including a “DX” receiver at a remote quiet location. There is currently a receiver on trial running at the REAST clubrooms on the Domain and another on VK7HHs workbench.

The transmitter operates from Mount Nelson running 50W into a 5/8 wave vertical antenna. A huge thanks goes to Richard VK7ZBX and Murray VK7ZMS who have been instrumental in getting this project up and running. 

Already in the past few weeks whilst it has been on test, there has been VK2s, 3s and 4s heard using it whilst the summer Sporadic E season rolls around.

Hayden would appreciate any signal reports to be sent through and for those in the Hobart area to add it to their radios and/or scan groups so that when DX stations call, they have someone local to reply.

The repeater details are as follows:

TX: 29.680 MHz

RX: 29.580 MHz

Tone: 91.5 Hz

73, Hayden VK7HH

VK7 Amateur Radio News
2024 Updated Roster Available

Happy 2024 from the VK7 Amateur Radio News Team and we hope you have a happy and safe holiday season.

A huge thank you to all involved in putting the broadcast on each week, the readers, the rebroadcasters and the callback operators.

Please note the new UPDATED 2024 VK7 AR News Broadcast Roster is available on the VK7ARNews Groups.IO files area or the broadcast audio file download area.

The gaps in the roster are highlighted in yellow and if anyone listening has the capacity (and licence) to fill these gaps then please let me know.

73, Justin, VK7TW

Contest news
WIA Summer VHF/UHF Field Day 2024.

Dont forget the Summer session of the VHF/UHF field day is sneaking up on us quickly, happening this year on the weekend of  Saturday 13  0100 UTC through 0059 UTC on Sunday 14 January (0400 / 0359 in VK6). This is next weekend so lets make the most of the possibilities of some fantastic contacts if conditions are right. So why not come on the air and give out a few contacts from home, or head out portable as the weather is looking promising.

There are as always many different categories that you can participate in.  There is the single band section that allows use of any one band, the popular 4 band section that covers the relatively popular bands of 6M, 2M, 70cm and 23cm. Then there is the open section that covers all the bands above 6M up to 133 GHz. There are the sections for portable stations to operate for either 8 hours or 24 hours, sections for home stations to operate for 8 hours or 24 hours, or become a rover for either 8 hours or 24. There are also a section for portable multi operators.

Usual frequencies to listen on are 52.525 MHz, 146.500MHz, 439.000 MHz and 1296.150 MHz all on FM, and also for the SSB brigade listen on 50.150 MHz, 144.150 MHz, 432.150 MHz

You will need to discover your 6 digit maidenhead locator to exchange with other stations. This is how the distances are calculated which in turn determine the score  for each contact. You can obtain your grid square using one of the many apps such as HamGPS, or by visiting the following site

Logging is best performed by which ever program makes you happy, VKCL is probably one of the popular ones along with N1MM. Please be mindful that although the logging programs make things easy, it also makes it easy to perpetuate errors and this can cost you dearly, so please be diligent when entering contact details for simple typos, then before you upload your log have a look  over it for obvious errors.

Good luck in the contest.

73 Richard VK7ZBX

Contest news
Ross Hull Memorial VHF/UHF Contest.

The contest was established in 1950 to honour the memory of the late Ross A. Hull and his pioneering achievements in the study of tropospheric propagation and the development of new equipment techniques for the higher bands.

It runs for the month of January and entrants may operate on every contest day, but the final score is based on the best seven days nominated by the entrant.

For amateurs with limited operating time, there is also a "Best 2 Days" section.

Each contact scores one point for each 100 km of distance worked. This score is then multiplied by the band multiplier. The total score is the sum of the scores on all bands.

The distance calculation is based on your maidenhead 6 digit locator.

VKCL 4.15 still works for logging this contest and logs are due in by 14th FEBRUARY 23:59 UTC. Logs can be emailed as an attachment to: rosshull(at)

I am sure we will have some logging sessions as part of the various 23cm QSO parties that go on after the broadcast.

73, VK7 News Team


Statewide News
Thursday Night SSTV Nets

A very busy net night that saw the following participants, VK7s – ZGK, ZAB, EV, DMH, KT, FGGT, KPC, TW and ZBX all sharing fifty photos. 

The highlights were: a water theme featuring -

    Water turbines at the Hydro Waddamana museum 

    Penstocks feeding water to the Tarraleah power station

    Flood waters covering a driveway

    An Ocean with dolphins giving thanks for all the fish

    Bathwater from “The Young Ones”

    Mountain reflections in a lake

    Sunset over water

    A mass of surface patterns in water

    The Tamar river and waterfront in Launceston  

    A waterfall

    Moisture loaded storm clouds

    World Rowing Championships at Lake Barrington

    Ocean Beach Stahan and The Neck at Bruny Island 

    A series of on Fire Stations, including Ross, Beulah and Ulverstone

    Roof structural details at Taste of Summer in Hobart

    Also military radios, CW keys and a page of decodes

    A QSO card confirming a 10GHz EME contact

    And a Dad joke about resolutions 

Remember Ken VK7KRJs and Steve VK7OOs fully automatic 24/7 monitoring sites that allows anyone who has sent an SSTV picture the ability to check them on their pages almost immediately, any time, both South and North Tasmania.

Also if you missed the net there are archives of all SSTV nights. These photos can be seen on Kens and Steves SSTV websites or on NTARCs website under blogs and arranged as weekly nets.

An idea for a theme for next weeks net is “trains and railways”

73 from Andre VK7ZAB


The Summits On The Air/World Wide Flora and Fauna parks group meets twice weekly – Mondays and Fridays 10.30AM till 12.00 at the Glebe Gardens Cafe, Henry Street, Launceston. 

For more information contact Al on 0417 354 410.

73, Al, VK7AN

VK7RUN Repeater Running

An update for users in the North of the State, VK7RUN-3 will be operating on extended hours over the Christmas and New Years period, from 22nd December to 3rd January.  

An ideal opportunity to put the range of cover to the test, keep others informed of much sought after parking spots and look out for each other on New Years Eve.  

Frequencies for those not programmed, 431.850MHz in and 438.850MHz out, no tones required.

Regards and best wishes to all Greg VK7YAD.

Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club Incorporated 

Well, we are well and truly into the start of a New Year and NTARC would like to wish all listeners a Happy New Year and all the best for 2024. We also wish you good luck towards your New Years Eve resolution. Hihi  

Nothing much has changed since last weeks broadcast. The Club room and Club activities have yet to reopen, with the possible exception of Wednesday nights “Free Range” TestNet and TechNet sessions on 3.567MHz and Discord. I dont think this one has even stopped to take a breath if the activity on the Discord channel is anything to go by. 

Phil VK7ZPD, has been holding the fort in Nics absence as well as continuing to provide the off air audio feed on the Discord channel. Sometimes even by remote control of the equipment while he was away taking time off with the family, thats dedication, thank you Phil.

While we are on the subject of the Test/Tech Net……  Idris VK7ZIR noticed a few accolades that have been bestowed on Nic recently. So for a brief update on some good news for this year…. over to Idris. 

“Readers of the December 2023 Lo-Key, the journal of the VK QRP Club will have noticed the inclusion of Updates and Add-ons for the Century CENT QRP Transceiver designed by Nic Chantler VK7WW. This included a RF sidetone circuit and RF meter. Nic is the recipient of the Max Brunger Award conferred by the QRP Club for the best technical article of 2023. Nics article has caused quite a stir in the QRP community, with many building the CENT, or basing their own QRP projects on the design and construction techniques. Indeed, the QRP Club President was so impressed with the design, that he has constructed his own 80m and 40m versions of the CENT. Quite a compliment Nic, and much encouragement for QRP CW contacts. Many well deserved accolades. On ya Double Scotch!”

Well spotted Idris and thank you for passing it on to be shared.

2024 Membership fees – I have been asked, by the Treasurer, to pass on thanks to all members who have paid their renewals. But also a gentle reminder to fill-in the renewal form at our NTARC website so he can update our records and start compiling a members shared contact register. Access to the website is

and the instructions were emailed out December last year. If you havent received this letter please email the with your correct e-mail details.  

NTARCs 2024 membership fees are still $40.00 for a Full voting member and $5 additional for each Family member that the voting member wishes to add to his or her primary membership.

If club membership is not your cup of tea, we fully understand and we thank those people that have already made direct donations to our repeater fund so far this year. If you would like to support the repeater fund we would be happy to receive your contribution, either in person at a club meeting or coffee morning, or by post to PO BOX 275 Launceston 7250. Any donation will gladly be accepted. All donations will be officially receipted and noted accordingly against the repeater projects.


The TestNet and TechNet session – is officially returning this Wednesday the 10th January 2024. In fact every Wednesday night from then on with a TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7pm till 7.30pm…. and a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30pm till about 8.30pm. Your host for the evening will be Nic VK7WW, back after a well-earned break. 

The Club Technical night session - is in recess until Wednesday the 17th January.

The Friday Coffee Morning - is in recess until Friday the 19th January. 

Annual General Meeting - Wednesday the 14th February 2024 at the NTARC Club Rooms, Rocherlea Scout Hall, Archer Street Rocherlea commencing at 19:30 hours (7.30 pm).

FINALLY - A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email them to the Secretary at the following address news(at) all items to be received no later than 5pm on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

Thats all folks, 

73 from Stefan, VK7ZSB, Secretary NTARC Inc.
VK7RCR DMR Repeater OffAir

Clayton VK7ZCR lets us know that the DMR Repeater VK7RCR is off air until further notice and to use the alternative VK7RAD DMR repeater located at the Queens Domain. Please note that the DSTAR repeater is still on VK7RCR.

73, Clayton, VK7ZCR
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania
DATV Experimenter's Night

We started the night with something a little different - a reimagined Camera Lucida called a Neolucida.

This device enables you to accurately trace what you see and get the perspective and relative distances and sizes correct and then you can fill in the shading and details.

Justin went into the debate that rages in the Art world about whether the “masters” used them. The device a simply with a half-silvered 45 degree mirror that you look at to see the reflection of the scene in front of you and you are also looking straight through the mirror at the page you are tracing the scene onto.

These devices are similar to the Camera Obsura except you dont need a dark room. These devices were the forerunners to the camera we know.

The device lets you trace the scene directly without having to think about and split up the image you are looking at into all the different elements that make up the picture. Things like light and shade, edges, and textures all rendered in proportion and perspectival space.

The Neolucida is a 2013 crowdfunding campaign that was very success and there are several different models. Justin demonstrated its use with a scene from the studio and then showed some images he trace earlier.

We then went on to the latest update on the 6-15m Magnetic Loop project including the NanoVNA SWR plots.

We finished with an article from the latest DUBUS and Lo-Key Magazines and a huge congratulations to Nick VK7WW who took out the Max Brunger Awards for his article on the “Cent” transmitter.

This week's show will be another block-buster show that will show-case all things amateur radio and much more. See you there or on the stream.

We are holding the DATV Experimenters nights through the holiday period and therefore we will be streaming the nights on the REAST YouTube channel.

We also go out on RF - DVB-T 7MHz Standard Definition on 445.5MHz. So, if you have a TV, Set-top box or USB DTV Dongle that you can tune and scan 445.5MHz and you can see the Queens Domain, then you have a good chance of receiving the DATV Experimenter's Night Signal. Look out for VK7OTC. 

73, Justin, VK7TW

Training and Assessments

Our next REAST training and assessment day will be on the 24th February 2024.

If you are thinking of booking for training or assessment next year please let Reg Emmett VK7KK REAST Learning Organiser know ASAP by phoning 0417 391 607 or via the REAST Website Contact Form.

Check out the REAST Foundation Licence Training Videos that can be found on the REAST YouTube Training and Assessment playlist.

73, Reg, VK7KK

Technology News
Meteor shower unveils rare phenomenon: Boost to DAB signals

The night sky often looks incredible, but on the night of August 12, 2023, one Finnish DX (long-distance radio) enthusiast, Koe Kone, experienced an unexpected twist during the annual Perseids meteor shower. While gazing at the streaking meteors, Kone discovered a boost in German DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) signals, marking the first-ever documented instance of meteor-induced interference on VHF band III DAB signals.

Koe Kone, a dedicated DX hobbyist based in Turku, Finland, enjoys the challenge of seeking out distant broadcast signals. His YouTube channel showcases a treasure trove of recordings capturing broadcasts from across the Baltic Sea and beyond. However, it was during the meteor showers peak activity that Kone stumbled upon a radio phenomenon that had eluded detection until now.

The notion that atmospheric and celestial conditions can influence radio broadcasting is not a novel one. For decades, radio enthusiasts have observed the impact of meteor showers on radio signal propagation. Differences in the ionosphere between day and night have been known to affect the reach of AM signals, while temperature inversions in the troposphere can cause FM signals to ‘skip to distant markets.

As early as the 1930s, researchers recognised that meteor showers played a role in radio signal propagation. Enthusiasts and amateur radio operators have even used FM receivers to eavesdrop on meteor showers.

Kones groundbreaking discovery was made possible through his use of an Airspy Mini scanner and QIRX SDR software for signal reception. He paired these tools with a formidable 13-element VHF band III yagi antenna positioned at a lofty 48 meters above sea level. This setup allowed Kone to successfully receive and decode a signal emanating from a German multiplex operating in block 5C.

Intriguingly, Kones decoded stations led him to identify five potential transmission sources in Germany: Casekow, Pritzwalk, or Templin in Brandenburg; Röbel, Rostock, or Züssow in Mecklenburg–Vorpommern; and Garz on the picturesque island of Rügen, also situated in Mecklenburg–Vorpommern. Astonishingly, the closest of these sites is approximately 800 kilometers (nearly 500 miles) away from Kones reception site in southwestern Finland.

During the peak of his listening experience on August 12, Kones receiver displayed three adjacent DAB multiplexes on blocks 5B, 5C, and 5D. Although he couldnt decode all the signals, he did capture brief bursts from blocks 5C and 5D in the early hours of August 11.

Sharing his discovery with the “DAB/DAB+ Digital & Online Radio” Facebook group, Kone reflected on his past successes in capturing Swedish DAB stations. However, the meteor shower recording was different. He noted, “This in the video was quite different, being a meteor scatter and lasted only a few seconds.”

Koe Kones discovery serves as a testament to the wonders that can be unveiled when technology, passion, and the mysteries of the cosmos converge. The meteor-induced boost to DAB signals not only adds a new layer of intrigue to the world of DX enthusiasts but also reminds us of the possibilities to discover. As we continue to explore the radio spectrum, who knows what other cosmic secrets may await discovery in the silent spaces between the stars?

(Sourced to the Tecsun website via Stefan VK7ZSB)

Regular VK7 gatherings and events over the coming months:
Regular gatherings:

Sewing Circle Net – Daily on 3.640MHz commences at 6:30pm ADST.

Statewide SSTV Net - held every Thursday night via the North/South Link on VK7RAF/VK7RJG from 7:30pm. In the North and North West - VK7RJG on 438.55 -7MHz and in the South - VK7RAF (146.650 -600kHz) CTCSS tone 141.3Hz to link RAF North-South.

State-wide – MICROWAVE QSO Party – following the Sunday broadcast call-back on 1296.15 MHz FM. One group in the greater Hobart area and another in the greater Launceston area. 

Then North-south digital contacts on 1296.2MHz using Q65-60B.

Stations in the Launceston area transmitting on the odd minute. Southern stations on the even minute.

SOTA/WWFF Group – Meeting Mondays and Fridays 10.30-12.00 midday at Glebe Gardens Cafe, Henry St, Launceston.

NTARC - TestNet and TechNet session in recess until January 2024. 

NTARC Coffee Morning - in recess until 19 January 2024.

NTARC - Club Technical nights - in recess until 17 January 2024.

NW VK7 – Wednesday from 8:00pm local – NW Tassie Amateur Repeater Group Net on VK7RMD

NW VK7 - Thursday commencing at 8:30pm local - N.W. Tassie 2m DX Net 144.190 USB

NW SSTV Nights - Monday 22nd of January 2024 - hosted by Eric VK7EV from 7:30pm using VK7RMD 70cm repeater on Mt Duncan on the 4th Monday in the Month.

REAST - February 7, 2024 - Presentation on the Surf Life Saving Tasmania Radio Network with Greg Bird - 7:30pm Queens Domain Clubrooms

NTARC - February 14, 2024 - Annual General Meeting - NTARC Club Rooms, Rocherlea Scout Hall, Archer Street Rocherlea from 7.30 pm.

REAST - February 18, 2024 - Annual General and Special General Meeting followed by a free sausage sizzle - Starts 11am at Queens Domain Clubrooms


A reminder to those people rostered for next weeks broadcast:

Newsreader: VK7TW

Repeaters: REAST, NTARC and in the NW thanks to N W T A R C, West Coast Radio Group, Cradle Coast Radio Amateur Radio Club, VK7AX, VK7JH and VK7DC

160m: Any Takers

80m: VK7ALH

40m: VK7JGD

20m: VK7DG

10m: VK7VKT

UHFCB24: Any takers

DMR: Talk Group 5 and D-Star: Reflector 91C VK7ZCR


You can hear this broadcast again on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RHT in the South.

A huge thank you to all people and organisations that assisted with this broadcast.


That concludes our VK7 Amateur Radio News Broadcast for this week.

You have been listening to or have just missed VK7WI. Next week the National WIA news can be heard at 0900 followed by the VK7 Amateur Radio News around 0930 hours.

Items for the broadcast can be emailed to vk7arnews(at)

Further information about the broadcast can be found at the VK7 Amateur Radio News Groups.IO Group.

The deadline for items is 21:00 on Friday prior to the Sunday of the broadcast.

Callbacks will be taken on the frequency to which you are listening. Relay stations will use their own callsigns during the callback.

On behalf of the VK7 Amateur Radio News Team, 73, seasons greetings and stay safe from Mike, VK7FB.


           (Posted to the packet network courtesy Tony VK7AX)

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